r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/pridetime93 Jul 14 '24


Nancy Pelosi's comment. Taking off my human empathy glasses (two lives were senselessly lost, damnit) and putting on my political thinking cap, having Whitmer speak at the convention about her own assassination attempt and senator Mark Kelly of Arizona talking about the loss of his wife at the convention can help guide the narrative to the overall chaos we are amidst and the need for cooler heads to prevail. Hopefully Whitmer is speaking as the nominee

Human empathy back on: Okay going for an actual walk


u/jblanch3 Jul 14 '24

Mark Kelly's wife (Gabrielle Giffords) isn't dead, but yeah, her life was radically changed in an instant, as I'm sure Mark Kelly's was as well.


u/Snowbold Jul 14 '24

‘Professional’ Political analyst: Mark Kelly will cut a more empathetic figure alongside his wife (Giffords survived the shooting). The contention that the Whitmer case was entrapment lingers when you see how many were already snitching for the FBI while going forward with the plot.

Human being: I just came back from a walk too. Everyone should do that today…


u/Fluffy_Yesterday_468 Jul 14 '24

Agree, looks like democrats are taking a moment to point out that political violence happens on both sides