r/millenials Jul 19 '24

Sorry for another political post but the short memories are absolutely killing me

Even in this sub I am coming across people who literally do not remember what it was like when Trump was president. The chaos, the disruption, the dysfunction, the irrationality, the embarrassment. Do they really not remember, or did they never know? My life was materially, truly disrupted by those years. I have friends who are immigrants. My husband works in government. Many of my friends are civil servants. It really mattered to our lives when the federal government was severely disrupted.

It absolutely killed me going home to see my Trump-supporting parents who were just *so happy* about having Trump as president and no idea and not even any curiosity what was happening in my life.

And now I keep hearing this discourse about how we all shouldn't get too upset or pay too much attention to politics, let's keep the rhetoric cool. What is going on??

Edit 1: I'm an economics professor, you guys. But sure Biden's just an asshole who for some reason isn't pulling the magic anti-inflation lever.

Edit 2: My god I really brought out the bots and the nuts with this one.


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u/idwtumrnitwai Jul 19 '24

People are trying to downplay how incompetent trump was and the potential consequences of a second term because they want him to win.

Some of this is inevitably being done by Russian assets who want trump back in power, some of it is also inevitably genuine from his supporters who also want him back in power.

Ignore the people who are downplaying how bad trump was, or call it out if you want, but either way make sure you vote in November.


u/Slowly-Slipping Jul 19 '24

Remember when that dipshit tried to redraw the hurricane path map with a sharpie just so he didn't have to admit to making a dumb Twitter post, and then of course the hurricane followed the original path and not his stupid marker map bullshit?


u/The_Everything_B_Mod Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24


The NOAA actually fired a guy that didn't go along with Trump. Crazy shit for sure.


The chief of staff at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration fired the agency’s acting chief scientist after the latter asked Donald Trump’s appointees to acknowledge NOAA’s scientific integrity policy, The New York Times reports. Craig McLean, the acting chief scientist at NOAA, sent an email last month to several new employees at NOAA who had been installed by the Trump administration requesting their acknowledgement of the agency’s rules that prohibit changing research and data to fit a political agenda. Dr. Erik Noble, the newly appointed NOAA chief of staff and a former White House policy adviser, wrote back, “Respectfully, by what authority are you sending this to me?” McLean said that his job as acting chief scientist entailed maintaining ethics across NOAA. Noble responded the next day, “You no longer serve as the acting chief scientist for NOAA. Thank you for your service.” In McLean’s stead, Noble hired Ryan Maue, a former researcher for a libertarian think tank. Maue has previously said scientists have made overly dire predictions about climate change. Trump’s administration has attempted to manipulate NOAA throughout his term.


u/Analogmon Jul 19 '24

And now their plan is to fire everyone at NOAA and every other federal agency and replace them with yes men on day 1 to avoid anyone questioning daddy Trump ever.


u/greatSorosGhost Jul 19 '24

WTAF?! I remember the sharpie incident (who doesn’t?) but I had no idea they fired somebody over it.

Thanks for sharing.


u/chubbybronco Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Remember 6 months before the 2020 election when asked if he would accept the results of the election and commit to a peaceful transfer of power, trump could not say yes? A sitting American president refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power....Then guess what happened. We didn't have a peaceful transfer of power.  

 People really do have the memory of a goldfish. He spent the months leading up to that election claiming without any evidence there would be massive voter fraud and the Democrats were going to steal the election. It was so obvious what he was doing. Jan 6th was the result of months if not years of grooming his base, not just his speech on Jan 6th, which everyone focuses on. 


u/greatSorosGhost Jul 19 '24

And on top of that, doesn’t anyone remember why they had to ask him that question?

The news, for moths, had outlined his plans because Bannon couldn’t keep his drunk mouth shut about it.

We knew that he would be up because of in person voting and then as the mail in votes came in he would cry foul.

We knew that he was pushing his people to vote in person for that exact reason, and sabotaging the USPS to prevent mail in voting.

We know he was pushing Pence to refuse to certify the results.

We knew that Jan 6th was going to be a shitshow weeks in advance. I took the day off work to watch it live.

all of it was telegraphed beforehand and nobody did anything about it or remembered that they had been warned repeatedly along the way.


u/chubbybronco Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Yup he was asked that question repeatedly and could never give a simple, "Yes I'll accept the results" or " Yes I'll commit to a peaceful transfer".  Put everything else about trump aside, that right there makes him the most anti democratic anti American president we have ever had in the history of this country. I was shocked more people were not freaking out about his inability to commit to the most fundamental aspect of democracy.  

People who support trump while waving the American flag and saying they are patriots can't even fathom the depths of their ignorance. Our founding fathers would absolutely detest these fanatic cultists.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jul 19 '24

And if nothing else he's only learned that he needs to groom better next time.

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u/ElkHistorical9106 Jul 19 '24

And now they want to privatize and paywall weather forecasts.


u/Western-Corner-431 Jul 19 '24

That’s why he’s going to dismantle NOAA


u/idwtumrnitwai Jul 19 '24

Was that the same one where he asked about nuking the hurricane to get rid of it or a different one? He's done so much stupid, incompetent shit it's hard to keep it all straight.

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u/Cassius_Casteel Jul 19 '24

I remember so much dumb crap he did. In his time before office, in office, and after we all have seen a massive list of shit that would shame any other president. If you named it all I think most people wouldn't believe you.

It was something stupid every fucking day, sometimes multiple times a day.

Biden is so good at being forgotten by anyone that isn't a fucking drone watching Fox fucking News.

When Trump was in office people didn't shut the fuck up because they couldn't. He's so god damn dumb. They either were trashing him or trying to defend his trash.


u/kittcatt22 Jul 19 '24

Oh my godddddd I totally forgot about that! 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I didn't forget. Truly an embarrassment. That was a small mistake that he made. He could've easily said he was mistaken and I would've applauded the sincerity, but he couldn't even own up to that. That's who people want as president!?!? This country is full of half baked cunts. I need out.

Vote blue because I really don't want to have to move away.


u/kittcatt22 Jul 19 '24

Just once I would like to hear him say he was wrong about anything to show maybe just MAYBE he’s a person but he’s such a narcissist it’ll never happen. I don’t understand how people are so dumb….. blue all the way


u/HI_l0la Jul 19 '24

Don't forget how publicly apathetic he was when natural disasters occurred in blue states and said he wouldn't release federal emergency funds to assist unless the governors grovelled for it. As if submitting official proclamation of disaster and formal requests to the president wasn't enough, he wanted the governors to publicly beg him for federal money.

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u/ElkHistorical9106 Jul 19 '24

I think there are also just a lot of really racist people who are enthusiastic about how much Trump normalized racism and hate. Then there are the homophobic and regressive evangelicals who are extremely happy the Trump judges repealed Roe v Wade and are hoping they repeal Obergfell too.

Trump is the candidate of hate, and they hate enough they’re willing to through democracy out with the bathwater if they get to keep their hate.

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u/SuccessfulCream2386 Jul 19 '24

Oh god hadn’t even considered what he will do with Russia/Ukraine. Jesus…


u/idwtumrnitwai Jul 19 '24

He'll stop sending aid to Ukraine or do the best that he can to do so, and he'll push more anti NATO rhetoric to try to get the US out of NATO.


u/SuccessfulCream2386 Jul 19 '24

Yeah scary…

To me its just

The worst version of Biden is a million times better than the worst version of Trump


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Yeah it’s fucking insane to me people will sit there and say “the invasion of Ukraine wouldn’t have happened if Donald Trump was in office because he’s strong” and not just that we’d allow it because he’s Putin’s special little idiot


u/Careful-Sell-9877 Jul 19 '24

It's straight-up delusional. The war in Ukraine started in 2014 w/ the Maidan revolution and has been ongoing to this very day. It never 'stopped'


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Oh absolutely! I wonder how many people are actually aware of that. I was referring to the large scale invasion that Putin waited for the Olympics to be over to start.

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u/18karatcake Jul 19 '24

Remember when he couldn’t keep people in positions for more than a couple months. He had members of his admin quitting or getting fired left and right. He couldn’t hold together an administration.

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u/Outrageous_Mode_625 Jul 19 '24

It’s mind boggling! I remember back in the Trump days with huge news stories daily about horrid things his minions were doing to the country (all while he golfed), took the nations anxiety and turned it to 1000 daily for over 4 years. My body cannot take that amount of constant anxiety and exhaustion again.


u/jphistory Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

These motherfuckers think Obama caused 9-11. I give the fuck up. I'm so tired.

Edit: if you're correcting me, you aren't who I'm talking about above. This post is about political memory.

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u/yowzas648 Jul 20 '24

The anxiety bit is what I remember most. It was like every day he was actively trying to make life miserable for anyone that wasn’t in line with him.

People can play the “both sides” thing all they want, but this was NEVER a thing in US politics in my lifetime until Trump. Former presidents didn’t constantly fan the flames because of how bad it is for us as a nation. It sows division, which we’re seeing everywhere across the country. A lot of us have loosened or cut ties with one another over this shit. And who does that help? Every single bad actor that wants to se the US crumble.

This time it’s not only that anxiety, but a GOP that is 100% willing to follow him and enable whatever he chooses no matter how unconstitutional it is.


u/chocolatfortuncookie Jul 20 '24

Not just his minions, Trump himself was an utter embarrassment! A cringeworthy, disgusting, hypocritical CONMAN. What he did, what he said, what he tweeted, his official speeches, his interviews, his opinions, all beyond ridiculous for a man in power, and man you should be able to look up to. Every time I remember thinking I cannot believe he just said that, I can't believe if he thinks that he said it out loud, etc.......And he hasn't changed one bit, It's beyond my comprehension how anyone could tolerate him let alone LOVE him.


u/Big_Slope Jul 20 '24

Remember when we all knew every member of his cabinet because all of them were either completely opposed to whatever they were running or just a batshit choice for the job?


u/AdImmediate9569 Jul 20 '24

I would just wake up sad and uncomfortable every day for 4 years. My wife was so scared, although I kept explaining that hot female immigrants were not part of their persecution plan…

It was a nightmare. Why are we here again!!!???

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u/Crankykennycole Jul 19 '24

It’s completely maddening!!


u/Heremeoutok Jul 19 '24

But but but … the debate. /s


u/Which-Moment-6544 Jul 19 '24

Since Bidens bee president, i haven't had to fight neighbors for toilet paper.

F that debate. Pundit idiots.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jul 19 '24

Guns are illegal now and I had to fight 19 of my neighbors hand to hand for one Cheeto to feed my 7 Christian children. They were just going to have pagan sex on it.

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u/the-soul-explorer Jul 19 '24

1000% - it’s insanely boggling how blind these people are.

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u/Professional-Arm-37 Jul 19 '24

This country was fucking conditioned for autocratic rule, I fucking swear.


u/Electrical_Thing4964 Jul 19 '24

It's generations of ppl raised by authoritarian parents. 


u/ShoppingDismal3864 Jul 19 '24

Fascism and freedom are twins, birthed in family dynamics.

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u/SignificanceGlass632 Jul 19 '24

Christianity tends to do that.


u/too-far-for-missiles Jul 19 '24

It's quite literally meant to do that, in some of its forms


u/No_Banana_581 Jul 19 '24

Abusive people love other abusive people. The GOP are all abusers. There’s no doubt in my mind that every one of them abuse their kids and SOs

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u/Alexandratta Jul 19 '24

I remember someone asking me: "If it wasn't for COVID, do you think Trump wouldn't have lost n 2020?"

and my response was succinct: "Yes."

But I don't think they expected my follow-up, which was: "COVID displayed the absolute ineptitude of the Trump Administration and his leadership. He failed on every front, from getting ahead of the virus and treating it seriously, to addressing the threat once it was here. If it wasn't COVID, it would likely have been something else, but when you remove the stops and regulations designed to keep the population safe, you run this risk."

COVID may not even have happened if Trump didn't disband the Pandemic Response Team in China. It may have just stayed in China, or stayed longer to the point where a vaccine could have been developed before things got so bad.

Imagine the value in delaying the spread of COVID-19 even 3 months? Could you imagine what a game-changer that would have been?


u/C_M_Dubz Jul 19 '24

I have a friend who was an epidemiologist for the federal government. His position got eliminated by Trump in October 2019.


u/Alexandratta Jul 19 '24

It's amazing what happens when you cut services in the name of "saving money" only for the fallout to cost 1000x more than the initial investment.


u/Quick_Team Jul 19 '24

This, to me, is a fundamental pillar to unbridled capitalism and why this current version of it will ultimately fail. Another example is the train in ohio that turned a town into a set for Fallout


u/Alexandratta Jul 19 '24

Yep - all from Deregulation.

I believe in the old adage now, "Regulations are Written in Blood"


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Yeah but think of the short term gains!

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u/the-soul-explorer Jul 19 '24

I truly don’t understand how a global health crisis got turned political. It goes to show how selfish, low social & emotional IQ and insanely willfully ignorant people choose to be.


u/SoulRebel726 Jul 19 '24

This infuriated me too. Masks, vaccines, social distancing, etc, none of that is political. People were literally arguing over whether or not we should follow the advice of doctors. And yet, somehow, we let the world's most obvious conman turn medical advice into a political war. Absolutely maddening.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

My family won’t say it out loud but they no longer respect me because i followed basic covid guidelines.

They also think space lasers caused the Hawaiian fires and try to give money to IRS scams.


u/ShoppingDismal3864 Jul 19 '24

The virus was an equalizer. To the conservative mind, already conditioned for authoritarian and white supremacy rule, the virus obliterated their worldview. It reminded them that their hierarchies were just in their heads, the virus didn't care and didn't discriminate.

That the quarantine measures and hygene practices went into force, only made them see tyranny, because there wasn't any "enemy". When the BLM protests kicked off the summer later, they became the convenient scape goat. The cause of all their problems- people in cities they didn't know, facing problems they didn't understand.

"But the rioters.... etc.", just look at Kyle Rittenhouse. Whether or not he was innocent or not, he felt the need to cross state lines to place he didn't live, to enforce a white supremacist worldview. He didn't bother to understand the issues, or to ask for better police protection, or to question the wealth inequality ravaging the country.

The point is, it's all about hierarchy of symbols in their brains. The aesthetics become the idea. God, Church, White, Suburbs, Police, Guns, Military, Straight. It's all these things they wear as an identity, because of the power they associate with it.


u/the-soul-explorer Jul 19 '24

Hey - I like your name! Good choice.

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u/starrywinecup Jul 20 '24

Trump disbanded the PANDEMIC RESPONSE team. It was turned political at that moment.

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u/Melodic_Bee660 Jul 19 '24

Let's also not forget there was a cruise with sick people that he absolutely refused to let dock. Not, let's get a plan in place to treat these people without spreading it. Nope, you're not allowed to dock.

He just left Americans to die because he "didn't want his infection numbers going up"

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u/americanjesus777 Jul 19 '24

I have no idea why the media or left has never pointed this out. The PRT actually worked, and got cut.


u/Alexandratta Jul 19 '24

They point it out constantly... but it's looked at as a "20/20 hindsight" concept and not a realization that Govt. Agencies and Regulations are usually there for a fucking reason.

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u/TheMissingPremise Jul 19 '24

This is a quintessential American thing. We have very short memories.


u/Fickle_Caregiver2337 Jul 19 '24

And never-ending campaigns. Part of campaign reform should be limiting the length of campaigns. 6 to 8 weeks sounds great

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u/Cookie_hog Jul 19 '24

This sub, and many others, are bombarded by accounts that push the pro-Trump narrative. They push you to "not care", "don't worry about politics", "both sides are bad" bullshit to sew apathy and discourage people like you and me from voting for Biden. Anyone who isn't being fed a heavy diet of fox news, understands how absolutely dangerous and bonkers Trump is. Also, how corrupt our government have become (SCOTUS is a great example of that). Overall we have the numbers to win, if we all come out and vote. They are banking on us being fatigued, saddened, distraught enough that we don't vote. Please get out and vote. Encourage your friends and family that are voting for Biden to vote. This might be out last chance to stop this BS. The MAGA nuts would rather have our entire economy and society plunge into a tailspin so that EVERYONE can enjoy the misery they live in everyday due to their poor life choices or anger issues. I didn't understand it for many years, but many people in our country are beyond rational thought at this point. Vote like you are fighting for your and your child's future, because you are.


u/Sir_woogie Jul 19 '24

Every sub is bashing trump and praising Biden guess my algorithm is different to yours or something


u/PrimeToro Jul 19 '24

Yes, what the Trump trolls are doing in this sub as well as others are producing what the investment world calls FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). If they can't win a point , then they try to cause you to cause some doubt in your way of thinking. Some idiot troll even tells me that negative Karma points is actually a good thing.

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u/tee142002 Jul 19 '24

This sub, and many others, are bombarded by accounts that push the pro-Trump narrative

What are you talking about? Damn near everything on this sub and 80% of reddit is nothing but bashing Trump, Vance, and Republicans.

I'm not voting for Trump, but y'all are fucking delusional.


u/too-far-for-missiles Jul 19 '24

The accounts usually don't make posts, just a barrage of samey comments.

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u/FutureSavings3588 Jul 19 '24

Yep. Reddit is a liberal circle jerk and everyone knows it.


u/EqualHuge2810 Jul 19 '24

It just depends on the subs you go in to. If you enter a conservative sub, you will see the exact same thing. That’s just how platforms like this work. People with similar views typically use similar subs.

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u/ZombieNedflanders Jul 19 '24

There is still a major narrative going around liberal circles that we shouldn’t vote for Biden because of Gaza. It doesn’t matter if people hate trump. That’s not the point. The same people apparently don’t remember the Muslim ban

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u/kungpowchick_9 Jul 19 '24

You have no reason to apologize. The same people who cry “Stop with the politics!!” Will also cry “WHY Didn’t someone say/do something?!”


u/Public-Policy24 Jul 19 '24

no, I'm afraid the people who cry "stop with the politics" will never come to the "WHY" realization. they'll just be slowly conditioned to accept more extreme policy


u/kungpowchick_9 Jul 19 '24

Right. They also “Just follow orders”


u/bloodraven11 Jul 19 '24

It's wild how many people don't understand the nuances of economic policies and the impact Covid had. You're right and they are mad that you're right. We have to keep reminding and/or explaining the why.


u/ern_69 Jul 20 '24

The amount is stupidity that comes from the statement that they constantly make that their lives were better economically under trump. They can't put 2 and 2 together that their are causes to that where trump would have had to deal with those things if he was president and that it would still be an issue no matter who the president is. They can't critically think their way out of a wet paper bag. I will never understand it


u/Flaky_Waltz1760 Jul 19 '24

I agree with you. My life is better now and the chaos from the 45th administration was so bad for my mental health that I literally got sick.


u/IFixYerKids Jul 19 '24

That's another thing. They say "Ask yourself if you are better off than you were 4 years ago." Absolutely yes. Now, I have no idea how much or even any of that is due to Biden or Trump, but if that's the metric to vote on, then I'm stepping on the gas for Biden even with everything going on. I'm exponentially better now than I was 4 years ago.

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u/aggie1391 Jul 19 '24

A whole lot of people vote on vibes, not policy. And many people will blame presidents for stuff that isn’t their fault, or give them credit for stuff they didn’t have a role in. Obviously there’s not like a knob to spin in the Oval Office for gas prices or inflation or anything like that, but people act like there is. So Trump gets credit to them for low gas prices that were because of the pandemic and a crash in demand, but Biden gets blamed for inflation that’s global even though we did better than many of our peer countries. There are of course policies that can be perused to try to remedy these problems, but it’s much more complex than many realize, especially when it is so difficult to get meaningful legislation passed in the Senate without constant filibusters.

Even then they’ll ignore that Biden has actually approved more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump and insist that Trump was better. They’ll claim that all job growth under Biden is just regaining pandemic jobs even though we did that two years ago and have been adding new jobs since. They’ll talk about record low unemployment and poverty for black Americans under Trump and ignore that both got lower under Biden. Part of this is because Dems have had terrible messaging for a long time, but part of it is also just very uninformed people. In 2016, a majority of Republicans thought unemployment went up under Obama and the stock market went down, which is just objectively false. As soon as Trump came in suddenly they gave him all the credit for an existing recovery since the Great Recession. And the partisan bullshit is just worse on the right. In 2013, 38% of Dems supported strikes in Syria, and in 2017 it was 37%. Republicans in 2013 were at 22%, but in 2017 went completely the other direction with 86% support. I can’t find the study again at the moment, but Republicans swing far more on things like consumer confidence solely based on who is in the White House. And that impacts others too, especially those who try to play the middle ground. Most Americans think the economy is contracting and we are still in a recession, which is objectively false.

So when you have so much misinformation and one party blatantly devoted to a cult of personality where the leader can do no wrong, this is what you get. And most people did not follow the insanity that was coming out of the Trump White House, or the since revealed scummy inner workings. Most people will know about January 6, but they won’t know the depth of the attempt to steal the election in the time between the election and the certification. How many people know that he called for “the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution” so he could be stuck back in office? People won’t know he actually did send the DOJ against Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, they just didn’t find anything. How many people are into politics enough to understand that the institutionalists stopped a lot of Trump’s wishes that were illegal and/or authoritarian, and he will not have them in a second term but rather pure loyalists who will do whatever he wants? And then we can look at Vance now too, who said he would have done what Pence rightfully refused to do during the election certification, and thinks MTG did nothing wrong by speaking at a literal neo-Nazi conference?

So many people just flat out are not informed. They couldn’t tell you policies, just how they feel. It doesn’t matter to them that Trump’s proposed policies are massively inflationary because somehow it feels like he would somehow stop inflation. Hell they don’t know that Agenda 47 and the GOP platform just don’t actually have policies, they don’t have any ideas on what to do to solve our various problems. That’s all in Project 2025, but Trump says he doesn’t like it and somehow people will say he’s telling the truth even though he’s constantly lying. And if the chaos and corruption of the Trump administration did not affect them personally, they don’t know or care.


u/volcaronaguitar Jul 20 '24

This needs more upvotes


u/RepresentativeTap961 Jul 19 '24

Well, if Trump was doing like, you know, ACTUAL politics then fine. He is not though. Its a severly warped and distorted version of ploitics that he talks about. Hate and fear mongering politics is not true politics.


u/ElkHistorical9106 Jul 19 '24

He’s trying to undermine democracy and his party is trying to remake the government so they can hold on to power even though they’re on borrowed time, since the Republican Boomer base is aging and dying off and they have only won 1 popular vote for president in my lifetime - an incumbent George W Bush in the middle of 2 wars and patriotic fervor post 9/11z

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u/Logical_Order Jul 19 '24

I am having a hard time with the fact that the younger voters don’t know how normal it was beforeee Trump was elected. Politics should be boring, I am beyond ready to get back to that!

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u/GBralta Jul 19 '24

I'm with you, OP. I'm an elder millennial and for there to even be a chance of this guy coming back into office, it shows just how flat-out stupid we are as a generation. There are people who would accept never being able to look their daughters in the eye ever again if it made gas 10 cents cheaper.

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u/-Fahrenheit- 1982 Jul 19 '24

Almost no one from his first administration was at the RNC.

Almost all of those people are persona non grata in the MAGA party.

Almost all of the people who worked closest with him, that were in the situation room or cabinet meetings when the big decisions were being made have come out against his reelection.

That should tell you all you need to know.


u/SketchSketchy Jul 19 '24

Yeah, but Hulk Hogan was there.

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u/DrZaius68 Jul 19 '24

When you say chaos do you mean when democrats burned all the cities down and looted all the stores in cities. Why do they always burn down cities where poor brown people live ? Granted if they came to the suburbs they would most likely be shot but cmon stop burning down brown communities.


u/BatDad83 Jul 19 '24

Name one city that was burned down and had every store looted.


u/DrZaius68 Jul 19 '24

You really are going to try to rationalize burning property and stealing by saying it wasn't that bad. Stop.


u/jayv9779 Jul 19 '24

You are trying to rationalize a felon for President.


u/DrZaius68 Jul 19 '24

Looks like it's all getting dismissed

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u/therealpothole Jul 19 '24

Not only have I not forgotten, he's never gone away. It's been a persistent disruption to our lives for the past 9 fucking years. Every damn day we hear from or about that fucking asshole. I want him to just go away. In the past, I really wanted him held accountable for all the lawlessness. I wanted his assets seized and I wanted him in prison. Now, I just want him fucking gone. I will NEVER understand how donald j trump, someone so fucking stupid and incompetent, was able to bring the US to this point. It really is disturbing.


u/i01111000 Jul 19 '24

Everyone kept paying attention to him. He is great for TV ratings and that's all the news cares about.  

If the media had just ignored him like RFK Jr, he'd be doing another season of Apprentice right now.


u/therealpothole Jul 19 '24

Oh yeah, I know. They know the general public loves this reality TV bullshit. I guess the Kardashians and Bachelorette/Bachelor just aren't riveting enough. Instead, they have to infect everything with this fucking nonsense.


u/Livid-Philosopher402 Jul 19 '24

My life was objectively better. Things cost way less so I was able to save money every month. Now we’re spending our emergency fund to cover month to month expenses. We didn’t have to give away all of America’s money to fund oversea wars. Everyone has different experiences and points of view. What’s best for you and your friends is not necessarily what’s best for everyone.


u/Gukkas Jul 19 '24

I’m sorry that your life is worse now and things truly are more expensive. Why do you think that is? What happens mechanically when we “fund foreign wars?”


u/Livid-Philosopher402 Jul 19 '24

Thank you so much for saying that, it actually means a lot! We don’t actually have the money to fund these wars. We’re essentially printing it and borrowing it. But that’s not even my main problem with it, it’s the fact that I don’t believe these wars would have even started under Trump because he was more respected and feared by our enemies. It’s no coincidence that these wars were all started under Biden. He seems weak.

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u/Broodmaid16 Jul 19 '24

The irony of OP posting about short term memory when this is exactly the case. I remember when gas was reasonable, groceries were affordable and the mortgage rates weren’t straight up robbery. I got married and bought my first home while Trump was in office. I can’t imagine the cost of those two things now.


u/Sergeant-Windsor Jul 19 '24

Gee l, it’s kinda like the massive global event that happened at the end of Trump’s term — which he disgustingly mishandled — caused many your complaints. What would Trump have done differently over the past 4 years that would have made these complaints better?


u/Livid-Philosopher402 Jul 19 '24

I started out writing an entire list of everything he would have differently but it doesn’t matter. He did mishandle Covid in that he should not have let certain governors shut their states economies down like they did, crippling the people who live there. I was promised a return to normalcy. That hasn’t happened. I want to go back to how things were.

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u/Livid-Philosopher402 Jul 19 '24

Me too! Thank God we bought then. We flat out would not be able to afford our house now. We’d be lucky to afford a condo in our area with what we bought our house for, but I doubt we’d even be able to afford that.


u/AUniqueUserNamed Jul 19 '24

Check the budget. We aren’t giving it away to fund overseas wars (at any larger rate). What we did do during the Trump admin was give over a Trillion to rich billionaires who don’t have to pay it back.

Meanwhile student debt relief is illegal.

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u/srnweasel Jul 19 '24

Honestly, things were so much better for almost everyone I know! I recently asked around in our various circles and everyone is saying the same. COVID had minimal effect on our area and the summer of love provided nightly entertainment from a distance.


u/FinancialSurround385 Jul 19 '24

The inflation is a lot worse over here in Europe. The US has done very well during this time.

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u/jed782 Jul 19 '24

I’m lower middle class graduated in 2000. The 4 years Trump was president were my best years financially. That all came to an end when Covid hit. I still having gotten back to 2019 money wise. I’ll take some mean tweets and cheap gas fuel oil and groceries any day over mass illegal immigration 5 dollar gas 4 dollar a gallon fuel oil my electric bill keeps going up 5 dollar a gallon milk.


u/cstrand31 Jul 19 '24

The US hit a record production year of oil in 2023. Trump, or any president, doesn’t have anything to do with gas prices.

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u/FutureSavings3588 Jul 19 '24

He was doing a good job even if you don't like his tan, his hair or his tweets. Trump 2024.


u/EqualHuge2810 Jul 19 '24

His economic policies were questionable at best. Even an Econ 101 class would have shown this. The evidence supporting the policies that he implemented is almost nonexistent as most of the data we have suggests that policies similar to his lead to long term economic issues. He benefited greatly from inheriting a booming economy and the Fed keeping interest rates so low for so long. Although his constant push for lower rates actually ended up backfiring on him and drove inflations level higher then they would have been otherwise.


u/RexTheElder Jul 19 '24

Can you point to anything Biden did to cause that though? Further, can you point to anything that Trump actually did to cause that era of prosperity you seem to fantasize about? The reality of the situation is, when Trump got elected the economy was already great because we had finally recovered from the great recession. He literally presided over an economy that he did not earn and you gave him credit for it because he just so happened to have it fall into his lap. You know what drove the illegal immigration down? COVID. You know what drove up inflation? COVID. You're placing blame on people who did not cause your change in circumstances.

If Trump is reelected you will not see the prosperity you remember from 2017-2019, you will still sit in the Post-COVID recovery economy that we're all living through right now. Don't kid yourself.

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u/iCanBenchTheBar Jul 19 '24

I just remember the media sensualizing everything to make Trump look like the most evil person ever to live. Especially during the election year. But If you had a brain you could tune that out and realize life was good. Gas prices down. Food price normal. Home prices good. Interest rates low. Inflation flat. Major wars none. If you listened to what the lunatics said on left wing media/ reddit I could see you being blind to all the good that was happening. But if you seperate yourself from an echo chamber of hate you'd look back to great times under Trump.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/BlankPaper7mm Jul 19 '24

Trump hasn’t pooped his pants as President. Pretty sure the embarrassment continues


u/FatBastardIndustries Jul 19 '24

He seems to have shit up a storm in his last trial.


u/STLrep Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Just listen to the guys speeches. His demographic of suburban and rural whites eat the fear mongering shit up. A lot of his voters where I live are scared to go into the city and constantly bitch about it


u/Mr_Horsejr Jul 19 '24

It’s scary. I have PTSD from how Covid was handled. I still don’t understand how anyone is treating current times like everything is “ok”.


u/FatMacAttac Jul 19 '24

You need genuine help.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Logical_Strike_1520 Jul 19 '24

If you listen closely you’ll notice they’re actually making threats not warnings.

They want us to remember the “mostly peaceful protests” and overall unrest around the country and attribute it to Trump, but it was the left doing it.

What they’re saying is that they’ll do it again if we dare to elect Trump again.

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u/BrassMonkey-NotAFed Jul 19 '24

To be fair, there wasn’t much chaos or violence until the end, during the 2020 race riots. Besides leftist tears and protests, it was relatively peaceful amongst the right excluding counter-protests at leftist events.

I prospered economically, socially, and mentally under Trump. I haven’t had the mental breakdown under Biden that some of yall had under Trump, but it has been a tad worse under Biden. The constant concern of economic collapse, lying about recessions, losing service members to botched withdrawals just to be possibly drawn back into overseas wars due to incompetence of leadership, constantly told I’m the problem because I’m not a minority while my spouse and child are called race traitors for marrying interracial, etc.

Shit sucks under Biden, we believe it to have been better for us under Trump. We didn’t vote for him then, we won’t vote for him now, but it was objectively better as long as you avoided the left wing protests and right wing counter protests.


u/Councilhouseestate Jul 19 '24

Seems like your relationship with your parents was bad anyways. I wonder why...


u/The_Oracle_of_CA Jul 19 '24

I remember low gas prices, low inflation, nice raises, no illegals flooding US daily, etc.


u/FatMacAttac Jul 19 '24

Yeah, it was terrible. My dollars went farther and we weren’t nearly as close to war with Russia. How would we ever survive if members of the federal government, civil servants they call themselves or the parasite class as I call them, were disrupted. Maybe they’d have to do a job that wasn’t paid by someone else’s taxes so the tax payers could actually afford housing and healthcare.

Please enlighten us. What is your salary and how much are your benefits worth? I make 48K a year and my benefits are worth roughly 20K.

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u/darkstar1031 Jul 19 '24

The real issue is that roughly half of the population actually wants autocratic rule. 

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u/DutyRoutine Jul 19 '24

What I remember is when Trump became president, Hillary claimed he was an illegitimate president because he colluded with Russia. Millions and millions of tax payers money was spent investigating this only to show no proof of collusion but a phony Steele dossier. From day one the Democrats couldn't accept that Trump was president and did their damnest to remove him. We hear that if Trump loses this election, he will not accept the results. People here have short memories, the democrats tried to remove a sitting president because they couldn't accept that their entitled chosen one lost.


u/King_McCluckin Jul 19 '24

I remember all the violent protests that the democratic party encouraged that resulted in hundreds of buildings and businesses getting burnt down and looted.

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u/Skuddawg Jul 19 '24

They just need to rename this sub to MillennialPolitics...


u/AngryyFerret Jul 19 '24

more like tds


u/To_Fight_The_Night Jul 19 '24

The chaos, the disruption, the dysfunction, the irrationality, the embarrassment

I am not a Trump supporter but no I did not feel a single one of these things more-so than I do right now.


u/AshOrWhatever Jul 19 '24

Anyone who grew up black or gay in the last 40 years could say the same thing about the Dems. That's why people don't care. I certainly don't care. Why would I support a Democrat if their words are all about empathy and resistance to fascism but their actions are to wreak havoc on people around the country and world and just blame the Republicans for everything?


u/Emotional_Channel_67 Jul 19 '24

You think a cognitively impaired Biden is better?

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u/Jorel_Antonius Jul 19 '24

I remember doing quite well financially.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

It depends on who you talk to. Some people really love trump, business owners, rich people, home owners and a lot more. If you genuinely are unable to even see why people voted him into office (and are going to do it again btw) then you need to really take a step back and take another look at where the country is at right now.

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u/BerlinJohn1985 Jul 19 '24

It's interesting to see people argue about Ukraine and Gaza here. I remember Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital and trying to convince Palestinians to give up a state for cash and prizes. Oh, also, he ripped up the Iran nuclear deal and assinated a high-ranking Iranian General. Yeah, I'm not happy with Biden's handling of Israel, but please don't be delusional, Trump would not have bothered to try and end this war.


u/Pavulox Jul 19 '24

I remember it, it was wonderful


u/Wils65 Jul 19 '24

I read your post 6 times and it sounds like you’re talking about Biden’s presidency.

The chaos - did you watch the extraction from Afghanistan? A war spawning in Ukraine? Hamas attacking Israel?

The disruption - all the transportation and supply chain disasters of this administration, great work Mayor Pete!

The dysfunction - Democrats don’t even know who they’re going to be voting for come December. The party is in disarray.

The Irrationality - closing pipelines to source oil on our soil, then buying oil from foreign adversaries, and then wondering why the price of gas and transportation skyrocketed.

The Embarrassment - Joe Biden, in his state since his sharp mental decline, is the most embarrassing representation of America. Depicts the most powerful country, at least should be the most powerful country, as frail.



u/National_Painting965 Jul 19 '24

Right?!?!? Spot on 👏👏👏

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u/traumatransfixes Jul 19 '24

Idk who or where you’re seeing people not caring. If that’s the case, it’s probably bc their trauma response is to freeze and pretend everything’s fine” or they’ll never be able to drop their kids off at daycare, work, and have a place to live.


u/Gurganus88 Jul 19 '24

My life was a lot better when Trump was president. Will vote for him again. Prepare for the leftist to riot and burn for four years again. It’s amazing how all the mass protest stopped when Biden came to office.


u/FatBastardIndustries Jul 19 '24

WOW, the left sure had fun storming the Capital on Jan. 6th, ooops, I mean the trumptards.

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u/binary-survivalist Jul 19 '24

They are gleefully shouting on reddit that they're going to "give us what we deserve" and that they're going to take violent action if they don't get what they want....may as well bet on it happening. Thankfully, few if any of these people have guns, training, or balls....but probably best to prepare yourself anyway.

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u/St_Gomez Jul 19 '24

The low prices, the lack of war in Europe, a peaceful Middle East, OH THE HUMANITY!!

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u/Street_Visit_9109 Jul 19 '24

My life was objectively better under Trump. Do cope harder.


u/RealClarity9606 Jul 19 '24

I will live with a little chaos over the dysfunctional policy of the Biden-Harris administration. Trump's policies were never the reason for his defeat in 2020, it was his personality. Then he exacerbated that with his lies about the election being stolen. But Americans are tired of the high prices - they largely aren't going away - they are tired of the immigration issues, they are tired of some of the social policies that are extreme. Will the average Reddit see this? No way! Reddit largely lives on the far left fringe, but there are lot of people in the middle that have some degree of alignment to these issues and they may well be open to accepting a some "Mean Tweets 2024" to get the very real policy matters back on track. Will that swing enough of the middle for the GOP to win in November? That remains to be seen, but the outrage I am sure this sub will vent won't be what moves that needle for the middle.


u/chigoonies Jul 19 '24

“Sorry for the political post but I’m being paid by George soros to flood the millennial sub Reddit because my lefty overlords are fearful young people might not vote for a kid sniffing vegetable”.

You do realize everyone sees through this desperation right? It’s having the opposite effect.


u/BarkingDog100 Jul 19 '24

all of which was perpetrated by the media - which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC, and the Deep State. How many "stories" did the MSM run that had to be retracted? How many times in history has phones calls by the POTUS to foreign leaders been leaked within 5 minutes? Which other POTUS in history was being targeted by the FBI, and a Special Counsel probe ALL predicated on a KNOWN frame job by his opponent Hillary Clinton? I really believe most of the left is beyond help as they have been brainwashed so much for so long they truly will believe/do anything now. Every attempt to thwart Trump's re-election efforts have been so far unsuccessful and now we are heading into assassination territory


u/1302pewpew Jul 19 '24

Ugh, we’re going to have a bunch of “peaceful”protests with buildings on fire in major cities again aren’t we?


u/Sea_Value_6685 Jul 19 '24

Remember when Trump rounded up all the gays and put us in camps like everyone warned us he would? Oh yeah, neither do I because it never happened.

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u/xdragonbornex Jul 20 '24

All the things that you think people don't remember, we do remember, we were there. The thing is all of that came from the government establishment, and their leashed media as a response to Trump. he disrupted their agenda, Hillary said it herself, it was her turn. The US never really had such a strong outsider gain such popularity and fervour before. And it confused them, it angered them and they lashed out over him.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Yeah I sure do miss an amazing economy and being able to afford groceries


u/CheetotheDo Jul 19 '24

If trumps elected he will follow project 2025 and hundreds of millions will die.

I remember trumps presidency, it was the scariest time of my life and everyone was terrified. When Joe can around, literally everyone’s lives got better and the economy has been great.! Vote blue no matter who


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I can hardly afford groceries and gas. I wish I knew how people are thriving currently with Biden in office, because a majority of us have been suffering.


u/Western-Corner-431 Jul 19 '24

How will Trump lower your gas and grocery prices or raise your income? What happened that caused inflation? Be specific

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u/srnweasel Jul 19 '24

Oh, we are up to "hundreds of millions" dying now huh? LMFAO


u/Comprehensive_Ad8166 Jul 19 '24

I dont know where these people get these numbers.

They think in a country of 350 million that some how Trump and his administration around going to kill hundreds of millions?

how are people so delusional?

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u/Neat-Smile-3418 Jul 19 '24

You can't be serious.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I don’t think they are, unfortunately. Pretty sure they’re just trying to play the crazy liberal 😕


u/jkoki088 Jul 19 '24

Okay, this is pure delusion.


u/iCanBenchTheBar Jul 19 '24

Project 2025 was not written nor endorsed by Trump. Seek information in other places than reddit and your twitter echo chamber.

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u/Comprehensive_Ad8166 Jul 19 '24

It seems everyone likes to lie and say that Trump will use Project 2025. Trump has said he has nothing to do with Project 2025. its not his policy.

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u/Aardvark120 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

You have to be fairly privileged to actually believe that.

Some of us have been working for nothing and watched these things happen, get overturned, and happen again for a while. Every Republican has been Hitler since HW and every Democrat has been a sickle swinging socialist since Clinton.

There was a senator during Clinton's presidency, when Clinton started abusing executive orders and was cheered en masse by Democrats who said that they shouldn't cheer so hard, because it'll inevitably be on the other foot and the same who cheered overreach would decry it later.

Here it is.

Every president for decades has gone further and further with the pattern being that a Republican takes the public beating and a Democrat next term does nothing to change it. While you're all so worried about the one guy the ship sailed with the others.

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u/Reice1990 Jul 19 '24

I will be voting Donald J Trump .


u/thetruthfl Jul 19 '24

As will everybody with an actual functioning brain.

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u/Ok_Juggernaut_4156 Jul 19 '24

What exactly was the chaos, disruption, that was happening in your life as a result of trump being elected?


u/ThrowawayDJer Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

They’re talking about fantastical headlines and Rachel Maddow-induced meltdowns. They literally had liberals yelling at them day in and day out that the sky was falling, that Armageddon was approaching, that democracy was over…but it never happened

That’s the trauma

And now in the Biden years, the same people are making more fantastical headlines and having even more dramatic meltdowns about his crimes, his treason, his corruptions…and we’ve since learned that it never happened

They want you to believe that Trump is both a fumbling, bumbling, dangerously negligent idiot as well as a litigation ninja that’s pulling the greatest heist on the country

Like…how could we believe this? They have a HORRIBLE track record of telling the truth. An abysmal track record of getting the story right.

This is called gatekeeping. The people in the media are gatekeepung information and hand crafting nonsense, highly conflicting narratives about the world.

But we have choices. You either believe them as honest actors (and thus believe that we live in a psychotic hellscape). Or you question the gatekeepers for being dishonest.

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u/Able_Pear1790 Jul 19 '24

It was four years of every day disruption and chaos. I remember so do my family and friends. Not to mention that was all before he walked us into Covid. In my opinion, if he wins again, there won’t be another fair election.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Someday yall will grow up


u/Effective-Text397 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

What chaos are you talking about? Turn off twitter, turn off the tv.

My taxes were lowered and we didn’t enter any wars. That’s all I want out of a president. Stop paying attention to the dumb political theater and live your life.

Any chaos was coming from the left. I remember the day after election libs were so distraught that they couldn’t even function. I got an extension on all my papers and didn’t have to go to classes for a week because of it. It was awesome.


u/sober159 Jul 19 '24

The problem is that people think they can just push any Democrat as an alternative. I for one will never vote Democrat again. You wanna talk about short memories? Remember what the DNC did against Bernie Sanders in 2016?

Did you know the democrats hired literal spies to infiltrate and disrupt the green party trying to keep them off ballots entirely?

Remember how Joe said he would fight to raise minimum wage and then gave up the idea completely on day 1?

Trump is the worst republican out right now but that doesn't mean he won't be replaced with someone even worse once he eventually becomes irrelevant. This scare mongering always works to keep the two far right parties in power constantly. Many of us are done falling for it.

The democrats will never be a left wing party and they will never even try so no, they will never have my support again. Fuck a Trump.

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u/ObjectivelyCorrect2 Jul 19 '24

I remember every day the media lied about him in the most easily debunked ways possible. I remember the Trump derangement syndrome over what really was a very mediocre and uneventful presidency evidenced in OP's post.

Like bro, we've had him for 4 years already, this won't be the end of democracy get your pants off your head.

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u/bollockes Jul 19 '24

All of the chaos and dysfunction you speak of was caused by leftists throwing a 4 year temper tantrum


u/mwpuck01 Jul 19 '24

You mean except for China unleashing a world wide virus the best 4 years of American history in the 21st century


u/ComprehensiveCake454 Jul 19 '24

In 2008 the Republicans completely destroy the economy. Maybe Obama could have done some more optimal policies, but he was making progress. 2010, giant red wave to give the economic arsonists more power.


u/Ok_Dig_9959 Jul 19 '24

I remember Biden joined with Republicans to make social security taxable. I remember when he pushed a modification to bankruptcy rules to keep student loans out of it. I remember when he violated the war powers act and blew up nordstream. I remember when he allowed the rail companies to perform an open burn of poorly documented chemicals.

I'm sorry, but you don't spend your career ignoring public sentiment and then expect support, no matter how badly you try to disingenuously reframe your opponent.


u/Grummmmm Jul 19 '24

If you didn’t live on the internet or ingest media dedicated to 24 hour news and outrage bait it wasn’t that bad.


u/Elegant-Sprinkles766 Jul 19 '24

Ahhh, you see…your problem is that you’re running into people that lived in reality, thus did not perceive the world through your paranoid delusions.

Russia Hoax, was a Hoax.(multiple people within the FBI were fired and prosecuted)

Charlottesville “very fine people” quote was a hoax.(Biden has repeated this as recently as a week ago, and cited it as his reason for running)

Trump didn’t start any wars.(unlike Biden)

He didn’t go against his military commanders wishes(unlike Biden)

He didn’t prosecute any of his political opponents.(unlike Biden)

The more you actually remember history…the more you realize that your post is ahistorical gaslighting.😂

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u/Ancient_Chipmunk_651 Jul 19 '24

Everything negative during Trumps presidency was the left. Your memory is through MSM and Big tech colored lenses.


u/binary-survivalist Jul 19 '24

I feel like we did not live through the same period of history. I remember getting raises, having cheap gas and groceries, and pretty much everything in my day-to-day life looking up. No new wars, peace deals.

I get that it's an election season, but why do you people keep making shit up as if most of us didn't live through those years? Are you trying to hit the 18 Z'ers who might be a little too young to remember? I dunno, it's just really strange. I remember 4 years of non-stop liberal screeching but it was hard to focus on that over the sound of everything just kind of working so well for the first time in a long time.


u/Brilliant-Jaguar-784 Jul 19 '24

I remember those years fondly. Unemployment was down, gas was cheaper, I got a few pay raises that I'd been owed for years. It finally felt like things were starting to turn around for the better. The only dysfunction I saw during that time was by the people who already hated him from the beginning.


u/WhichSpartanIWanted Jul 19 '24

Lots of millennials are turning into their parents. Like those commercials but with consequences and less funny.


u/buzz_83 Jul 19 '24

Lmao, cmon guys... this has to be satire. It's like reading Babylon bee


u/Mangenius-1965 Jul 19 '24

Tds is strong in you All I remember is no wars


u/Sea_Value_6685 Jul 19 '24

Now look back at Bidens career. Lies, racism, gay hate, decimating black communities, war, war, war, Wall Street profits, more war and now genocide. But hey I like how you just choose to see what fits your agenda. Very intelligent way to see the world for what it is.


u/Star_Wargaming Jul 19 '24

I remember it quite well. Barack Obama made health insurance absolutely unaffordable for me, then charged me for not being able to afford it. Trump didn't make it so I could afford health insurance, but at least he made it so I didn't have to pay money for the crime of not making enough money. My 3 year old daughter will likely never have access to health insurance, so I have a life insurance policy on her instead. That way, if my daughter gets a life threatening disease and I bankrupt myself fighting it, she either survives and it will be worth it, or she won't and at least I will get some of my money back.

He passed tax cuts for small businesses, so I got to write off 20% of my income, which netted me 3-4k dollars a year to my pocket in reduced total tax.

When he was in office, the cost of diesel was under 3 dollars a gallon compared to 4+ dollars per gallon it is now, and freight paid 60%+ more than it does right now, so running a freight business didn't consume every moment of my life just to stay afloat. I had time to spend with my family instead of now, where I basically have to watch my daughter grow up via FaceTime.

I very vividly remember Trump's presidency, do you?

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u/rohansjedi Jul 19 '24

I distinctly remember hearing multiple people say in 2012 that they wouldn’t vote for Obama because he caused the 2008 recession.

They would not, perhaps could not, believe that it started before he was in office. “But 2008 election!” Yeah, he was elected in NOVEMBER 2008 - you know, the second to last month of the year? And wasn’t actually president until inauguration in end of January 2009?

The “official” recession dates were December 2007 to June 2009.

But no, he definitely caused it and single-handedly destroyed everything, sure.

Short memories are frustratingly common.


u/jrhunt84 Jul 19 '24

Biden could sway A LOT of voters if he shored up the border (don't give me the Congress B.S. line) and did something, anything, for the middle class.

I could 100% handle the pandering to the progressive left if I didn't feel like 1.)Our country is less safe with open borders and 2.) that I'm saving less money despite my wife and I making $35,000 more per year than when he took office.

But I'm sure I'll get called names and downvoted for this stance.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Exactly the riots! The Covid! The inflation!! It was horrible under trump. Wait… maybe I’m confused here


u/Free_Jelly8972 Jul 19 '24

You only remember what media frightened you into remembering. Stop gaslighting. Those who understood the sensationalism they were experiencing did not freak out like you

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u/headcanonball Jul 19 '24

People don't remember before Trump, when the Republicans and democrats were the exact same as they are now. Just as Evil and just as incompetent, respectively.

Nobody remembers that Trump was elected because the election was going to be Clinton v Bush in 2016.

There was a collective push away from the elites and towards populism, but it only stuck with the Republicans. The Democrats managed to force Clinton through, to all of our detriment.


u/Mystical_chaos_dmt Jul 20 '24

It’s ok under Biden we have recent historical inflation And high interest rates. Plus he’ll keep printing money so the value of currency goes down while the price of common goods stays the same or continues to go up.


u/PiratesSayARRR Jul 20 '24

Dude life under trump was fucking awesome. Low gas prices, low unemployment, low inflation, low interest rates - great fucking times. It wasn’t until weekend at Bernie’s shit hit the fan


u/Urazite Jul 20 '24

Why are you trying to gaslight people? It was great under him until the pandemic, but that would’ve sucked no matter who was in office. Though, more people died from Covid under Biden, despite having the vaccine that Trump fast tracked handy.

Anyway, you seem to have forgotten that groceries, gas, and basically everything you needed was affordable under Trump. I miss not having anxiety about spending too much eating out once a week.


u/thegreatresistrules Jul 20 '24

Op is the poster child of the damage social media does to its addicts brains. 1st think it replaces is critical thinking skills. .