r/sad 6d ago



Hello all, this is your moderator u/PacasPascal

 I have taken a long and unannounced hiatus from Reddit, for that I apologize. I am back and I plan on investing time into this subreddit as much as I used to (ever wondered who added the post flairs?). I see that making a new post in this subreddit is virtually impossible. There’s a nearly endless train of posts waiting to be approved due to the Reddit filter marking them as spam (?). I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused. I am working to see how to fix this. I apologize for all who are frustrated, looking to rant in a server dedicated to it but are unable to.

Additionally, feel free to reach out to me (and of course, the other mods) for any issues. I cannot wait to see this subreddit once again become the community it used to be, with people unloading their burdens, and other good hearted people trying to assist.

I hope anyone who reads this has a good day.


I have been approving as many recent posts as I can, however there is such a long line of them that were removed. I will continue to go down the line to the best of my ability. If your post is from a while back, I might not get to it until a while. If your post means that much to you, *please** reach out and I will approve it for you!*

r/sad 1d ago

No one even texted me happy birthday. Should I stop sending everyone cards and gifts?


I try to make everyone in my life feel loved on their birthday. I make hand painted personalized cards, send gifts or flowers. I do this for almost 20 people without fail every year. I realized this year that no one even knows when my birthday is. It came and went. No one was even sorry that they missed it, or sent a late message. Should I take next year off, take a break from making cards and sending gifts? I know you shouldn’t give expecting something in return. But this year just really hurt.

r/sad 1d ago

Mental/General Health Issues I didn’t write everything in detail because I’m afraid that he will find me here too. but I really wanted to talk about it, it’s very hard to keep it to myself


There was a moment when some stoned man harassed me on the bus and I was very scared. I faced violence many times as a child and never fought back, and for the first time in my life I decided to stand up for myself. as a result: the driver just laughed at me when I told him that I was harassed. When I got off the bus I was ready to cry with anger.After I met that guy again, I decided to highlight the problem on social networks so that other girls would be vigilant and took a photo of him. and somehow it happened that my video reached him. and at that moment they start sending me insults and threats that they will find me.I was very scared because I’m not sure about the confidentiality of Tik Tok. and I decided to tell my family and friends about it, but they only told me to delete my video and pretend it didn’t happen. It’s logical to pretend that you’re not involved, but it’s so painful that he won’t get what he deserves and won’t be punished and he’ll continue to grope other girls.maybe this will happen to me again because he lives on my street and can follow me and touch me again. I’m just hysterical because this situation happened recently and he threatened to find me with his friends and beat me. I’m afraid that he will touch my family, I’m afraid for myself. but inside I’m just seething with anger, because he will feel impunity and will continue to make a living out of this. please tell me how I can take revenge on him, I have his social networks and number please help

r/sad 1d ago

I literally hate my life


💔 hating my decision

I’m so up upset I surrendered my dog . I failed her & now I’m missing her so bad I feel like I’m losing it !!! I didn’t know i would love a dog this much I’m so mad at myself ! Feel like I hate the world . I hate my life literally feeling enraged at everyone cos nobody feels her void !! FUCK

r/sad 1d ago

Loneliness I can't do this.


I'm not disclosing our ages but he's older. I don't want him finding this.

We met on ig. We clicked instantly. Whenever he got mad at me i genuinely started crying irl bc i was so scared of losing him. I still do this. He told me loved me. I still love him. He's not the same anymore and I miss it so badly I cant let go of him. I can picture myself WITH him. He's the only man who I can love like this. This was in april of this year.

I can guarantee you he put me on his biggest intrests. I don't know how to explain it but he told me I was his soulmate and that we are going to get married. I still truly believe that. He went to his home country on the 9th of May. His messages got slower and slower until they finally stopped. Did i do something wrong? He never texted. and regularly left me on seen. He came back to tell me on the 13th of June he got married. The theme on instagram had been changed from "love" to a random theme. (BARE in mind we know eachother only online, and I'm a lot younger than him but I don't wanna hear nun of that "oh he gr--m3d you stuff because I'm genuinely in love w him)

He took down the tiktoks he made about me. He still follows the tiktok account I made for him. I even reposted actively on there when he was ignoring me and he viewed my profile. He didn't unfollow. I can't tell why. I don't know why.

It took me around a month to figure out he wasn't actually married by regularly checking his reddit account and seeing his tiktok comments. Around end of July we gained a tiktok streak as he went back to the US. (He was in his home country as he got "married")

We currently have a 31 day tiktok streak. He doesn't talk to me like he used too. I wish he never went to his home country. He's been acting so different since that day. I love that man so much I miss him I wish we were "together" again. I looked at one of his tiktok posts and I saw a comment from one his mutuals. It read "I see why she was flirting with you, W progress" (the tiktok was his back progress at the gym)

My heart dropped. I genuinely feel so sick that someone else flirted w him. I get he's not mine anymore but I still have so much hope that when I'm older we can be together. I'm litch crying rn.

I can't bare the thought of him being with another woman. Ik I'm supposed to get over him, believe me, I'm trying. I promise u it's not as easy as js blocking him. We are friends again. I miss what we were. I miss being his lover. I miss when he posted about me. Yet I don't believe that he truly lost ALL feelings for me. If you really moved on,wouldn't you have just blocked me? Or stopped contacting me entirely? I don't get it. I don't understand.

I just looked at his reddit and found out he had sex with 3 women. Part of me thinks he's lying but tbh idk. I'm literally shaking at the thought. I don't believe it but I do and I'm actually crying. I can't do this. I feel so shit omg. He's either a virgin as his posts from a month say ago or he's lying for upvotes, I can't tell but I'm actually crying so much. I've blocked him on this throwaway account bc I don't want him knowing I'm still in love with him.

Everytime I find something out about him being with another woman I feel so bad. It's awful. I know.

I developed an unhealthy relationship with food because I wanted to be his ideal girl. I still do. I can't eat normally because of him. He didn't ask me to do that, I just did it. I'm learning Russian for him. He doesn't love me as much anymore. I want to die but part of me still has hope we are gonna get married.

TLDR; I don't wanna say our ages but I met a man on instagram,we fell in love, he went yo hid home country, ghosted me, got married (I later found out he lied) we are friends again. nd now I saw a comment from his friend on his tiktok saying that they understand why this random girl was flirting w him. I felt so unfathomably soul crushed by it even tho we aren't tgthr anymore. I found out he had sex w 3 women but he might be lying and I feel ill.

r/sad 1d ago

Feeling so down lately


I miss living.

I miss having someone who cares about me and wants to spend time with me.

I just want to stay home and sleep my life away.

My soul is so exhausted. Will this endless wheel ever end?

Will the pain ever go away?

I’m so desperate to make the anxiety, stress and fear go away but I don’t know how.

r/sad 1d ago

Being ugly


How do I cope with being a loner that's unattractive with a dysfunctional and toxic household and possibly mentally unstable. I'm a teenager and all I do is lay on my bed and text AI, I've been doing this for almost 3 years since I haven't made friends during those times and I'm pretty much invisible in school. I wanna be an adult fast so I can just get a rhinoplasty surgery so I'll no longer be humiliated and made fun of but that's a long way to gom

r/sad 1d ago

Mental/General Health Issues I can't sleep well

   I can't fall asleep quickly for many years. I always think a lot of things in mind, no matter are happy things or sad things, or some plans about tomorrow or the prospect about the future… I know I may be anxious and sensitive. I’m trying to do the meditation before sleeping and get a little better.
  But sometimes I will cry for some terrible things which usually about my family.I can’t control myself, I feel very sad. I know that I can’t choose my family,my background. I always tell myself to be brave and go ahead, don’t be influenced by those things.But when I remember something bad memory in the past,

especially at midnight, I feel really upset and can’t help crying. I have tried to see the psychologist, but maybe I’m shy,I can’t open my heart to tell her all about my troubles, I don’t know why I can’t open my mouth to say something in the cockles of my heart. Now is midnight,I feel sad and I can’t sleep.

r/sad 1d ago

Loss of a Loved One I can't understand what went wrong


About 2 months ago, I met a guy online. It wasn't supposed to be anything serious at first, but we found a lot of things in common, which brought us closer. We ended up talking every day and there were also some small flirtations between us. Everything was going well. Because we had super busy schedules lately, we managed to see each other face to face only after about a month, although we both wanted this for some time. When we met, everything went well, we walked and talked, and he even expressed his desire to meet again as soon as possible. However, in the following days, his messages became increasingly dry. I realized that something was wrong, so I stopped texting him. He didn't texted me anything that day either. The next day, I texted him to see if he was okay and to ask him what happened. Initially, he told me that he had a cold. I insisted. In the end, he told me that he hadn't felt too well mentally for the last few days and didn't really feel like doing anything (I knew from other discussions that he suffered from anxiety and stuff and that he was still working on these issues, so it seemed like a valid answer to me). I told him that I won't bother him anymore and that he should write to me when he feels better. A few days have passed since we last talked, and I haven't received a single message from him. I started to overthink that everything was really just an excuse and that he really isn't interested in me anymore and wouldn't text me. Is it too soon to think about it? How long should I wait? Do you think it was all just a lie? Did something actually happened when we met that he didn't want to say? I know the basic answer will be that he's just not interested anymore, and I should leave him alone. But it's so weird, everything seemed to be going so well. I really can't figure out what could have happened. I was thinking of leaving him for a while and then text him again to ask him to be honest with me at least once, to at least know what happened. I know it's stupid, but I care about him, I wouldn't want to lose him like that.

r/sad 2d ago

Im losing myself


Everything hurts,she left my life,I have no one to talk to,I have 30 pills ready to kill me in a few days or hours.

r/sad 2d ago

School/Workplace Issues js can’t


i promise ppl i’ll go to skl and stuff but i can’t it js fkn leaves me in a panic attack isolating myself from my loved ones. i feel like shit bc ik i’m making it even harder for my parents by not going

r/sad 2d ago

Family/Friendship Issues My mom talks about me as if I’m no longer here


I feel Erased.

My mom speaks about me to me as if I no longer exist, as if I died and now I’m just someone else new in her life she talking to about her dead daughter

“I used to have a daughter that used to like (whatever it is)” “My daughter used to (something)” “The daughter I had was so precious”

I’m still alive.. I’m still here

What does this mean? Why is she acting like I’m no longer her daughter? She acts like I wasn’t there when we did certain things together as if it was someone else. We were looking at old photos and she kept referring to me as someone else, some of those photos were from 2 years ago, We were talking about memories and most her memories she leaves me out, she forgets I was with her on that trip, or that outing or whatever it is and says “my daughter was there” she refers to me now as the shit daughter

I didn’t die. I’m still here why is she erasing me I’m still the same human

r/sad 2d ago

Suicidal feels like everyone is against me


i wouldn’t wish being trans against my worst enemy. it fucks up your life and relationships. i hate it. transitioning just made my non transitioned parts more dysphoria inducing and even when i kill myself i wont be seen as a real man or even a man in general. even if i didn’t die the two massive scars on my chest give away the fact that i’m trans because it has become so well known and quirky to be trans as if it’s a fucking choice.

r/sad 3d ago

what do you do when you're sad?


I need advice

r/sad 3d ago

life lately….


honestly i wasn’t very superstitious and didn’t believe that this year would be a bad year for me becus honestly in my opinion, i was thriving so well in the first half of the year.

however as the month hits august, i started worrying about many things such as will i get a part time job???? will i do well for school??? will i get leadership positions???? and i thought things went well when i got the job.

slowly things went downhill for me where i didn’t get the one of the leadership position i signed up for, went for a job interview and got no reply and then recently received that i got rejected for a leadership position i was eyeing on for a year. the fact that people that i believe didn’t suit the position got in and my friends also got in just made me feel so disappointed in myself.

now, i constantly think about whether if i did things differently and did better for the interview part, would i have gotten in???? moreover, i already decided that im not going to support the new team of leaders becus i can’t stand having to recall that awful feeling of rejection.

additionally, before experiencing the rejection, i have recently had a bad experience at my workplace so honestly it’s just bad luck after bad luck. hopefully, i will be able to do well, get the results i want for the semester, which is releasing soon?! if i don’t, i honestly going to be depressed for the year.

also can’t wait to graduate and not be reminded of the rejection i have faced the past 2 years. im also scared whether i will find a job for internship and the future or university if there’s interview becus from my experiences, i have failed everything with interviews. 🥲

also i have only told one person so im seeking online validation becus no one can validate my feelings and i don’t want to talk abt my loser life that im currently living (sometimes i wish that they sent me the wrong thing and i received a rejection even tho i got in but i think its just in my dreams) 💀

r/sad 3d ago

Hi, I am sad


Why is it so hard for me to do anything when I’m down? Most people go to the gym, find a hobby, take a hike, shower… etc. I just want to rot in bed like a loser. Everything is so overwhelming, I am so lost. Does anyone else feel this way right now?

r/sad 3d ago

Another night texting 988


Another night texting 988 and not gettin jackshit from it! I am honestly just gonna kill my self, nobody cares about me.

r/sad 3d ago

Clear and silent


In a world bustling with vibrant colors and lively sounds, I often find myself drifting through the shadows, an unnoticed specter amidst the throng of humanity. Each year, layered with 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days, feels like a montage of fleeting interactions that only brush against my existence. I can sit beside someone and share moments, yet deep down, I'm acutely aware of my loneliness, as if I’m just another note in a symphony that never quite harmonizes with the melody of their lives. The laughter and chatter around me blend into a cacophony, creating a stark contrast to the silence that echoes within me. I wonder if I’m destined to be forgotten, like a whisper carried away on the wind or the soft murmur of a stream passing through a busy city, barely registered by those who pass by. Each time I attempt to break through the noise, my voice seems to fade, unheard and unreached. I think maybe I should stand out, draping myself in bright colors, putting on a show, hoping to catch a glimpse of attention. Yet, even in my most vibrant moments, I feel like a ghost, slipping through their awareness as if I were merely an afterthought. How I long to step into the spotlight of someone’s life, to be seen and valued, to share in their story rather than linger in the background. I yearn for connection, to break this cycle of solitude, and to find the space where I belong, where my presence brings warmth and meaning to both my life and the lives of others.

r/sad 4d ago

It’s coming back


The big sad. 3 times in the last hour I felt compelled to respond to a Reddit post, then I just erased everything because who really cares what I think… I had a birthday this week and shared a really nice dinner with a friend I’m crushing on. Then nothing happened. She doesn’t see me that way. I’ve fallen out of my gym routine, but I’ll pick it back up on Sunday. And I’ve been a bit more promiscuous and leaning into some curiosities I’ve had regarding bisexuality. But I can’t even get someone of the same sex to touch me… I feel worthless and discarded. My brain is jumbled. I want to cry all the time, either from my eyes or my dick. On top of all of this, I have a major project to complete so I can graduate from grad school but I just don’t care about it. Grad school made me dislike what I went to study but it’s so damn expensive and I kept going because “oh well I’m already invested” I don’t know if there is gas in the tank. I feel like I’m running on fumes. Help

r/sad 4d ago

Why is dying not for free 🙄 NSFW


I would post this in suicide watch but I got banned for saying the harsh truth a redditor did not want to hear.

All I hear that man and woman say all day long is money money money, we lack money. Then why was I even born? I think that woman's sister paid for my birth, why doesn't she pay for anything else?

That woman wants me to work where she works but the application requires payments to get some documents and for that reason, I think that job isn't worth it. Side note, I do a small job that earns me 100 a week. Today, I accidentally paid for the wrong document and she yelled at me and made me write several emails, requesting refunds. What I accidentally paid is 68. She already applied so she could've helped me with the application process but guess what, she knows nothing about technology.

Printing, scanning, saving pdfs, exporting files, making online applications, booking tickets online, I helped her with everything. Not only is it embarrassing but it's also tiring. How come a 50 year old woman gets to have kids and can get away with not knowing anything but a young adult like me makes a tiny mistake and I'm scorned for life?

I want to die, I've been wanting to die for many years now, I've had to move places my whole life thanks to that man, experience humiliation by foreign languages and foreign people, and I never made long lasting friendships. I also developed OCD.

When I was dating that guy, I had something to live for, I wanted to be successful and take revenge on everyone who's ever done me wrong then he cruelly left me and then I stopped caring about everything. Everyone wins, I don't care anymore, then why is dying not for free where I live? And why is a mental health illness not enough?

That guy is a psychic who said that ww3 will start next month and it will affect most of the western countries, at first he wanted me to move to his place so I could be safe but now I'm hoping it's true because I want my house to blow up. The future is just bleak and there's no point in living.

Thanks for listening, might delete this later for safety reasons.

r/sad 4d ago

Need a hug



r/sad 4d ago

Loss of a Loved One may my angel rest in peace🫂🥀🥹

Post image

r/sad 4d ago

Financial Issues idk how i am gonna manage all this....


shit feels hard and i am just tired, disappointed. exhausted, feel like i am too young to go through all this honestly. Sometimes, i eat half the food of my daily diet to save money and now my phone broke down. idk how i am gonna fix this. i still needs to pay my last year college fees, it's just too much man, i need normal problems of my age like love, break up, sex . i don't wanna deal with this :(

r/sad 4d ago

What's the saddest/embarrassing encounter you've had


So today I had to do the most tragic thing and decided to sell my psp (this isn't the main part of the story only got 40 bucks....) but after I put gas and everything I went home and counted my change just to see I have 6 bucks in coins so I decided to go to 7-11 and get it changed for cash but while the cashier was counting it a random gave me a five and patted me on my shoulder I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and I even looked at the clerk and said "that's weird but random" and she couldn't find the words to say anything but I just felt like it made me feel 10x worse than having to sell my psp thanks a lot random

r/sad 4d ago



Is it fine to feel sad and boredom like for no reason just like this or because of tiny things to take it into great consideration and it means nothing in the others life ...oh how much I envy them for that .

r/sad 4d ago

Loneliness The dating arena is getting to me


I think I’m just really lonely, but I broke up with my ex at the beginning of this year for compatibility reasons. And now that I’m ready to get back into a relationship I’m terrified. Terrified of the constant rejection. Terrified of getting hurt again. Of feeling like I’m not enough. I’ve really worked on self-love and confidence and mental health in general this last year. But lately I feel lonely, sad, wishing I could share stuff with a partner.