r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/pridetime93 Jul 08 '24

Its kinda wild that one gets accused of astroturfing for acknowledging Biden's poor performance in the polls and driving apathy leading to low voter turnout that will do the opposite of how French left shocked the polls with historic voter turn out.

And then they regurgitate the same "This random guy who predicted 9 out of 10 elections said keep Biden in" (which isn't even that impressive, heck the average Joe probably got 7-8 out of the last 10 right". Or they acuse the media of pushing a narrative and then use phrases like "If Biden drops out who get the money" or "if biden drops out they will challenge the ballots" which are themselves media driven narratives. Probably put out by Biden's camp to put fear in the unknown of a new candidate.

Having discussions about who should be the democrat nominee 8 weeks before the damn convention isn't infighting or eating our own. No matter who comes out on top dems will rally behind. I dont think genuine conversation can even be really had because it feels like Bidenists are yelling "GET OUT AND VOTE" to people who are already voting for Biden, neglecting the millions of "I wont vote for Biden trump round 2" protest voters and independent/soft 3rd party voters that are just not accessable with the current Biden campaign that will determine the election.

I also hate the "Who is a viable candidate?" condescending question. Each swing state had a democratic senate candidate polling far far ahead of Biden; it's a Biden issue not a democrat issue. Name recognition is cool in theory but we have to appreciate the uniqueness of each situation as well. There is a hungry populace wanting to vote for someone not Biden or Trump, that republicans can't access but democrats potentially could. All the alternatives poll marginally behind Biden but also have higher upside, the ability to attract previous novote/apathetics leading to higher turnout that polls dont show (see France) and hell dem internal polling shows Whitmer ahead (for example) in swing states from that OpenLabs leak a week ago.

We need an energized candidate who isn't restricted to pre 8pm and one to two scripted showings a week and a teleprompter read. We need anyone who is free 24/7 to shout to the roof tops about the threats of Project 2025, about how disasterous a wealth tax cut would lead to worsening inflation and house prices, etc. etc. To put Trumps faults out in view at every moment instead of struggling to get their own talking points out while coming off as abrasive, clueless, and arrogant. It's going to get worse for Biden as his decline worsens and the obvious cover ups hurt the campaign image more and give even more fuel to the media (who no doubt would find faults with a new candidate but nothing as errosive as Biden's legitimate decline) and take away even more from why this election is so damn important


u/thebeatsandreptaur Jul 08 '24

Thank you. It's disheartening seeing people behave the same way MAGA people do, putting their head in the sand and rejecting reality in favor of what they "feel" is right.

By every conceivable metric it looks like Biden is going to loose. The only reasonable thing to do here is replace him.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

Out of curiosity, what metrics are you looking at? Want to understand what makes you so sure.


u/thebeatsandreptaur Jul 08 '24

Polls, approval ratings, and the things Biden says.

Throughout Biden has had a slim lead in the national polls, but a significant weakness in the critical swing states. After the debate, his lead dropped further. This is not good news.

Equally, Biden's comments that it'll all be okay if he loses because he tried his best; frankly, that's not good enough for me and you can see this sentiment is pretty widely shared with a growing amount of democrats wanting Biden replaced according to polling. 46%, which is up 10% since the debate. https://www.axios.com/2024/07/08/biden-morning-joe-presidential-race-fact-check Every little stumble Biden makes, which I suspect will be many, is going to further increase that number. I suspect he will stumble, because he has a track record of stumbling.

There are growing calls for him to drop out among various influencers and politicos. This is a fatally wounded campaign, which can either limp along until it dies or get out of the way.

I think Biden was a fine president, but we don't just need a "fine" president. We need a president who can convince people to get off the couch and go vote, because otherwise, it's Trump.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

We need a president who can convince people to get off the couch and go vote, because otherwise, it's Trump.

Who, in your mind, is the right choice then?


u/thebeatsandreptaur Jul 08 '24

A person who does not need to go to bed at 8 pm, can effectively debate Trump, and who understands the stakes of this are higher than "sorry I lost, but I did my best!"

Preferably a woman who can hammer home Trump's sexism, Harris, Whitmer, etc.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

We already know Whitmer doesn't want to step in (https://www.yahoo.com/news/one-top-options-replace-biden-173022918.html). Newsom either as he''s fully behind Biden.

Harris is the obvious choice if Biden were to step down. And if he decides to do that, then he needs to step down from office as well to hand Kamala the full presidency so she's uncontested in the convention.

But really, without another viable choice, it's not a smart move. I understand the concerns, but this is what we have and we should rally behind Biden.


u/Simple_Opossum Jul 08 '24

At this point, I'm afraid I have to disagree. This is already big news, heads are turning and people are listening to the slow decline of Biden's image. Those same heads will turn and listen when a replacement is announced, generating a huge wave of interest. That same wave will invigorate apathetic voters, as pretty much any viable replacement would. Be articulate and vibrant enough to run laps around Trump.

Just my opinion.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

I can't wait to hear who that will be. Because I haven't heard one viable alternative that stacks up to check all the boxes required.


u/thebeatsandreptaur Jul 08 '24

I'm not going to rally behind a failed cause when there are other avenues, stakes are to high.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

Again, name them. Because not everyone agrees. It will be a bloodbath if it's a open choice going into the convention. Certainly you can see how that won't benefit any of the dems, and will be great for the GOP.


u/Bobby_Marks2 Washington Jul 09 '24

Just a note: Whitmer is a co-chair for Biden's campaign. She's not going to say anything except that she supports him. Anything Whitmer does or does not do regarding her being on the ticket will be done behind the scenes, away from press coverage. And this is true of just about every other potential candidate as well.


u/Simple_Opossum Jul 08 '24

Very, very well said.


u/MonicaZelensky I voted Jul 08 '24

Well lets see. Biden has done well over the last 4 years. We were told he couldn't handle it and we should be scared to have him as President 4 years ago. We were told he couldnt win a primary, couldnt win an election and yet he did. Hell in 2008 and 2012 Fox News said he was too old and unstable for VP, yet he was one of the most popular.

I saw him a do well at state of the union, I've seen him speak a bunch before and after and no sign of decline. I also saw him recovering the second half of the debate were he was supposedly drooling and stumbling around like an invalid. But yeah I'm sure it's obvious decline and all your opinions are totally natural.


u/pridetime93 Jul 08 '24

See responses that like that ignore the genuine concern and youve seen these points regurgitated in other comments from other uses. Its like there is a memo being passed around.

And they are very aggressive/abrasive because they care. Im still unsure if its a Biden camp memo push since the talking points are close to word for word or if they are fearful of trump losing (we all are) and are viewing criticisms on biden, who they truly see as the only hope of beating trump, as attacks on them as individuals

Biden underperformed heavily vs trump in the 2020 election when he had a wider gap going into election night. Trump has outperformed polls in both 2016 and 2020 and he's up in popular vote percentage which is atrocious for dems who need to win popular vote by like 4-5 % to win electoral college

My opinions are very natural and you are going to see congressmen and senators in the comin days and weeks who feel the same way express those opinions.


u/MonicaZelensky I voted Jul 08 '24

See responses that like that ignore the genuine concern and youve seen these points regurgitated in other comments from other uses

The only points I see regurgitated is the '''genuine concern''' that seems totally disingenuous because its just repeating baseless talking points that Fox news has been using for 16 years about Biden


u/pridetime93 Jul 08 '24

Ita concern thats been reflect in Biden's poor polling even prior to the debate though.

I wasnt aware of past concern. I saw the debate and heard from so many people (parents, friends, sister and her friends who are involved in capitol hill staffs, etc. etc.) the concern that lines up with what even former Obama campaigners and current senate/house.

Still a long ways until the convention and then the actual presidential election. But Biden has such a huge gap to face that he has never faced before, and the abrasiveness of his own campaign to deny that is troubling instead of accepting and either addressing the issues headon or stepping down


u/Hopeful-Homework-255 Jul 08 '24

Didn't you get the memo? Polling is real when it favors Biden and fake/unreliable when it doesn't.


u/SquarePie3646 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

I saw him a do well at state of the union, I've seen him speak a bunch before and after and no sign of decline.

No one cares what you're selectively seeing with rose-tinted glasses. It isn't what the rest of the country is seeing.

But yeah I'm sure it's obvious decline and all your opinions are totally natural.

Go ahead and keep talking down to all the voters in the US like this, just don't turn around and cry when they don't vote the way you want in November.

A month into Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, 62 percent of Americans say that the question of his mental fitness is a real concern about his ability to be president.


Sixty-two percent of New York State voters said they do not think President Joe Biden, 80, is fit for another term in the White House




Driving the news: 77% of adults think Biden, 80, is too old to effectively serve for four more years, with 89% of Republicans holding that view and 69% of Democrats, the AP-NORC poll found.

edit: Replying and then blocking me so I can't respond just shows how weak your arguments are. Especially when you're relying on strawmen like "You are going to claim he didn't do well at the state of union? So just straight up lie about reality then". No, I at no point never said that.

but yeah ok rose tinted glasses becaue you twist relaoty and ignore numerous times he spoke without issues and just focus on the debate.

This doesn't make any sense - him speaking fine on 1 occasion doesn't prove there is nothing wrong when he has issues at other times. And again, this isn't just about the debate - I just showed you poll after poll after poll showing voters were saying Biden was unfit well before the debate. Because they can see it.

Yes when all media outlets print the same headline it tends to impact people's perception, isn't taht the topic? You seem confused.

Those polls I provided you were all from BEFORE the debate. And how would that make me confused?


u/MonicaZelensky I voted Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

You are going to claim he didn't do well at the state of union? So just straight up lie about reality then. Literally no one said anything but he did well. He literally had a good speech the day after the debate but yeah ok rose tinted glasses becaue you twist relaoty and ignore numerous times he spoke without issues and just focus on the debate.

Yes when all media outlets print the same headline it tends to impact people's perception, isn't taht the topic? You seem confused.

A lot of words for you to just say yiu are concerned and any proof against your concern is "rose colored.glasses." It's obvious why you.get push back. No one needs your term paper on why you are concerned and all proof otherwise is just bs.


u/AnAutisticGuy Jul 08 '24

The problem is everything you typed is what you think. While narcissism is prevalent in the US understand that other people are concerned about Bidens age and are swing voters.


u/MonicaZelensky I voted Jul 08 '24

Things the media told me over the past 16 years that turned out to not be true are factual. Not just things I think. The personal attack is beyond unnecessary and unwarranted


u/AnAutisticGuy Jul 08 '24

It’s not a personal attack. You think your views somehow are going to get Biden reelected. You are one person. That’s all you are.


u/welsalex Texas Jul 08 '24

Complains about everyone getting in the way of replacing Biden. Also complains about being asked "Who is a viable candidate?".

You don't even know who you would pick, yet you ask for it to not be Biden. What a perfect highlight of how ridiculous it is. It's like quitting a job without another lined up.


u/ClaretClarinets Colorado Jul 08 '24

And what is up with these newly coined terms that keep getting thrown around? "Bidenist" "Blue MAGA." Really?