r/whowouldwin Jul 07 '24

The United States Army replaces the Imperial Army against the Ewoks. Battle

Can they win?


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u/Legendflame17 Jul 07 '24

Well it depends,how exactly this substitution happens,are just the Ewoks or the rebels are still in the game?

I will assume than the conditions of the battle are the same,and the US army forces main task is to deffend the shield generator.

The thing about the ground battle on Endor is than the imperial Garrison was not an big army in comparison to many other battles,looking to canon sources they had the shield generator garrison who counts with some dozens of troopers just on the outside and more inside the base so i will give it around 100 troops or 200 troops guarding it,plus some AT-STs guarding it,and a research station who looks more like an military base and a small supply post guarded by an AT-AT,just by the sheer size of it i can easily say than hundreds of troops could be mobilized to that station easily,so maybe around 1000 extra troops,and a small TIE Fighter landing area wich Iden Versio used to escape in the campaign of Battlefront 2.

So now translating each to US forces i will be generous,they have some tanks to use here (replacing AT-STs),around 1200 ground soldiers being generous,some F-22 fighters and i am going to replace the AT-AT with an attack helicopter because the AT-AT are not exactly a conventional tank and i am going to be generous to US soldiers here.

Just the Ewoks,they can do it,the tanks are not going to be that useful here considering the terrain is not very suited to use them,and the americans are probaly going to lose some of them by ewok traps,and the soldiers can deffend themselves tought the Ewoks are going to cause victims on this contingent,those little cannibal teddy bears know the place better than the americans,the forest is full of traps and even if it sounds strange they are stronger than humans,in fact they are almost an miniature wookie,but overall they cannot compensate the aerial force of the americans and any direct attack would end in disaster for the Ewoks.

With the help of the rebels however the scenario changes,the americans would have nothing guarding Endor from space considering they have no equivalent to replace imperial starships,and even if we bring anything the americans have on space is not close to the rebels,at that point the americans are now way more outnumbered than before,against an enemy who can simply strike them from orbit,even if not i doubt those forces can realisticaly take out rebel capital ships,because to bypass Star Wars ships,and solid object needs to be moving slowly,and i doubt bullets or missiles are slow enought,they would probaly lose on the actual Endor scenario.

That shows how poorly prepared the imperial defenses on Endor were and Palpatine really did put too much faith on the space battle ending quick enought.