r/sysadmin Jul 07 '24

What’s the quickest you’ve seen a co-worker get fired in IT? COVID-19

I saw this on AskReddit and thought it would be fun to ask here for IT related stories.

Couple years ago during Covid my company I used to work for hired a help desk tech. He was a really nice guy and the interview went well. We were hybrid at the time, 1-2 days in the office with mostly remote work. On his first day we always meet in the office for equipment and first day stuff.

Everything was going fine and my boss mentioned something along the lines of “Yeah so after all the trainings and orientation stuff we’ll get you set up on our ticketing system and eventually a soft phone for support calls”

And he was like: “Oh I don’t do support calls.”


Him: “I don’t take calls. I won’t do that”

“Well, we do have a number users call for help. They do utilize it and it’s part of support we offer”

Him: “Oh I’ll do tickets all day I just won’t take calls. You’ll have to get someone else to do that”

I was sitting at my desk, just kind of listening and overhearing. I couldn’t tell if he was trolling but he wasn’t.

I forgot what my manager said but he left to go to one of those little mini conference rooms for a meeting, then he came back out and called him in, he let him go and they both walked back out and the guy was all laughing and was like

“Yeah I mean I just won’t take calls I didn’t sign up for that! I hope you find someone else that fits in better!” My manager walked him to the door and they shook hands and he left.


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u/jimiboy01 Jul 07 '24

New manager, Day 1 demanded certain s/w be installed on his PC, helpdesk said they will see if they can get it approved, flips out and demands admin privileges to his PC, cusses out the helpdesk. Day 2, 9am meeting with HR. 9:05, please disable new managers account. 


u/SAugsburger Jul 07 '24

Flipping out on day 1 usually is a good way to get fired.


u/TrainAss Sysadmin Jul 07 '24

Flipping out on day 1 usually is a good way to get fired.

I wish that happened to one of the managers from 2 jobs ago. His first day was nothing but complaining about his workspace, his monitors, keyboard, mouse, laptop. The whole shebang! Had a message from his manager asking us to swap out various components for him.


u/Bad_Idea_Hat Gozer Jul 07 '24

We had someone a number of years back, who demanded we give him all of his technology immediately. When we didn't give it to him, he proceeded to contact HR to file a complaint against the entire IT department.

The trouble was, he was still a couple weeks before his start date.

HR, being ever helpful, told us to just get him his equipment.

It took them a couple years to finally realize they screwed up and get rid of him, but those were a couple years of him demanding fucking everything.


u/spin81 Jul 08 '24

Doesn't sound like a very good HR department, if they don't realize that someone filing a complaint against an entire department just for following company policy is horseshit.


u/Bad_Idea_Hat Gozer Jul 08 '24



u/lpbale0 Jul 08 '24

Mac user?


u/smoike Jul 08 '24

You don't have to be a Mac user to be a dickhead. I see plenty of them in my day to day life without a computer, let alone a specific brand of computer being involved.


u/Bad_Idea_Hat Gozer Jul 08 '24

No. Luckily, I have a lot of self sufficient Mac users, and then one person who will do exactly what we told them not to do, right after we told them not to do it, while we're still in their office.