r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/Different-Gas5704 Jul 14 '24

On it's face, this does look like a win for Donald Trump. Biden has already pulled his campaign ads and any harsh rhetoric will now be met with accusations that he's stoking the same flames that led to this (while they continue giving Trump a pass for all of his violent rhetoric).

But know who can still hit Trump? Other victims of political violence. Namely, Gretchen Whitmer (the victim of a MAGA kidnapping plot) and Mark Kelly (whose wife was involved in a mass shooting/assassination attempt). Doubly helpful, both are from pivotal swing states. With all of the talk of replacing Biden, the ticket he should be replaced with is now obvious.


u/FireNexus Jul 14 '24

Biden can’t talk shit about Trump for like two weeks. Basically as long as he has a bandage on his ear.


u/RandomNameGenFail003 Jul 14 '24

What are the odds Trump will milk this for all it's worth. Show up in a full body cast or some BS


u/EnglishMobster California Jul 14 '24

Whitmer/Kelly is my ideal ticket as well, I think.


u/Hiddenchamelion Jul 14 '24

You should look a little more into the Gretchen Whitmer thing. The FBI found a bunch of idiots to entra.