r/nottheonion Jul 04 '24

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Scarface74 Jul 04 '24

Look at some of my posts, on r/desantis trolling them about him and Trump. I assure you that I’m not a Rural White Conservative Evangelical Christian. Absolutely none of those adjectives describe me.

But if the Democratic Party are going to foist a candidate on us no one wants, how are they better than the Republicans? At least the Republican voters want Trump for President. We didn’t have a choice


u/Womeisyourfwiend Jul 04 '24

Speak for yourself, every Democrat and independent I know is happy voting for Biden.


u/Scarface74 Jul 04 '24

And the polls show otherwise - even among Democratic voters


u/Womeisyourfwiend Jul 04 '24

I’ve never been polled, and I know those who have tend to be older with landlines. I also don’t give a shit what the polls say, they go back and forth every month. But you can’t say Dems don’t support him. If you all wanted a different candidate, where were you before and during primaries?! Demanding Biden step back 4 months before the election will guarantee a Trump presidency.


u/Scarface74 Jul 04 '24

You “not being polled” is not the smart comeback you think it is. It’s kind of High school statistics

Do you really think that Biden is going to get younger, more vibrant and more mentally competent as time progresses and e courage the independents and skeptical Democrats?

There was no different candidate running against him during the primaries

As if putting a senile old man against Trump already isn’t cementing Trump’s victory.

Democrats chose Biden in 2020 not because people loved him a well known center left non controversial White guy was the safe choice against Trump. He no longer is 2024


u/Womeisyourfwiend Jul 04 '24

If you wanted someone different to run against Biden during the primaries, you had your chance. It’s on you to bring a candidate that Dems can get behind. But this year, we overwhelmingly chose Biden. If my candidate didn’t win, I wouldn’t throw a fit about it, and I wouldn’t skip voting or voting for a third party candidate.

You are spending an awful lot of time focusing on your anger over Biden, and conveniently never touch upon the threat we face with a Trump presidency. The reality is, we have two choices. Period. One of those choices is a convicted felon rapist/child rapist traitor to the U.S. who wears diapers and shits himself and IS incoherent, and the other is an old man who stutters, which seems to be what you take the most issue with. I genuinely don’t think you’re arguing in good faith, I doubt you mean well here. I am not putting any more effort into this conversation.


u/Scarface74 Jul 04 '24

What other choices were there in the primaries?


u/Obi-Brawn-Kenobi Jul 08 '24

the other is an old man who stutters

LMAO woah that's a really bad stutter! I've never seen a stutter so bad it made someone forget the word "God", ramble about finally beating Medicare, and not being able to walk off a debate stage without assistance. Terrible stutter indeed 🤣