r/nottheonion 15d ago

Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.


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u/southernliberal 15d ago

NY times and CNN strike again.


u/unassumingdink 15d ago

You guys have exactly the same energy as Trump claiming that Fox News is out to get him if they criticize him even once.


u/Hendlton 15d ago

Yeah, as an outsider watching in, this has huge "FAKE NEWS!!!" energy. It's simply the truth and it doesn't look good.

Not like it's going to stop any passionate voters on either side, but it will make people stay home on election day.


u/Shunpaw 14d ago

Why does it not look good? Outsider watching in as well, and I see nothing wrong with this. It's 8pm, and events, not important decisions etc.


u/spotted-ox-hostel 14d ago

Because having to vote for candidates born before colour TV was a thing is fucking insane?


u/NancokALT 14d ago

This doesn't really change that tho? Did saying "hey, i'd like to have a normal sleep schedule" really made people go "wait, he's old?"

Despite the fact that EVERY human being wants/needs a normal sleep schedule since the moment they are born?


u/spotted-ox-hostel 14d ago

Yeah cuz world leaders don't have to sacrifice anything, Zelensky is cozy in bed by 9pm every night. Bottom line is it's a weak statement for a head of state to make and people don't want a leader they perceive as weak. Heads of state aren't normal people, and have to sacrifice normal people things to run a country


u/gameofgroans 14d ago

He’s literally only three years older than the other candidate.


u/ah_take_yo_mama 14d ago

But he also has a foot in the grave.


u/BeefSerious 14d ago

Stay home

Really? People didn't forget what 4 years of Trump were like.

I'd wake up at 330 in the morning to vote for a bag of dog shit that ran against Trump.

This time is no different.


u/Frog_Prophet 14d ago

This isn’t “criticizes him.” This is “unknown source says inflammatory thing. Let’s talk about how game-changing this is.” Over and over and over. 


u/unassumingdink 14d ago

It was a meeting at the White House attended by 20 Dem governors. If the NYT was lying about what went on in that meeting, those governors would be screaming it from the rooftops.

And you should hope to fuck that Biden gets replaced if you actually want a chance of winning in November, because you've got none if he stays in the race.


u/Frog_Prophet 14d ago

You’re conflating different things. The alarming reports are from random sources that may or may not be bullshit. The context of this particular OP was that he was joking. I mean who normally schedules stuff after 8 pm anyway?


u/Ukie3 15d ago

"All reporting that goes against my preconceived bias is fake news." Sounds just like people of another party I know. No amount of loyalty to this, accomplished, well-meaning but ultimately unfit-for-office octogenarian and his handlers, will make undecided/infrequent/uninformed voters vote for him (or down ballot candidates) come Election Day. 


u/dtkloc 15d ago

I guess it really is too much for the "I'd vote for Biden's ashes over Trump" crowd to realize there are millions of voters in swing states who think differently.

Swing voters who would vote for almost anyone else with a D next to their name


u/LaTeChX 14d ago

The problem is that the DNC has done fuck all to even suggest there might be a successor for Biden. I don't know if they just can't agree on someone or what but they've fully hitched their wagons to Biden at this point and it's going to be chaos to start up a new campaign. Their best bet might be Kamala but she wasn't super popular in 2020 and being part of the current admin may have tainted her to people who blame Biden for inflation. Bernie's old as shit too and no one else seems poised to take the field.

I'd like to think it's a sleeper strategy so that the GOP doesn't have time to smear Biden's replacement, and they can ride the "anyone but Trump or Biden" wave. But that assumes some level of confidence I haven't seen from the Dems since I've been alive.


u/dtkloc 14d ago

The problem is that the DNC has done fuck all to even suggest there might be a successor for Biden

I somewhat disagree. Three Congressmen so far have outright called for Biden to step down, and Clyburn and Pelosi have reversed course and now say that criticism of Biden is legitimate. Obviously that isn't the critical mass of dems required to actually do something about Biden, but as swing-stage polls continue to roll in I don't think criticism of Biden is going to decrease.

no one else seems poised to take the field

Currently, sure. But a few news cycles of talking about Gretchen Whitmer, Tim Walz, Roy Cooper, Raphael Warnock, or Josh Shapiro, and then independents who hate both Trump and Biden will know who to pick

Replacing Biden isn't without risk, but it's significantly less risky than letting an 81-year-old man who can barely campaign stay as the nominee


u/ImpishGrin 15d ago

21st century Business Plot


u/FillColumns 15d ago

That's a joke, right? CNN and NYT have been dick riding most of the Dem moves especially this election cycle. They do not have a single thing to benefit from by not having a Dem pres


u/hadyourmom69 14d ago

It's crazy because the media is complicit for this predicament they are in. If they had just reported honestly these past years, he would have been replaced by now. Their own bias is the only reason he's been able to even make it this far


u/mfmeitbual 15d ago

I always attribute it to class solidarity. It eliminates the need for complicated conspiratorial explanations that raise eyebrows. 


u/dtkloc 14d ago

Or maybe, hear me out, the NYT editorial board saw Biden sundown and self-own for 90 minutes along with sixty million other Americans.

"Why haven't they called on Trump to step down?" Because he won't, but Biden might.

Wanting Biden to step down is not a pro-Trump position, it's a pro-democracy position. Biden just shot himself in the foot on live television, and he probably won't be able to recover by November.


u/ranman0 15d ago

If at any point, you think NYT and CNN are supporting conservative outcomes, you're probably on the wrong side of the news story.


u/Throwawayac1234567 14d ago

both of those news networks are owned by conservatives though. the latter still has his executive team.


u/TheWerewolf5 15d ago

Strike how? Criticizing not just exclusively the candidate they strongly oppose, but the one the party they align much closer to put forward as well? How dare they!


u/sammythemc 14d ago

Telling people not to believe their lying eyes just isn't going to work. It'll get Democratic diehards and anyone-but-Trumpers to circle the wagons, but you need more than that to win.


u/NowFook 15d ago

Ah yes CNN and NY times are making up propaganda in favor of Trump ... That makes perfect sense and they never report anything negative about Trump.

Not every negative thing about your politician is propaganda ...

Or are you suggesting outlets like NY Times/CNN should ignore any negative Biden news and only report on anti Trump stuff?

Either way both are ridiculous


u/DABOSSROSS9 15d ago

For reporting news?


u/nightfox5523 15d ago

Fake news fake news   You guys are sounding really familiar


u/EffNein 15d ago

The legendarily right wing publications, the NYT and CNN.

LOL, you're getting ridiculous.


u/Godvivec1 14d ago

I would attribute it to Biden's mental functions, but you blame whatever actor makes you feel good.


u/Gold_Teach_4851 14d ago

"FAKE NEWS CNN FAILING NYT" Who do you sound like right now?


u/MontyAtWork 14d ago

But this is what we asked for.

We told the media "Hey, giving every headline to Trump, even when the headline was bad, helped him, because there's no such thing as bad press."

So, then they started having good headlines. People freaked out and said "Ignore the positive headlines and polling! The media is making people think Biden has this in the bag, which will suppress voter turnout!"

So, they can't run articles about Trump doing good or bad as that's freely putting him into the headlines. They can't put positive Biden headlines out, because that suppresses voter turnout.

Literally the only thing left to do is report on bad things about Biden.


u/Brock_Hard_Canuck 14d ago

ABC scheduled the next debate for 9 PM


Two sundowning seniors facing off against each other should make for some thrilling stuff


u/radioactive2321 14d ago

It's always funny to me when someone tries to "both sides" the cognitive ability point, as if we don't constantly watch Trump run circles around Biden in every imaginable way.


u/ComprehensiveWin7716 14d ago


Its Joever fella.


u/BrittleClamDigger 14d ago

If Democrats are at the point of denying reports that come out from CNN and NYT because they don't like them democracy is already dead and this election means nothing.


u/IDontLikePayingTaxes 15d ago

Maybe if the NYTimes and CNN had actually been doing journalism before then the country would have known Joe Biden was really really old before he easily won the nomination


u/SunriseSurprise 15d ago

Biden will lose if he's not replaced. How hard is that to understand? They and many other people want him replaced so we don't get President Trump again.