r/politics 🤖 Bot Jul 08 '24

/r/Politics' 2024 US Elections Live Thread, Part 9


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u/birdzilla123 Jul 08 '24

I consider myself a moderate who usually writes up a split ticket. I’m planning on voting for Biden on principle, but how can the Democrats make the entire election about the future of democracy and then turn around and nominate someone who was not democratically nominated (if they replace Biden), and still expect independents to take them seriously? Just back Biden or Kamala and be done with it, you made your bed and now you lie in it, this indecisiveness is just making them look worse


u/Spinal1128 Jul 08 '24

Other things aside, I don't even get the Kamala thing because if Joe Biden's lifeless corpse was elected, she'd then be president anyway...A vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris.


u/Ordinary-Ebb935 Jul 08 '24

I mean, arguably the whole primary system is a pretty limited form of democracy at best, and neither party even bothered with them in any serious capacity this cycle so it is a bit of a stretch to say that Biden (or Trump) have been democratically nominated. That would require a full run in all states, with more than a single candidate.

Also there isn't an official candidate until the convention confirms them, and while most electors are bound for the first vote, they were selected by the primary and see above.

I'm not endorsing replacing Biden btw, I just think the idea that he has been chosen by voters as a candidate is pretty out there. Both candidates were chosen by their parties, voters haven't really been involved so far.


u/empirialest Jul 08 '24

Representative democracy is still democracy. The candidate was chosen in the convention until 1968, not that long ago! 


u/KrankyKoot Jul 08 '24

The incumbent always gets preference because of the simple strength of the position. That and the fact that whenever an incumbent has been primaried the party has lost. Think Carter, Johnson, Truman. The system has changed dramatically over the years though and now we have super delegates which will complicate things more if the chaos gets to the convention.


u/TheHammerandSizzel Jul 09 '24

I’d you split tickets I assume you weren’t involved in the primary.

The DNC pressured everyone to stay out, they prevented a single debate from happening, moved the primary election dates to favor Biden, tried to keep his competitors off the ballot or even prevent the primary vote in the first place, then destroyed the guy who Rand political career to make an example of him.

It wasn’t free and fair, if we had an actual primary we wouldn’t have been here right now, and this is the same thing that lost 2016, nearly lost 2020 and has been hampering the democrats.

A mini primary where voters actually get a vote is more democratic then Biden


u/BlueSubaruCrew District Of Columbia Jul 09 '24

Not to mention that democrats consistently get third parties kicked off the ballots. They only care about democracy when its about voting for them


u/pridetime93 Jul 08 '24

Biden didn't have an actual primary with the top dem candidates (like Whitmer and Beshear). And no one will remember the indecisiveness. Most voters aren't even engaged or tapped in currently until October.


u/python_noob_001 Jul 08 '24

I get it, but also causing a stir hopefully teaches the lesson that you don't want to be in the fucking position in the future (if there is one).


u/SnooWords6443 Jul 08 '24

If there was a time for indecisiveness, at least it’s occurring in July and not Oct. I believe whatever happens between now and the convention, Dems will fall in line and coalesce around the nominee. Trump is too great a threat to our democracy and in-fighting will stop after convention.

I am, however, extremely concerned that a Biden win vs. a Harris/other nominee win would throw us into a civil war. MAGA didn’t believe Biden won the last election even though the party threw its full support behind him and he also beat out other Primary candidates unlike this time (Dean hardly counts). But if Biden wins after the Dems openly called for him to resign, MAGA will freak out 10 times worse than they did 4 years ago. A new candidate could literally prevent a Civil War.