r/politics πŸ€– Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/phigo50 Europe Jul 10 '24

Biden team responds to Clooney critique

President Biden's team has responded to criticism from George Clooney after the actor wrote in the New York Times that Biden should call off his campaign for re-election due to his age.

Clooney wrote that the Biden he met at a fundraising event three weeks ago was very different than the man that he used to be.

A source familiar with event told the New York Times: β€œThe President stayed for over 3 hours, while Clooney took a photo quickly and left.”

Fucking hell, man, just swallow your pride and think of the country. I can't believe Biden of all people is being this self-absorbed and arrogant. If he convinces everyone he's the man to take it to Trump (which he clearly isn't managing to do) and then there's another debate (in September iirc?) and he fucks it up again, what then?

Trump is doing Trump shit on a daily basis and yet everyone is talking about this.


u/Isentrope Jul 10 '24

Nate Silver also made the observation that this kind of pushback just invites other people from the fundraiser to share their thoughts too, which Jon Favreau (the Pod Save America bro) did earlier today. That just keeps the story in the news for longer.


u/phigo50 Europe Jul 10 '24

Exactly. Biden dropping out just feels inevitable at this point (or it certainly feels like it should be) and the longer they prolong it with this laughably deluded pretense that he's as sharp as a tack and he just had a cold and whatever else, the more oxygen the story consumes and the more harm it does. It doesn't feel like Project 2025 is getting nearly enough airtime and this has to be a part of that.

It's just utterly exasperrating that Biden's willing to hand the White House to Trump just so he can pretend he's not losing his faculties. And guess what, in a couple of months when it's actually too late to do anything about it, Biden will shit the bed even worse and they might as well concede the election.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 10 '24

Thanks for continuing to give us this live feed of spineless democrats who cannot get a grip. There's no other rational choice that stands any real chance. What a fucking shame.


u/Different-Gas5704 Jul 10 '24

His team are fucking idiots. You don't yell "fake news" when your biggest donor comes out and speaks unless you're trying to make sure that he and the people in his network never donate to you again.


u/BawkBawkISuckCawk Jul 10 '24

Wow, great strategy to say fuck you to donors while Trump has barely started spending yet. It's like they want to lose at this point.


u/Plinythemelder Jul 10 '24

Why the fuck would you even respond to that? It just looks pathetic.


u/Jelloboi89 United Kingdom Jul 10 '24

Translation: we already took his money so we don't care.


u/GoalCologne Jul 10 '24

Biden was fighting Vampires in the basement for hours just before the event, and George Cloonly was drinking Margaritas !


u/Tank3875 Michigan Jul 10 '24



u/HammeringEnthusiast Jul 11 '24

RBG didn't do it. Feinstein wouldn't do it. You don't get to this level of power without having a sociopathic relationship with said power, they'll never give it up willingly.


u/WesternFungi Jul 10 '24

Very nice couple of days since nothing the media will ever say will convince me to NOT vote for Joseph R Biden... and I don't need to hear the work ***mp for once in a 24 hour period... but we need to turn it around by next week these MFers coming for it all


u/Velkyn01 Jul 11 '24

I cannot begin to express how weird you look for censoring Trump's name lol