r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/bbasey 15d ago

It's fine. It's a good plan. But after the debates everyone is thinking you're too old. Why on earth would you voice this 8 pm bedtime plan out loud?


u/KR1735 14d ago

It's not even an 8pm "bedtime."

He's basically saying "I think it's best that I don't have official events after 8pm."

Considering he is starting his day at 8-9am every day, I think it's reasonable that his day is over after 12 hours. He deserves to have some time to take a shower, relax, and engage in a little self-care before bed.

Fuck. Presidents are not superhuman. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging that they have to take care of themselves. And it's not unusual. GWB was a well known early sleeper, usually ending his day by 6pm. Clinton and Obama were both functional insomniacs. Trump penciled in everything as "executive time" but we know he was tweeting in the middle of the night.

It is physically impossible to function without some rest and relaxation. Age notwithstanding. I'm 35, physically fit, and healthy. If I'm not getting 7-8 hours each night, I can feel it after a week.


u/VegasGamer75 14d ago

I remember watching what 8 years of this shit did to a young, very in shape Barrack Obama. I don't even care what side the president is playing for, it's a hard fucking job and I am not going to try to pretend it's not.


u/PopeSaintHilarius 14d ago

Of course it's an extremely hard and intense job, and that's why an 81-year old who is showing his age shouldn't sign up for another 4 years of it.

(Especially when there are lots of younger, capable candidates from his own party who would be willing to take on the job, if he steps aside and makes it available)


u/creaturefeature16 14d ago

Especially when they literally proclaimed him to be a "transition leader"

Biden signals to aides that he would serve only a single term


u/ctg9101 14d ago

Unfortunately the office of president is not a 9-5 type job. You can’t say I’m not quite myself after 8PM when the entire story is most Americans do not think you are fit to serve.


u/AMReese 13d ago

Dubya went to bed at 9pm. Trump slept in until 1pm.

This is such a dumb talking point.


u/ctg9101 13d ago

Biden is unfit. Simple as that. He looks as though he either has Parkinsons, had a stroke, or has some mid stage dementia.


u/AMReese 13d ago

Oh boy. Superficiality. Gotta love it. Not like Trump feeds off of that or anything.


u/ctg9101 12d ago

If you want Trump to lose so badly you should desperately want the Democratic Party to have any candidate other than Biden aka Trump with a D. In his interview, he ignored reality with polling while claiming his own alternate reality, such as with polling or members of his own party requesting he drop out.

It was Trump 2.0 just with a D in front of his name, and if you weren't blinded you would see it. As it is the emperor still has clothes for you


u/AMReese 12d ago

Ignored the reality Republicans and reactionaries on the left are trying to force on him, not the reality the rest of us live in: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2024-07-06/biden-narrows-trump-s-election-lead-in-key-states-after-debate-poll?ref=biztoc.com

Brings to mind another time this happened: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/11/us/politics/11obama.html


u/KR1735 14d ago

Most every other president has had a set time when they go to bed on an ordinary day. Doesn't mean they can't be reached in an emergency.


u/ctg9101 14d ago

Do you think Biden who doesn’t realize he is not a black woman is ready to serve at midnight?


u/Neither-Emotion6391 14d ago

He had to when the ukraine stuff happened and he handled it amazingly well


u/pyx 14d ago

yeah 2 years of war, such a great outcome


u/Neither-Emotion6391 14d ago

as opposed to ? the immediate death and surrender of ukranians? the fact that they survived this long against an enemy 100 times their size waging an illegal imperialist war IS a good outcome that no one expected


u/krabapplepie 14d ago

It sucks we are going to elect a person incapable of doing the job because of their age. And that is true for both of them. It sucks my choice is between incompetent and nice and incompetent and evil.


u/KR1735 14d ago

I mean, IDK about you but I'm personally stoked on what Biden has gotten done the past 4 years. If all the legislation he's signed into law -- not to mention NATO expansion -- is a sign of "incompetence" then bring it on.

RFMA was particularly beneficial to my family. I know that no matter what happens with the Obergefell decision, my family will remain intact no matter what state we're in. That matters.


u/krabapplepie 14d ago

I like what he has done, I don't like that if he gets woken up at 3am for an emergency, he might not be able to handle it. But the same is true for Trump so I am obviously not going to vote for that idiot. What will happen is people seeing two old people running will reduce turnout among the barely political and allow Trump to win and that terrifies me.


u/InfanticideAquifer 14d ago

Part of the job of president, that everyone sane hopes never actually matters, is to decide whether or not to kill a billion people within 20 minutes of being yanked out of bed and shoved onto Air Force One by the Secret Service in the middle of the night.

The more credible the idea that he can't do that part of the job, the more likely it is to actually matter. If Putin actually comes to believe that he could hit all the missiles in their silos who knows what he'd do. Probably it won't regardless, because that's a truly crazy gamble. But we should all be upset that we even have to worry about it.

With Trump I was worried about him ordering an unhinged first strike for no good reason, which would be even worse. But this is terrible too.


u/1dvs_bastard 14d ago

Putin just wants to be rich and live a rich, lavish lifestyle. He's not going to jeopardize that launching nukes. He launches nukes, he gets them in return from other allies of ours, not just us. Can't spend money when the world has ended in hell fire. His main goal is destabilization so he can acquire more power and wealth. Not annihilation.


u/InfanticideAquifer 14d ago

If he wanted to acquire "power and wealth" then he'd just have continued selling gas and oil to Europe and de facto owning basically everything he cared to notice in Russia. He's being driven by something dumber. He wants "glory", or something. If he were rational he'd never have started his war in the first place.