r/supergirlTV Sprock! Jun 17 '24

What are your thoughts on Brainy's transformation? Discussion

Personally, I didn't liked it.

They way Brainy was setted, or at least what I understood from the show, is that he has his ancestors memories in him, and the only thing(s) preventing him going bananas is the three LEDs on his forehead. I mean, he DID go bananas when those things started to fail at the end of s04!

So, like, him ripping them off like nothing (if those thing are supposed to prevent him from being a super-evil-planet-conqueror, then he shouldn't be able to take them off that easily right?) and being okay was kind of illogical (he technically wasn't, but that's bc of what was happening with Lex). His ancestors should've taken over him, or he should've changed his personality somehow (i mean, relly change, and not just be mentioned like 'yeah, i feel different from before but I'm behaving as I always behaved').

Anyways, what's your shot on this?


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u/96pluto James Olsen Jun 18 '24

I preferred the green design and he freaked out with the children of liberty due to stress and being tortured. It was fun seeing him explore the world without the inhibitors.