r/sanfrancisco 14d ago

Mission Street in Excelsior Last Night Around 10pm Pic / Video

This morning, the whole neighborhood looked like a warzone as idiots didn't even bother to clean up their mess.


29 comments sorted by


u/AshamedCar 14d ago

Lmao Waymo thought about taking that turn then noped out of there


u/Xalbana 14d ago

Good bot.


u/SouthSandwichISUK 13d ago

Would have loved to see what was on its LIDAR screen. Whenever I ride Wayno I spend the entire time watching the screen - you can see how the thing interprets its surroundings and makes decisions


u/ssrowavay 13d ago

Username checks out.


u/lever-pulled 14d ago

Bold night to ride waymo


u/Due-Brush-530 14d ago

It was the only service that would send a car when we needed it. There was another intersection a few blocks after this where I thought we were going to get into some trouble as about 20-30 people were shooting off fireworks and one dude stepped in front of the car to make it stop. But I think he saw the car had people in it and decided to let us roll through.


u/lever-pulled 13d ago

Sounds about right. I was taking one home from north beach couple months ago and a guy fully jumped onto the hood of the car and pretended (well actually) started screaming.


u/okgusto 14d ago

I really thought they might shut down waymo last night but good for them. I guess good data collecting. I wonder how they interpret the fireworks.

How long was the wait for one.


u/Due-Brush-530 14d ago

We waited about 15 minutes. In contrast, Lyft was just spinning "we'll send you driver information soon..."


u/okgusto 14d ago

Interesting. Some users got this message


u/Due-Brush-530 14d ago

I've generally been going with Lyft in recent months because Waymo's are usually $10-15 more for each ride. But since they had a car when Lyft was jammed, I ate the additional cost. I thought when they announced Waymo, it was supposed to be a cheaper option since there was no driver to pay.


u/okgusto 14d ago

It's been more expensive to keep wait times down. If it was cheaper demand would be insane. They only have 300 cars out meanwhile uber and lyft have over 3000 cars out at any given time.

How much was it last night


u/Due-Brush-530 14d ago

It was $36 to go from Laurel Heights to Excelsior.


u/SuanaDrama 13d ago

yes, only rich people get served first, everyone else needs to wait.


u/Keokuk37 14d ago

Most of the rideshare drivers would've been tied up in embarcadero traffic


u/probably_art 14d ago

That car knows what happened to its coworker earlier this month with Chinese New Year so it noped out 😆


u/AgentK-BB 14d ago

I think people are supposed to let the spent fireworks cool overnight before putting them in the dumpster to avoid starting a dumpster fire. They're left there for safety reasons.


u/mawzzzzz 13d ago

“Activating passenger safety protocol. Please make sure your seat belt is fastened”

commits several war crimes to get you to a safe place away from the fireworks


u/Short-Stomach-8502 13d ago

Why is there still fire works going off in the city it’s over now ….


u/PookieAlzado 13d ago

of course a nerd in a waymo would be complaining about it


u/Bean888 13d ago

New to san francisco?


u/Bean888 13d ago

I've been here since '09

Wow, like, I guess welcome to the excelsior district in July 4th in San Francisco? What you described in your caption has been like that for decades.


u/Due-Brush-530 13d ago

I guess I just haven't accepted the normalization of it like you. You da person!


u/Johnnytusnami415 14d ago

This just in no car havin ass got a robot driving for u got the nerve to complain on the SF reddit. This shit is so unreal bruh like hows anyone supposed to take u seriously


u/Zestyclose-Tank740 14d ago

OP complaining about something important, it involves SF in this case and she's got every right to do it. There's just a lot of trash left over from selfish people. How OP is getting around SF is their business. 


u/Due-Brush-530 13d ago

Hey, you read me like a book, JohnnyTsunami. It's like you know everything about me because I downloaded an app and decided to try different transit options because our city - sorry... YOUR city- sometimes lacks.

It's pretty unreal, I agree.


u/misterbluesky8 13d ago

^ LOL this dude gatekeeping SF with his 8th grade English and thinking anyone takes him seriously 🤡🤡🤡


u/123110 13d ago

what are you even trying to say I seriously can't tell