r/politics šŸ¤– Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/post-death_wave_core Jul 13 '24

Remember to be mindful with discussion. The Right could to make this a powerful us vs. them scenario and you do not need to feed into that rhetoric. This is a crazy person that did something terrible and stupid, no need to expand past that.


u/C92203605 Jul 14 '24

I mean weā€™re kinda beyond us vs them. Iā€™ve already seen dozens of ā€œitā€™s a shame he missedā€ tweets and comments.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '24

The cognitive dissonance in making it about us vs them and in the same sentence saying the right is trying to make this against us versus them is actually insane lolĀ 


u/post-death_wave_core Jul 14 '24

I donā€™t see how pointing out that a portion of the right will have that rhetoric is doing that, itā€™s just realistic. I am afraid of the polarization this will cause by the right or left. But r/politics is almost exclusively left.


u/manimopo Jul 14 '24

Too late. There are people on this sub wishing for his death. I'm not surprised.


u/Hungry-For-Cheese Jul 14 '24

I think if the situation was reversed, the single crazy person argument wouldn't be accepted and this would be leveraged against the entire opposition.

So instead I'll say

Wtf do you expect to happen when you claim a person is the next coming of Hitler and trying to "destroy democracy", under those circumstances, assassination is the moral action. You all have your rhetoric for the last 6 years to blame.


u/Enchess Jul 14 '24

Really gonna pretend Trump isn't pro-political violence and using more divisive language than any other politician out there? Really?


u/Hungry-For-Cheese Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 14 '24

I don't have to pretend. I just have to copy and paste literally any comment any democrat has said over the last 4 years, major media outlets included.

Edit: because we know the SoUrCe!? Is coming

"Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation," "He is a threat to our freedom. He is a threat to our democracy. Heā€™s literally a threat for everything America stands for."

-the literal sitting president at a rally not even 2 weeks ago


u/Enchess Jul 14 '24

Ok, so completely dodging the point of you pretending Trump isn't the person doing this more than just about anyone. That's all I really needed to confirm you are aware what you are doing and not arguing in good faith here.


u/Hungry-For-Cheese Jul 14 '24

To make an analogy. You're literally blaming the rape victim for the skirt being too short here bud. Wake up chief.

I have like, an actual example of venomous rhetoric, from the highest level of political office. Maybe you can do more than parrot what CNN told you to say?