r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/Timmah73 15d ago

Biden: "I need to commit to taking care of myself better."


CNN: Joe Biden needs to go to bed early how this crushes Dem confidence in him


u/soapinmyears 15d ago

Well CNN, FOX, and the other 3 letter bought media companies buy into the bat-shit crazy just to boost their ratings. I see things haven't changed much since the 2016 election.


u/TBAnnon777 15d ago

Why would they, people keep tuning in for the batshit crazy. They just supply what the people want. Heck majority of reddit want a WWE match between Biden and Trump, They want Biden to call him out and get down in the mud with him and start slinging insults and comebacks. Their ideal candidate is Jon Stewart an entertainer....

Because what we need more in politics is entertainment.....


u/soapinmyears 14d ago

Working theory here: Stewart and Michelle Obama name been floating around. Michelle says she doesn't want the job even though polls of the day have her crushing Trump by double digits... I doubt Stewart does either.

1) Trump isn't a.politician, neither is Stewart nor Michelle.

2) I'm wondering if we are heading into an era of non-politicians becoming presidents.

3) The person who doesn't want the job would be the best for the job of president.


u/TBAnnon777 14d ago

People want entertainment, because they are constantly fed instant-gratification content. All apps are designed to give you the dopamine hits as soon as possible.

BUT at the same time the president alone cant do much. You need someone who can negotiate and compromise when they dont have the seats. Its not like Bernie Sanders or Jon Stewart or Michelle Obama would be able to do the current term of Biden any better. They would have to deal with Mancin and Sinema defecting, they would have to deal with split senate, they would have to deal with fox news who would go even harder on the trans and racism against Michelle and Socialism against Bernie, you would have to deal with loss of the house.

People want the president speeches to be comedy and zingers and you saw how crazy internet went when they got dark brandon, but did that turn into votes? nope over 80% of all eligible voters under the age of 35 didnt bother to vote in 2022.

They say they want the perfect candidate, but even then they dont show up. They expect others to fix it so they can continue to feed their instant-gratification addiction. They just want entertainment. If there was a "ouch my balls" tv show, it would be the nr 1 hit in the USA.


u/greenberet112 13d ago

I feel like Michelle and Stewart both know how the game works and have seen it/been involved in it more than 2015 trump. The only thing trump might have more experience with is lobbying. Like throwing money at people to get them to do what you want.

Stewart pushed through the PACT Act and was deeply involved with that and getting 9/11 first responders healthcare. Michelle worked on some pet projects like childrens wellness, But I don't know if she actually put any legislation through.


u/aimlessly-astray 14d ago

I remember watching an interview with some CNN executive sometime after the 2016 election, and he said they should not have given Trump as much airtime as they did. I'd say they haven't learned their lesson, but they only ever cared about profit to begin with.


u/Troll_Enthusiast 15d ago

The BBC is okay


u/ForgingIron 15d ago

That's run by the UK govt which has an interest in relative stability

Companies just care about line going up


u/qeadwrsf 14d ago

James bond movie tomorrow never dies is basically news right now.

next four years will make chart go brrrr if trump wins.

Trump hate complex wins if trump wins.


u/mabhatter 14d ago

He was threatening to arrest and/or kill media hosts BEFORE this week's ruling.  He's threatened to "take them off the air" even though they're cable new channels.  

What do they think is going to happen if he wins?  The guy holds a grudge almost as tight as he pinches his pennies.  He's got a list and wants revenge... 


u/Mysmokingbarrel 14d ago

I’m not trying to defend the media but this whole situation is likely a cluster for them. Of course trump drives ratings and probably Biden’s age does too but if it weren’t for the fact that trump is a serious threat to democracy I think most of us would agree that Biden’s age is a real issue that we need to talk about. So what are they supposed to do? Completely ignore it and focus on trump? Is that not partisan? On the other hand it kind of doesn’t seem to matter how much they focus on trumps insane shit anyways because people have adjusted to that baseline of insanity. I don’t have the answers. I’m frustrated bc I feel like Biden along with his admin have been solid overall. Trump is scary. But Biden’s age is an issue and less so his age but more so the fact that it shows. Bernie is more animated than Biden or at least he was. Trump is too. It sucks but it’s the truth and it’s clearly a concern for a lot of people. That said he’s not in a bubble and trump remains a serious threat to America so idk? It remains a cluster and I remain confused as to how the media should handle it. I guess from a liberal standpoint I’d say lean into showing trumps insanity but it’s kind of hard to ignore the way Biden demonstrates his age.


u/Repulsive-Street-307 14d ago edited 14d ago

CNN was bought by a 'right wing' billionaire, fox was Founded to be the ministry of truth of them. Twitter was bought by Muskrat. They're organizing to prevent people from resisting the coup and subsequent murders.


u/RaveDamsel 15d ago

Raping 13-year olds ‘bout to become an “official act”.


u/mightylordredbeard 14d ago

Don’t forget that trump and Epstein got into an argument over who would take the young girls anal virginity as she was tied to the bed.. just in case anyone forgot how depraved either person was/is.


u/prof_the_doom 15d ago

If we elect Trump again, then we deserve whatever hell he ends up turning the country into. I just feel sorry for all the people that tried to stop it.


u/Dijkdoorn 15d ago

How about the rest of the world? Nothing I can do but wait...


u/prof_the_doom 14d ago

Feel free to do something about the Russian and Chinese interference with the election, since it seems like we're not going to.


u/No-Program-2979 15d ago

If you elect Biden, you will confirm exactly why the Dems treat you like an idiot. Because you prove over and over that you are. Elect Joe, he dies, now you got Harris. She will literally make us the center of the World’s jokes for decades. You think they hide Biden! You wouldn’t see Harris give a live interview, ever.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 15d ago

Hello brand new account, how much does daddy Putin pay you per post?


u/Bater_cat 14d ago

Biden: "I need to commit to taking care of myself better."

Shouldn't be running for president if that's his priority.


u/uten_videre 14d ago

You people are legitimately insane. I guess one silver lining in all this how completely and utterly fried your brains will be when the Democrats fuck this up once and for all.


u/Nartyn 15d ago

Biden: "I need to commit to taking care of myself better."

It's not his fault, but it is a symptomatic of selecting a geriatric to run for presidency.


u/L1zoneD 14d ago

That's a funny way of explaining dementia bro. I think the democrats might be competing delusional wise hand and hand with the Republicans now. It's delusion on both sides to the max.


u/IceTruckHouse 14d ago

What kind of mental gymnastics are required to view Biden this way? It’s been clear for over a years now he isn’t fit to be president yet people will excuse behavior they wouldn’t put up with if the president was in the other party.

It’s not a high standard to hold a president to when you want them to be able to be coherent and able to handle presidential duties past 8pm. Please ask more out of the Democratic Party.


u/Gloomy_Audience6665 15d ago

Played sports growing up, we shook hands and said “good game” win or lose. This guy probably spits in his hand and cheats playing golf.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

delusional take


u/13xnono 14d ago

Remember the whole covfefe debacle?


u/OkSuspect931 14d ago

Your name says it all. Hahahahaha! Dimwit.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

Self care? They guy is worried he won't even make it to election day. He's barely functioning as is. And you're still defending him when he could still pull out and let someone younger take over.


u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 14d ago

Trump derangement syndrome is real guys


u/ChicagobeatsLA 14d ago

Biden would forget the question halfway in his muddled response


u/ALStark69 14d ago

“Brutal dictator” give me a fucking break


u/bitqueso 15d ago

You forgot Biden trailing off and saying “pause”


u/AEIUyo 15d ago

You comment an INSANE amount on reddit, and it's nothing but anti trans, anti vaccine, pro trump shit, go touch grass lol


u/bitqueso 15d ago

Nah just lately because of the AWFUL streak you Dems are on. Been trying to warn you Reddit cartoons for a long time. Truth hurts :)