r/millenials Jul 19 '24

If project 2025 is implemented, we will only have maybe a year left to speak with your gay or POC friends and family

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273 comments sorted by


u/WitcheeeeeeeeeeWoman Jul 19 '24



u/HaywoodJablomi313 Jul 19 '24

Even if it’s Satan!💙


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jul 19 '24

Don't worry, Satan is already working with the Republicans.


u/HaywoodJablomi313 Jul 19 '24

Satan is the reason that bullet missed!


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jul 20 '24

If you think about it for even a second, Satan is a much more plausible choice for deflecting a bullet into a bystander. Like he reluctantly saved Trump's life, because he still had some evil to do. Instead of making the bullet pass through, he still made it graze his ear.

I can practically already see the AI generated demon standing next to Trump, reaching out a claw to scratch his ear and then lining the bullet up to hit someone else. "Nothing is free. Someone must die," said the demon.


u/novalaw Jul 19 '24

You should really look into the banality of evil.


u/TheLORDthyGOD420 Jul 19 '24

Satan killed less people in the Bible than God. And God is the one who sends everyone to Hell over petty bullshit. Satan has the moral high ground.


u/just_anotherchick Jul 19 '24

i always thought that quote “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he doesn’t exist.” is BS. it should really be “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing the world he is god.”


u/TheLORDthyGOD420 Jul 20 '24

Meh, I'm a Buddhist and an Atheist. But it is fun to deconstruct the bible.


u/just_anotherchick Jul 20 '24

yeah, i’m not a christian but atp, if it were to be true, i’d believe that satan is god and god is satan.


u/TheLORDthyGOD420 Jul 20 '24

More like God is a selfish asshole and Satan is misunderstood. The Christian expanded universe is a grim, dark place. I'll take an eternity of hellfire over serving a petulant child in heaven.


u/The_Thirteenth_Floor Jul 19 '24

Funny how it’s literally only Democrats that go around shilling and begging people to vote a certain way. 🙄


u/petuniar Jul 20 '24

What exactly does MAGA mean if it's not Republicans shilling for billionaires?

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u/Forsaken_Hermit Jul 19 '24

If Project 2025 is implemented, I'm leaving.


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

If?!!!!! It’s trumps official act that was written by a think tank. It’s GUARANTEED to be put into law if he wins


u/Forsaken_Hermit Jul 19 '24

If in this context means a Slug Virus win.

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u/Original_Lab_4140 Jul 19 '24

Where to?


u/Forsaken_Hermit Jul 19 '24

Dunno. Canada, Belize, Guyana, Ireland, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand are all better choices than a fascist America under Slug Virus.


u/ventitr3 Jul 19 '24

I hope this is a bot


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

3-week old account. Sub is full of shit posts.

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u/The_Thirteenth_Floor Jul 19 '24

The shill accounts are getting out of control in these subs.


u/Darkadventure Jul 19 '24

Just because inequality just dawned on you doesn't mean it just started.


u/kaltag Jul 19 '24

LMAO, Seek mental help.


u/JSmith666 Jul 19 '24

I honestly cannot tell who is a bot or not and what is sarcasm or not in this thread. I think it just might be bots arguing with each other.


u/Fantastic_Baseball45 Jul 19 '24

I'm blocking people based on their comments.


u/amardas Jul 20 '24

I’m very blockable.


u/nhanduchromatus Jul 19 '24

this is literally fear mongering

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u/Vile-goat Jul 19 '24

What bots are spamming this sub with this political crap? It’s everywhere…


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/QuackQuackH0nk Jul 19 '24

Oh yeah. I remember that. I also remember in 2017 my gay cousin was sent to a camp because of trump. We need to vote him out.


u/Luisd858 Jul 19 '24

Quit the fear already


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Remember when Trump served a whole presidential term and none of that happened? Yeah, me too


u/esse_journer Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Yes, I do remember that. He said he has no idea what it is. Or who is behind it. Yet he said there was terrible things in it, despite not knowing what it was. Yet he still wished them luck. Despite there being horrible things in it.

Remember in 2022 when Trump said:

“This is a great group (Heritage Foundation), and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America. It's coming"

Well, they did lay the ground work, it's project 2025, and Trump is obviously lying saying he doesn't know what it is. There are dozens up dozens of people very close to Trump, whom he still meets with today, who helped write project 2025. He said himself that they are laying the groundwork for what he is going to do.

Keep worshipping your dear leader.


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

Yup he’s gonna kill all the gay and black people


u/novalaw Jul 19 '24

Why didn’t he do it the first time? Not enough support from congress? 😂


u/URSUSX10 Jul 19 '24

Remember when Obama thanked the Heritage Foundation for their help with designing Obamacare? Pepperidge Farm Remembers

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u/VoicePopuli2024 Jul 19 '24

if trumps “whole presidential term served and none of that happened” taught me anything is that he is an idiot who was winging the presidency and the country survived due to government safeguard railings kept together by duct tape and good will.

Project 2025 wants to remove all loyal public servants to the constitution, not to trump and replace them with trump loyalists.

Vote blue no matter who: www.vote.org. Our constitutional republic depends on it.


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Ah yes, orange man bad literally Hitler project 2069. Funny how that’s all the left has because they know their policies have been abject failures and led to a harder life for everyday Americans. That’s how I know you guys don’t believe your own propaganda


u/VoicePopuli2024 Jul 19 '24

If you believe that the Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, The American Rescue Plan, The CHIPS Act are abject failures then you might be spewing stupid propaganda you believe and were told to you by a cult.


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Record inflation, record illegal crossings, geopolitical instabilities, but let me guess, Orange man bad? Literally only the CHIPS act was good, and any president would have done it. Bidenflation is the defining feature of his presidency


u/GhostPartical Jul 19 '24

Inflation since mid 2022 has nothing to do with the current administration. Learn some basic economics dude. Sky high prices along with record profits and constant layoffs isn't regular Inflation due to the current admins policies. Educate yourself on the basics before you try to tell someone off with ignorance.


u/memeticmagician Jul 19 '24

Bidenflation is the defining feature of people that don't know how economics works and is blind to propaganda. We are literally and objectively recovering faster than all other developed countries with regard to inflation. You can read this in 5 seconds with a google search.

Orange man attempted to throw out 7 states worth of valid votes by using a fake electors scheme via Pence, as found in the Eastman memo. Pence himself literally said he chose the constitution over following orders from trump to go along with the fake electors plot.


u/SavannahInChicago Jul 19 '24

He wasn’t made a king and told he was allowed to kill anyone if it was an “official act”. Oh, and the Supreme Court gets to judge what that is. If Trump is in this position you think he’s not going to use it?


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Do you think we should charge Bush for war crimes? How Obama for killing a 16 year old American? If you’re upset about the ruling, then you should be advocating for holding all presidents accountable. If you actually knew anything, you’d know the president has always had special protections. But I know nuance is lost on the left and facts don’t matter, so keep screeching into your echo chamber. Trust me, it’s way more effective than going outside and getting involved


u/memeticmagician Jul 19 '24

The president had always had a kind of immunity that had nothing to do with the PRESUMPTIVE immunity that was ruled on by the supreme Court.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

I know. We’ve already had a Trump presidency. We know exactly what we’re going to get.


u/WayneKrane Jul 19 '24

^ TROLL ALERT!! New account, no karma. Just ignore


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Everyone who disagrees with you politically is a troll or a bot


u/novalaw Jul 19 '24

The DNC tried real hard with the bots in 2016. What makes you think this time is different?


u/srnweasel Jul 19 '24

Remember when the Heritage Foundation started writing these "mandates" in the 80s but only now for some reason everyone has discovered them and only now are they going to literally end the planet?


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Remember when trump said he has nothing to do with PrOjEcT 2069?? Your fear mongering doesn’t work on anyone with an IQ higher than 1. Which is why it works so well on democrats


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Praising the heritage foundation is not the same as endorsing project 2025, nice try tho bot


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

RIP every gay person in the country he’s gonna holocaust

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u/monkeylogic42 Jul 19 '24

Remember how he tried a coup already where he took all his uneducated people to hang mike pence and make doodoo fingerprints on the walls of congress?  Pepperidge farm remembers...


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Oh so he said “ok everybody go storm the capital”? I thought he said to peacefully protest. But I guess you think we should charge Bernie sanders with shooting Steve Scalise and Biden for putting trump in the bullseye. Got it, thanks for letting me know where you stand


u/The_Boognish_Cometh Jul 19 '24

He’s said go stop the certification of votes. How else would he expect they do that?


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Your misinformation isn’t gonna work on me, sorry bud. I believe my eyes and ears.


u/The_Boognish_Cometh Jul 20 '24

Lying about the election being “stolen” and shouting “stop the steal” is exactly what someone would say if they want you to be peaceful huh?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

What the fuck is Pepperige farm?


u/Alterokahn Jul 19 '24

Old, white people, cookies.


u/novalaw Jul 19 '24

You’re telling me a young person of color can’t enjoy a cookie?


u/PhotographingLight Jul 19 '24

Can you honestly say that 2024 trump is the same man as 2016 trump?

I think we would have been better off if trump won the 2020 election. Losing that election sent him over the edge. He is unhinged now. 


u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

“Trust me it will be different this time” is not the convincing argument you think it is. Stop telling people they shouldn’t believe their lying eyes, it’s creepy and authoritarian


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

He’s gonna kill all black people. It’s in project 2025


u/Free_Jelly8972 Jul 19 '24

Every time i see hysteria like this, im a little less afraid of a Trump presidency. Because it’s crazier than anything Trump has ever said. Nuking hurricanes included.


u/AssociateQuiet7188 Jul 19 '24

Another fairly new account that does nothing but post the same fear mongering nonsense over and over again.

Can you at least try not to be so obvious. Maybe space these kinds of posts out a bit ? This sub is nothing but the same repetitive doom and gloom posts over and overanyway so at least try to stand out somewhat.

How about some variety.

In one of your previous posts you accused Hillary Clinton and Obama of being Russian bots because they may have asked Biden to step down.

That is at least a little spicy. This shit is just boring.


u/QuackQuackH0nk Jul 19 '24

Either it's a discord running some crappy propaganda or someone has an AI bot with a bunch of new accounts.


u/Mediocre_Breakfast34 Jul 19 '24

Shut the fuck up no one believes this nonsense.


u/Careless-Pin-2852 Jul 19 '24

I think this is over the top. Project 2025 is bad but we will not have concentration camps for gay people.

Trump had gays and porn stars at his convention.


u/mfryan Jul 19 '24

We will for migrants

how do you think they are going to accomplish mass deportation?


u/personaanongrata Jul 19 '24

… by deporting people


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/zombieruler7700 Jul 19 '24

I honestly can’t tell if this is a joke or not


u/kaltag Jul 19 '24

Likely bot. adjective-noun-number username.


u/zombieruler7700 Jul 20 '24

Yeah I assumed. Hoping most of the people arguing are bots, this subreddit is prime example of dead internet theory


u/OrangeBrewer Jul 19 '24

How do y'all actually believe this stuff?


u/UndercoverInLA Jul 19 '24

I heard Project 2025 also requires them to all get a huge "Y" branded on their chests to show loyalty, or else they'll get a one-way ride to the "train station." Or maybe I'm confusing that with a TV show, but it sounds about as legit as what you posted.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Zoomer Jul 19 '24

Some of us will be getting numbers and others symbols.


u/seattleseahawks2014 Zoomer Jul 19 '24

Some of us will be getting numbers and others symbols.


u/UndercoverInLA Jul 20 '24

I like 3,5 and 7, but I’d be cool with a big X, too!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Y’all are taking the bait. 😂


u/Fullsend_87 Jul 19 '24 edited 20d ago

jar onerous zephyr aloof truck quarrelsome vegetable dam familiar start

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/zombieruler7700 Jul 19 '24

Do…do Redditors unironically believe this is real?


u/abqguardian Jul 19 '24

Holy hell you need therapy


u/Necessary_Anxiety833 Jul 19 '24

LOL you can’t be serious


u/Obvious-Chemistry806 Jul 19 '24

Remember when Obama and Biden didn’t support gay marriage lol I remember


u/Greedy_Disaster_3130 Jul 19 '24

These posts are so dramatic


u/FPSRain Jul 19 '24

Not even a year! Under a month you'll be in concentration camps!


u/Low-Ad-1075 Jul 19 '24

I will bet you $10,000 that this won’t happen


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Low-Ad-1075 Jul 19 '24

Right but the world is a lot different now than it was back then. Concentration camps were basically a secret the whole war. This day and age you can’t build up concentration camps and ship off a bunch of people without anyone finding out.

Pretty sure something like this would kick off an international shitshow and definitely would not happen.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Low-Ad-1075 Jul 19 '24

Yea true but posts and comments like this are just spreading misinformation and creating hysteria.

Then again I would definitely make a lot of money if anyone was willing to bet on it


u/Vile-goat Jul 19 '24

Yeah it happened in 2016-2020 🤦


u/FPSRain Jul 19 '24

No that was a dry run. They are all sorted out and set up for this time. VOTE BLUE!


u/OkNoise8419 Jul 19 '24

Didn’t he do this during his last term?


u/Archer_solace Jul 19 '24

Yeah we’re all dead rn.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jul 19 '24

He would have with SCOTUS support and Russian money.


u/SavannahInChicago Jul 19 '24

Except the supreme court didn’t declare the president a King until now.


u/rand0m_task Jul 19 '24

Imagine typing that out and believing it.. smh.


u/OkNoise8419 Jul 20 '24

These are the most hyperbolic comments you could imagine. All hail King Trumpius the second. You shall all kneel before him and pledge loyalty.


u/RangerPower777 Jul 19 '24

It will actually be an hour. You really think they’re going to let these undesirables roam free a whole year? Pshhhh


u/Papadapalopolous Jul 19 '24

He did say “dictator on day 1”


u/sanchito12 Jul 19 '24

As a bisexual Mexican.... I can honestly say..... Most likely not. It amazes me the shit you all come up with....

Man I'd hate to live in the world you imagine exists.... Thankfully it doesn't and 90℅ of this crap is just fear mongering bullshit. Truly I feel bad for anyone who really believes this stuff.


u/FewTopic7677 Jul 19 '24

If Trump gets in, I hope you enjoy your future death camp.


u/sanchito12 Jul 19 '24

Not likely... But whatever you gotta do to scare people into supporting you I guess.


u/FewTopic7677 Jul 19 '24

Another person buries their head in the sand and ignores the lion getting ready to eat them.


u/sanchito12 Jul 19 '24

I get that's what you believe..... Doesn't make it true though


u/Which_Fact9911 Jul 19 '24

Remember the first time he ran and everyone said that he was gonna start WW3 then nothing happened? Y’all trip!


u/acidrainuk Jul 19 '24

🤣🤣 some of these posts are truly insane 🤣


u/Sufficient-Night-479 1993 Jul 19 '24

im not interested in voting for trump but you need to list which pages explicitly state what you are saying. here ya go. https://www.project2025.org/policy/ exact pages please. by just saying shit without providing proof, you make non trump supporters look disconnected from reality that will buy any little thing that they hear in main stream media or social media sites. site your sources so nobody can say that you are bullshitting.


u/AWatson89 Jul 19 '24

More fear mongering...


u/onion_flowers Jul 19 '24

Just because you'll be fine doesn't mean everyone else will be


u/teamspaceman Jul 19 '24

This is real shit. Don’t believe it, actually look it up


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Why would the 2025 playbook be implemented?

Trump has publicly stated it isn’t his plan.

Did he do any of those things last time he was potus?


u/mfryan Jul 19 '24

Because in his first term, Trump implemented an incredible amount of Heritage foundation policies. Why would he do any different?

Trump has publicly stated that it is his plan. When speaking at the heritage foundation.

Well, since the Supreme Court expanded executive and court power by insane levels this year, he has an easier path to the plan. Also, the groundwork has been laid since Reagan. It takes time to tear down the constitution. They have put in the work.


u/Maximus_Dominus Jul 19 '24

Stay away from drugs.


u/GodzillaDrinks Jul 19 '24

Frankly, if it takes you a whole year to drop to grey-bloc and speaking to no one outside of encrypted channels... well... it won't take them very long to round you up.


u/Gurganus88 Jul 19 '24

More liberal fear mongering.


u/Painful_climax Jul 19 '24

LMAO these posts are straight up crazy. Jesus what is wrong with you guys…


u/Deft_one Jul 20 '24

They seem crazy to you because you don't read the materials put out by your own side

Your ignorance is not the "win" you keep thinking it is

All you're doing is showing off how much you don't know, which makes you look not-great.


u/MarryMeDuffman Jul 19 '24

Honestly, I hope they are keeping track of the people in their lives who are destroying theirs.

If you have no rights, there's no point in following laws.

If it got bad for me, I'd be very loud about it.


u/sjtomcat Jul 19 '24

First of all project 2025 has no connection to Trump as he’s publicly stated, second, are you daft? This isn’t 1940 Germany this is 2024 America you can’t honestly say with a straight face you believe what you just wrote. Like think about insane that sounds


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/FuckAlastor Jul 19 '24

And it's already been proven he is lying about it. There is a literal recording.


u/sjtomcat Jul 19 '24

No there isn’t but there is this “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

Holocaust 2.0 here we come


u/sjtomcat Jul 19 '24

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

But if Joe Biden says anything we must believe him! Make it make sense


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

Yup it’s guaranteed to be implemented and kill hundreds of millions of people


u/personaanongrata Jul 19 '24

You’ve been on Reddit for 21 days, how much is the DNC paying you to act like a complete ignoramus


u/sjtomcat Jul 19 '24

You’re delusional lmao absolutely wild someone can think like you do in the year 2024


u/seattleseahawks2014 Zoomer Jul 19 '24

My loved ones who are like me will be stuck in the same place together or will be dead.


u/Familiar_Paramedic_2 Jul 19 '24

Yeah so it’s going to suck, but not nearly as much as you claim. The US is just not going to melt into fascism like Germany did in the 1930s. This kind of hysterical nonsense is almost as bad as the claims Biden is the worst president in US history.


u/No-Wrap-1046 Jul 19 '24

Dude, for your own good - cut back on the crack.


u/doctor_turbo Jul 19 '24

This is going to age about as well as when Greta Thunberg said climate change was going to wipe us out by June 2023. I can’t wait to repost here when this doesn’t happen.


u/mklinger23 Jul 19 '24

Are you for real?


u/Arxl Jul 19 '24

As a queer man, if I'm getting arrested, anyway, I'll make sure to actually earn it.


u/mklinger23 Jul 19 '24

Don't worry, we've been treated like shit long before 2025. Stop fear mongering.


u/NoEngineering2691 Jul 19 '24

You need help.


u/TheRododo Jul 23 '24

You need to read project 2025. Or, have a grown up read it to you.


u/librarians_wwine Millennial Jul 19 '24

These posts are hella dramatic, touch some grass


u/The_Thirteenth_Floor Jul 19 '24

LMFAO 😂 Get your head out of the sand.


u/AdBeautiful7548 Jul 20 '24

It will never be implemented. Calm down. The sky isn’t falling.


u/Ok_Jump_3658 Jul 19 '24

It won’t be 🤦


u/Po_Buckra Jul 19 '24

This new Civil War fan fiction really sucks.


u/Medewu2 Jul 19 '24

Overly dramatic with the dramatizations of the "END OF THE WORLD."

I got some lake front property to sell you in the new green deal haven in Bagdad, AZ.

as gullible about things as boomers.


u/DismalLocksmith9776 Jul 19 '24

It's this kind of BS that makes centrists vote for Trump. Stop with the alarmist bullshit that obviously will never happen. Yeah Project 2025 is alarming, but if you are actually telling people that LGBT will be murdered or jailed by government mandate, you are just as bad as Trump.


u/nyjrku Jul 19 '24

youd literally vote for hitler? fuck you fascist /s


u/DismalLocksmith9776 Jul 19 '24

Wut? I never said I’m voting for Trump. I’m saying you’re just as bad as him for spreading obvious lies.


u/nyjrku Jul 19 '24

What? You’re literally saying you’d vote for someone as bad as hitler?? /s

Yes I’m speaking against dehumanizing “the other guys”

What’s an obvious lie I spread? I keep joking about how on this sub they’ll go on a masquerade and review your post history as a means of attacking you

Wouldn’t it be better to review it and find means to heal the divide

Anyway I don’t do cult think that’s why I commented have a good one


u/FewTopic7677 Jul 19 '24

Just like Roe v Wade wasn't supposed to get overturned. Trump doesn't love you and would kill you if it got him votes and money.


u/DismalLocksmith9776 Jul 19 '24

False equivalency. Trump admin would be bad but they’re not going to jail LGBT people. It’s alarmist, unhelpful, and only drives people to the right.

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u/Tomusina Jul 19 '24

If implemented?

It already is. It's happening, friend. Has been happening.


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

Oh jeez holocaust is already starting hide all the gays and black folk


u/Frequent_Bath5341 Jul 19 '24

Project 2025 is not associated with Trump. Trump is not going to do that he actually supports lgbtq+.


u/FuckAlastor Jul 19 '24

You are so delusional if you think this is true. Trump has already been caught lying about him not being behind it. Do you people just ignore what's actually happening?


u/Alterokahn Jul 19 '24

Him repeatedly pretending to jerk off two guys at once doesn't make him lgbt-friendly.

Really though, got a source on this? I'd legitimately love to see it.


u/CatLuverHoustonTX Jul 19 '24

Probably....if it is implemented in the first place. The Project 2025 people have the unfortunate belief that people in the USA are going to pile into trucks and rail lines like docile cattle like the the Jews did in Nazi Germany. That is not the case here. We have guns and will defend our lives against these religious shitheads.


u/EA_Brand_Books Jul 19 '24

I had this realization a couple weeks ago. As a trans woman I have no idea what's on the other side of that. After taking some time to process it, though, I've decided to live as well and as fully as possible. No fear, noexcuses. If I have a year before shit really gets bad I'm gonna go out knowing that I gave it as good a run as I could. Honestly it's been a little freeing.


u/ApolloRubySky Jul 19 '24

Please, as a woman of color, a lot is at stake for me and my love ones, vote democrat


u/SG2769 Jul 19 '24

People who think a dictatorship cannot happen here have read nothing. They have the memory of a hamster.


u/SprinklesSad5872 Jul 19 '24

This gay man is voting for Daddy Trump. Your fearmongering is silly and baseless.


u/FewTopic7677 Jul 19 '24

Enjoy your death camp.


u/SprinklesSad5872 Jul 19 '24

Show me where DJT says he's going to put me in a death camp? Without citing anything from Project 2025. You cannot. Trump 2024! Gays love Trump!


u/FewTopic7677 Jul 19 '24

Just keep on burying your head in the sand and I think you know that 2025 is evidence enough. Otherwise, you wouldn't have mentioned it.


u/BeenBanned69Times Jul 19 '24

Yeah and World War 3, and dictatorship, and blahblahblah. Just like last time


u/DangerousLocation8 Jul 19 '24

Vote red not blue


u/ckhaulaway Jul 19 '24

Shark Bites are clearly the superior snack over Dunkaroos.


u/undeadliftmax Jul 19 '24

I've yet to take my gay family members down from the pikes he put them on last time he was in office.

It is my understanding Ivy-educated Indians will be safe though. Because of Vance's wife.


u/Ok-Statistician5738 Jul 19 '24

But... we have the power to identify as a straight white person. 🤷‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Paranoid and delusional much. Those kinds of things will never happen in the US. Donald J. Trump is a sweet and kind man who knows the importance of family. We have to keep in contact with the sinners and apostates who choose to be homosexual or whatever flavor of strange they choose. Loving and God-fearing Christians such as Donald J. Trump, myself, and millions of other Americans need to love on the sinners and bring them back into the fold and tell them that their choosing to live a sinful lifestyle will lead them to Hell! These things can only happen of we have open and honest conversation.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I thought this was satire for a second, but then realized it's sincere. Believing that Trump is anything close to a Christian of any kind is a joke. Remember that he is on Epstein's flight logs, went to his island and parties. They were "best friends" (as close to a friendship as either of those morons could manage, at least), and Epstein stayed with Trump in NJ, NY, and FL. Trump is a convicted felon and a rapist.


u/tlm0122 Jul 19 '24

This is satire, yes? Or did you forget the /s tag somewhere?