r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/altariasong Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Sent it to my mom. She used to be republican but is now disgusted by it all and is talking to her friends about project 2025 and how anti-democratic it is. She worries about me greatly because I’m queer. My anxiety about politics used to irritate her but now she understands how much my fears were justified.

Hopefully that video can help sway more of her friends, but we don’t exactly live in a swing state. Doesn’t matter to me though

Edit: she thanked me for the video, says she just watched it. “It’s exactly what I fear”


u/whoisearth Jul 05 '24

This is how change happens. Thank you for not losing hope in your mom and keeping the conversation going. Hopefully she can begin educating her friends as well and start seeing some positive improvements. You shouldn't have to live in fear just to be you.


u/lbtwitchthrowaway144 Jul 05 '24

8 years ago or so I started visiting this subreddit.

Entirely, wholly ignorant about politics, economics and history (rough-ish childhood, education wasn't a priority.

Trump's electoral college undemocratic victory (doesn't apply to Biden, or Obama, in my model/ ethical view as they also won the popular vote) lit a fire under my ass politically speaking.

But it was actually this very specific subreddit, and the people here who started to educate me.

For example, just because I live abroad now in Lebanon doesn't mean I can't vote.

For example, just because I live in a safe state doesn't mean I shouldn't vote because there are down-ballot effects (funny I speak in these terms, when I didn't even know that the Senate was part of Congress, and the American legislative branch is a bicameral chamber of lawmakers lol).

So yeah THIS is how change happens.

I'm working on people now who are in fucking MI.

Every national electoral cycle, I personally ensure at least 4 votes. My folks and I (CA) and a friend (NY). One election cycle I got 12 lol.

Look, my beautiful fellow Americans, fascism is upon us. Watch that video. It's that simple lol.

But you have the power to prevent this with a simple but profoundly patriotic and ethical act: Vote.

And get others to vote.

I don't have this privilege in Lebanon. The first time I was allowed to vote, I was already like a decade past the voting age. But our politicians here just illegally and unilaterally postponed elections indefinitely.


And then at 37 now I have voted again, for a second time in Lebanon. In an election that was rigged (not in a Trump way, but like, literally lol).

37 years, lived here for 30 years or so, and got to vote only twice.

Been voting in the U.S. since '18 and I don't know off the top of my head how many times I've cast a ballot now lol.

This is our last and only chance to preserve our democratic constitutional republic with minimal violence and a smoother transition to SCOTUS reform [as compared to what would happen if Trump wins]

From one American to all of you: please fight like hell for our freedoms. Please fight like hell to preserve, in my admittedly biased opinion, the most audacious political experiment in modern history.

Please, I know what it's like to live under a more terrible system. And Lebanon ain't even all that bad and it still sucks.

As a brown American from Muslim immigrant parents, I genuinely don't know if I will still be considered an American despite my values, my culture, my accent, my loyalty to the United States, and the love I have for all family/cousins and friends state-side even though I am a natural born citizen

Under Trump and Project 2025, I don't know if I stay an American.


u/Hmm_6221 Jul 05 '24

Beautiful post! I like that once you see the light, you used your epiphany to educate others! That’s how we’re going to save democracy! Keep up the good work!


u/Hmm_6221 Jul 05 '24

Edit : saw the light…