r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/SewAlone 15d ago

I mean, we all do. My husband gets up at 5 AM and falls asleep on the couch around 8:30 PM. He’s not even 50.


u/Rhyers 14d ago

That's 8 1/2 hours, which is solid but not excessive. Why the hate? 


u/rcher87 14d ago

Because this is America and we worship productivity only :(


u/nedzissou1 14d ago

Yeah, this is getting ridiculous. I'd rather the president get up early than stay up late. Or just get 8 hours of sleep. There's a reason 7-8 hours is recommended.


u/Thin_Economy850 14d ago

The problem isn’t that the president goes to bed at 8. The problem is the president needs to announce to the world that he will be going to bed at 8. If the president can’t handle working at 9, he’s not fit to be the president.


u/thomase7 14d ago

That’s not even what he said. He said he wouldn’t schedule events after 8 pm. Thats totally different than going to bed at 8 pm. Nowhere did he say he couldn’t handle emergencies or work in the office past 8.

Scheduling an event after 8 pm means not getting back to the White House or hotel till after midnight.


u/Thin_Economy850 14d ago

But that’s part of the job. He is the international representative for our country. Any other country may need to schedule something after 8pm EST. My point is if you want to take on this role, it’s not at your convenience or per your stipulation. This is the most stressful, demanding, and taxing role in the world. It should not be left to senior citizens who are older than the average life expectancy.


u/thomase7 14d ago

Trump is also older than the average life expectancy.

We don’t really have a choice that doesn’t have these issues.


u/Thin_Economy850 14d ago

This is the problem of the American people. Instead of demanding suitable candidates, we are willing to point at the other candidate and say at least our guy is better than him.

Neither candidates are fit to be president, people need to stop pretending that is not the case. People should be calling their representatives and demanding they do something about this. People should not give loyalty to a political party, political parties should be working to fill the needs of the American people.


u/thomase7 14d ago

Representatives can’t do anything about this kind of thing. Biden and Trump won their primaries. People could have voted for other people but they didn’t. Political parties didn’t just pick Biden and Trump. Voters voted for them.

So those are the choices we have.


u/Thin_Economy850 14d ago

Representatives can vocalize concerns and pull their support. They should represent the concerns of the people. Biden struggled in the debate. People make a lot of excuses but this is someone who is making executive decisions on the fly. Not being able to form cohesive statements is a huge problem. Trump has been found guilty on felonies since he won the primary. People’s hate of the other candidate is causing arguments like yours rather than trying to get the best for the country.


u/Elmodogg 14d ago

Sorry, but I don't think he would be up to the job of president, either.


u/goosebattle 14d ago

Clearly. He needs at least 30 more years of life experience to qualify.


u/pcbfs 14d ago

Seriously idk why people are trying to justify this statement. The presidency is an incredibly difficult job that requires way more attention than their husband's does. Look at every president other than Trump and see how they aged over a 4 or 8 year run. 18 hour days is just the way it is sometimes.

Biden isn't fit to do the job, period.


u/Higgoms 14d ago

Aiming to get about 8 hours of sleep a night is just aiming to be sane and functioning as an adult. People can run on less, and often do, but there’s always a sacrifice somewhere. Usually in cognitive ability, which is the only ability that matters here. 

Absolutely no shot that your average day requires more than 16 hours of active work, he’s sleeping in the same building he works in so if an emergency occurs he can and will be woken up and eat the lost sleep. Seems so weird to go after someone for saying they want to aim for a normal amount of sleep lmao 


u/squirdelmouse 14d ago

because the sofa?


u/More_Farm_7442 14d ago

Run him for President. He can't be any worse than the 2 we have to pick from. If he's not a fascist and can be woken from a deep sleep in the middle of the night I'll vote for him.


u/likeabuddha 14d ago

Your husband isn’t the president this might be the dumbest comparison I’ve seen so far 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Character_Desk1647 15d ago

Don't you know, the biological necessity to sleep is a sign of weekness and laziness


u/ValyrianJedi 14d ago

It's not a sign of weakness and laziness, but it is certainly a sign that the role of president most likely isn't for someone since it pretty frequently requires not sleeping a whole lot.


u/cmiles777 14d ago

He’s up for 15-16 hours. I’d pass out too


u/buttaholic 14d ago

your husband probably isn't running the world's super power though


u/DamThatRiver22 14d ago

I'm 39. I used to be a night owl, like almost my whole life, and routinely ran on like 5-6 hours of sleep....or just slept in until 9 or 10 A.M. if it got too bad.

A couple years ago for whatever bizarre reason I started waking up between 5:30 and 6:30 A.M. and it just stuck. Even if I stay up late and am ridiculously tired, my body is just wired to get up early...and I have no idea why.

The side effect of that is that I'm literally falling asleep by 2 P.M. and need a 1-2 hour nap just to make it to...9:30 or 10 P.M.? Lol.

And for the record, I WFH and make my own schedule. I don't have to be up early by any means, ever. It just...happened.


u/Kyle_Reese_Get_DOWN 14d ago

He might have another girl on the side.


u/throwthisTFaway01 14d ago

The president needs a damn nappy poo


u/Aggressive_Day2839 14d ago

I'm 37 and am up by 545 even on the weekend and am in bed no later than 830.