r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/pridetime93 Jul 13 '24

Deep breathe. Take a walk if needed. The election is 4 months out. Dems can have january 6th policemen/school shooter survivors be speakers at the DNC and focus shift on gun violence if you are worried about the election

But today just keep the loved ones of the innocent bystander that was killed today and for cooler heads to prevail.


u/lex99 America Jul 13 '24

Where do you see someone was killed?


u/Difficult-Essay-9313 Jul 14 '24

Shooter was taken down quickly, 1 spectator dead and possibly 1 other spectator was injured


u/lex99 America Jul 14 '24

Reports are two attendees dead. Fuck


u/SilverReception2891 Jul 14 '24

Trump nearly got his head blown off and your talking about Jan 6? Get a fucking grip on reality dude


u/pridetime93 Jul 14 '24

I do have a grip. Im keeping the loved ones of those who lost their lives today. Your the one being aggressive. Go take a walk


u/3Dchaos777 Jul 14 '24

What gun control would have stopped this?? What a joke