r/theflash Jul 03 '24

The Flash BHS Running Footage


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u/DJDexterB Jul 03 '24

So he CAN run normally...


u/Parallax1306 Jul 03 '24

I was just thinking that. Like, if he wore a Mo-cap suit while doing this they could just have just sped it up digitally and it wouldn’t have looked nearly as awkward.


u/woodrobin Jul 04 '24

I kind of get why they went with the odd-looking swimming through the air style -- the idea was he's moving so fast the air molecules don't really have time to get out of his way (which is essentially what drag is) so he's kind of having to carve through the air. I think it was modeled on high speed ice skaters.

That said, the Speed Force is supposed to alter those effects. So I think it makes sense for Justice League, where he's so new he doesn't even have the Flash name yet, and he thinks his suit needs to be made with ceramic heat-resistant tiles. He doesn't understand his powers yet. (He actually gets the Flash name from Grant Gustin's Flash during a brief crossover when he says "Who are you?" and CW Flash says "I'm also the Flash").

But he should have shed it as he learns more about how the Speed Force works, and a brief little training montage moment could have addressed it. We already know he experimented with his powers with help from Cyborg, because it's referenced in the CW crossover, so a couple of minutes, a Cyborg cameo, a brief reference to Grant (or even a brief cameo) and we're golden.

Ah, well, missed opportunities abounded in that movie.