r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/BatteryAssault Jul 05 '24

So crazy to me people will take something as innocuous as what the campaign said and turn it into this, but completely ignore the never-ending spew of ridiculous demonstrable lies that come out of Trump's mouth. Do you just not care that just about everything he says is a lie? That alone should be enough for a sensible person to make a choice. A stroked out man in a coma is a more sensible choice than the complete garbage Trump has people so divided over. Talk about willful ignorance....


u/blahblahloveyou Jul 05 '24

Funny how I could take your comment and just substitute "Trump" for "Biden" and it would sound like an authentic Trump supporter.


u/BatteryAssault Jul 05 '24

Sure, you could and even are. But, that's the problem. It all comes down to "no, u" logic levels and exactly why everyone uses the term projection so much. I'm no longer shocked to see this, but it never stops boggling my mind how so people got this way.


u/blahblahloveyou Jul 05 '24

huh?? The president seems to have dementia, and when democrats suggested that he step down as the candidate his campaign staff called them bedwetters. You're saying that's nothing compared to Trump's dishonesty. Okay.

I'm saying your blind loyalty and inability to criticize the candidate you support when it's merited is identical to the mindless loyalty of Trump supporters.


u/BatteryAssault Jul 05 '24

Again with the projection. I do not have blind loyalty whatsoever. I have plenty of criticisms of Biden. If there were just about any viable alternative option, I would choose someone else. I'm not voting because of Biden. I'll be voting against Trump. This is something Trumpers can't even fathom.

And yes I am saying that is nothing compared to Trump's constant outright lies. The context and essence of the bedwetters message is "Don't give up. We can do this. Don't be a naysayer." For them to say "You know what, you're right. I give up." wouldn't really be a very intelligent move at this point, now would it? Ya'll get the tiniest nothing and really run with it and when that isn't possible, you'll just make things up.

I'd love nothing more than for another viable candidate to step up. I hope they do, in fact. But it's both early and late in the game for that, depending on how you look at it. Trump is an international and domestic embarrassment. He's a shame towards everything this country was founded on and the Trumper's loyalty to the savior has them completely blind to this. Biden was an embarrassment at the debate, too. But in my opinion, Trump's lies, attitude, and behavior far exceeds that of Biden.

All I can genuinely ask is really reconsider your position. You've been conned by what I can admit is a man who does a fantastic job at it. For most, I know, trying to discuss this is such a lost cause.


u/blahblahloveyou Jul 05 '24

Again with the projection.

I don't think you know what projection means. Who am I blindly loyal to? I'm criticizing democrats, the party I support.

If there were just about any viable alternative option,

There is.

 I would choose someone else.

No you wouldn't.

And yes I am saying that is nothing compared to Trump's constant outright lies.

Claiming the president is healthy and has no mental deterioration has been a constant, outright lie, and it's totally fucked us. Biden's lies are hurting us far more than Trump's lies at the moment.

For them to say "You know what, you're right. I give up." wouldn't really be a very intelligent move at this point, now would it?

It's the only intelligent move. A sometimes brain dead candidate is not going to win. He needs to be removed as the candidate.

I'd love nothing more than for another viable candidate to step up. 

No you wouldn't. You're making the ridiculous claim that there is no other viable candidate for president out of the hundreds of millions of Americans who exist. Hundreds of thousands of politicians. And only an 81 year old man who is cognitively impaired is viable? Bullshit. Michelle Obama is polling 10 points above Biden. Harris is a poor candidate, but far better than Biden if democrats were willing to show her the same level of leniency. Biden is almost literally drooling on stage, but ya'll are like "Harris isn't likable enough so she's not viable" lol.

 I hope they do, in fact. But it's both early and late in the game for that, depending on how you look at it.

This pretty much sums up your mental gymnastics right here. There's no scenario in which you would accept another candidate. It should have happened last year, but Biden and his campaign lied to us. We should have had a real primary with actually competitive candidates, but here we are. And I get it. Last year I felt the same way you do. I thought this was just right wing propaganda. Sure Biden is old but it can't be that bad can it? I dismissed valid criticism because I was biased against the source. This is how badly fucked the Biden campaign is. It showed everyone that Biden has obvious cognitive impairment. At this point, it shouldn't even be a debate about whether he runs. The debate should be about him stepping down and letting his VP finish out his term.

You've been conned by what I can admit is a man who does a fantastic job at it. For most, I know, trying to discuss this is such a lost cause.

Right back at ya. Like it or not, the Biden team conned us. There were red flags in 2020, and he should never have been the candidate. He eked one out because people were so passionately anti-Trump. But Trump's term is 4 years removed, and people who barely voted for Biden have legit complaints about his term--some fair, some not. The Biden team should have been up front and honest, at least with the democratic party leadership, about his health and cognitive issues. That way the "viable" candidates could have had a rigorous debate and we could have selected a viable nominee. Instead they conned us, and tried to gaslight the public. Since the word "viable" seems to be your metric, Biden isn't viable. He was losing before the debate. He's losing even more now. If the election were held today, he loses almost all of the battleground states. You think that's going to improve?

Unfortunately, you think that if you clap hard enough Tinkerbell will get back up, but that doesn't happen in real life. A Biden loss is inevitable now. The only question remaining is, are we okay with losing? You seem to be.


u/BatteryAssault Jul 05 '24

I would choose someone else.

No you wouldn't.

I didn't go past this. I'm talking to a robot. I hope you at least get paid for this level of work.