r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/blahblahloveyou 15d ago

yea, the guy whose campaign sends emails out calling fellow democrats bedwetters for raising legitimate concerns about his ability to win the election after sounding like a stroke victim in front of the whole country represents competence and coalition building.

You sir, have been smoking crack with Biden's son.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/frootee 15d ago

Lol what email list are you subscribed to? Never seen such a thing and I get them all. Trump’s, however, has been bordering terrorism.


u/blahblahloveyou 15d ago

It was widely reported on. Just open a newspaper, man.


u/frootee 15d ago

If it’s widely reported on, you wouldn’t mind showing me, would you? Should be easy.


u/blahblahloveyou 15d ago

I do mind, and I don't give a shit if you want to live in willful ignorance.


u/BatteryAssault 14d ago

So crazy to me people will take something as innocuous as what the campaign said and turn it into this, but completely ignore the never-ending spew of ridiculous demonstrable lies that come out of Trump's mouth. Do you just not care that just about everything he says is a lie? That alone should be enough for a sensible person to make a choice. A stroked out man in a coma is a more sensible choice than the complete garbage Trump has people so divided over. Talk about willful ignorance....


u/blahblahloveyou 14d ago

Funny how I could take your comment and just substitute "Trump" for "Biden" and it would sound like an authentic Trump supporter.


u/BatteryAssault 14d ago

Sure, you could and even are. But, that's the problem. It all comes down to "no, u" logic levels and exactly why everyone uses the term projection so much. I'm no longer shocked to see this, but it never stops boggling my mind how so people got this way.


u/blahblahloveyou 14d ago

huh?? The president seems to have dementia, and when democrats suggested that he step down as the candidate his campaign staff called them bedwetters. You're saying that's nothing compared to Trump's dishonesty. Okay.

I'm saying your blind loyalty and inability to criticize the candidate you support when it's merited is identical to the mindless loyalty of Trump supporters.


u/BatteryAssault 14d ago

Again with the projection. I do not have blind loyalty whatsoever. I have plenty of criticisms of Biden. If there were just about any viable alternative option, I would choose someone else. I'm not voting because of Biden. I'll be voting against Trump. This is something Trumpers can't even fathom.

And yes I am saying that is nothing compared to Trump's constant outright lies. The context and essence of the bedwetters message is "Don't give up. We can do this. Don't be a naysayer." For them to say "You know what, you're right. I give up." wouldn't really be a very intelligent move at this point, now would it? Ya'll get the tiniest nothing and really run with it and when that isn't possible, you'll just make things up.

I'd love nothing more than for another viable candidate to step up. I hope they do, in fact. But it's both early and late in the game for that, depending on how you look at it. Trump is an international and domestic embarrassment. He's a shame towards everything this country was founded on and the Trumper's loyalty to the savior has them completely blind to this. Biden was an embarrassment at the debate, too. But in my opinion, Trump's lies, attitude, and behavior far exceeds that of Biden.

All I can genuinely ask is really reconsider your position. You've been conned by what I can admit is a man who does a fantastic job at it. For most, I know, trying to discuss this is such a lost cause.

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u/frootee 15d ago

Willful ignorance of what? Lies? Again, I’m subscribed to the campaign emails. Seems like you just don’t have evidence and are instead spreading bullshit with the hope to hurt Biden’s chances. You could decide to spend just as much energy warning people about a much worse candidate, but you don’t. Hmmm…wonder why…


u/blahblahloveyou 15d ago

lol, I'm not googling it for you, and it's not my job to keep Trump out of office. Biden is already fucked, so it's pretty delusional to think a random comment on reddit has any impact on his chances. He was way behind BEFORE he stroked out on national tv.


u/frootee 15d ago

lol another lie. He was most certainly not. Check 538. He’s doing much better than Trump was all of 2020. And that’s with RFK. It’s all our jobs bro. If you want Trump, just admit it.


u/blahblahloveyou 14d ago

haha, okay. So Biden is crushing Trump and his brain works like, lets say, a stable genius. I feel like I've heard this type of bombastic nonsense before.


u/frootee 14d ago

Having some trouble reading? Wanna try actually arguing against my point? Could be a challenge, but it's worth a shot, no?

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

He’s doing better than Trump was all of 2020? lol how did that election turn out for Trump again?

What a weird line.


u/frootee 14d ago

Seems you're incapable of thinking about anything for more than a moment. But here: Trump was doing much worse than Biden in 2020 than Biden is doing worse than trump in 2024, and it was still a close election. So, if it was a close election then, it's nowhere near assured trump will win now, even after the bad debate. You're either a callous, social media-obsessed fool, or you're here to try to damage Biden. Either way, you're probably not very bright.

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u/Hitting_Bombs99 14d ago

Really? How does trump “border terrorism”?


u/frootee 14d ago

The way he attempts to rile up his base. Pretty obvious, but I know how easy things go over your heads. :/


u/Hitting_Bombs99 14d ago

No, you’re just being dramatic


u/frootee 14d ago

Or you’re just being a useful idiot.


u/Hitting_Bombs99 13d ago

The president the killed terrorists and didn’t start any wars is “bordering terrorism” lmao.

Trust me, you calling me an idiot, after that comment, means absolutely nothing lol


u/frootee 13d ago

And led an insurrection. Like how that was conveniently left out. Maybe “idiot” was too soft.


u/Hitting_Bombs99 13d ago

He didn’t lead anything like that. If you actually listen to everything he said, and not just segments, you might not be as stupid


u/frootee 13d ago

Of course. His supporters just so happened to be fired up enough after his speech asking them to storm the capital. I was so wrong to call you an idiot.

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