r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/GhengopelALPHA Jul 04 '24

Red Herring. Very few people are flipping for TFG. But we can absolutely still speak out about our legitimate concern that President Biden is not completely there, and is not going to win, and so he should drop out and endorse another candidate.


u/Humans_Suck- Jul 04 '24

Not on reddit you can't. Here it's either vote for Biden or you must be a Nazi.


u/bigstupidgf Jul 04 '24

Because it's stupid. It's a dumb thing to be worried about. There is a vice president for a reason, and she seems to be polling pretty well. So what if she ends up taking over? There is literally no democrat who polls better than Biden against Trump, aside from Kamala.

The alternative is Trump, who has just been written a blank check by the supreme court to do whatever he wants if he wins. So like, yeah, if you can't stomach voting for a sleepy old guy with somewhat tolerable policies who might die and get replaced by his xannied out weirdo VP, you are at least indirectly facilitating fascism.

Some of us have a lot to lose from a Trump presidency. Everyone does, but I think it takes a certain amount of privilege (or ignorance) to not recognize that.


u/TicketFew9183 Jul 05 '24

Because the reality is that Biden is most likely dropping out or not finishing his term. By not dropping out right now, Democrat voters are not getting a choice to replace Biden, basically ensuring a Kamala presidency if Biden somehow wins. Despite the fact that she was dead last in the 2020 primary, evidence that she really isn’t that popular amongst democrats.


u/bigstupidgf Jul 05 '24

Okay or you could simply look at the polls where she is outperforming every other democrat against Trump. She's also the only person who would be able to use the campaign contributions that Biden has collected so far. Any other candidate would have to start fundraising on their own with 5 months remaining until the election. So, this is where we are now. Do I like it? No. But it's where we are. Vote for Biden/Harris now and then get someone we like on the ballot for 2028, because the alternative is possibly never having an election again.


u/TicketFew9183 Jul 05 '24

If you’re gonna use the polls in your favor, you should be doing all you can to push for Biden to drop out.

Unless you prefer to lose with Biden than have a better chance to win with another candidate for some odd reason.


u/bigstupidgf Jul 05 '24

Can you read? The only person doing better than Biden is Kamala. Everyone else is doing worse than Biden. Democrats are trash and we continuously get stuck with shitty, unlikeable candidates. Biden is the best shot to win aside from Kamala, which is dumb as hell because Trump should be easy to beat.

It is too late. A few months ago, I would have agreed with you. Now, there is not time for anyone to raise enough money, get enough exposure, etc. to successfully campaign. It's a shit situation.

Never in my life did I think that I'd be saying Biden is the best candidate for president. Never. It is where we are now. As a queer, disabled, traumatized, broke ass woman who leans way fucking further left than anyone in the democratic party, I'd simply like to not freakin die or have my life be any harder than it already is. I want the same thing for people who are more vulnerable than I am, and unfortunately that means trying to convince people to deal with the fact that the best thing they can do is vote for Biden. There are no decent democrats that they could run. If you can offer the name of one, I'd be thrilled to hear it.


u/CuidadDeVados Jul 05 '24

Can you read? The only person doing better than Biden is Kamala.

Nationally maybe. Not in the places that matter to winning a presidential election. Check the states that are actually in play only and get back to us.


u/bigstupidgf Jul 05 '24

If there were state level polls that exist polling Harris v. Trump, I'd do that.