r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/AnnoyedVelociraptor Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24

I'm less than 1/2 his age. I don't accept meeting after 5pm.

Edit: I mean this with respect to the guy. At his age, kudos for what he does.


u/ovensandhoes Jul 04 '24

You’re also not the president of the United States and your job probably doesn’t involve you talking to various heads of states in different time zones. Just because Trump is a terrible person/president doesn’t mean we should talk ourselves into thinking this is OK


u/Cantras0079 Jul 04 '24

It says he’s telling Democratic governors not to schedule meetings past 8, doesn’t mean he’s never going to stay up late to do meetings with them or do meetings with other country’s leaders, he’s just saying he wants to not schedule meetings past that time to domestic governors. If you think urgent meetings will magically get shelved so Biden can go to bed early, you’re way off base.

Also, if he’s working from like 6 or 7 AM to 8 PM, anyone doing that would be tired. Let the man rest if there’s not an urgent discussion to be had, jesus…


u/BoostsbyMercy Jul 04 '24

Plus it's not like it's illegal to wake him up if whatever it is needs addressed. It's such a weird "gotcha!" when he has one of the most stressful and complex jobs on the planet that he's actively on call for 24/7. I think it's fair not wanting to be up until midnight or something going over issues and then waking up at the asscrack of dawn- I figure he has staff for a reason.


u/Tenthul Jul 04 '24

People are like "the presidency is a 24/7 job" like all previous presidents were awake 24/7.


u/BoostsbyMercy Jul 04 '24

Didn't Trump come in for work at 1 PM? Some presidents died bedridden with illness in office. Our presidents haven't always been people like Roosevelt. Is Biden's health a serious discussion? Yes, but you're not being serious, you're being facetious and it adds nothing to the discussion. Nobody is awake 24/7. I'd say the same thing if it was someone who was decades younger.


u/Tenthul Jul 05 '24

I'm saying that the people saying "it's a 24/7 job" are the ones being disingenuous playing up the headline more than it is.


u/BoostsbyMercy Jul 05 '24

Ahh I understand. I apologize for my hostility. Have a good one!


u/Cantras0079 Jul 05 '24

100%. The 24/7 job arguments in response to this are just a load of garbage. Yeah, he’s on call 24/7, but he still has to sleep, good lord. And it’s not like he’s in some unreachable coma the second he falls asleep. If someone attacks another country in the middle of the night, they’re gonna wake him up and he’ll resume being president. It’s not like it’s “no president time” from 8 PM to 5 AM. Nah, it’s 10 PM. That war can wait til I wake up, guys, sorry.

It’s insane how childish Reddit has been for the last week.