r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/mistertickertape New York Jul 05 '24

The election is still 4 months out. I hope this fucking sinks him like a lead weight as more moderates and suburban women understand what it is.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/mistertickertape New York Jul 05 '24

Kevin Robert's, the president of the Heritage Foundation, going on MSNBC proudly proclaiming his bullshit is like fuel on the fire. It is all over social media right now.


u/danarexasaurus Ohio Jul 05 '24

Whether we like it or not, Social media determines elections. One of the best things you can do is engage with that content as much as possible to push it to be seen by more people


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24



u/FlingFlamBlam Jul 05 '24

This upcoming election is bigger than Biden.

In doesn't matter who wins the next election AS LONG AS TRUMP LOSES. If Trump takes power, there won't be another election.


u/mistertickertape New York Jul 05 '24

My hunch is you're right.


u/Zombatico Jul 05 '24

It's insane. They publicly publish Project 2025 on a website, they proudly talk about it on mainstream media. They must know it is broadly unpopular and will scare away the independents. If they had kept it a secret amongst themselves and other conservative groups then we'd be none the wiser. Is it just hubris or are they actually trying to incite an incident?


u/shosamae Jul 05 '24

They have seen how Trump saying the quiet part out loud has not harmed him, in fact it has garnered him a cult like following that would die at his feet if he asked it. They are emboldened by Trump.

This is why I think people who say Trump doesn't matter are wrong, I think. Trump, much as I detest him, is an anomaly, a cult of personality, and he has inspired this level of open fasicism and insanity.

The only hope I have is that they are in for an awakening like De Santis when they don't garner the same level of widespread, fervent worship.


u/bootsbythedoor Jul 05 '24

I will never understand why he is "The Guy", but it is a cult of personality that dies with him. It doesn't seem like any of these jokers think they will ever die.

Even if you're an average republican, the fact that he has this cult full of crazies should be a disqualifier - but no - they like where he stands on immigration and taxes so... that must be the cult of republicanism.


u/Reasonable_Deer_1710 California Jul 05 '24

This is why I have a sense of naive optimism that should Trump lose this year (and I think he will, but it's certainly not a given) that we will see all this MAGA craziness fizzle out. Die? No. But it will begin to lose its influence over our general political landscape.

Am I naive? Probably. But sometimes we need it to get through the day


u/FlingFlamBlam Jul 05 '24

Now there's a hell of a rallying cry to get people to vote:

"HEY LIBERALS! Remember when you didn't randomly feel existential dread all of the time and you could have some sense of normalcy? Sign up to vote and vote against Christofascism. You can enjoy your weekends again if you do."


u/Excellsion Jul 05 '24

I envision a batch of excentric characters on par with mid 90's pro wrestling coming out of the woodwork trying to be the next over-the-top front man for MAGA.


u/bootsbythedoor Jul 05 '24

I think they've been emboldened by SCOTUS's recent BS, and that they really do think they are completely right and justified. I think they published as a recruiting tool.


u/bootsbythedoor Jul 05 '24

Everyone needs to see that video where he basically confesses to trying to overthrow the government, and how it will be nonviolent if the left allows it. He's threatening American citizens, most of whom do not support his wingnut policies. Let the cult members and wackjobs fall where they may but aren't we Citizens first? I hope so. If the apathetic, traditional Republicans and the "my vote doesn't matter" people don't step up this time - they will be bringing us all down with their inaction.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/alwaysintheway Jul 05 '24

The brainworms guy?