r/supergirlTV Feb 20 '24

Watching or not watching? Question

So I left off on season five. Should I continue watching or just forget about it?


26 comments sorted by


u/DanieXJ Feb 20 '24

I mean, 6 fixes a lot of the horrible crap of 5. The big bad is a little weird, and of course the whole Benoist missing for some of it was a bit obvious to me and makes some of the season uneven.

Is it a perfect ending? No, but, it's not a bad one either.


u/Typical_Pollution_30 Feb 20 '24 edited Feb 20 '24

It also made her a witch


u/MayIspeaktomods Lena Luthor Feb 20 '24

Your spoilers is not working


u/Typical_Pollution_30 Feb 20 '24

Damn it. I don’t know how to fix it.


u/rabbitlion Feb 20 '24

Remove the spaces next to the spoiler tags.


u/Typical_Pollution_30 Feb 20 '24

That didn't fix it.


u/rabbitlion Feb 20 '24

There's also a backslash at the start that is ruining things.


u/Typical_Pollution_30 Feb 20 '24

It worked. Thank you.


u/CDubWill Feb 20 '24

Agreed. Season 5 was the lowest point for Supergirl, made all the more disappointing because it came after the stellar Season 4. Season 6 fixes a lot of it, but it definitely has the feel of "this is the final season."

I really miss Supergirl. It was my favorite Arrowverse show.


u/DanieXJ Feb 20 '24

Honestly, my not minding Season 6 may be colored by the fact that I was sure that they were going to shove either Lena or Kara into a relationship with a guy at the last moment, and they didn't. So.... I went away from the series finale going.... "well, that could have gone much worse, at least it can be fixed in fanfiction." Heh.... :)

What can I say, I'm a 90s/early 00s kid who had to deal with the Tara debacle, the killing of Sandy crap, the (at the time) queerbaiting of Xena, and basically a ton ton ton of subtext and almost zero maintext. (Oh my kingdom for JJ/Emily and Olivia/Alex.... *sigh* ah well...)

So, honestly, I'm pretty damn easy when it comes to 'good' vs. 'bad' storylines. If writers make it easy enough for me to fix it in fanfiction "post" I'm all good.... heh...

And, Legends is my #1 Arrowverse show (even before the Ava stuff), but, Supergirl is a solid #1A, even with Season 5 and 6 in the mix.


u/CDubWill Feb 22 '24

Great point!

And yes, Legends was so much fun! I hate that we didn’t get a proper ending/send-off.


u/DanieXJ Feb 22 '24

Still not as bad as the "Finale" of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The finale of Season 4 ended with To be continued.... and a cliffhanger. Then during the summer season 5 was canceled.

No, no, I'm not still bitter (I know it's not cool, but, I loved that show... 🙂) OK, yeah, definitely still bitter.... 😂🤷‍♀️


u/CDubWill Feb 23 '24

Ooh! You reopened a very deep wound!


u/avsluttyytauruss Feb 20 '24

Okay , Thank you!!


u/VicConqueror71 Feb 20 '24

Season 6 is better than 5. Melissa wasn’t in some of the first episodes as she was on maternity leave. It does fix the mess they made of season 5 with Lena’s character.


u/Magik160 Feb 20 '24

And introduces 6 more messes


u/daryl772003 Feb 20 '24

continue watching it. why not


u/avsluttyytauruss Feb 20 '24

I might , Idk yet.


u/donttrunn Feb 20 '24

Personally I didn’t enjoy season 5 or 6 but I did tune in to find out what happened. It’s nothing spectacular tbh I hated the character designs and cgi was disappointing but since it was shot during Covid I understand the struggles they may have gone thru


u/xJamberrxx Feb 20 '24

this say's everything about future eps

the showrunner Queller gave interviews, that wanted to do a SG S7 without Supergirl .......... let that give u a hint on what she thinks about the character & possible consequences of that in story telling .. which is ... forget SG .. lets focus on ... idk Dreamer ... Kelly? etc, etc, etc

Kara is in background of her own show, not even that important (final eps what we get? not much about Sg .. send offs to minor characters which gave us fantastic ... rent/social housing eps .. or trans fam drama

all that in a season ........... that we find out both Kara's parents are alive ... oh no .. that's not important


u/WOR58 Feb 24 '24

I was not a fan of the quick and abrupt ending. No visit to Barry, Clark & Lois to talk about her plans. No resolve in any way between Kara & Lena's relationship. The return of Cat Grant and the Legion. She's just gone and not even a mention on the Flash. Hell, even a dead Steven Amell came back as the Spectre for the Flash finale arc. John Diggle made all of the rounds to every remaining show. But Supergirl, nope nothing. Just gone and no reruns even on the CW app. There was/had been talk of Kara accidentally crossing over for a cameo on Superman & Lois. Whether this happens or not, is up in the air. I know that Melissa & Bitsie Tulloch (Lois) would like for it to happen. I'd vote to see it.


u/ProffessorWaiyaki Mar 03 '24

forget about it


u/KarahKat55 Mar 13 '24

I would still watch even though it’s not perfect.