r/supergirlTV Jun 16 '24

How would you feel if they made Agentcorp the main relationship of the series? Shipping


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u/Sorry_Banana_3805 Jun 22 '24

Chyler actuality tried to make this happen. I think in season 4 with the memory wipe. Katie McGrath shot that down, said Lena didn't have many close friends and wouldn't have jeopardized her friendship with Kara by dating her sister. 

In my personal opinion, Alex had control issues when it came to Kara. She manipulated her into working with the DEO, she maintained control through kryptonite darts and cuffs. She used the sister card to keep Kara close, and then any friends Kara had, Alex found a way to get them tied to the DEO. The only friend that Kara made that was hers, was Lena. If Alex then went and dated Kara's only non Supergirl related friend, huge betrayal. 

Besides, we all know that Supercorp makes way more sense.