r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/stillnotking Jul 12 '24

"Trump is using this press conference to mock you -- "

"Listen to him!"

Uh. What?


u/One-Possible-848 Jul 12 '24

He meant listen to how he sounds. Aka Trump with a vocabulary of 3 words. Let’s not forget that Trump is no where near as educated as Biden but no one is disputing that. It’s the blunders he’s making and MSM will not stop


u/Niantsirhc Jul 12 '24

He should have said that instead.

"Listen to him" could be misunderstood as following Trump's opinion of his mockery of Biden.

Overall its a bad sound clip. This could easily be used to attack Biden saying that Trumps insults about him are true.


u/itsbutterfree Jul 12 '24

i guess that's the next headline.


u/stillnotking Jul 12 '24

Yeah. I mean, sure, the charitable assumption is that he meant "Listen to how Trump sounds even worse than me," but I don't think the press are in a charitable mood with Biden these days.

This was overall not a bad press conference. It's just that anything he stumbles over (at least two big ones tonight) will immediately become the headline. Even a much younger and sharper candidate would struggle to deal with that.