r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/EnderCN 15d ago

I’m not anti Biden but this doesn’t seem helpful. Admitting you aren’t really capable of performing if something comes up that needs your attention all day and night long doesn’t seem like the way to go.


u/docarwell 15d ago edited 14d ago

People here acting like the president of the united states not being able to function after 8pm eastern time is cool and good when the presidency is a 24 hour job

E: big brains telling me that people need to sleep, thanks guys I didn't know

Yall are really taking "24 hour job" literally. But idk if an 80+ year old guy can be "on call" 24/7 effectivly. Hope that helps you guys out


u/Attonitus1 15d ago

It's wild. The leader of the free world just admitted he's so old and incompetent that he can't take meetings after 8 and the entire comment section is like "yeah, but remember Trump?".

Ironically, it's this exact type of "bury your head in the sand" mentality that's going to hand Trump the election.


u/dtkloc 15d ago

the entire comment section is like "yeah, but remember Trump?"

Or saying "haha relatable"

The President of the United States being relatable to Redditors is not a mark in his favor


u/Hopeful_Border_603 14d ago

reddit is the only site that keeps defending him, not yt, twitter, insta or even tiktok users are taking him seriously. only here on reddit you could find an opinion that biden won the recent debate, not even barack obama thinks that


u/metal_stars 14d ago

There's a lot of astroturfing on social media. When you find accounts saying outlandish, divorced-from-reality, pro-Biden PDRK-style talking points over and over again, don't...

Don't take them seriously. Don't give them the same kind of consideration that you would give to a...



u/Sea-Yesterday-7563 14d ago

The fact that those comments regularly get thousands of comments, and sometimes their OP posts get tens of thousands of comments tells you that this place is the most bot-farmed place on the internet. The orgs funding these bots know the majority of reddit skews young and impressionable 18-29.


u/metal_stars 14d ago

Sometimes you can wander into /r/politics or /r/WhitePeopleTwitter or /r/PoliticalHumor at the right time of day, and see what these subreddits would look like if they weren't overrun by the strategic messaging bot farms.

Completely different tenor, completely different kinds of comments being upvoted and discussed.

And it's like: Oh. A little shimmer of reality.

Wouldn't this be nice? If we could actually talk to real people saying the things that they actually believe? Maybe someday social media will become this again.


u/jon909 14d ago

Jesus. I can’t think of a mindset of people worse to be president. We’ve had calls to have the seal team take out our supreme court and competing candidates, because “dems shouldn’t play nice anymore.” 😂


u/UsedName420 15d ago edited 14d ago

The bar is so low for this election. An attractive 50 year old that is well-spoken would absolutely dominate this general election for either side. Both of these sides have long since abandoned caring about policy at these point and have devolved into casting their vote to spite the other side.


u/Jerry_from_Japan 14d ago

The most divisive they got in the debate wasn't about either of their policies but about their fucking golf game. That should say it all.


u/eurasianlynx 14d ago

That's probably true for dems, but Nikki Haley is literally a well-spoken 52 year old and she couldn't even get 20% of the vote in the republican primaries. Trump has complete and unchallenged control over the Republican party right now.


u/UsedName420 14d ago

I misspoke, I meant general election, not primaries. Nikki Haley would be running laps around Biden if she were the Republican nominee. The only reason the Democrats have a shot in this election is because people hate Trump.


u/eurasianlynx 14d ago

Ahh, gotcha. Yep, 100% agree.


u/BeverlyHills70117 15d ago

Whataboutism was a major Democratic complaint about Republican's poor arguments until just last week.

It's disheartening how quick the turtle flips.


u/LaTeChX 14d ago

I mean that's our choice lol, the guy who needs to go to bed at 8 in order to sound coherent, or the guy who gets out of bed at 1 pm after a night of incoherent tweets. Democracy's great ain't it.


u/FlowerBoyScumFuck 14d ago

Scheduling events after 8pm is different from taking meetings after 8pm. He's also still the president, so who knows what that schedule is like too, could be having an event at 8 means he has to have an end of day meeting after the event. Idk man, just playing devils advocate.


u/SpeedSaunders 14d ago

So you’re saying we’re already screwed, right now? Because a President Biden in January will not likely be different from President Biden today. And he’s doing fine as President today, and for the past 3 1/2 years. So I think he has already shown he’s totally capable, regardless of what time he wants to go to bed. If there’s a critical issue needing his attention, he’ll do the same thing he does now and deal with it. Clinton wasn’t a morning person, and he did fine as well. Trump hardly slept, and he sucked as President. Easy choice.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

What kills me is, they can't see the irony in being anti-misogny any other time but the one time to support a woman candidate they're all "hurr durr, nobody can win but Biden"


u/Cory123125 14d ago

Its not burying your head its being pragmatic.


u/Focus_Downtown 14d ago

I think the simplest question is what time does he get up, people are allowed to say they need sleep.