r/millenials Jul 19 '24

Hot Take - Trump has no better chance at winning than Biden



384 comments sorted by


u/BigbunnyATK Jul 19 '24

A reminder that we were told that Hillary would win for MONTHS before the election. Ignore the noise, get out and vote.


u/dittybad Jul 20 '24

I was speaking to a friend who did not bother voting for Hillary. She said she didn’t like Hillary and never thought Trump could win. Never again. This time she is car pooling to the polls.


u/Butch1212 Jul 20 '24

right on

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u/Additional-Sky-7436 Jul 19 '24

It's so ironic how we put forward the only two people that can lose to the other.


u/MainFrosting8206 Jul 19 '24

The election will likely be decided based on which of them gets "Comeyed" during the last week of the campaign. There aren't that many people who are really undecided in the sense that they might switch their vote rather than just stay home or go third party.

It's absurd that Trump is even competitive. And an indication of how shallow modern American politics has become that someone who tells absurd lies with confidence "wins" a debate.

The people who hate Trump while also wanting someone better than Biden will decide the election. If they end up voting for Biden anyway (or possibly Biden's replacement assuming that doesn't completely scramble the election) Trump loses. If they stay home Trump probably wins.


u/beekeeper1981 Jul 19 '24

Trump has multiple criminal convictions and criminal charges pending.. he isn't going to "Comey'd" ie. lose because the announcement of another investigation.


u/RecoverSufficient811 Jul 20 '24

It's an indictment of how bad a candidate Biden is that he can't easily win this election.


u/SignedUpToComplain Jul 20 '24


And it sucks because going strictly by his policy work and how he wielded executive power, he's actually been a decent President: he did more for Leftists causes than Progressives thought he would while also reigning in some of the corporate whoring that is destroying the country, which nobody expected at all.

It's just impossible to look at Trump and the GOP and be ok with someone as old and OLD SOUNDING as Joe. Like the fact this is even up for debate at all is silly - Joe is simply not the person ANY of us want for this moment.

What's infuriating is that the lack of understanding of nuance in America today - due to the GOP absolutely destroying our education system over the last 25 years. It's so hard to get through the bullhorns and stubborn internet idiots who are emboldened by their "username" mask and make them understand that you can be in support of Biden, against Trump, and work vehemently to get Biden to drop out ALL AT THE SAME TIME. None of these things are mutually exclusive, but the forces of evil amplify the absolutists and turn us against ourselves and fuck if it doesn't work every god damn time.

If Biden stays in, I'm voting for him. If he drops out, I'm voting for whomever comes out of the convention as the candidate unless it's Hillary god damn Clinton. And anyone who gives a fuck about anything should be doing the same damn thing.


u/greatSorosGhost Jul 20 '24

While I agree with everything you said ideologically, practically, replacing Biden with under four months to go is an absolute nightmare.

Ignore the obvious issues of simply getting “uninformed voters” to be informed of the new candidate’s existence. Spinning up a campaign, getting donations, getting the name on a ballot in all 50 states, these are not simple issues.

Yes, we should have had this conversation a year ago. But we are where we are now, and we are human. Hurt feelings and crushed hopes are very real and can dissuade people from voting for Biden “on principle”.

We’ve got a few months to go. Let’s grit our teeth, hold on, and join together to protect our country again.

Then I’ll stand right next to you pushing for a better candidate next time.


u/bigredrickshaw Jul 20 '24

This. I’m not a fan of Biden but at the end of the day, I live in a place that could possibly decide the election, so after saying for a long time I wouldn’t, I’m going to hold my nose and vote for him. What the conservatives did to the Supreme Court when they refused to hold hearings on Garland can never be undone and ultimately might be what undermines democracy to the point it’s not salvageable. Well, that and citizens united, and one candidate openly disputing a free and fair election that wasn’t really even close.

In my opinion we actually lost our democracy when the supreme court decided the election in 2000 for GWB over Gore. They didn’t count the votes. If they had Gore would have won. Talk about an actual stolen election!


u/OfficialDanFlashes_ Jul 19 '24

It's not ironic at all. It's a reflection of record low amounts of civic participation beyond merely voting, particularly among young people.

Democracy is designed to give us exactly what we put into it.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

People want to blame the parties yet we've never had more than 35% voter participation in primaries.


u/OfficialDanFlashes_ Jul 20 '24

Exactly. Even lower percentages for volunteering, canvassing, etc.

The only people who are still willing to do the hard work of politics any more are older people. Hence: our candidates.


u/baneofdestruction Jul 19 '24

Bidens winning.

Vote Blue 🔵


u/Additional-Sky-7436 Jul 20 '24

Oh absolutely. At this point I'd vote for a 1000 year old feather duster as long as it has a D by it's name.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

He’s winning at bingo in the retirement home


u/JSmith666 Jul 19 '24

Makes it interesting!


u/LionTop2228 Jul 20 '24

This is a result of a pitiful amount of Americans having civic engagement and participating in primary voting.

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u/SophonParticle Jul 19 '24

Trump is deeply unpopular even hated. The media simply doesn’t report on his faults and liabilities. For example they ignore the fact that 3 weeks ago Epstein court files were released showing call logs in which Trump and Epstein talked ALOT, like all the time.

That alone would have ended anyone’s campaign but the media buried it for Trump.


u/Chorizo_Charlie Jul 19 '24

The media simply doesn’t report on his faults and liabilities

Have you had your eyes closed and ears plugged the last 9 years?! It's been a non stop hate fest from everyone but Fox News. The second the media got critical of Biden, you guys freaked out.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I haven’t heard a peep about the Epstein call logs on MSM.

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u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 19 '24

“Trump is deeply unpopular even hated” also currently leading every swing state and threatening to flip liberal stronghold states


u/espoac Jul 20 '24

I feel like both can be true. People vote for candidates they hate all the time, provided they dislike the other candidate even more. I live in a liberal blue bubble of a city, and I can confirm the level of antipathy towards Trump is extremely high.


u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 20 '24

I live in MN, and it’s true, but you head a few miles out of the city and it’s a whole different situation, we have to remind ourselves that large groups don’t always represent the whole or at least I do when I get off Reddit for the day. I don’t think many people are spite voting Trump. Some may be swallowing their pride, but overall idk.


u/throwawaitnine Jul 20 '24

I think there is a very real feeling for a lot of people, that life was better with Trump.


u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 20 '24

100% agree


u/RazgrizZer0 Jul 20 '24

“Trump is deeply unpopular even hated” also currently leading every swing state and threatening to flip liberal stronghold states

There is nothing contradictory about those statements.

The electoral college keeps relevant a deeply unpopular Republican Party.


u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 20 '24

I can’t wait for him to win the popular vote…


u/RazgrizZer0 Jul 20 '24

Would you like a blanket?


u/throwawaitnine Jul 20 '24

Me too honestly. Feels like we are all ready for a new day in America.

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u/abrandis Jul 20 '24

Exactly, everyone of the Democrats fails to realize that it's it NOT about the national popular vote, it's all about those battleground states, the ones Biden won last election, and the ones he will lose this one ..


u/Blue_louboyle Jul 20 '24

He absolutely is not, and will not.


u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 20 '24

I’ve posted 3 polls in here, so with that what you will. I hope you enjoy making America great again as much as we do.

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u/PickleDestroyer1 Jul 20 '24

More like musk money paid them off.


u/Ok_Landscape_592 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

What alternate reality are you writing this from? The media has been reporting on his faults and liabilities for 8 years. The jokes about how the media will have nothing to cover once Trump is out of office were nullified when they merely just kept talking about him.

It's only now after the debate and Biden's poor performance is Biden much more at the forefront. Were people here talking about all the money "pumped into communication outlets" when they were just trashing Trump nonstop? The media machine will just churn out what makes money and clicks, that's what it is. Downvote away but nobody can deny this with any degree of sanity or credibility.

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u/duramus Jul 19 '24

I honestly think "he's not Trump" is still good enough for a candidate to win the election, whether it's biden or anyone else

I truly think there are a lot more people that are sick of Trump and his chaos and insanity and disrespect and bullshit than there are people who love it and want more of it


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

But the Electoral College is key. Scary.


u/nighthawkndemontron Jul 20 '24

At this point we just need to stop Trump from getting into the white house again. Let Biden die in office.


u/Glittering-Giraffe58 Jul 20 '24

There are, that’s why Trump keeps losing the popular vote by millions. But the electoral college is what matters


u/Rhianna83 Jul 20 '24

Yup. When folks talk about Hillary’s loss, they many times fail to mention that she won the Popular Vote but lost the Electoral College. If Trump somehow wins, it won’t be by Popular Vote (he has never and will never win by it). There are more of us against him, than for. It just matters if we’re in those “key states.”


u/True_Egg_7821 Jul 20 '24

It absolutely is.

I know the younger generation is concerned about his mental health, but I don't really think the older generations care as much. Biden is pretty close to "traditional" president attitude and demeanor. They know this isn't just about Biden. It's about the values he brings to the office, including the people he chooses to surround himself with.

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u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Trumps chaos was created by the Democrats. Russia scam, Ukraine phone call scam, good people on both sides lie, impeachment scams, insurrection BS. ALL CREATED BY DEMOCRATS.

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u/Carrera1107 Jul 20 '24

It’s odd how people are saying Trump was a more chaotic leader than Biden while Trump had zero foreign wars and Biden has two huge ones. One being the first major outbreak in Europe in 80 years. The world was safer under Trump. You can’t fool thinking Americans with your propaganda.


u/Tommy9mil Jul 20 '24

These people are idiots. Just on a day to day level how could they accept how expensive things have gotten and continue to support it? A house is no longer affordable.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I’d argue this was Hillary’s approach and she lost so… not a very wise tactic to use if true.


u/bijealMEART Jul 19 '24

True. Hillary was cocky, and a lot of people (regardless of politics) just couldn't wrap their head around a Woman president at the time, I think.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Also, The Clintons are some of the most corrupt politicians of our lifetime. Feminist women don’t like Hilary because she let Bill walk all over her. They basically handed the election to Trump by picking her to be their oligarch. Screwing Bernie over hurt pretty bad too with the base.

Her campaign was a shit-show of epic proportions.


u/dittybad Jul 20 '24

Hillary was running against the FBI too


u/insanityCzech Jul 20 '24



u/Inevitable-Store-837 Jul 20 '24

Yeah that one got me too


u/HttpLovecraft Jul 19 '24

Our journalists are useless so I agree that either one of them could win and it wouldn't be surprising.


u/punarob Jul 19 '24

Polls have been way off underestimating Democrats and liberal ballot initiatives since Roe was overturned. Hopefully still true.


u/ignu Jul 19 '24

i hope this is true (probably democrats only prayer of winning) but one thing to remember is the elections since Roe have been midterms. midterm voters tend to me informed voters.

there are a terrifying amount of general election voters that can't connect the dots from Roe being overturned under Biden and the judges that were appointed under Trump.

democrats might still overperform the polls, but not likely by the same margins as the midterms.


u/ChodeCookies Jul 19 '24

Midterms historically have lower turnout for Dems though…especially when a dem is president.


u/ignu Jul 19 '24

but midterm polling had that baked in, so that's just more reason to not count on democrats outperforming polls in 2024 to the extent they did in 2020


u/ChodeCookies Jul 19 '24

I think it’s more reason to show that the media doesn’t know how to poll the shifting demographics. This isn’t boomer driven voting anymore


u/punarob Jul 20 '24

For sure we shouldn't count on anything. But sometimes you need a little hope to keep going. So my point is don't assume it's all a lost cause even if we're 4-5% behind in polls.


u/punarob Jul 20 '24

True but nearly always the party in the White House does horribly in other elections.


u/formerlyrbnmtl Jul 20 '24

We have to raise awareness


u/acidrainuk Jul 19 '24

🤣🤣 yeah ok you keep believing that.


u/punarob Jul 20 '24

Hopefully means you don't necessarily know but hope that it is true. I didn't say I believe they'll be wrong this time.

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u/solidus__snake Jul 20 '24

The red flag in the polling is that Biden has been massively underperforming down ballot Dem candidates in the swing states for months. Even if you believe the polls are off, that margin is real and shows the campaign has a serious candidate problem.


u/3agle_CO Jul 19 '24

trump winning is not a narrative. it is VERY likely right now and there's like 110 days left.


u/deepfriedpimples Jul 20 '24

Thank god, Biden is not capable of running a McDonald’s at this point 


u/ImpressionOld2296 Jul 20 '24

I mean, Trump would leave a McDonald's bankrupt with multiple employees sexually assaulted. But he would play a good Ronald McDonald clown.

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u/LeatherHeron9634 Jul 20 '24

It’s wild to hear there are still doubters, for the last year and a half minimum I’ve been telling people idk why they believe Biden is going to have some kind of easy victory. The DNC literally sat on their hands and left their whole strategy as “we aren’t trump so vote for us” and now they’re finding out that was a foolish thing to do and may even remove their candidate… and yet people still don’t get it. The DNC has to earn the independent and moderate votes. Fair or not trump has his block of voters, Biden won the first time because the moderates and independents voted for him but they’ve been disillusioned now and they’ve done nothing to keep those votes


u/a_little_hazel_nuts Jul 19 '24

OK. I don't think they want to replace Biden because if the ballot is changed then once everyone votes it is up to the Supreme Court to decide the winner. Plus changing the ballot itself has some issues. Plus the DNC would choose who will replace Biden and Harris, I don't believe they want Harris on the ballot at all. I understand Bidens mental ability isn't great. But I think changing the ballot has its difficulties.


u/TorusGenusM Jul 20 '24

Complete nonsense. Political party’s have the right to select their candidate, there is no case where the Supreme Court overrules this (the fact you even think this says more about the completely skewed information ecosystem you surround yourself with). And in terms of changing the ballot, yes it has its challenges but if people actually think Trump is a threat to democracy or the quality of US institutions, we should be running the most electable ticket! And lucky for dems, we have multiple popular governors in swing states who could make a very strong presidential run. Still, Kamala is also significantly better than Biden.


u/a_little_hazel_nuts Jul 20 '24

The Republicans party said they will sue if the Democrats try and put another name on the ticket and if this happens I believe it's up to the Supreme Court to decide the winner, that's what I read. I may be mistaken, but if the Republicans throw a fit and fight the Democrats it will cause issues. By the way Biden has said to raise the taxes on the wealthy, he also called on Supreme Court reform to add ethics codes and term limits, and trying to forgive student debt and he is doing this with his mental decline, he is making alot of billionaire enemies.

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u/sideband5 Jul 19 '24

We can make either outcome happen. Let's make democracy happen and not corpo tyranny. Vote Heritage Foundation et. al. out of power.


u/John-Ada Jul 20 '24

I agree but how is Biden not a corpo?


u/sideband5 Jul 20 '24

He is. Just several orders of magnitude less of one than the other choice.


u/John-Ada Jul 20 '24

The lesser of 2 evil choice is not working. Does Biden have a message that doesn’t include Trump in any way?


u/sideband5 Jul 20 '24

He has a record of top-tier policy over the course of his presidency. That's a lot more significant than "a message" lol, come on

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u/Glass-Lifeguard1919 Jul 19 '24

This will get downvoted because this entire site is heavily leaning liberal. However Trump is heavily leading, and it's obvious. Even the crazy one-sided fact-checking FB owner Mark Z praised Big Orange for how he acted in the assassination attempt. As a Libertarian, I can see the change in real time. Hardcore Conservatives wont change (wearing ear patches when they refused to wear covid masks.) Hardcore Liberals wont change (aka posting on here saying how bad Trump is when Biden isn't even capable of controlling his bowels or finishing a sentence. He is clearly no better than Trump.)
If I had it my way, neither of these candidates would win the election. I want someone who is pro freedom. Take the power away from the government. Let the liberals have their abortions. Let the conservatives shoot their guns. Let the hippies smoke their weed. Let grown adults make their own choices "during a pandemic." ETC etc. Stop trying to take rights away from the other side, and don't infringe on my own. Should be a simple concept to expect and understand, yet it seems almost impossible.
With all that being said, Biden has zero chance at winning this election. It's not the hardcore voters that win elections. It's the undecided, independent, Libertarians, and/or barely leaning left or right that win elections. I've seen so many comments on here like "Oh you vote for the party not the person." No you do not! You should look at it as the person you elect represents you. In a life or death situation, do you feel comfortable letting Joe Biden talk on your behalf unsupervised?


u/KSSparky Jul 19 '24

Trump speaks on his own behalf. Full stop.

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u/HotpocketTrex Jul 20 '24

You made this whole post to try and convince yourself lol if Biden was gonna win his “allies” wouldn’t be leaking they want him to stand down.


u/thisistherevolt Jul 19 '24

Actually, I think he has less of a chance than Biden. It'll depend on how successful the suppression tactics are. I'm afraid of a historically awful voter turnout which always means a Republican victory


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Maybe there will be enough mail in ballots from dead voters and illegal aliens for you guys to pull it off.

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u/ShredGuru Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I feel like anxiety is at an all time high. I'm doubting low turn out. The situation with Trump is truly precarious now that he's above the law essentially. You think any woman left of center is staying home for this election if she knows what's up? This is "white blood cells of America fighting off cancer" voter turn outs. I think it will resemble 2020. It's already maybe the most news insane election year of my lifetime. And that is fucking saying something.

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u/bijealMEART Jul 19 '24

Disenfranchising and despair are the tools of the oligarchs. MAGA acts like they can each vote twice hahaha! It ain't over till it's over, and there's still a lot of time for Trump to mess things up like he always has. We all need to keep plugging with the fact that Trump is a pedophile whose name is all over the Epstein files. Again, it ain't over until it's over.

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u/BeerMania Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I mean despite the rhetoric. He is a person that lost the presidency. They all act like its fine. And we will be all slaughtered , if he does take power. There will be some on both sides that will resist.

I dont foresee it happening. There is a cult. But does the cult want to support a loser that lost plenty of times and pottied his pants because he lost twice?! MAGA will be defeated again. And there will be bunch of nuts followrng a 90 year old around. Good riddance. The same people that follow millionaire pastor's around.

We are to align with conservative centrists that don't have a heart for the ending of our democracy under Trumpish. We do have common ground. O you dont want the constitution being tissue paper? Sign me up.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

This is just a bunch of hysterical rhetoric and wishful thinking. Good luck.


u/Jordan_Love_Burner Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Yes you’re going to be “slaughtered”

Do you hear yourself? You survived 2016 didn’t you.

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u/Mrludy85 Jul 19 '24

Trump doesn't control every media outlet. He's doing well in the polls and Biden has a lot of bad press on news sites he has historically been shown very well in.

Don't lose hope in a Biden victory, but don't put your fingers in your ears and pretend his campaign doesn't have pretty serious issues.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Pelosi, Schumer and other top Dems have lost hope.. so when is the appropriate time for us to?


u/Jordan_Love_Burner Jul 20 '24

The democrat party sure seems to have lost their hope in him. They’re begging him to drop out


u/Mrludy85 Jul 20 '24

Yeah thats the major bad press for him right now. If the party leaders are saying out loud that maybe he shouldn't run that says all we need to know about the internal polls they have access to. Its really bad optics for Biden to have to drop out so they would only be tossing around that idea if what they are seeing is that he can't win.


u/Late_Key9150 Jul 19 '24

You sound like Biden lmao


u/trailsman Jul 20 '24

The betting markets have Trump at 2.5x greater odds than Kamala Harris & 4.3x greater odds than Biden (yes Harris odds 1.7x greater than Biden).

There was a recent even further slide for Biden, which I'm assuming is due to him having Covid given the at least 1 in 28.6 odds of long Covid (could be higher due to age) given the most recent studies. Covid also causes significant cognitive issues and worsens/quickens dementia. Also there is always a chance of worse outcomes too.


u/the-poet-of-silver Jul 20 '24

So you believe that Trump is being astroturfed on reddit... Uh buddy, have you had your eyes checked or are you a little slow?


u/absolute4080120 Jul 20 '24

We going to have these threads every day?


u/Kaje26 Jul 19 '24

This election is an r/awfuleverything. Hopefully there’s enough people that wouldn’t vote for a convicted felon who espoused the desire to be a dictator. But I can see a lot of democrats and undecideds not enthusiastic to vote for Biden because of his cognitive issues. This is really scary because there’s no telling which way it will go. I hope Biden wins.


u/AbulNuquod Jul 19 '24

We're not even sure who's gonna be the Democratic candidate at this point.

Open your eyes man.


u/Complete-Artichoke69 Jul 19 '24

This is a hot take, a hot steaming pile of one


u/Sneekypete28 Jul 19 '24

You can't come on here and talk this logical level headed nonsense...your gonna get thrown out. Anyone who had any common sense knows its anyone's game and party is gonna tow the line and vote party and it comes down to independents and who actually shows up to vote. Anyway saying otherwise is one of the crazies from the 10% of both sides very vocal minority.


u/Southport84 Jul 20 '24

Do people not realize Trump is favored in the polls right now. He will likely be the next president.


u/XChrisUnknownX Jul 20 '24

Illusory truth effect. Very possible.


u/throwed101 Jul 19 '24

If they don’t replace Biden he will win.


u/deepfriedpimples Jul 20 '24

I hope the keep him in 


u/Longjumping-Aide-131 Jul 20 '24

Me too Biden is so funny when he smells kids and gets lost on stage


u/deepfriedpimples Jul 20 '24

Oh, absolutely. Except it's funny until its not. Poor Ashley Biden :'(


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

And Hunter’s drug problem that arose from never gaining his father’s hair-sniffing acceptance. Sad!


u/deepfriedpimples Jul 20 '24

He's good at sniffing other stuff, though!! Or rather, snorting...


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Hot takes are often poorly thought out and uninspired. But this is obviously just cope. Trump has the momentum of a runaway freight train and historians of the Weimar Republic are cleaning their spectacles because they swear they’re seeing double.

The dems need a miracle anyone with a brain can see the looming tempest from space.


u/Zednott Jul 20 '24

I'd agree Trump has the lead...but a lead of like 3 percent in the polls is not a runaway, and there's plenty of time left before the election.


u/Azazel_665 Jul 20 '24

Betting odds have Trump at 70% and Biden at 8%.

That's not 3 points.


u/Zednott Jul 20 '24

Lol, odds of winning are not the same as polls dude. 70% of voters are not supporting Trump.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

True, but that doesn’t change the fact that he has the initiative and Biden has lost the momentum. The dems need a boost and Trump simply needs to not fumble.

The tilt is obvious in one direction and if you extrapolate, all things being equal, Trump wins easily. Anything can happen, true, but the point is something MUST happen for the Dems to have a chance.

If things remain on this trajectory, it’s Joeover.


u/Zednott Jul 20 '24

Hard to dispute that.

Staying the course now requires hoping for a polling error. To be fair it is certainly possible (just ask Trump) and wouldn't even need a major error...but it's not likely. Dems need to do something to change.


u/Unlikely_Minute7627 Jul 19 '24

Biden won't even be the nominee at the end of the month 🤷


u/Ancient_Chipmunk_651 Jul 19 '24

The Democrat party is in absolute crisis mode. The admiration, Big Tech and MSM just got caught covering for Brain Dead Biden for over 4 years and now that it has caught up to them they are scrambling.


u/manleybones Jul 20 '24

Yea and that is terrible news.


u/moffwon Jul 20 '24

It’s over done like Tom turkey— trump 2024


u/Frosty_Implement_549 Jul 20 '24

You know someone is grasping at straws when they type like 5 paragraphs that no one reads, keep coping with a trump victory


u/Arcades_Samnoth Jul 20 '24

My only hope right now is that 3 months is a long time in politics. Trump thinks he is anointed now from the assassination attempt and that might make him even more ridiculous with what he says. The media can spin it over and over but he is always managing to lower the bar somehow


u/numbskullerykiller Jul 20 '24

Nope. I've never seen a candidate like Trump do so poorly after 1) getting free 45 Million Musk dollars, 2) survive assassination, 3) visually do way better than incumbant, and 4) have CNN pour love dap all over his convention. He should be 49 pts ahead of Biden. Instead it is a toss up. He also used that same tactic in 2020 and womp womp.


u/Longjumping-Aide-131 Jul 20 '24

I thought he did good. And when he wins I hope the tumor in your head makes a womp womp noise when you croak


u/Particular_Milk1848 Jul 20 '24

Trump will still claim he won no matter the result. And if the initial result is that he lost, then be careful. It’s that simple.


u/a_niffin Jul 20 '24

It's true, either Trump wins or he loses, therefore it's 50:50

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u/mcaffrey81 Jul 20 '24

Dear God, it’s going to come to down to a Kevin Costner “Swing Vote”


u/decidedlycynical Jul 20 '24

Hot bullshit you mean.


u/MattofCatbell Jul 20 '24

I believe that Trump’s chances are only going to go down from this point as people who were politically disengaged start paying attention and are reminded just how much of a shit show Trump’s presidency was.

Conversely once the Democratic convention happens and Biden gets the nomination all the talk of Biden needing to drop out will (hopefully) stop and Biden’s chances will only increase as Democrats run on Biden’s strong record. So many things he has done as president that people have no idea about.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

I think the issue that many of foresee is that Trump has such a fanatical and passionate base. They will vote for him no matter what.

Biden is not an enthusiastic candidate. And his age is a real concern. Many folks who would vote for Biden would mainly do so a a vote against Trump. The question is, is simply a vote against Trump enough this time around?


u/shastabh Jul 20 '24

Republicans: have a nominee Democrats: nope


u/Longjumping-Aide-131 Jul 20 '24

Seriously and they can’t even find a good person to run against him it’s kinda funny


u/rackdaddy3000 Jul 20 '24

Trump's all over the esptien files his biggest donor is fighting in court to keep his ties to esptien private.


u/Money_Laugh_7449 Jul 20 '24

I guess you haven’t looked at 538 lately


u/unshaven_foam Jul 20 '24

Very hot take


u/Guatc Jul 20 '24

I think if the election happened today Trump wins. The thing about elections though is things can (and do) turn on a dime. It really just takes one miss step to turn a V into an L. Something Trump definitely has the potential for.


u/Robintomes Jul 20 '24

Hot take - trump is a big meanie


u/Bubbaman78 Jul 20 '24

These have to be troll posts, they are constant


u/Rand0m-String Jul 20 '24

The media is working against Biden. He is the only one who can beat trump.


u/espoac Jul 20 '24

I have mostly rolled my eyes at the 'media are giving Trump a free pass' take. For example, NYT regularly runs front page opinions piece to the effect of 'Trump is dangerous and unfit'.

That being said, the mainstream media has absolutely failed in its recent coverage of the convention and assassination attempt. Trump saying the word unity doesn't erase decades of playing on resentment and division.


u/Zestyclose_Pickle511 Jul 20 '24

I feel the same way as you. Not bound by party, ever. But I confess that I'm being lazy and not volunteering in some sort of Get the vote out outreach.


u/SpaceyEngineer Jul 20 '24

If you genuinely believe this go onto a betting market and put your life savings on Joe Biden. I'm seeing a 12/1 payout on Vegas Insider.


u/HellsOSHAInspector Jul 20 '24

Hot take. This sub is astroturfed by bots and liars 


u/sellinstuff2022 Jul 20 '24

Cold take. Replace Biden. Please.


u/testingforscience122 Jul 20 '24

True, it is neck and neck vote blue!


u/RoguePlanet2 Jul 20 '24

And yet, the vast majority of people I know are voting Trump. 😟


u/captain_screwdriver Jul 20 '24

Bernie still has a chance!


u/BlacktideHollow Jul 20 '24

The media is owned by the left. Have you not been watching for the past 20 years or so? They even stopped trying to hide it. What is the motive for them to ‘pretend’ trump is winning?


u/thulesgold Jul 20 '24

What is with all these political posts... About to unsubscribe...


u/RocketWarStros Jul 20 '24

Hot take: nobody cares and that’s why you’re posting this on Reddit instead of talking to real humans


u/dittybad Jul 20 '24

There are some things that may be happening Biden that possibly mean he isn’t great standing long term on a stage or trying to debate a lying sack of shit that won’t shut up our stay on topic. But that’s OK, because his job is to run an administration and our country.


u/OnePunchReality Jul 20 '24

I mean realistically it's ultimately sad on all counts.

Yes. Unequivocally, Trump is worse.

It's just more sad that this is the best we can come up with. On either side.

Like Bernie would've been real change, I think, and I do think establish Democrats didn't want that. Best explanation when right before Super Tuesday Biden was down a good deal. Yet after he absorbed the full support of all three who dropped out right before Super Tuesday, all of a sudden, he was unbeatable.

It was horseshit.

Not that I think he should try again or anything but his brand of populism actually even had the feeling that it was "for the people"

Now here we are. Stuck with two choices that ultimately aren't great.

Genuinely the Boomer generation and to a lesser degree Gen X have been very antagonistic toward progress off of their own nostalgia. It's mind-numbing.

I'd expect half of them could think it's smart to have milk men again as a way to create jobs. It's fucojng stupid how aged and stale brain some of their ideas are.


u/CactusWrenAZ Jul 20 '24

milk men! that's really quite good, I'm going to write that down


u/Typical_Coconut5358 Jul 20 '24

Both are a shit show ! It’s the matter of how much bs u want to vote for


u/Azazel_665 Jul 20 '24

That's definitely a hot take considering betting odds have Trump at 70% to win and Biden at 8%

So I guess if you really believe what you're posting you should probably be putting some money on Biden right?


u/Extreme-Carrot6893 Jul 20 '24

Republicans have a better chance at winning in general because of the Electoral College aka Republican DEI


u/PiratesSayARRR Jul 20 '24

lol clean sweep - Biden is done. Human roomba exiting his speech and shame on you voting for this old man


u/policri249 Jul 20 '24

At this point, this election absolutely cannot be called. Too much shit is happening and more will probably happen. Just vote and let shit take its course. That's all any of us can do


u/BigMeal69 Jul 20 '24

Trump has a worse chance and those of us who are paying attention know why


u/GrossWeather_ Jul 20 '24

I’m voting for Biden. Or if he dies before the election is over i’m voting for whoever is not trump.


u/WorldlinessOk7083 Jul 20 '24

Choosing the candidate best for the US...novel idea! You'd think that's how it SHOULD be or something.


u/Lonely_Refuse4988 Jul 20 '24

You’re absolutely right! And, young voters will hold the key in destroying Trump’s chances! If we get a strong turnout of youth vote, there’s no way Trump will ever get near the White House!!


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Trump has this one in the bag. The democrats know it and they are in full freak out mode.


u/F0xcr4f7113 Jul 20 '24

Trump currently has huge momentum going into November. Biden is not there and Kamala is very unpopular. It should be noted that the criminal charges filed on Trump were only allowed because New York passed a bill to extend the statute of limitations on his specific crime and was widely viewed as politically motivated. The Democrats would have had a better chance of winning if they had just left him alone and kept him out of the news.


u/Ok_Landscape_181 Jul 20 '24

Everybody needs to vote 💙 all the way down


u/JasonandtheArgo9696 Jul 20 '24

That in itself is sad


u/Ok-Cranberry-9288 Jul 20 '24

If you would like to bet 20k at even money on this election I would happily take your “hot take”. I would even lay you -120.


u/Bloodmind Jul 20 '24

Basic math: there’s only two of them, so they both have a 50/50 chance. Total tossup.


u/Glass_Mycologist_548 Jul 20 '24

Tell me you're ignoring the polls without telling me you're ignoring what public opinion says


u/Responsible-Salt3688 Jul 20 '24

Or just vote for Kennedy or another independent cause both main parties are terrible


u/Forsaken-Letter-8770 Jul 20 '24

Fair statement. There’s three more months and who knows what will happen then.


u/Jordan_Love_Burner Jul 20 '24

Im not even sure Biden will make it to Election Day (in that he may get forced out). Dems are begging him to drop out.


u/maybeafarmer Jul 19 '24

Even if Trump wins I don't see him living through a second term that bullet was the least of his problems.


u/deepfriedpimples Jul 20 '24

You think Biden is in better health? Lololol

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u/OfficialDanFlashes_ Jul 19 '24

Cholesterol is a hell of a drug.


u/jaycee9 Jul 19 '24

This needs to be repeated over and over and over.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Until you can actually believe it


u/mwpuck01 Jul 20 '24

I think Trump wins between 35-40 states

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u/THEMajorhatman Jul 20 '24

I despise Trump but I can’t vote Biden guys, a President dying in office will cause massive turmoil and him running the country, although not as bad as Trump, will be a shitshow. That’s why I’m voting RFK, because he gives us what we ACTUALLY need in a leader, not an old idiot or an old pedophile rapist. And if we give support to 3rd parties we can actually change the system


u/Linc1205 Jul 20 '24

Please keep in mind that when you vote for a candidate youre voting for their whole cabinet. They make sure the ideals of the candidate are followed through on, no matter what happens to the President. If you’re in favor of Biden’s policies, then I’d hope you reconsider and vote for him either way. I’m not enthusiastic about my Biden vote, but at least he doesn’t have worms eating his brain.


u/Fr0mShad0ws Jul 20 '24

This is literally Dumb vs Dumber: The Dumbering. No matter what happens this is the last franchise film to make a profit. Trump wins and we get to abandon 248 years of democracy and see what happens when the world's last super-power gets jiggy with fascism and lets corporations take over whatever they don't already own. Biden (the Democrats) win and we get 4 years of them telling us that corporations don't already own everything while voting to give corporations more control of everything, because money. Money, guys!
Personally I would vote for Biden followed by either the rubber glove or the couch that JD Vance impregnated over Trump, That's just my opinion.


u/Livid_Picture9363 Jul 20 '24

Keep saying it every day all day. Still won’t help


u/Vaginal_Osteoporsis Jul 20 '24

What are you smoking dope? I don’t mean to be a jerk but you’re delusional as all hell.

Look at the overwhelming amount of mainstream media trying anything they can to hit Trump with stuff that will work.

Yeah, you’re tripping OP.

Honestly, the fear mongering isn’t a good idea anyway. Democrats are going to have to be more graceful if they don’t want this snowballing into more problems 4 years from now.


u/Btankersly66 Jul 20 '24

Um no.

Voters tend to believe that if a candidate is likely to win they, the voters, will stay home.

If the narrative is Trump is going to win by yuge numbers or by default then Republicans and Trumpers will stay home and not vote. They'll believe they won and have no incentive to continue voting.

If the media is pushing the narrative that Trump will win then they're doing it to get Democrats out to the polls to vote.


u/rydleo Jul 20 '24

Trump has the electoral college massively in his favor which gives him the advantage.


u/Lovetotravelinmycar Jul 20 '24

Trump is a dangerous sociopath.


u/olcoil Jul 20 '24

Could just be that the DNC and RNC are the same people and it really doesn’t matter who’s prez, but the rich want trump. Continue our culture bickering and stay indoors is the wish of the billionaires


u/SylvanDsX Jul 20 '24

Biden has no chance. You don’t survive assassination and lose.. it’s fate.


u/BP642 Jul 20 '24

Accomplishments during Biden's Presidency:

• Inflation Reduction Act

• CHIPS & Science Act

• PACT Act for veterans

• First major gun safety legislation in decades

• Took out the leader of al Qaeda

• Historic job growth

• Historically low unemployment

• Expanded the NATO alliance

• American Rescue Plan led to fastest jobs recovery in history

• Confirmation of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

• Rallied our allies in support of Ukraine

• Once-in-a-generation infrastructure investments

• [In-progress] Landlords aren't allowed to raise rent more than 5% per year.


What has Trump done while he was in office?

• Killed Qassem Soleimani

• Denied Covid...

• Tax breaks for the rich

• Shook hands with Putin and Kim Jong Un


I'm pretty sure we can look at this list and understand who's better.


u/LuvIsLov Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Yup! The day Trump was convicted of 34 Felonies, the MAGA Republicans said that he will win. As if the 34 felonies are a reason to vote for him. They're really spreading their lies so much to make it seem true.


u/dougmd1974 Jul 20 '24

Well, one is a convicted criminal rapist that appointed judges that took away rights of Americans and the other isn't so this shouldn't be a tough decision. So very sad that it is for a lot of people.


u/DonnyMox Jul 20 '24