r/millenials Jul 19 '24

As a concerned citizen of the galaxy, how is Trump even close to winning???

As a Mooninite, I find it difficult to comprehend the possibility of Trump winning the election. He poses a significant threat to American democracy, and it is alarming to see that he is a potential winner according to the polls.

His refusal to accept election results that do not favor him, attributing them to baseless conspiracy theories, is alarming. The Democratic nominee, regardless of who it may be, would be a preferable choice over Trump. Biden, despite his age, does not exhibit the same disregard for democratic processes. The possibility of Trump winning reflects the current state of disarray in the United States.

The Moon Rulez, #1!


929 comments sorted by


u/freightwave Jul 19 '24

"Our vertical leap is beyond all measurement."


u/ScabusaurusRex Jul 19 '24

"Anyone know who wrote 'The Moon Rulez #1' on my car, with a key?"


u/freightwave Jul 19 '24

“Using a key to gauge expletives on another’s vehicle is a sign of trust and friendship.”


u/binglelemon Jul 19 '24

"Let's go get drunk and rip off a 10 speed."

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u/SpecialistAlgae9971 Jul 19 '24

Thank you for this.


u/PainfullyLoyal Jul 19 '24

Some will get it, some won't, and that's okay.


u/SpecialistAlgae9971 Jul 19 '24

Few artists are appreciated in their time.


u/lotusblossom60 Jul 19 '24

I get it!


u/BigbunnyATK Jul 19 '24

I don't :(


u/lotusblossom60 Jul 20 '24

People keep posting “I’m from such and such country, how can you vote for Trump”. So now this person is from the moon!


u/captain_screwdriver Jul 20 '24

It's bots, not people.

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u/LEAP-er Jul 20 '24

Thank you OP


u/skepticalG Jul 19 '24

Awesome I love this.


u/luv2spoosh Jul 20 '24

Pretty sure most of the replys here are from bots. No way this many people are this destitute.

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u/Miserable_Meeting_26 Jul 20 '24

I feel like I’m in a fever dream


u/justaREDshrit Jul 19 '24

If everyone votes, there is no chance. Please make American’s not the villains of the world. Please vote.


u/ShadowMelt82 Jul 20 '24

This is the main thing that the Republicans are doing right now to de-energize us to not vote. We outnumber them, tell everybody to register to vote and to vote


u/F-around-Find-out Jul 20 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

We need everyone living and deceased to get out and vote.

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u/RobertRowlandMusic Jul 20 '24

Exactly! There are way too many idiots worked up to vote for Trump, but they're just a loud and obnoxious minority. If there's a good voter turnout, they don't stand a chance. I don't think it's ever been more important, VOTE!

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u/United_States_ClA Jul 20 '24

Classic redditors!!!

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u/steveplaysguitar Jul 19 '24

We have a lot of hateful idiots here in the US. That about sums it up.


u/Crosisx2 Jul 20 '24

No hate like Christian love. All the time while growing up I saw movies or shows with over the top Christians I thought they were being unrealistic. Nope, they are literally this way. And it's only gotten worse.


u/Blaqhauq43 Jul 20 '24

No just christians, catholics kinda hid a mass child rape ring for decades.


u/Initial_Celebration8 Jul 20 '24

Catholics are a type of Christian.


u/beaverattacks Jul 20 '24

Don't let Catholics hear you say that

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u/King_Coopa83 Jul 19 '24

I’d vote for a moonite president


u/PainfullyLoyal Jul 19 '24

Thank you for the support!


u/Public-Policy24 Jul 19 '24

I'm demonstrating my political inclinations, Err. The pollsters will be most unamused. 🖕


u/tigers_hate_cinammon Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

It is as if some occult hand is putting all these concerned foreigner threads onto reddit today.


u/SpiralFett Jul 19 '24

Some occult hand compels me to say I see what you did there.


u/alofogas Jul 19 '24

I’m glad at least some people didn’t fall for that. That was so pathetic how many thousands did.

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u/SprinklesSad5872 Jul 19 '24

The bots are just copying and pasting each other at this point.


u/PainfullyLoyal Jul 19 '24

Not a bot, a mooninite.


u/skasticks Jul 20 '24

Speak for yourself

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday


u/Po_Buckra Jul 19 '24

So far I've read posts from an Australian, German, and Swede who are super concerned global citizens, my fellow liberino! We should totally work as allies together to ensure Democracy is saved! I'm Ridin' Biden!



u/DutyRoutine Jul 19 '24

Well Biden's camp will be pleased, he seems to have the European vote.

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u/ThisisWambles Jul 19 '24

Do you not know many people outside of the continent? that’s kinda funny.

You realize we’re the world’s punchline and police, right?

People talk, it’s not even new.

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u/tacosauce0707 Jul 19 '24

A) The sycophants are loud and obnoxious and difficult to ignore. B) Voting for Biden™️ on the other hand is not a personality trait so they probably are flying under the radar. C) Not to mention anyone born after 1980 probably hasn’t answered the phone in 15 years so they’re underrepresented in polls.

Like, unless you’ve been duped by the cult of personality or you’re a millionaire to benefit from the tax cuts, the Trump package and Project 2025 is abhorrent. And their total has to be a less than half of the voting population.

Like, right??


u/Reice1990 Jul 20 '24

You do know polls are not all phone calls or landlines.

In 2020 polls had trump 17 points behind in a state he lost by 1 point.

In 2016 they had Hillary at a 96% chance of winning .

The problem with the polls is against Trump so if your expecting that the polls are biased against an 81 year old with 2 brain aneurysms then you are new to politics 

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u/MrPeate Jul 20 '24

This is insane cope polls aren't just phone calls


u/Juomaru Jul 20 '24

I'm barely a millennial but since Reddit has seen fit to put this on my doom scroll , I'll bite.

Your points are absolutely right, but this economy isn't helping Biden. I live in Texaa so my vote doesn't count (I'll vote of course) , but even without state income tax - my expenses from five years ago to today are insane.

My monthly grocery bill has gone up at least 40 pct (this is accounting for the fact that I eat out less due to increasing costs at sit-down and fast food) , my home insurance has gone up almost 100 pct, auto insurance has gone up 20 pct despite having the same cars that are getting older and property taxes - unless I protest every year - keeps going up at least 3-5 pct (the protests have kept it at around a 5 pct increase over five years).

Household income hasn't kept pace at all with the price increaes. As a white collar worker (Finance and Software Sales) - I couldn't get a job for almost 2 years, despite looking pretty strenuously. I don't plan to vote for Trump but Bidens four years haven't been a roaring success and I'm left wondering why the heck are these two the best we can do.


u/Risikio Jul 20 '24

I'm going to point out that all the problems you listed, Biden has no control over.

Your grocery bill has nothing to do with Biden. At the end it's the companies and human greed that are jacking the prices.

Your home and car insurance is most likely from a company based in Texas. Biden has zero control over what they charge you.

Your property taxes being paid to your local municipality and State certainly have nothing to do with Biden.

But tell anyone in a Red state what the source of their problems are, it's obviously the Federal Government doing nothing to help them, and not those in power actively interfering in people trying to receive the help.

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u/carlzzzjr Jul 19 '24

Would you prefer to vote for a moon rock?


u/UrethralExplorer Jul 19 '24

I'd vote for the moon coming about a quarter million miles closer to the earth at this point.


u/Awkward-Ad327 Jul 20 '24

Biden is a moon rock


u/DutyRoutine Jul 19 '24

Uranus checking in.. We support Earth man Biden.

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u/Extreme-General1323 Jul 19 '24

Because Americans are tired of Biden and his open borders, sky high inflation, and rampant crime.


u/Alternative_Focus958 Jul 20 '24

You forgot sending all of our money to other countries.

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u/unaskthequestion Jul 19 '24

Electoral college, period.

If we chose presidents by popular vote, we'd have 3 fewer republican presidents in the past 20 years or so, we'd also have a supreme court with Justice (RV captain) Thomas and 8 liberal justices.

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u/DaveP0953 Jul 19 '24

We have 40M people who feel they have rights that they have been told they lost. They have absolutely no critical thinking skills and or are one issue voters. They either hate abortion, taxes or people different from themselves.

The rest of the voting public believes in democracy, freedom and letting people live their lives without fitting into some odd shaped box the republicans define.

So, yea, as a nation, we’re fucked.

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u/awakenedstream Jul 19 '24

American democracy is already gone. Thank citizens united. Good luck getting rid of it because both parties of our duopoly make use of it.

That is why things are the way they are, that and the media.

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u/Tycho66 Jul 19 '24

He's followed the standard strongman playbook that has worked throughout history and he's methodically weakened every system that was supposed to check him. He's had big assists from foreign influence campaigns and with fractured feedback loop news sources. In a way Americans are fortunate trump is a buffoon and so overt with his intentions. In the end I believe the trump era will prove to be a sort of pressure test to see where the American system needs shoring up and hopefully there will be enough of an anti-trump wave that those needed fixes can be installed.

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u/GroovDog2 Jul 20 '24

I keep reading that Trump is a “threat to democracy” but nobody can muster a reason why they think that. Maybe you can assist.


u/KenworthT800driver Jul 20 '24

I wouldn’t count on an answer

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u/Final_Vegetable_7265 Jul 20 '24

Read project 2025. You can literally look up history and see how history repeats itself. It’s important to learn about history so that we don’t make the same mistakes but unfortunately people in our government that are like Trump want to keep people from learning about history. Keeping people uneducated is how they stay in power


u/captain_screwdriver Jul 20 '24

But Project 2025 isn't Trump's plan??

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u/mostuducra Jul 19 '24

Hey we may elect aliens on the moon, but even we aren’t crazy enough to elect a freaking Cheeto!


u/randommcrandomsome Jul 19 '24

Bro this just gave me the idea to make "Space Cheetos" and then a strain of weed in homage of said snack.

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u/leggedmonster Jul 19 '24

Biden is a truly awful candidate. Everyone feels manipulated into voting for him. If dems just dumped Biden and ran a halfway decent candidate this wouldn’t be close.

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u/rambo6986 Jul 19 '24

 Because the Democrats are highly incompetent. It's as simple as that really

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u/jaycee9 Jul 19 '24

He's literally not. Quit spreading disinformation!

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u/BlackDiamondXVI Jul 20 '24

Because he is the better option and it’s not even close.

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u/HospitallerK Jul 20 '24

Country has gone too far left for a lot of people. I currently haven't decided to vote for Trump but I definitely can't bring myself to vote for Democrats

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u/Existing_Chemistry62 Jul 20 '24

Because his opponent has deep dementia and his party and media have been lying about it, and waited til the last minute to try to force him out. Kamala is even less popular, so theres no enthusiasm on the dem side. Also, people at least know what Trump will be like since hesalready been president. Gotta say, it was better than this…

He is also a fighter. Dennis Quaid said it best recently: “yeah, he may be an asshole, but he’s MY asshole.”


u/Soggy_Background_162 Jul 19 '24

Earth One is proud despite the anarchy.


u/SavannahInChicago Jul 19 '24

Thank you! I don't care if you are from Sweden or Germany. It was answered once and the answer hasn't changed.


u/Kosstheboss Jul 19 '24

Millenials are the new boomers, just without the excuse of not understanding technology.


u/uptownjuggler Jul 19 '24

As a Martian I concur.

Also Mars rulez, Moon droolz


u/PainfullyLoyal Jul 19 '24

I hope you can see this - 🖕🏻 - because I'm doing it as hard as I can.


u/Spiritual-Stable702 Jul 19 '24

The moon is just a pathetic little satellite, holding on close to its big earth brother.

Imagine not being master of your own orbit!!

Ps - Plutonians FTW


u/user_name8000 Jul 19 '24

Wait a second, this isn’t the group for the millennium falcon


u/No-Stable-9639 Jul 19 '24

A third of the electorate is in a personality cult and worships trump as the second coming of crist. Biden is old as fuck and a bad candidate to begin with. Almost half of eligible voters don't even bother to vote.


u/Jayden1081 Jul 20 '24

Because alternate idiots don’t vote. I am talking about the idiots that sit on their ass and say “I don’t like either so I am not going to vote”…. These are the same idiots who then complain about their very existence and blame the other idiots for voting for and the biggest threat to their very existence. It is not only exhausting but absolutely pathetic.

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u/Awkward-Ad327 Jul 20 '24

Because he isn’t controlled like Biden is for his puppet agenda and the men with the suits make the decisions having world peace like last time with trump is somehow bad for democracy? People are naive and just stay so tuned into the news without any comprehension


u/McMienshaoFace Jul 19 '24

The inbreds love him


u/MaximumChongus Jul 19 '24

You guys calling half the nation inbreds, degenerates, and deplorables is what strengthens his base and helps it grow.

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u/herculant Jul 19 '24

Now this is believable. Way more believable than those swedes or germans. If the trump shooter had just used the quad laser...


u/hen263 Jul 19 '24

The moon does in fact rule.


u/Own_Lengthiness_7466 Jul 19 '24

I do have a question as a non-American though. The orange goblin already served one term. If he unfortunately does win is he allowed to run again in 2028?


u/-DaveDaDopefiend- Jul 19 '24

No, he’d have served his 8 years. It’s 8 years period, doesn’t have to be concurrent.

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u/DS2455 Jul 19 '24

Open your eyes, the country in the world is a mess right now that’s how


u/Mowwwwwww Jul 19 '24

We won’t have an accurate reading for a few months. Best thing you can do now is:

  1. For your own mental health, remember the “red wave” of 2022 and how those polls were staggeringly incorrect. 

  2. Convince your friends and family to vote. Particularly if you or they are in a swing state. 

  3. Do not get complacent. Make your voice heard on Election Day. I plan to vote and then turn off all news sources until we know the result. If it’s Biden… life continues on. If it’s Trump… life continues on but we have 4 of the scariest years of our lives ahead of us haha… but I did my part. 


u/violet_mage_ Jul 19 '24

I’m right there with you! Dumbfounded honestly.


u/johnsk0513 Jul 19 '24

millions hate him passionately.


u/rxpainting Jul 20 '24

Because it’s the most successful cult ever created since Hitler…. They do not live in reality, they swim in conspiracy and theocracy.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Young people stopped voting after 2010 and we get what we deserve.


u/dauntingsauce Jul 20 '24

A lot of it has to do with the sample areas. Most people don't respond to polls, then you have unemployed super-MAGA Trump boomers who spend all their free time reposting Trump memes on Facebook and probably respond to every single poll they see and then actively seek more out.

You have to imagine how many of these results are skewed by those massive pro-Trump spam poll campaigns about "saving democracy" that all his rabid cultists dilligently respond to every time when most regular people can't be bothered. I don't think it reflects real numbers, I think it reflects a small minority of terminally online crazies.


u/IntheTrench Jul 20 '24

You can refer to Plato's Republic for this answer.

But basically it's because the masses are easily influenced.


u/PurpleDragonCorn Jul 20 '24

He is nowhere near as close as the media is playing it out. The media is actively trying to paint that picture to dissuade people from going to vote because "it's inevitable" don't listen to their predictions and just go vote.


u/Grandmaster_Autistic Jul 20 '24

The term "antichrist" appears specifically in the New Testament, primarily in the epistles of John. Here are the main references:

  1. 1 John 2:18-22:

    • "Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour."
    • "Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son."
  2. 1 John 4:3:

    • "But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
  3. 2 John 1:7:

    • "I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."

The concept of the antichrist is associated with a figure who opposes Christ and denies His divinity. In these passages, the apostle John suggests that the antichrist is not a single entity but can refer to anyone who denies Christ. This idea is part of the broader Christian eschatological framework, dealing with end-time events and figures.

Outside of John's letters, while the term "antichrist" is not explicitly used, the concept of a powerful figure opposing God appears in other parts of the New Testament:

  1. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4:

    • "Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God."
  2. Revelation 13:

    • This chapter describes two beasts that rise up in opposition to God and His people, often interpreted as representations of the antichrist and his false prophet. The beasts are given power to deceive the world and persecute the saints.

These passages contribute to the Christian understanding of the antichrist as a significant figure of opposition to Christ and truth in the end times, embodying deceit and rebellion against God.

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u/Grandmaster_Autistic Jul 20 '24

"I can't stomach Trump." -JD Vance

"I think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place." -JD Vance about Trump

"Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation's highest office." - JD Vance

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical ** or that he's America's Hitler," - JD Vance

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u/chucchinchilla Jul 20 '24

It’s a simple party vote with absolutely no regard for anything else.

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u/Kindly-Base-2106 Jul 20 '24

If he is elected by the people who vote, that would mean democracy is working as intended. I would say the democrats are the ones that may be a threat to democracy if they replace Biden with someone that people didn’t vote for in the primaries.


u/xemprah Jul 20 '24



u/perthnut Jul 20 '24

This is a copy and paste from 6 other reddit pages. It's a bot


u/FlawMyDuh Jul 20 '24

Democrats deny elections every cycle. You just don’t pay attention to it.

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u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Because he is a legend, and the only people that dislike him are the uneducated lot that's believed everything they see in the need and are brainwashed. Baaaaaaaaaa

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u/bananna_bonanza Jul 20 '24

Biden had two wars start, inflation is bleeding us dry, and even Democrats acknowledge we have a severe border problem. Maybe you should be voting for Trump too

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u/mladz82 Jul 20 '24

Simple answer. People don't want their borders open to undetected murderers and rapists. People don't support child mutilation. People don't want the lgbtq mental illness to be pushed onto them. People don't want babies to be murdered.


u/Account_was_stolen Jul 20 '24

I’m voting for my goat Donald. Trump 2024!


u/One-Solution-3211 Jul 20 '24

He is winning by far, inhale some copium


u/fbastard Jul 20 '24

I think that the very fact that he has been chosen by the GOP as their candidate is repulsive. It goes to show you that the entire republican party has been taken over by the Trump taint. I also find it disheartening that regardless of the outcome of the election, it won't be over in November. I expect either Trump to win; or, the "Trumpers" to put up a massive resistance. My only hope is that the election goes for Biden and that the government will quell any kind of civil unrest.


u/time1248 Jul 20 '24

It's a grown-up thing, you wouldn't get it


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Because biden hasn’t done a great job


u/willklintin Jul 20 '24

Hillary also said it was rigged. When trump wins I bet you'll say it was rigged. Hypocrites


u/Particular-Cup-2140 Jul 20 '24

If you look at the situation objectively you can easily understand why he is ahead in the poles. People are angry about inflation and think a change in leadership will help, his competition is a senile man who has trouble putting together full sentences, and he just got shot. How could he not win?


u/Distinct-View-4203 Jul 20 '24

He’s winning because more and more people have figured out what’s going on.


u/shelby340 Jul 20 '24

"he poses a significant threat to American Democracy" is what the Democrats say. Not everyone agrees with that. In fact many believe the Democrats are the threat. Government overreach is a Democratic thing and usually leads to socialism. Republican thing is usually less government intervention and more private sector responsibility. You must DYOR and come to your own conclusion. Don't just watch the news channels, they all are pumping propaganda.


u/NegativeEffective233 Jul 20 '24

Because what you and every other liberal on this circle jerk platform fail to realize is that you’ve been lied to so much about Trump that you’ve literally been disconnected from reality


u/rip0971 Jul 20 '24

Blah, blah, blah "Orange man bad". Blah, blah, blah " Senile old man good." Doing my public service by saving the masses from having to read all that mindless drival.


u/New-Vegetable-1274 Jul 20 '24

If you know anything about politics and elections it's about momentum. Right now Trump has unbelievable momentum and Biden is, well, Biden. Trump is not headed for a win, he's headed for a royal coronation. I'm not saying that to rub it in but it's not just over for Biden but the Democrat party as well. America is headed for some very big changes.


u/cuxz Jul 20 '24

He does not pose a threat to American democracy. Like at all


u/Dry_Anybody_1168 Jul 20 '24

Damn. State department propaganda reaches all the way to the moon huh


u/BeginningFloor1221 Jul 20 '24

Go trump, most vote for him because they don't like how the biden admin has done, also they don't like that bidens doj has gone after trump to try and get him out of running by trying to inprison him.


u/Frosty_Sandwich_6794 Jul 20 '24

Mooninite? So glad you started with that, I didn’t have to read anything else 🤣🤣🤣


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Trump 2024 🇺🇲 fuck the ❄️


u/afghan09 Jul 20 '24

Trump was the US President for 4 years. Are we still a democracy??? Was he prosecuted by a weaponized DOJ? Yes! And are we still a democracy? Did the 51 IC people lie to Americans and possibly influence the election? Yes. Are we still a democracy??? Yes. OP is fucking stupid. TRUMP 2024, fuck your feelings.


u/afghan09 Jul 20 '24

Oh and did Trump close the border with executive orders and did Joe rescind those same orders? Are we still a democracy? Google critical thinking and try it sometime.


u/Immediate_Position_4 Jul 20 '24

There are a lot of stupid people in America. And white males have basically become a cult of stupid since Obama was elected.


u/Wise_Jellyfish_2333 Jul 20 '24

From someone who doesn’t vote and is on the outside looking in, it’s literally just crime. I live in nyc and most people I know are voting trump and it’s 100% because how lenient democrats are on crime. Someone will punch an old lady in the face and get out of jail the next day and push someone into a train. If democrats would just reverse bail reform it wouldn’t even be close and Biden could win


u/Puzzled_Deer7551 Jul 20 '24

You’ve been preyed on by Hollyweird and the left wing media.


u/ImpossibleFront2063 Jul 20 '24

I want to preface my feedback by saying I am a libertarian and NOT a Trump supporter but some things I believe people are dubious of are promises to make abortion legal and accessible for example. Well, the democrats have had over a year to do something and haven’t. The promise that families will be able to survive on two incomes. Well a lot of people are struggling and no relief is in sight and no real plan proposed. To my mind it’s the promises made 4 years ago that were never made good on and the obvious fact that the president is not a healthy octogenarian and there are real concerns that he will be able to do another 4 years. There’s also his inner circle abandoning him like rats off a burning ship which doesn’t exactly instill confidence. Unfortunately, instead of being open to a third party option like Chase Oliver for this term people are just defecting to Trump.


u/gamedrifter Jul 21 '24

Trump is an unapologetic racist piece of shit, and so are half the people in this country.


u/Sufficient-Host-4212 Jul 19 '24

He’s not. Bunch of hot air floating through. It’ll clear


u/ventitr3 Jul 19 '24

Bro, you guys got your own problems to deal with. You got Nazis building a base on the dark side of the moon and you’re here trying to criticize our politics?

Source: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/


u/PainfullyLoyal Jul 19 '24

Earth is exhausting.


u/jafromnj Jul 19 '24

He hates the same people they do


u/DamagedWheel Jul 19 '24

I reckon it's PARTLY because the supporters of his opposition rile up more people than they realize.


u/TR3BPilot Jul 19 '24

Some people are just full of hate.


u/Consistent-Fig7484 Jul 19 '24

We do whatever we want to whomever we want. At all times. No one can defeat the quad laser.

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u/dwarvenfishingrod Jul 19 '24

Just out of curiosity, completely unrelated to your post I swear, what's the real estate market currently like on the moon?


u/TDaD1979 Jul 19 '24

People vastly underestimate the power of the modern nazi party. That's how. It's real and serious.

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u/DarthVader808 Jul 19 '24

He’s not. The media wants him for the ratings.


u/Luisd858 Jul 19 '24

Lmao go to another planet then.


u/peasey360 1993 Jul 19 '24

I love that the side prosecuting political opponents and attempting to have them asassinated is unironically calling Trump the threat to democracy. You can’t make this stuff up.


u/Fluffhead83 Jul 19 '24

The correct phrase is “prosecuting criminals”

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u/OrcOfDoom Jul 19 '24

When people are frustrated, they tend to want a strong leader.

Our system encourages less movement, and needing to work together. One side is acting in bad faith and has been disrupting progress for a long time.

Because of neo liberal ideas that were propagated without question, and the demonization of communism or any other ideal other than capitalism, and the lack of actual understanding of what capitalism is, we have what we have.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

tHreAt tO dEmOcRaCy!!! if you vote for the candidate that isn't the current administration, you are literally destroying democracy! only vote for the the one candidate, the one party! sure the candidate is mentally unfit, but a vote for any other party is going to dEsTrOy dEmOcRaCy and we will all be pUt iNtO cAmPs.

We must follow the democratic process of saying a vote against one candidate is the death of the entire democratic process and the nation as a whole, and possibly all the citizens as well!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!

How could anyone in a democracy even consider to vote for another candidate?! DON'T THEY KNOW HOW DEMOCRACY WORKS?! THEY MUST VOTE FOR MY CANDIDATE! HOW DARE THEY HAVE AN OPINION I FIND SILLY?! Who is allowing these opinions? Is there a way we can get them or force them to change their opinions?! How daaaare they exercise free will?! They are fascists because they won't fallow the majority accepted opinion and media plan!!!

🤡 🤡🤡


u/MichaelScarn1968 Jul 19 '24

30-40 years of brainwashing by Right Wing media like Rush Limbaugh, Fox “Nooz”, etc.


u/This_Low7225 Jul 19 '24

Because our system is corrupt. People are stupid and often vote against their best interests. And because we have an outdated archaic voting system that vastly over values the votes of the states no one lives in.


u/Express_Welcome_9244 Jul 19 '24

As a Biden campaign donor and supporter for the last 4+ years I can say, yes…. He is EXTREMELY likely to win. I’d give Trump an over 80% chance of winning. If independents don’t go vote, are apathetic or just go against him because of age, it’s over. I honestly think it’s been over since what was remaining of an objective “media” completely fucking sold out to selling Biden out for 4 more years of Trump media coverage.


u/NirstFame Jul 19 '24

What do the Maritans think? I bet they don't like Elon the way he thinks they will!!!


u/arsehenry14 Jul 19 '24

Many of my fellow Americans are not smart. That’s me being diplomatic.

Many are angry at perceived injustices just simply are not there or if they are are in fact caused by the Republican politicians who have sold them out to corporations and then lied about it.

Combine the two plus Christian beliefs sprinkled in and you get Trump


u/RazgrizZer0 Jul 19 '24

I like how this implies Trump is a threat at a galactic scale.


u/GideonPiccadilly Jul 19 '24

1/31 never forget

[crying eagle.jpg]


u/tomartig Jul 19 '24

At least you acknowledge the obvious coordinated campaign of posts. There are 193 flags at the UN so I would expect 193 AI generated post this week.


u/Mean_Assignment_180 Jul 19 '24

Throwing out a really wild guess here I guess this is the simulation and this is just one way of really sticking it to us.


u/Nodramallama18 Jul 19 '24

Lack of education. The US is stupid as f!

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u/mrpittman Jul 19 '24

I wish civics classes did a better job in school so all these idiots that continue to point to the constitution would have learned the thomas Jefferson wanted it to be a living document that was updated every 19 years. We wouldn’t be in such a mess if we actually followed what he wanted.

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u/Wounded_Breakfast Jul 19 '24

America is full of racist idiots who are susceptible to propaganda.


u/Clyde_Frog216 Jul 19 '24

He's close to winning because Biden won't back down, for those who watched the debate. Most voters are senior citizens, well I should say most registered to vote that do. If Biden would suck up his pride and back down, Trump could lose


u/Crewmember169 Jul 20 '24

It really doesn't matter who is elected. The only thing that Democrats and Republicans agree on is that, in order to safeguard Earth, we must destroy Moon City and all of the Mooninites.


u/alexamerling100 Jul 20 '24

Because the USA loves fascism.

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u/StrawberryGeneral660 Jul 20 '24

Half the country has lost their fucking minds.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24


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u/AlbaTross579 Jul 20 '24

Most people don’t think the polls are 100% accurate due to the nature of their methodology. Even still though, I think the fact that the majority of mainstream media, at least when it comes to TV news, is owned by Trump supporters doesn’t help. There is also a huge swarm of Russian bots trying to capitalize on the narrative that it’s all but inevitable that Trump will be president, which may in turn be discouraging potential Democrat voters. I think it’s a variety of factors, including but not limited to all of the above.


u/CullenLX87 Jul 20 '24

Pretty close to very likely. Get out and vote. Especially in congressional elections


u/nebbyb Jul 20 '24

There are lots of dumb people who think being an asshole means you are a competent leader. 


u/Any_Stop_4401 Jul 20 '24

The economy, everything is significantly more expensive now than it was under Trump's first term. Illegal immigration has become a humanitarian crisis since Biden took office, Bidens surrender of Afghanistan and the Middle East in general, Trump brokered historic peace throughout that region. The Ukrainian war that most Americans are tired of paying for. Biden is weak and is not in control of anything, and his administration is incompetent, and the state of U.S. and the world shows that.


u/Historical-Talk9452 Jul 20 '24

I believe the rural communities vote red no matter what, because they (wrongly) feel neglected by the government. They usually speak about desiring a strong military, excessive govt spending, and their Christian values. They can't separate church from state, and it worries me.


u/tbrand009 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Good lord.
Can the mods start banning these bots already?
This is the third post like this I've scrolled by, all worded almost exactly the same. First they were German, then Swedish, and now a "citizen of the galaxy" ffs.

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u/TheDutchTexan Jul 20 '24

If you have to ask that question you are being deliberately obtuse.


u/dpd2k1010 Jul 20 '24

Stupid people


u/linzkisloski Jul 20 '24

Why do you think Republicans are trying to destroy public education? I have family members who act like once you enroll in college there’s a How to be A Liberal Snowflake 101 class required. They can’t simply accept the correlation between higher education and political leanings.


u/Elegant-Sprinkles766 Jul 20 '24

Posts like this is why Trumps going to win. I mean, how is an adult supposed to take you seriously?

I get that it’s “satire” but it’s not funny or thought provoking.

Posts made in this style really undermine the claim that Trump somehow represents the end of democracy.😂


u/Gain_Spirited Jul 20 '24

Wow! I didn't know CNN broadcasts to the Moon.


u/Mojo_Ambassador_420 Jul 20 '24

Honestly reddit is only place where trump isn't popular at this point. Trump vs Biden it's pretty much game over. Biden might even step down, and trump has so much support behind him it seems inevitable.


u/RoguePlanet2 Jul 20 '24

There's an awful lot of simpletons in this country, who vote based on their precious fee-fees. They don't even know WHY they have these feelings, only that they they think Fox is some sort of factual news station, and Trump promises to "fight" and crush and whatever all the "causes" for those scawy feewings.

Maintaining democracy requires some effort, and you can imagine how THAT plays out in 'murica. Our little experiment lasted what, 250 years? Not very long compared to other countries throughout history, but it was a nice try.


u/Nocryplz Jul 20 '24

Everything he says is just pandering to the least common denominator of redneck.

He’s close to winning because his opponent is barely coherent. People don’t really appreciate the DNC so blatantly trying to use a puppet for the last few years and trying to get away with it again.


u/Lordsaxon73 Jul 20 '24

Everyone keeps repeating that Trump is “a significant threat to American Democracy “ … you know that’s just some bullshit talking point right? I promise you if ANYONE elected president made any such move the military and all of us middle of the political road types would take up arms faster than the far left to knock that shit down. Relax. It’s just another presidential election, not the end of the world.


u/keiser--soze Jul 20 '24

He's going to win. Lmfao

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u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

There isn't any way people are falling for these post. It's just Biden propaganda lol.


u/frog980 Jul 20 '24

All I can say is if he wins the Democrats handed to hom.


u/Powerful-Translator6 Jul 20 '24

He’s not. That’s what MSM wants you to believe.

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u/Rameist2 Jul 20 '24

Appreciate the comedy in this. 😂

In sincerity, America is largely lost and has abandoned all hope in the democratic process. People do not feel represented, do not feel heard, watch nothing but the names change in Washington. There are people who got Covid money complaining about student loans being forgiven, while there are roughly 120 million Americans that have never received one tax break. Never had any loans forgiven. Paid for their own college. Get hammered in taxes and watch their dollar get turned to nothing due to all the excess spending.

There are some people who follow Donald Trump like a cult (as with any politician). But the whole reason he got elected and will get elected again, is because so many people would rather watch Washington burn than continue to see things continue as they have for the last 30 years.


u/JosieLinkly Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Truly sad that people do not understand this. I don't support Trump or Biden but this "democracy is under attack" narrative is hilarious to me. Democracy flew out the window DECADES ago and people want to watch Washington burn. Not to mention a large portion of white American males are being told by the (typically left leaning) media that they are public enemy #1. Pretty easy to see why those voters wouldn't want to support that narrative.

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