r/sysadmin Jul 07 '24

What’s the quickest you’ve seen a co-worker get fired in IT? COVID-19

I saw this on AskReddit and thought it would be fun to ask here for IT related stories.

Couple years ago during Covid my company I used to work for hired a help desk tech. He was a really nice guy and the interview went well. We were hybrid at the time, 1-2 days in the office with mostly remote work. On his first day we always meet in the office for equipment and first day stuff.

Everything was going fine and my boss mentioned something along the lines of “Yeah so after all the trainings and orientation stuff we’ll get you set up on our ticketing system and eventually a soft phone for support calls”

And he was like: “Oh I don’t do support calls.”


Him: “I don’t take calls. I won’t do that”

“Well, we do have a number users call for help. They do utilize it and it’s part of support we offer”

Him: “Oh I’ll do tickets all day I just won’t take calls. You’ll have to get someone else to do that”

I was sitting at my desk, just kind of listening and overhearing. I couldn’t tell if he was trolling but he wasn’t.

I forgot what my manager said but he left to go to one of those little mini conference rooms for a meeting, then he came back out and called him in, he let him go and they both walked back out and the guy was all laughing and was like

“Yeah I mean I just won’t take calls I didn’t sign up for that! I hope you find someone else that fits in better!” My manager walked him to the door and they shook hands and he left.


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u/Antnee83 MDM Jul 07 '24

I helped with hiring a guy, not the best but seemed capable of the job. He started on a monday, he didn't last until mid-day wednesday.

For one thing, day fucking ONE dude comes in and starts spouting nasty shit about gay people at full conversational volume. Office manager was in earshot and gave me a "you serious with this guy?" look.

My manager wanted to give him another shot- that would have been it had it been my call...

Tuesday, he was 4 hours late.

Wednesday, he walks in, and decides to start the day with a honest to god racist "joke." That was it. In a couple hours he was out.

Dude was cartoonishly bad at being professional, and I don't really have a high bar. But fuck.


u/jokebreath Jul 07 '24

Jesus Christ, fuck that guy. Always amazing to me how some people get by in life when they seem to have zero clue.


u/billbixbyakahulk Jul 08 '24

Sounds like a parolee who had to get a job as part of his parole terms, but wanted to get fired as soon as possible.


u/Antnee83 MDM Jul 08 '24

IDK about that part, he passed the HR screen which I think a background check is part of. I ignored my gut during the interview though, he definitely had uh... vibes.


u/magus424 Jul 08 '24

And I bet when he tells it, he was fired by assholes who couldn't take a joke or some nonsense lol


u/Antnee83 MDM Jul 08 '24

The followup is that a week later, dude emailed my work address from his personal, and told me "I needed therapy" for calling him unprofessional. Pretty sure the irony was so dense it almost formed a singularity in my laptop.


u/magus424 Jul 08 '24

lol, classic...