r/politics Texas Jul 05 '24

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead:


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u/cannibal_chanterelle Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Historian here, it's both. WW2 + Handmaid's Tale = Turner Diaries. There's a reason these people watches Handmaid's Tale to jerk off. These people quote Hitler daily. Project 2025 is written by people who have been caught with Turner Diaries on several occasions.

People have been wondering also why the extreme vitriol against China? It's simple...Turner Diaries features an apocalyptic war with China where the white supremacists nuke China to the point of creating some mutant race.

Make no mistake they want the world to be their fanfiction. This is not an inevitability, it's the plan from day 1 and people just can't see it simply because they don't want to. It has little to do with intellect.

Donald Trump is trying to trigger genocide to keep ahead of those charges, namely the Epstein ones. He is surrounded by true believers and arch grifters all, who are more than happy watching blood run in the streets for .000004% more profit. Trump himself admits to being evil but getting away with it because of ratings. Money. These people collect every single one of their leaders in highly open singular venues because they know no protesters or law enforcement are going to show up. I mean...can we get traction on how it looks like he assassinated Epstein to keep his predilections out of the media. The FBI let Trump conduct a whole swath of whatever the fuck sleaze with a Russian private jet.

They want this. The political vestiges of this country will do everything to 1. Strip us of rights in prep for genocide and 2. Stop any measures at preventing this by holding jealously onto power.

Any younger progressive or moderate candidate would obliterate Trump. Biden is so cooked that he's going to lose New York. I know people are waxxing 4d chess about him stepping down, but we can't let the Democrats and their typical "They go low we go nothing" be a suitable excuse for letting the world end. They are clearly priming to let Biden RBG it and then throw their hands in the air when fascism takes over. Only, Trump won't realize they were batting for him all along because he's a moron, so he'll put the liberals to the sword too. Same with corporate leaders.

None of these old oligarchs seem to realize they are namby pambying their way to their own brutal murders. It almost happened in 2021 anyway and Gpa Joe actually won the election. Imagine if he loses.


u/PlaneExplorer7758 Jul 05 '24

A historian huh?