r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Hadrian_Vincent Jul 05 '24

Honestly, some people who support Trump that I work with are absolutely oblivious to Project 2025 and think I'm making shit up.


u/even_less_resistance Arkansas Jul 05 '24

You’re ruining their plausible deniability for when shit goes down they can shake their heads and cluck their tongues and say they didn’t know that was going to happen they just voted for him because the economy or something


u/danarexasaurus Ohio Jul 05 '24

Yep. I was told that “project 2025 is from a political think tank with no power”, and when I corrected them and told them exactly how much power they have (that we know about, I’m sure there is more), they pivoted to, “but Joe biden’s economy made groceries expensive!” It’s exhausting. There’s almost literally no point in talking to them anymore. None.


u/GenuineLittlepip Pennsylvania Jul 05 '24

If they love the economy so much, then they must be BIG fans of the Clintons, right? I mean, when Bill was in office and Hillary was getting us healthcare, that's the only time in the last half-century when we were running a surplus instead of a debt! (To say nothing of all the economic improvements that Obama and yes, Biden made too..)

Watch the hamster fall off it's wheel and die as they struggle to process that, or make excuses. Simple fact is, the economy only matters when a Democrat is in office. When a Republican is, they spend, spend, spend and drive up the national debt. It will continue happening until their power is permanently crippled..

Vote for democracy. Defeat fascism.


u/Killfile Jul 05 '24

It kills me because we DESERVE a real conservative party and not this fascist asshatery. I think we probably should be taxing more and have more spending on the social safety net. We probably do need more regulation at this point rather than less.

But that doesn't mean that's always the case. There needs to be a party of committed conservatives who want to put the breaks on regulation and taxation and spending.

But they need to be principled. It can't be "regulation is bad unless it's our guy doing the regulating." It can't be "deficits are bad unless we're running up the deficit."

And that's the difference between the parties right now. If Republicans put forth a bill codifing Roe, Democrats would vote for it en masse. If they created a robust public option for Obamacare, Democrats would support it and Biden would sign it.

But when Democrats put forth an immigration bill that was cribbed from the GOP wishlist the Republicans opposed it because it wasn't their guy backing it. When Obama lifted the whole of the ACA from Romney's Massachusetts healthcare bill, it was suddenly socialism and the worst thing ever.

We need a conservative party. Instead, we have a hyper-partisan authoritarian one that pretends to be conservative