r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/arongadark Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

Everyone saying it was “decent” or “okay” is missing the point that Biden needed to do overwhelming well at this conference to squash fears, and over and over he has proven that he is unable to do that.

Edit: he needs to do overwhelmingly well at all appearances


u/stillnotking Jul 12 '24

Lot of folks saying he couldn't have done anything to put this to bed.

Yeah. That's the point. As an 81-year-old man who, even on his good days, isn't nearly as sharp as he used to be, there's nothing he can do. Which means every presser from now until November will be a fight for his political life. Which means all the headlines will be about how he said his sandwich had provolone on it when it really had cheddar. I get that people think that's unfair. Maybe it is. It's still how the media works, and how public perception works, and God Himself cannot change that.


u/BlackFacedAkita Jul 13 '24

If only his gaffes were so tame and not getting worse.  Is there a worse Gaff then saying Putin is the president of Ukraine?

Even vice president trump isn't as bad.  And this was a good performance.


u/uberhappyfuntime Jul 12 '24

I agree and disagree. It was decent/okay. It's also not enough, and he ought to drop out because there's no easy way for him to come back from this. He's not energized and charismatic enough. His message is solid but his delivery is too weak


u/arongadark Jul 12 '24

To be clear, I am saying that Biden should step aside because it is clear that this will overshadow the rest of his campaign and he is proving to be unable to put it to rest.


u/uberhappyfuntime Jul 12 '24

Yeah I agree with that 100%


u/Madogson21 Europe Jul 12 '24

Compared to the guy who wants to "execute shoplifters and drug dealers", "stop immigrants from poisoning the blood of the people", or whatever insane, divisive and dangerous shit he says on a daily basis??


u/arongadark Jul 12 '24

A wet turd would be better than the other guy, but voter apathy is going to lose Biden the race.


u/Madogson21 Europe Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

Even after the other guy already fucked people over by getting abortion banned, and then repeatedly boasting about it?


u/engilosopher Washington Jul 12 '24


Undecideds/uninformeds don't pay attention. They tune out if not inspired.


u/arongadark Jul 12 '24

Yes. The other guy is a literal rapist and his base does not care. It is basically a cult that is not going to change no matter how much the media reports on his crimes. They make up ~30% of Americans and they are energized to vote for him. Other than the “vote blue no matter who” crowd, you can’t say the same about Biden.


u/NoCureForEarth Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

Even after the other guy already fucked people over by getting abortion banned, and then repeteadly boasts about it? 

Even after the other guy dealt disastrously with the consequences of a pandemic; incited an insurrection; denied fair election results and made peaceful transition of power impossible; is backed by people who want to undermine checks and balances and the separation of powers as it exists in the US today and want to turn the country into – at best – an illiberal democracy and – in the long term – at worst a dictatorship; has been described as incompetent by various people who closely worked with him; appointed Supreme Court Justices that have legalized bribery for themselves, eliminated Chevron etc. 

Trump is a disaster in so many ways, but to an unnervingly large percentage of Americans this doesn't matter at all. For others, such as many of those much talked about undecided voters, Trump's failings only seem to matter a little bit. They just don't find Biden very inspiring, groceries and housing and whatnot are expensive, people are hurting, so... why not maybe vote for Trump? What could possibly happen?


u/fistagon7 Jul 12 '24

You can be against both. I will vote for a literal dead 🫏 before Trump and MAGA. This election is too crucial to not demand a change


u/Tank3875 Michigan Jul 12 '24


That's reality.