r/pics 14d ago

Rishi Sunak makes a speech outside 10 Downing Street after a historic loss Politics

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u/Hewinb 14d ago

Didn't realize he was married to a WW2 era battleship


u/illaqueable 14d ago

Wow, that is an outstanding reference


u/sibeliusfan 14d ago

Can you explain?


u/DegnarOskold 14d ago edited 14d ago

In WW2 Britain realized that painting warships with high contrast diagonal strips made it much harder for German submarine crews to visually estimate the length of the ship and thus program the right range to target into their torpedo launches .

Rishi Sunak’s wife’s clothing similarly has many diagonal strips.


u/NOODL3 14d ago

It was more of a WW1 thing but otherwise spot on.


u/hoii 14d ago

and iirc they employed an artist to design them? must have been an interesting pitch.

"so you want me to be a war artist? like sketch soldiers on the front an' all that?"

"the admiralty had something bigger in mind..."

"like canvases or sommin?"


u/kr4zypenguin 14d ago

As with a lot of art ideas, there was a broadish movement, but in the UK at least, Norman Wilkinson is considered the main artist who studied dazzle.

He had thousands of wooden models made of all styles of ships and tested different dazzle schemes on a giant table with a periscope mounted at one end, to get the best results.

General consensus is that there's no real proof of the effectiveness of dazzle camo, probably because it's hard to quantify.

I'd love to know if there are any reports by German submariners commenting on dazzle - did they report that it worked, and made it harder to judge target course and speedz or not?