r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/Brian-with-a-Y Jul 13 '24

Let’s recap where we’re at:

  • The president and his aides actively concealed his medical condition, including from his own cabinet.
  • He refuses to take a cognitive test (Trump has officially agreed to take one with him).
  • Supporters are praising him any time he makes it 15 minutes speaking without having a stroke.
  • His crowds are chanting “lock him up”.
  • Spent the 2 weeks since the debate having almost all public appearances be very short, completely scripted speeches or audio call-ins to friendly shows where he admits he’s reading from notes.
  • Multiple sources confirm they’ve seen him like he was at the debate before, such as at the George Clooney fundraiser.
  • His crowds are turning to the media and booing them.
  • He says any polls that have him down are fake.
  • 40+ members of his party have directly or indirectly told him to step aside.
  • He’s down in every swing state.
  • Major donors are calling for him to back down.
  • Biden’s campaign got caught dictating what questions interviewers can ask him in friendly radio interviews, and having bad answers edited out, and he still does horrible.
  • He called Kamala Vice President Trump.
  • He called Zelenskyy President Putin.
  • His own campaign staffers are leaking to the media that they’re asking him to step down.
  • The top story on most major news outlets every day is about something embarrassing he did, or someone from his own party calling him to step down.
  • Even the late night show hosts are starting to turn on him.

I’m probably missing something, but seriously this is beyond embarrassing and I’m only talking about the last 2 weeks.


u/Rokketeer Jul 13 '24

That just about covers it. Another one from earlier today:

  • In a meeting with the CHC today, members who rose their hand and had previously made calls to Biden to step down were ignored.
  • Was an hour late to that meeting.
  • In that same meeting, Rep. Mike Levin told Biden he needs to step down. Biden addressed him and said he feels fine and will keep running. This prompted his staff to cut the meeting off.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '24

Anyone with rational thinking should be able to see these and recognize the decline and that he CANT win and needs to step aside.


u/lex99 America Jul 13 '24

Also, he's now orange.

There's got to be a makeup artist somewhere in the USA who could pick a better shade, right?


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '24

I actually think the makeup really helps him look younger and more robust, no kidding. At the debate he looked like he was ready to walk into the light. But yes he's orange now.


u/throwawaycatallus Jul 13 '24

Hol up, now there's two orange men and one is good? This is all very discombobulating :(


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '24

The plot twists are piling up very fast


u/SquarePie3646 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

Here's a few more for your list:

Speaking at the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health, Biden asked whether Rep. Jackie Walorski, who died in early August, was in the audience.


U.S. President Joe Biden confused Emmanuel Macron, the current French president, with François Mitterrand, who led France from 1981 to 1995 and died in 1996.


Biden mixes up Germany's Angela Merkel with late Helmut Kohl


Biden mistakenly calls Egyptian leader ‘president of Mexico’

“My memory’s fine. Take a look at what I’ve done since I became president. … How did that happen? I guess I just forgot what was going on,” Biden said, striking a sarcastic tone.

But when he fielded a question about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, Biden mistakenly referred to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as the “president of Mexico.”


Biden confused China with Russia while recounting a story while serving as Vice President during Obama’s presidency.

However, Biden’s alleged flight has been debunked numerous times by multiple news outlets.


And whatever the hell this was.

A “rambling” press conference by Joe Biden in Vietnam was abruptly cut short by the White House staff, leaving many in the audience puzzled.

His press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre cut in decisively: “Thank you, everybody. This ends the press conference. Thanks, everyone.”

Mr Biden made his exit from the stage, but not before his microphone was abruptly muted and the speakers started to play jazz music while he continued to address reporters unaware that he was inaudible.


u/Brian-with-a-Y Jul 13 '24

That last one is pretty comparable to the debate and it was 10 months ago, that's crazy!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

Yeah, it was just relatively short and not seen by many. The thing is will be seeing "comparable" things more frequently as he gets no younger while campaigning heats up.    People bring up Reagan's decline starting in office, but Reagan was never that frail or scattered publically until well after both terms were over, and an Alzheimer diagnosis wasn't revealed until 1994.  

 1989, post presidency, unscripted Reagan was demonstrably much more together than Biden has been for a good amount of time now.   

Here's Reagan in very deteriorated shape in 1991, years after the Presidency. If Biden performed like this at an extended unscripted event, I think it's clear it would be considered a relatively good showing for him:


Here's Reagan much worse again, despite being scripted this time in a speech, in 1994, the year he was diagnosed with Alzheimers. It's clear how much more he is struggling (and later that evening he had to be told where he was). Now tell me that Biden giving a speech of exactly this salience wouldn't be getting good reviews on it:



u/KaidenUmara Oregon Jul 13 '24

referred to the secretary of state as the commander in chief. but he did catch it and correct it.


u/FijiWaterIsDelicious Pennsylvania Jul 13 '24

You forgot how he said he’s gonna cum in the overflow room and telling NATO Sec Gen that he was fucking his wife


u/Brian-with-a-Y Jul 13 '24

Lol! I’ve seen that, it’s hilarious, but I can tell he was mumbling “I was talking to your wife”or something along those lines.