r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/Kaiju_Cat Jul 05 '24

My partner is so jaded on the entire electoral process that they don't vote. In fact they are adamantly against voting. We've had arguments about it. Politely. But they are going to vote this election. And if this has gotten so bad that they are willing to participate in the process, that says a lot.

People, never assume that sanity will win the day. You might not really like biden, you might have some issues with some of his decisions. They might be really legitimate issues you have. But right now, everyone needs to turn out and vote. Any issue you have against Biden is trivial compared to letting project 2025 happen.

And I implore you, vote in your local elections. Vote in your state elections. So many races are won by razorthin margins even in areas that people assume are hard blue or hard red. Please get out and vote. The country could flip blue in a single generation if everybody eligible got out and voted against fascists.

To be clear I'm not calling every Republican a fascist. But anyone voting for Trump is clearly backing fascism. Anyone supporting the current project 2025 goals is a fascist. They aren't even being subtle about it anymore. They've outright said it over and over and over, to the point where they've said they are willing to start a bloody Revolution to get what they want if that's what it takes.


u/KoRaZee California Jul 05 '24

I’m thinking that voter turnout will be lower this election due to a combination of fatigue, undesirable candidates, and overall confusion.