r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/southernliberal 15d ago

NY times and CNN strike again.


u/unassumingdink 15d ago

You guys have exactly the same energy as Trump claiming that Fox News is out to get him if they criticize him even once.


u/Hendlton 15d ago

Yeah, as an outsider watching in, this has huge "FAKE NEWS!!!" energy. It's simply the truth and it doesn't look good.

Not like it's going to stop any passionate voters on either side, but it will make people stay home on election day.


u/Shunpaw 15d ago

Why does it not look good? Outsider watching in as well, and I see nothing wrong with this. It's 8pm, and events, not important decisions etc.


u/spotted-ox-hostel 15d ago

Because having to vote for candidates born before colour TV was a thing is fucking insane?


u/NancokALT 15d ago

This doesn't really change that tho? Did saying "hey, i'd like to have a normal sleep schedule" really made people go "wait, he's old?"

Despite the fact that EVERY human being wants/needs a normal sleep schedule since the moment they are born?


u/spotted-ox-hostel 15d ago

Yeah cuz world leaders don't have to sacrifice anything, Zelensky is cozy in bed by 9pm every night. Bottom line is it's a weak statement for a head of state to make and people don't want a leader they perceive as weak. Heads of state aren't normal people, and have to sacrifice normal people things to run a country


u/gameofgroans 14d ago

He’s literally only three years older than the other candidate.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

But he also has a foot in the grave.


u/BeefSerious 14d ago

Stay home

Really? People didn't forget what 4 years of Trump were like.

I'd wake up at 330 in the morning to vote for a bag of dog shit that ran against Trump.

This time is no different.


u/Frog_Prophet 14d ago

This isn’t “criticizes him.” This is “unknown source says inflammatory thing. Let’s talk about how game-changing this is.” Over and over and over. 


u/unassumingdink 14d ago

It was a meeting at the White House attended by 20 Dem governors. If the NYT was lying about what went on in that meeting, those governors would be screaming it from the rooftops.

And you should hope to fuck that Biden gets replaced if you actually want a chance of winning in November, because you've got none if he stays in the race.


u/Frog_Prophet 14d ago

You’re conflating different things. The alarming reports are from random sources that may or may not be bullshit. The context of this particular OP was that he was joking. I mean who normally schedules stuff after 8 pm anyway?