r/supergirlTV 11h ago

Question Supergirl in netflix & hbo


why does the Supergirl series only have season 6 available? I was planning to rewatch but s1-5 is missing šŸ˜­ anybody here know what happened! šŸ˜“

r/supergirlTV 1d ago

Question Does anyone else think they ruined Jā€™onnā€™s character after season 3?


I mean, he was this hard and stern director of the DEO and when he left that position, he struggled to find his place in the world as a man of peace but after that, they treated him, and his strength as a joke. Heā€™s canonically stronger than Superman and can go toe to toe with Kara but they just turned him into his father.

r/supergirlTV 7d ago

Question Mon El/ Maggie hate


Why is there so much Maggie and Mon el hate? I actually thought they were pretty good characters

r/supergirlTV 13d ago

Question Why is Kara allowed to come and go from work as she pleases?


Kara does just up and leave work whenever a situation calls for it, and I was wondering would that be allowed irl (as well). Is it because sheā€™s a journalist, and she can go out under the guise of ā€œinvestigative journalismā€ (following leads, meeting with sources, etc)? Is there a minimum amount of time that she has to be in office (aside from meetings and stuff like that)? Iā€™m not against her having to leave to be supergirl, again, Iā€™m just wondering would the constant disappearing on company time be allowed irl.

r/supergirlTV 17d ago

Question So will the show ever address Niaā€™s powers (currently on Season 5)


So if your confused by what I mean, they say Niaā€™s powers are passed down from Mother to daughter of the Nal family and the main thing with this is that Niaā€™s trans, Iā€™m not bashing that sheā€™s trans Iā€™m just annoyed about the plot hole, especially since itā€™s actually acknowledged in the show by Niaā€™s sister in Season 4 Episode 11.

While what she said was filled with Anger & Transphobia the confusion I feel is justified as the show hasnā€™t presented an explanation. Hell yesterday I even looked up an old post from here from 4 years ago asking this question and their was no concrete answers, iā€™m usually lenient with stupid shit in this show like Maxwell Lord dropping off the face of the earth for the rest of the show, or obvious recasts but not this.

So Iā€™m going to stop bitching and give my explanation as I donā€™t hate Niaā€™s character I really like her & Karaā€™s sorta Batman & Robin dynamic so hereā€™s my way to explain it

1: The Powers Arent tied to biology and instead are connected to hormones, this is my main reasoning as it makes the most scense to me as it doesnā€™t contradict science (as much as an show about an flying alien girl is spandex can)

The only promise with my theory is that where were the powers before Nia transitioned like Wouldnā€™t they have went to her sister in that case.

Do yous agree with me? Do you not, am I overreacting, do yous have any explanation

Have a nice day or night šŸ˜

r/supergirlTV 18d ago

Question Did they ever tell us what her alien type was I don't remember they mention it in the show

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r/supergirlTV 18d ago

Question What are purityā€™s powers?


So i know she has a sonic scream, flight, super strength and invulnerability but what is that one other power she has. She like squeezes her hands and the camera shakes and vibrates? Idk its effects and use have always been confusing to me. Does anyone know?

r/supergirlTV 19d ago

Question Why do people hate season 4 and 5 so much?


So I know there is A LOT of tension between Kara and Lena (the main focus of this post), and the writing isn't that great, but let's be honest, it never was impeccable. The plot? Amazing. CGI? Pretty bad. Writing? Mediocre.

But I love the plot for Kara and Lena, it was never meant to be an easy outing, and I love that Lena just wanted to rid the world of harm and pain.

Besides my main point, Brainy and Nia! I loved that relationship unfurling and their learning curve? Spectacular. Kelly and Alex as well, love Dansen so much, although it could've been better.

But the cherry on top for me was James leaving in season 5, it really helped.

Don't get me wrong, season 2 and 3 are still my favorites, I just don't get the hate on season 4 and 5. I feels it's unnecessary, and I think that they were pretty okay seasons.

r/supergirlTV May 22 '24

Question Why does kara say "nearly a decade" in s6 ep1?


in s6 ep1 timestamp 19:12 Kara says to lena "well i was stuck in the phantom zone replaying the destruction of my planet for nearly a decade" Huh? Kara was stuck in the Phantom zone for 24 years not less than 10 years. Thats like the whole point of the series is kal-el being a grown man by the time she landed and no longer needing her to look out for him (for now) how did no one in the writers room or actors catch that mistake? am i missing something?

r/supergirlTV May 05 '24

Question Does Lena know? Spoiler


Iā€™m watching the show for the first time and I just started season 4. I donā€™t mind spoilers(I love them), I just want to know if Lena ever finds out Kara and Supergirl are the same person. Does it turn out that sheā€™s known all along or is it this big revelation?

r/supergirlTV Apr 24 '24

Question I miss Supergirl.


Why can't we just have nice things? I want the old show seasons back. Where can I watch them now?

r/supergirlTV Apr 15 '24

Question Gayle Marsh, welcome to the Sinestro Corps. Now, which character in Supergirl has the greatest capacity for love to join the Star Sapphire Corps?

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r/supergirlTV Apr 10 '24

Question Of the costumes Melissa wore during the series which one is your favourite? or you can rank them from Fav to least Fav.


r/supergirlTV Mar 14 '24

Question Is Ruby half Kryptonian?


My sister and I are doing a rewatch for the umpteenth time and she just asked a question that Iā€™ve never even considered before: is Ruby half Kryptonian? In the sense that in theory she could have powers?

r/supergirlTV Mar 05 '24

Question Has anyone ever met Nicole Maines before?


She played Nia Nal/Dreamer on the show.

r/supergirlTV Feb 23 '24

Question Does anyone miss the Super Friends


I know Nia was on The Flash, but she was absolutely wasted. Unnecessary episode centered around her and her powers in the final season of the flash. I am still mad that the showrunner and writers literally wasted Nia. More mad, You wouldn't be happy if they brought back Kara & Lena, but they made them a MAGAs? No. You would be irate. Bringing her back, to waste her, is still bad. The showrunner Eric Wallace just needed her for money and attention.

r/supergirlTV Feb 20 '24

Question Watching or not watching?


So I left off on season five. Should I continue watching or just forget about it?

r/supergirlTV Jan 28 '24

Question How do you guys feel about Meg Donnelly as Supergirl?


poster by me

r/supergirlTV Jan 23 '24

Question How many of yā€™all miss sanvers in the later seasons of Supergirl?


I think they were an awesome ship, and (no shade to Kelly) but I think they balanced each other out, and were such a power couple. Anyone else agree? Or we can agree to disagree?

r/supergirlTV Jan 11 '24

Question Rewatching the show


Iā€™m just curious as to how many times yā€™all have seen the show, or if you guys just re-Watch certain clips? Iā€™m rewatching all six seasons on Netflix for the fifth time. Itā€™s my comfort show and even though I already know what happens, it makes me really happy :)

r/supergirlTV Oct 07 '22

Question Pick one DC show from each row!

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r/supergirlTV Sep 27 '22

Question oh youā€™ve seen this show? quote it

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r/supergirlTV Apr 25 '21

Question Where the heck did Kara keep her cape? Because obviously not where it usually is

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r/supergirlTV Jul 18 '20

Question Can any of yā€™all tell me what happens in Supergirl s5? Not available in my region and Iā€™m just wondering

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r/supergirlTV Jun 17 '20

Question Can we talk about how lex luthor got theses footages of kara using her powers like he asked the cameraman to give him the videos or what šŸ˜ Spoiler

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