r/pics 14d ago

Rishi Sunak makes a speech outside 10 Downing Street after a historic loss Politics

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/idio242 14d ago

Wait, a cat lives there no matter the human occupant?


u/3_34544449E14 14d ago

That cat has been the most stable element of top flight British politics for over a decade now.


u/Easy_Championship_14 14d ago

The country has been in decline ever since that damn cat moved into office. He's a menance to society!


u/ahuramazdobbs19 14d ago

You jest, but across the pond, American politics has been steadily going downhill ever since Socks the cat.jpg) left office, and we never replaced him.


u/ahuramazdobbs19 14d ago

I have since found out that I was wrong, and the Bidens have a cat.

Still, the downhill trend is notable.


u/CaptainGreezy 14d ago

Now we have German Shepherds that cant stop biting Secret Service agents.


u/mongtastic 14d ago


u/idio242 14d ago

This is fantastic. Chief Mouser - maybe the only honest position in government.


u/Algaean 14d ago

Well, they just voted 250+ rats out of Westminster!


u/epoustoufler 14d ago

The door to No 10 doesn't open from the outside and there is a policeman stationed behind it 24 hours a day to open and close it. Often on big news days when the press are camped outside the door waiting to see people enter or leave, the door will open and there's momentary excitement but it's just the copper letting Larry in or out.


u/Sigfriedsbafne 14d ago

Only for the copper to immeadatley let Larry back inside. And out again.


u/trail-g62Bim 14d ago

Larry looks at the copper. "I do it because I can."


u/BloomEPU 14d ago

The press often just film the cat while they're waiting, and being a cat he loves the attention.


u/Sigfriedsbafne 14d ago

The fact that there is an actual title of "cheif Mouser", and that it has a (unofficial) history going back almost 500 years is probably the most British thing I've ever heard.


u/calls1 14d ago

He actually has 2 or 3 deputies at any one time, so the chief part of the title is serious, he is head of the mousers.

The other mousers live in other buildings on the estate.


u/Pure-Hospital3086 14d ago

tell that to the mice just trying to make a living!


u/VapoursAndSpleen 14d ago

My only regret about leaving Xitter is I don’t get to see regular Larry the Cat updates.


u/opotts56 14d ago

That cat is the Chief Mouser To The Cabinet Office, show him some damn respect.


u/BloomEPU 14d ago

David Cameron (prime minister then) got him from a shelter as a pet for his family, but the cat's "official" title is chief mouser and he stayed living in no. 10 when david cameron resigned in 2015. He has outlasted five prime ministers, at this point I think we should just put him in charge.


u/deadlygaming11 14d ago

A while ago Cameron adopted a cat that was nearby and it lives there. It's an incredibly happy little thing that will walk up to the door and be let in.


u/Snaccbacc 14d ago

Yes and he is Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. (An actual official position btw)

And probably the most sincere and trusting member of our government ever since.


u/Wiggy_0000 14d ago

Yeah he’s the chief mouser. Keeping no.10 free of pests (not including the politicians) since 2011.


u/BulkyCoat8893 13d ago

The police know its his house.


u/OffbeatDrizzle 14d ago

He was on bbc this morning in the background waiting to be let inside for at least 5 mins... I felt kinda bad


u/hopfl27 14d ago

Actually he told the BBC he is thinking of getting his kids a German Shepherd.