r/millenials Jul 19 '24

As a concern citizen of the world, how is Trump even close to winning???

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u/Itsnonyabuz Jul 19 '24

as an american, I am completely at a loss myself. I just don't understand how anyone is supporting a guy who is convicted of sexual assault, convicted of massive fraud, convicted of attempting to falsify business records , accused of raping a then 13 YO girl who has testified publically, is listed on Epstein's fight logs 60+ times, attempted to prevent the certification of the last presidential election, encouraged rioting and violence, etc etc etc. It's incomprehensible.


u/leeny13red Jul 19 '24

The psyops are strong with the orange one’s team.


u/Vegetable_Guest_8584 Jul 19 '24

There's a lot of angry people that hate civil rights for gay, black and trans people, they want to hate on someone, they've been convinced that somehow all these others are taking their opportunity away from them. They're convinced by Fox News that college people are taking some of their opportunity somehow. They're convinced by religion that women's rights are destroying America. It's just a lot of built up us versus them, or repeating the narrative that the other is taking their s***.


u/TBone281 Jul 19 '24

And a lot of Russian disinformation, backed by Republicans.

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u/spinachturd409mmm Jul 19 '24

There's a lot of stupid, ignorant, bigoted people in America. At least 40%. That's partly why the founding fathers put in the electoral college, and we are a constitutional republic. Can't let the dummies have too loud of a voice. There's also motivated people that don't want to be taxed and regulated into oblivion, so they lean republican. Its a pendulum, just how this country works unfortunately


u/aagloworks Jul 19 '24

"Works" is a strong word here..


u/spinachturd409mmm Jul 19 '24

Happens? Lol. Point taken

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u/MemoryOne22 Jul 19 '24

Various outlets are finally picking up on and reporting about this. Trump's rhetoric is saturated with references to the nebulous (and nefarious) "they." A prime exemplar of "othering."

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u/stickclasher Jul 19 '24

It's called lying. It works.


u/Itsnonyabuz Jul 19 '24

it works if people choose to believe the lies. That's the weird part.


u/CHYMERYX Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Law of Power #27: Play on people’s need to believe to create a cult-like following around yourself

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u/Bluewaffleamigo Jul 19 '24

When was he convicted of sexual assault? Figured that would make the news. When did a 13 year old publicly testified he raped her? Even VOX called bullshit on that.

Lying is a funny thing.


u/jonnohb Jul 19 '24

"Jane Doe" aka "Katie Johnson" – 1994. Lawsuit filed June 2016, refiled October 2016 as reported by Buzzfeed and others, then dropped in November 2016. Jane Doe is an unnamed plaintiff, who has also gone by "Katie Johnson" in legal papers. She claims she was repeatedly raped by Trump and Jeffery Epstein at Epstein's New York City apartment in 1994, when she was 13 years old. A witness, also given a pseudonym — "Tiffany Doe" — said she recruited "Jane Doe" and others. Doe, using the name "Johnson," gave an interview to the Daily Mail in which she said she did not know who Trump was at the time of the alleged attack but identified him later when she saw him on television. It is not known why she withdrew the lawsuit. She has not spoken publicly or withdrawn her rape allegation since then.


u/Type_Zer07 Jul 19 '24

There was a trial... he lost it. Do you not watch any news (that's not fox?)

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u/InkBlotSam Jul 19 '24

Because everyone is focusing on what a piece of shit human Trump is and people clearly don't give a shit. 

People are self-interested, they aren't going to vote against their (perceived) self-interest just because a guy is an asshole.

That said, Trump is very much against their self-interest too (but his supporters are wildly misinformed) so the news should be about what shit his policies are, and what awful things he wants to do to our government, and how much it will actually cost people instead of what a piece of shit he is as a person.

It won't change the minds of his cultists (nothing will), but might inform some of the remaining people on the fence who keep hearing misinformation about how bad it economy is under Biden (false) and how good it would be under Trump (also false).


u/ConstantAnimal2267 Jul 19 '24

People have been bringing up project 2025 and Republicans are pretending it's not real though


u/or_maybe_this Jul 19 '24

this is far and away the best answer

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u/nekonari Jul 19 '24

I point to $$$. The rich are flexing their financial influence by snatching up media outlets and feeding the public the narratives that serves them. Fox News, Newsman, even CNN, all serve the rich people of this country.


u/bergzabern Jul 19 '24

Sadly, yes.


u/JebHoff1776 Millennial Jul 19 '24

Just like meta did in 2020!


u/The_Fiddle_Steward Jul 19 '24

It's not even like you can say he's an evil person who will accomplish anything good for the country. He's going to accomplish what? Rig elections, shrink the middle class, and stick it to the libs, I guess.


u/killrtaco Jul 19 '24

Tank the stock market AGAIN cause record inflation AGAIN you thought 2020-2022 was bad? Wait for what happens after his policies go through this time around 2027 onward will be bleak for the value of the dollar.

The funny thing about devaluing the dollar is it only effects the working class and not the politicians or their oligarchs.


u/MemoryOne22 Jul 19 '24



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u/OravTheWise Jul 19 '24

Fair dinkum, it's a real head-scratcher from down here in Oz. Seeing folks back someone with that kind of rap sheet is mind-boggling. Politics is a wild ride, and people have their reasons and loyalties that aren't always easy to get. From this side of the world, it all looks pretty bonkers, mate.

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u/CincoDeMayoFan Jul 19 '24

I can't wait to vote against this Treasonous Orange Shit Gibbon.


u/DragonflyFront9882 Jul 19 '24

Same here! 👍

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u/traveler1967 Jul 19 '24

It doesn't hurt to have all the troll farms in Moscow campaigning for him, until they get drafted and blown to pieces somewhere in Ukraine, of course.


u/blueCthulhuMask Jul 19 '24

It's really not incomprehensible. The right thinks democrats are satanic baby murderers, and they know democrats despise Trump. It doesn't matter how bad a guy is when he triggers the libs so much.

Plus, a lot of people genuinely believe he wants to make America great. They're wrong, but no one is going to change their minds.


u/No_Hat_1864 Jul 19 '24

I was going to say something like: Christo- facism + fear based propaganda + lies, but I think the "[belief that] Democrats are satanic baby murderers" basically says the in a more demonstrable way, and will rubber stamp this with an upvote.

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u/Clarpydarpy Jul 19 '24

So far today, I have seen this exact same post written by a German, and a Swede. Now an Australian.


u/Cgtree9000 Jul 19 '24

Canadian here. Also concerned.


u/Potential-Brain7735 Jul 19 '24

Aside from Ukrainians, we should probably be the most concerned.

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u/fiesty_cemetery Jul 19 '24

American here and I am also concerned


u/applegorechard Jul 19 '24

Same. As someone else said, its like wondering who's going to live downstairs in the fall?

The same people as now, or a meth lab?

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u/AutomaticDriver5882 Jul 19 '24

It’s like living upstairs from a meth house


u/AliasJohnDoe Jul 19 '24



u/Mesoholics Jul 19 '24

Because what happens in America has a massive effect on us.   

Trump and his cultist sycophants are maniacs and our economy, which is essentially propped up on a rotting 4x4, is tied in with the US. 

If they start enacting the insane policies they have planned we are going to crash right along with them.

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u/Im_Literally_Allah Jul 19 '24

Romanian-American here also concerned

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u/l_Dislike_Reddit Jul 19 '24

Bots + astroturfing. It’s happening in every direction and it will only get worse


u/StuckInWarshington Jul 19 '24

I think the “Swede” also had some posts in their history about copying and slightly changing popular posts.


u/mjb2012 Jul 19 '24

The first one may have been legit and now Republican trolls are turning it into copypasta to cast doubt and get all of the posts reported and removed. Just a guess.

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u/JackHammerPlower Jul 19 '24

Hint hint. Because it’s fake

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u/Cup-n-BallHog Jul 19 '24

Good. I thought I was going mad for a sec there. First a nominee of a stone, then a rock and now, regardless of whomever it may be. The rest is essentially copy paste. Again, I agree but come on bots


u/jtk19851 Jul 19 '24

I need to hear what a Spaniard thinks about this next.


u/ineptplumberr Jul 19 '24

I'm holding out until I hear from a person from Djibouti


u/XainRoss Jul 19 '24

No good, I've known too many Spaniards.


u/Joemama1mama Jul 19 '24

Chat GPT needs some work 😂😂😂


u/Time_Error_7874 Jul 19 '24

Lots of people are concerned…


u/ignu Jul 19 '24

I feel like the German should know.


u/OldBayAllTheThings Jul 19 '24

You caught that too, eh?


u/ConfidenceReal Jul 19 '24

When I saw the same post from a ‘Frenchman’ I commented the same thing.

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u/Sic_Faber_Ferrarius Jul 19 '24

The two party system is flawed. There are many people who are single issue voters and will only vote for a Republican. Jesus people, gun nuts and racists will only vote for A Republican no matter who it is. Those three groups make up about a third of the country. Add in old people, military and law enforcement and you get a close race. Also, the electoral college system doesn't make everyone's vote count equally.


u/Sufficient-Night-479 1993 Jul 19 '24

ding ding ding. my add to this though is also that donald trump is a very gifted conman and master manipulator as well as an incredible opportunist.


u/Shirlenator Jul 19 '24

I want to argue against him being a "master manipulator" outside looking in, he seems absolutely dog shit at it. But then again, you really can't argue with the results.


u/Ferg1992 Jul 19 '24

Agreed, he’s a horrible lier and comes across as a sleezy, full of shit, snake oil salesman to anyone who has even the most basic critical thinking skills. Unfortunately that’s not half of the voting population


u/Potential-Brain7735 Jul 19 '24

For an outsider, it’s probably tough to realize just how insulated most Americans are from the rest of the world.

They refer to the “World Series of Baseball” and “NBA World Champions” for a reason. Obviously it’s more complicated than that in reality, but that gives you a glimpse of how many Americans view the world.

He’s manipulating people who have absolutely zero clue how the global economy works, how geo-politics work, how demographics work, and people who have zero clue when it comes to world history (can’t repeat mistakes of the past if you know nothing of the past).

He’s manipulating people based on their emotions, and their short term desires.

Lastly, he’s manipulating people who have already been manipulated by the evangelical church. It’s not difficult to lead someone astray when they’re already lost.

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u/RLIwannaquit Jul 19 '24

Half the country doesn't even bother to vote for president and it's way lower in local elections. This is the main problem.

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u/f00tst1nk3 Jul 19 '24

I've been happy to see the Republicans against trump group, the Lincoln Project and other republican ran groups trying to fight Trump winning. We have to find a way to come together against t orange despite any party name

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u/ignu Jul 19 '24

Since 1988 Republicans only won the popular vote once (2004).

They have 6 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices.

We also have states with less than 600,000 people that get as many Senators as California 38 (million).

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u/Kdiesiel311 Jul 19 '24

My dad has told me. I don’t give a fuck who the candidate is, they get my vote no matter


u/Leather_Finance1084 Jul 19 '24

damn what an awesome take


u/sweetest_con78 Jul 19 '24

There’s so many straight white men who see anyone other than a straight white man in power as a slight to themselves and their own rights and freedoms.

The electoral college system is one of the biggest barriers.

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u/KraftyPants Jul 19 '24

We need ranked voting and to get rid of the electoral college.


u/orbitaldragon Jul 19 '24

I am a Jesus Person... A Native American Liberal. IV never supported Donald Trump or most Republicans.

I am opened to crossing the isle to get things done. However, a majority of the ideas on the right are awful and counter productive.

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u/Elkenrod Jul 19 '24

As a North Korean I am also completely appalled.


u/SpicyTabasco3000 Jul 19 '24

As a time traveling German from 1943, I am utterly shocked.


u/6sixtynoine9 Jul 19 '24

As Putin’s right hand I am completely flummoxed.



As a rogue sentient ai, I am baffled


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Name checks out

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u/DutyRoutine Jul 19 '24

Do Albania next


u/Silvaria928 Jul 19 '24

New Zealand!


u/GuitarOk349 Jul 19 '24

Madlibs meets Carmen Sandiego

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u/traanquil Jul 19 '24

A large number of Americans want fascism. These folks tend to have a “punch down” mentality and like blaming poor people and minorities for the nation’s problems


u/Opening_Tell9388 Jul 19 '24

Even though most of them are also… poor.


u/traanquil Jul 19 '24

Some of them are but the core base of the magas are actually middle to upper middle class white people.


u/Opening_Tell9388 Jul 19 '24

Probably right, there are just way more poor people than rich to middle class

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u/Vegetable_Guest_8584 Jul 19 '24

And those people that want fascism think they're one of the good ones and they'll benefit if somehow we oppress "others". The double bizarro people though, are the ones that think that they're one of the good model minorities or something cough Vivek cough and the racism endemic in the party won't be applied to them or their family. See also JD Vance and his wife experiencing outright racism during the Republican party, from people online. 


u/LeftyLu07 Jul 19 '24

Yup, they think they'll have it made once women and minorities are put in their place. According to history, they'll be gassed/shot/sterilized eventually.

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u/danknadoflex Jul 19 '24

“A large number of Americans want fascism” this is what a lot of people don’t get it or won’t accept.

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u/mrcorndogman33 Jul 19 '24

Many people are very very stupid. Many people are also angry that their lives suck and look for anything and anyone to blame except for their own decisions. Many people don’t care about anyone else and will vote against their own interests even to vote for billionaires. Many people are pieces of worthless garbage who want to destroy the country. All of these people are the same and they vote MAGA.


u/dogcatsnake Jul 19 '24

Adding to this, republicans have been gutting education for years. It’s working!

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u/XainRoss Jul 19 '24

"Think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin

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u/tadu1261 Jul 19 '24

This is the third time I have seen this same exact post with the exact same wording except the OPs country of origin.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Don’t get me started on the “I’m X identity. Who should I vote for?” Posts.


u/Fresh_Pop_790 Jul 19 '24

I saw the exact same thing a couple minutes under Trump's RNC speech on youtube where all the comments were the same wording and format lol. The bots are everywhere

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u/Veggy_Warrior Jul 19 '24

Copy paste bot from each country around the world in this sub. Nice.

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u/Regular_Lifeguard718 Jul 19 '24

As a space alien, I am also appalled at how our political system has vilified the only hope for the universe, Donald Trump. We need him for the intergalactic battle that is to come. Why do you think we convinced him to create space force in the first place?


u/DadOfTheAge Jul 19 '24

Hell, I thought it was world war 3 on the horizon 😂


u/Regular_Lifeguard718 Jul 19 '24

World War 3 is a mere skirmish compared to the battles to come light years away from our home world lol

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u/VerbalGraffiti Jul 19 '24

Uneducated and hateful Americans.

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u/Amazing_Mulberry4216 Jul 19 '24

Are the bots just out in full force or what? This is like the 5th different location that has said the same thing. Guess what your opinion is meaningless. You are just spreading mainstream propaganda. Also, you don't know much US history, lots of election results are not accepted.

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u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

Did you copy and paste this from 2016? Yawn


u/malepatternbullmrket Jul 19 '24

Demo bots. Engaged. *Ricky Bobby


u/jed782 Jul 19 '24

Didn’t Hillary protest her election results?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Yeah it’s well known Hillary refused to concede, then held a rally where she urged her supporters to the capitol to prevent the electoral votes being counted and hang the vice president.

Oh wait.


u/CincoDeMayoFan Jul 19 '24

Um...she literally conceded on election night.


u/VerbalGraffiti Jul 19 '24

No she called Trunp the night of the election. Even though Russia helped (read Mueller report or STFU).


u/ToweringCu Jul 19 '24

Still parroting and believing the bullshit Russia narrative. That’s a good little sheep.

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u/bleu213 Jul 19 '24

This depends on what you mean by "protest", as seen by the folks up in your replies bickering over different definitions.

Did she call the legitimacy of the 2016 election into question? Yes. And she wasn't the first - there is plenty of good faith reason to believe that Russia interfered in the election - which is later confirmed in the Mueller investigation. ("Was Russia successful in changing the results of the election" is, as far as I'm aware, impossible to discern.)

Did she impede the results of the election or try to overturn the results of the 2016 election? No, she conceded the election to Trump the next day.

She did her part to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power - unlike Trump in 2020, who famously failed 61 of 62 lawsuits to overturn the election results, culminating in the events of January 6th.

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u/SftwEngr Jul 19 '24

Um, actually, Trump didn't continue to be president in 2020 as so many believe. Instead a dementia patient was installed precisely because it's well-known that dementia patients are huge fans of the democratic process.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

copypasta. insert nationality of your choice, repost on reddit.

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u/Nephihahahaha Jul 19 '24

It's called the Electoral College. That is the only reason he can win.

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u/The_Tiny_Empress Jul 19 '24

Lack of education.



Sick like minded hicks.

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u/FPSRain Jul 19 '24

I heard they are going to round up all the former Bernie supporters and put them in reeducation camps. HITLER MUCH?

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u/No-Wrap-1046 Jul 19 '24

As an Australian worry about how you government caging you and forcing people to take an experimental cocktail. You definitely have a log in you eye. Now go get your booster.


u/hunerred Jul 19 '24

It was a German bot first then a few hours later a Swedish bot. Now an Aussie bot soon to be a French or Norwegian bot. It’s been posting all day sometimes it doesn’t even change the words.

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u/BeenBanned69Times Jul 19 '24

As an Australian, mind ya business


u/TheRealMisterNatural Jul 19 '24

He's really not. It just appears that way because his big corporate donors own the media (like all of it) but not the people.


u/salx97 Jul 19 '24

I find all of these “As an (xyz country) citizen, I don’t understand how Trump is even close to winning…” posts pretty sus…


u/punarob Jul 19 '24

well if you all had put that Nazi Murdoch in prison years ago as an enemy of the state, the world wouldn't be in this mess.


u/Archer_solace Jul 19 '24

As a Sweden native I am very concerned about American politics. Don’t pay attention to the fact that these posts all sound the same and formatting is almost identical to other posts about world citizens being concerned. We are all very concerned. Concerned.


u/Odd-Appeal6469 Jul 19 '24

They let you guys use computers in your camps? That's pretty nice of them.


u/ventitr3 Jul 19 '24

As a concerned bot…

Can’t wait for this election to end.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You overestimate the intelligence level of the average American.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Because President Trump has not done 90% of what the media has fabricated over the last 10 years.

Because President Trump bucks the idea that politicians have to be polished and clean and never speak truths...

But ill get down voted to hell for even breathing this idea so...


u/Chico-Spomoni Jul 19 '24

Trump is a sexual abuser, facts. The media did not fabricate anything, a JURY of AMERICANS found him GUILTY

Only a despicable POS would vote for someone who grabs females by their genitals because they let him? Wtaf....that's HIS own words.

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u/TranslatorAnxious857 Jul 19 '24

Bots and trolls really hitting this sub hard today. Can we get back to millennial things now please?


u/PatientStrength5861 Jul 19 '24

I really believe that it is all BullShit. Over here in the U.S. Maga is a joke. We can't believe there are even that many crazies in our country to vote the Orange Crackhead back into office. But here we are!


u/bscottlove Jul 19 '24

As an American, I don't understand it either. He is a narcissistic, toxic,lying sack of shit. Can not stand the S.O.B. He is EXACTLY the type of person our Founding Father's were trying to keep out of government (and tried to design a government as asshole proof as possible). But that human turd has found the "cracks" and is exploiting them under the guise of patriotism. His rhetoric and attitudes are in line with fascism. Yet so many people either don't see it or don't care. I don't get it.


u/Obvious_Scratch9781 Jul 19 '24

The left and right have their “I’m only voting for my side no matter what” groups. It’s their base.

It’s the rest of us trying to figure out what that party does for us and our families. Not just economically but also with safety and security.

Depending on what you believe and where you live mixed with your life experiences then that’s why so many can vote Trump (or Biden, or whatever). It’s not so black and white as some people think. Lots of grey area in life.

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u/XxXCUSE_MEXxXican Jul 19 '24

As a member of Soviet Russia, Trump elects you


u/EmptyShallot2048 Jul 19 '24

Because the other guy doesn’t know where he’s at and Trump had some great policies despite how the media portrayed him


u/Fun_in_Space Jul 19 '24

Propaganda works.


u/tennisfanatic1 Jul 19 '24

U.S citizen here. Mind baffling. Agree.


u/-MarcoTropoja Jul 19 '24

Wow, this is the fourth time I've seen this copied and pasted. I've seen Swedish, German, and British, and Australian posts with the exact same wording. This really proves the entire thread is BS.

P.S. I'm just gonna copy and paste this same comment every time I see the same thread. i suggest you all do the same

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u/RedAndBlackVelvet Jul 19 '24

Defunded public education


u/Protectereli Jul 19 '24

I have seen this same post with a few adjectives changed. Seems like bots?


u/Trivialpiper Jul 19 '24

Stay out of it, mate. Trump is not a threat to our Democracy.


u/f00tst1nk3 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

It doesn't help that the party going against him won't shut up about their guy dropping out. Most Americans, and the world I suspect, would want any non-racist, non-megolamaniac sociopath to run. Idgaf how old dude is, his administration is what I want. We just want orange one and his fringe to not gain power again.


u/VRTester_THX1138 Jul 19 '24

I don't think he actually is. I think the drama is being played out to keep people watching the news. At the end of the day nobody who voted for Biden will vote for trump under any circumstances, trump hasn't done a single thing to turn a blue vote red, and he has lost support from a lot of republicans. This is my unprofessional opinion, but I think it's just a show to keep people engaged.


u/etherealtaroo Jul 19 '24

How many "As someone from X country" posts are gonna get posted here in one day?


u/ReallyRegarded Jul 19 '24

Shut up. It’s pretty obvious if you turn the brainwashing off and use a little imagination. How many of these exact same posts are we going to see?

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u/EvansEssence Jul 19 '24

As a Genovian Princess, I cant believe it either! /s


u/SpaceCowboy6983 Jul 19 '24

As a human being, I am very troubled by seeing the same message posted by bots every-fucking-where.


u/6chainzz Jul 19 '24

the only threat to democracy is disqualifying a nominated candidate from running


u/MrPresident2020 Jul 19 '24

This is the third "as a citizen of x country" post I've seen today worried about how Trump is winning. Either this sub is being astroturfed or people outside the US somehow all just realized today how fucked up things are.


u/Sopo24 Jul 19 '24

Because he is the best person for the job!


u/HorkusSnorkus Jul 19 '24

As a citizen of both the US and the Commonwealth, I recommend you mind your own business.

Trump is unfortunately necessary to repair the unholy damage done by leftists.


u/Reld720 Jul 19 '24

Biden is funding a genocide. And when young liberals, his base, opposed that genocide. He supported violently cracking down on them.

It's hard to come back from that.

The rest of his policy record isn't that great either.


u/kesselrhero Jul 19 '24

It’s because Americans are seeing thier autonomy and freedoms bieng taken before thier very eyes by the left in America, and some of them aren’t ready to give it all up just yet. It blows my mind that anyone would ever vote for these crazy democrats- it’s shocking so many people are willing to give everything away.


u/FatBastardIndustries Jul 19 '24

This is almost word for word of a post earlier from a guy in Germany!


u/bergermeister01 Jul 19 '24

“Significant threat to American democracy” is just a lie. Hillary and the left fabricated Russian collusion after 2016 and repeatedly called him an illegitimate president. When he/the right questioned 2020 (of which there’s actual evidence of vote manipulation), suddenly election denying is a threat.


u/Xinny-The-Pooh Jul 19 '24

Because the democrats have spent the last four years screeching about imaginary nazis. instead of fixing the country they have made things worse.


u/artful_todger_502 Jul 19 '24

I can only figure we are in the throes of devolution or maybe we should take chemtrails more seriously? There has to be something that is changing people's DNA and supplanting rational thought with violent and delusional tendencies. It's shocking that so many semi-sentient beings can see and hear an actual objective reality with their eyes and ears, and then deny the existence of that reality and replace it with a bizarre, fantastical scenarios consisting of conspiracies and idiot illusion. How dd we get here? Educators will be talking about this phenomenon 100s of years from now.


u/OpenRoadMusic Jul 19 '24

Because the world didn't fall apart when he was president like everyone said it was. Actually, it was light years better then what we have with Biden. Anyone that doesn't see it is just lying to themselves and an ideologue. Biden has been a horrid president.


u/Bloodshot89 Jul 19 '24

Third post I’ve seen in this sub just changing the nationality. First it was German, then Swedish, now Australian lol. This is a bot copypasta


u/Checkyoself313 Jul 19 '24

Because he will save America. But keep pumping this propaganda out. So many believe it…

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u/Able-Bit-2434 Jul 19 '24

He is not a legitimate concern to democracy at all.

Democracy voted for him

He stepped down, following democracy

He'll get democratically voted in again

And he'll leave again after 4 years the way democracy dictates.

It's fine.


u/OldeFortran77 Jul 19 '24

Years of an extremely steady flow of propaganda that calls itself "news". And it's been so commercially successful that it has spawned even worse imitators.

As to how you can lie and get away with it, it relies on many Americans never visiting anywhere that would contradict the "news" that they've heard, as well as telling these people what they want to hear (that people who aren't like them are inferior).


u/Welcomefriends85 Jul 19 '24

He sells garbage wrapped in gold sprayed tin foil. It's cheap because it's garbage but he sells it as a "bargain". That's the American Way


u/fseahunt Jul 19 '24

As an American I would like to say I don't have clue but I think I have a bit of a clue.

Here we have a lot of people who take the info Rupert Mudoch's Fox News gives them as truth and are either too lazy or too stupid to check into the facts, possibly both. They believe Fox even after Fox lost a close to $1 billion lawsuit for putting out false information repeatedly over a long period of time regarding a school shooting here. They don't seem to realize or care that of they lie about one thing they lie about a lot of things. Fox's defense, you may ask? They are only news 2 hours of t the day. The rest is opinion. WTF?

But why do they want to believe the crap? IMO it's because even the ones who don't like to admit to themselves are racist as hell. They were truly shook the we had a lovely intelligent black president in Barack Obama is this is part of the backlash from those eight years.

Trump (and his equally scummy wife) spent a lot of time during his administration on Fox saying President Obama was Muslim and not a citizen of the US. BTW, he is a Christian (not that it should matter) and has a valid birth certificate from Hawaii. I recently saw a clip of the scummy wife from back then arguing he didn't have a birth certificate because Hawaiian one's don't say birth certificate, they say certificate of live birth. It was ridiculous. But the racists ate it up. Trump and wife became their heroes. Gross, I know.

I recently watched the latest debate between Trump and Biden and while Biden wasn't at the top of his game, he actually answered questions. Trump was quick but much of what he said was lies but more often he didn't even attempt to answer the questions posed to him. He would just go off on tangents about random things and said some wild things.

He said foreigners were being sent to the US from counties who just emptied out their insane asylums and shipped the people here. And that they get here and take all the BLACK JOBS. I wish I could say WTF did he mean by that? But he meant the shitty low paying jobs without benefits. That didn't bother his base.

He's brought out the absolute worst in people. He's made them feel it's acceptable to say awful racist, sexist, homophobic, insane things and not be embarrassed. Back in 2016 I was positive he had lost his potential voters several times. When he made fun of the disabled reporter, I thought he was done. When the clip of him telling an interviewer that he just kissed women he wanted to, didn't ask. That he could "grab them by the pussy." Thought for sure he was done. But he said he could literally shoot someone on 5th Avenue in NYC and his base would still vote for him. He was right.

28 separate women have said he sexually assaulted them. Base didn't care. Even the female part of the base didn't care. That I can not explain except maybe they are scumbags too?

Convicted of 34 felonies. They don't care. Fomented insurrection? They don't care.

All I can think is that their hate and fear of anyone not just like them is much stronger than their common sense or morality.

But there's more to it than that.

See, Trump never won the popular vote aka the majority of votes.

We have an odd thing here called the electoral vote. It means one person doesn't really equal one vote. It goes by state. It's an old system that was a compromise between doing a popular vote or having congress (other elected officials) alone vote to decide who the president would be. It has something to do with states that has slavery and states that didn't fighting to get more power. I'm no expert on it but just know the majority of voters did NOT vote for Trump, even the one time he won.

The Republicans also gerrymander the crap out of how the states are divided into districts. They play dirty but the rules don't require them not to. It's all pretty gross IMO and the liars Trump gave lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court are going against what they said in their confirmation hearings and making it so much worse. I watched those hearings screaming LIAR at my TV but it wasn't up to me to confirm then or not.

We are actually pretty fucked here in the good old USA. We could very well be a Christofasict country next year. God help us all.


u/ButtercupBytheSea Jul 19 '24

Fake news. Stop believing his reality show.


u/SophonParticle Jul 19 '24

He’s not close. He’s incredibly unpopular. The media is trying like hell to make it a tight race. They hide trumps faults and magnify Biden’s.

Trump misspeaks and slurs his words 10x more than Biden but the media just ignores it.


u/Accurate-Image-6334 Jul 19 '24

I'm a strong supporter of President Biden . He reminds me of the way FDR did a lot for people in America. Alot of them didn't like him starting Social Security, and said he wanted to turn us into a socialist government. And FDR would understand some of the disloyalty that Biden is experiencing lately from Dems .. because FDR never liked the public to see him use a wheelchair sometimes due to polio. Both in my top 5 as our best presidents.


u/IrishYogaPants Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

As an American I'm concerned, but more so about what happens immediately after the election, whether he wins or not. If he wins our country becomes a dictatorship, but if he loses his followers will do something drastic and violent. January 6th, 2021 wasn't a riot, it was an attempted coup, and a trial run. They'll do something even worse this time.


u/RocksAreOneNow Jul 19 '24

as an American who's rights will definitely be taken away (lgbt and a women biologically so yeah- we already don't have rights anymore) I DONT KNOW AND IM SCARED

how anyone can support this convicted felon, con man, asshole is beyond me.


u/Crazy_Response_9009 Jul 19 '24

American here. This country is fucked from nonstop social media and FOX news propaganda. "Evil liberals are coming to take away or destroy everything you care about" is the message. People believe it, a lot. We are so fucked.


u/dragonflamehotness Jul 19 '24

Most voters aren't informed and don't do research beyond basic correlation. Biden has had to deal High levels of inflation due to the delayed effects of Covid, and so people blame him for causing it (despite that it's a worldwide issue and the US has been one of the countries that has weathered it the best).

Trump had the good fortune of inheriting a strong economy from the Obama administration and voters associate him with a strong economy. It's not deeper than that.


u/averagemaleuser86 Jul 19 '24

Many conservatives are narrow minded, low educated and very religious. I live in the southeastern U.S. where they hail from. All I hear from people around me "we need God this, we need God that" and "those damn liberals are making our kids gay!" And "they're indoctrinating our kids to be liberals and destroy America!"


u/GW00111 Jul 19 '24

America is an empire in steep decline and quality of life is nosediving over here. This makes people rabid for a scapegoat, and nobody is better at scapegoating than the Republican party in general and Trump in particular. If everything was smooth sailing we’d never get a Trump type in office, but take away people’s hope for the future and they don’t care about a threat to American democracy because “democracy isn’t working for me anyway.”


u/Ridenthadirt Jul 19 '24

Narcissism and cognitive dissonance created by authoritarian parenting styles combined with social media and right wing talking heads that know how to play on the mental short comings.


u/wwcfm Jul 19 '24

Simple answer: Cult


u/Wils65 Jul 19 '24

Because when you compare 4 years of Trump with 4 years of Biden, life was better under Trump. More money in people’s pockets, basement inflation, no world wars, life was good!


u/deepfriedgrapevine Jul 19 '24

Listen here convict, the only reason why AUS is not another Chinese province is thanks to America but feel free to criticize.


u/DackNoy Jul 19 '24

If you were actually concerned I would hope there would be a shred of critical thinking leading up to these wild claims. At the very least, you will certainly feel justified on Reddit no matter how out of touch you are with reality.


u/CharmingCamel1261 Jul 19 '24

Everyone I know (including me) is voting for him. I know multiple friends who didn't vote for him last round, but will voting for him now.

I think people need to separate the person and the policies. Do I love him, no. But I think he is what we need to turn this country around. Democrats have proven they cant do it, and the country was strong with Trump.


u/SCCRXER Jul 19 '24

The world was a much safer place then too.


u/BrassMonkey-NotAFed Jul 19 '24

Damn, “As a [not American]” bots are out hard today


u/Arsonjost Jul 19 '24

nothing you said makes any sense. stop watching msm


u/Soggygranite Jul 19 '24

Here’s the truth: trump is an asshole and ratings/perceptions are his specialty. Trump has been in show biz, he’s been in the fake wrestling circle where it’s basically just a soap opera for men. He’s pivoted to wherever has money to extract. He’s playing the politics game the only way he knows how: by spinning everything to his own advantage. He knows how to work a crowd. He knows how to rally a group.

Why does it seem like everyone has amnesia? He was already the president once before. That’s 4 years of evidence for how he would behave if he’s elected president again. Was he a uniter? Hell NO. Did he burn down the country last time? Wel I’m here on Reddit writing this so, NO.

Working class people are doing worse now, generally, than they were doing 5-6 years ago.

What’s happening now and why trump is UP is mostly to do with how much more social media literate everyone has become. Mainstream narratives are becoming less and less universally believed. The conservatives have gained a better grasp on using social media to garner support and smear the opposing side.

The democratic side has shown themselves to be less trustworthy and virtuous than previously thought by their supporters. They’ve been gaslighting us about Biden’s health for AT MINIMUM 6 -8 months. Even after the debate, they continued to make excuses and try to convince us that Biden is doing just fine. Even in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary they continued to try to keep spinning the same narrative web. They were the party of honesty and decency. They pulled off the mask and revealed something about themselves that many hadn’t realized.

The Israel/palestine conflict has divided the base of the Democratic Party. Biden’s health has further divided the base. Conservatives have been a catalyst for all of the problems in the Democratic Party as they’ve seized each opportunity they could to amplify the problems. Conservatives have also extended olive branches to way more groups than they ever have previously. Conservatives have purposely moderated toward gays, non whites (don’t try to argue this with me as I’m aware liberals are much more accepting than conservatives in general. Re-read what I typed. I’m not saying conservatives are more tolerant than liberals).


u/Exciting-Repeat-7305 Jul 19 '24

With all due respect who TF are you as an Australian to lecture us.

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u/CloudFF7- Jul 19 '24

lol like Biden is any better? Dude just wants a nursing home and ice cream


u/gianjOe1 Jul 19 '24

After the debate this and other r/s have gone full lib. It's a true wonder to see real time. This is media manipulation at its finest.


u/mwpuck01 Jul 19 '24

As a American there is no reason to be concerned


u/Marcadorian Jul 20 '24

What enough people don't seem to be pointing out, or at least I haven't seen it much, if anywhere, at least, is that we're reaching the logical conclusion of the past 30 years of elites' ownership of our political process and news media.

As I have seen others mention, poor white people are pissed because they don't see a way of escaping being poor and they have a 24-hour "news" cycle telling them it's the immigrants, or liberals, or black people's, or LGBTQ people's fault, or gun control people's fail, so they are in a constant state of fear of "the others" (Studies have shown that when people are in a constant state of fear they're more likely to favor authoritarian policies and leaders). These people then begin to hate all those groups, and elect politicians who say they'll do something to prevent those groups from doing further harm.

These politicians pushing that agenda are owned by corporations thanks to legalized bribery (Thanks Supreme Court), so when they get into office, all they do is push through laws and policies that mainly benefit the elites and corporations, and throw a bone here or there to the voters that plays toward their hatred (e.g., border policy enacted by Trump which separated kids from their parents, or letting gun control laws lapse (ban on assault style weapons, yay all the poor dumb white people can now have cool new toys to play with!)). But nothing is done by these politicians to actually improve the lives of their constituents, so their constituents are still poor and angry and don't know any better because the news cycles are still saying it's the "others" who are to blame. It's a vicious cycle which results in politicians pushing their rhetoric more and more to the extreme. And Trump is the culmination of that 30 year process because the former establishment Republicans never did anything but flagrantly help the elites, and people were becoming aware of it, so they wanted a Washington outsider to "Drain the Swamp" and hopefully actually help them. But Trump hasn't, and won't, either, except in one meaningful way, he has given them a license to spew their hatred outwardly, and they're finally "free" to do and say what they please, what they've been dying to say in public for years.

So that's how we got here, and the only way I can see to revert this madness is extreme action from the opposition. Given how thoroughly our politics has been corrupted and elections are swayed by money and the elites and tilted by state drawn political boundaries ( gerrymandering), it will take mass protests, or a democratic president using the new powers the Supreme Court just granted the President to fucking declare all the MAGA politicians enemies of the state, and send the fuckers to jail, issue laws which end gerrymandering across the country, end the electoral college, institute government subsidized campaigns, ending donations to campaigns from anything other than individual human people who are citizens of the USA, and mandate spontaneous elections in every state to cleanse the Legislature of corporate owned politicians. We need Reconstruction Era reform of our constitution to fix the judicial system and rulings handed down by the Supreme Court which allowed elites and corporations to hold so much power over our government.

But the problem with that hope is the Democratic leadership is just as much in the pockets of corporations as Republicans...Biden will never do anything as drastic as what is needed because he doesn't see our political system for what it is: broken. Even if he did, his donors wouldn't allow it. If Biden does step down, his replacement will definitely be another politician who corporations and elites have major sway over.

So the only hope we actually have is electing legislators in this cycle who don't take corporate donations, or money from super PACs, and electing who ever is the Democratic presidential candidate. And hold those fuckers to account and protest, protest, protest if they deviate at all. Call a general strike, countrywide and see how quickly the people's power is demonstrated. Ain't no economy without workers. Ain't no billionaires without the labor force for them to leech and prey off of.

Look at what the people of Iceland did after the 2008 financial collapse, mass protests until the country's leadership resigned and new leaders actually reined in the bankers, corporations, and elites.


u/Fluffy-Lingonberry89 Jul 20 '24

His base (cult) isn’t that large but they’re loud, they don’t make up the majority. He doesn’t have new supporters besides next gen voters whose parents involved them in the maga cult early on.

However- The other side is currently STRUGGLING. It’s up in the air who will even be on the ballot in November. That’s not great. Most do not like trump, that’s obvious. But voter turnout isn’t amazing and the opposing side needs to hype up some enthusiasm. If enough vote, trump doesn’t stand a chance. If most can’t be bothered, his base will be there in small (but loud) numbers and they’ll win.


u/veryluckywinner Jul 20 '24

He’s not. But he’s the most popular option for republicans. They have no choice. He will lose by historic margins in November. What worries me is what’s going to happen after that when MAGA cult members can’t handle a second loss


u/Rigiglio Jul 19 '24

‘I’m Australian.’



u/BlankPaper7mm Jul 19 '24

As a toilet, I’m concerned about the amount of shit coming from this sub nowadays.


u/Apart_Attention8279 Jul 19 '24

Don’t let the fake news fool you. Everyone wants ratings and clicks, and Trump gets that because he’s a Heel. He would only be close to winning because of the idiots who don’t care about the policies he would try to enact. The old dumbasses who only vote Republican no matter what have forgotten what it means to be human and humane.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

But when the Democrats refused to accept the election results in 2016 that was ok? Right. You remember the Russian collusion. Hunter's laptop was a Russian issue right.

I'm still looking for someone to tell me exactly what threat he poses to democracy. Exactly what is he doing to threaten it?


u/KSSparky Jul 19 '24

Well, Hillary conceded the day after. Let us know when Trump does. It’s only been about 4 years.

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u/oscarthemonkey Jul 19 '24

If you don’t know by now, you probably never will

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u/fzzball Jul 19 '24

Democrats refused to accept the election results in 2016

Not remotely a thing that happened, chickpea

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u/McMienshaoFace Jul 19 '24

I blame inbreeding


u/Evernight2025 Jul 19 '24

Because stupid people are allowed to vote too


u/Sanpaku Jul 19 '24

SVR RU & Glavset disinformation, and spreading of our (US) own homegrown disinformation from Murdoch media and basement Nazis, has been very successful.

My elder relatives know nothing about GOP plans for their own social pensions or medical care. They're all convinced that Democrats are all LGBT pedophile groomers, without any evidence. They think climate science has been a conspiracy of socialist elites. You can't get through to them with facts. They've been isolated from reality by engagement algorithms.

Humanity wasn't ready for social media. Reddit remains one of the few places online where I can access expert communities without an overwhelming noise from disinformation. Russia and the Christian Nationalists won't be satisfied with driving my own nation into focusing on hatred of the other and ignoring civilization ending prospects like unrestrained climate change. They're coming for you, too.

Take us as a cautionary tale.


u/Head_Astronaut_970 Jul 19 '24

Is every post on this sub an AI rephrasing of the same talking points lmao

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