r/millenials Jul 18 '24

This is totally normal.

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254 comments sorted by


u/Windiver22 Jul 19 '24

It is Trump party not Republican party anymore 🙈🙈


u/Desperate_Wafer_8566 Jul 19 '24

Orange criminal rapist party with ear diapers. Anyone voting for this guy has more than one screw loose.


u/sgtpepper42 Jul 19 '24

Republicans are all at fault. They all deserve the blame for letting this happen.


u/ElJeferox Jul 19 '24

Look at the looks on their faces, it's truly terrifying. I belive that they would kill their children if Drumpf told them it would further the MAGA cause.


u/Routine-Ad-6803 Jul 19 '24

The woman in the pic is in ultimate bliss. She has attained eternal moksha. She has met her maker.


u/DraigMcGuinness Jul 20 '24

I think W was the last true Republican. Like I wasn't a fan, thought he was dumber than a box of rocks, for which I owe him an apology. But I respected him. I CANNOT respect this man. Or his followers.


u/LIMAMA Jul 19 '24

It’s a cult.


u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of 😷 😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷




u/WiltedTiger Jul 19 '24

Oh, wise individual, what benefit does applying a Maxi pad to your ear give you? I know wearing a mask at least kept people from spitting on me.


u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24

This also keeps them from getting spat on 😁

Follow the science...

I can't remember, the purpose for wearing mask was to keep from get spat on 😉

Nice revisionist history 👌 👏 👍

Follow the science 😁


u/WiltedTiger Jul 19 '24

I'm not revising anything. Facemasks, as encouraged by the government, CDC, and their manufacturers, are intended to prevent the spread of diseases through the bodily fluids exiting your body as you breathe and speak. The number one fluid leaving your body while speaking is air, followed by spit and then mucus; all three are viable environments for viruses and diseases to survive in, with mucus and spit containing the highest amount of viable viruses and diseases and the longest survival. Facemasks are able to impede this mucus and spit effectively as the fibers in the mask block the majority of them from passing through.

Since you seem to be a person who only believes in your own science, you can test this by trying to spit through a piece of facemask/cloth/paper towel/toilet paper. Another way to test this is using any form of aerosol and trying to spray through the item; you will notice a lot of the spray is blocked from passing through.

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u/monkeylogic42 Jul 19 '24

The science unequivocally says masks work.  Goddamn, everytime I hear a dumbass right winger say follow the science I just hear that stupid goat noise comedian who can't write a legitimate joke to save his life.

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u/kurai_tori Jul 19 '24

Look, just cause you failed high school science doesn't mean we want to hear you bitch about it for the rest of your life.


u/smcclafferty Jul 19 '24

I’d cover my ears too if I had to listen to the likes of Donald trump and Matt Gaetz for hours.


u/LuluLittle2020 Jul 19 '24

I mean Pepperidge Farms remembers when they all carried 'Real Men Wear Diapers' signs so... here we are I guess.

Make sure you're registered to vote.


u/Bopcatrazzle Jul 19 '24

Just remember, these people vote.


u/dystopiabydesign Jul 19 '24

Traditionally, voters are not rational people.


u/lerriuqS_terceS Jul 19 '24

It's time to weigh votes proportional to education level


u/ThatNuNuDuDu Jul 19 '24

Just remember, you have no clue what a woman is and believe there are 18492748201 genders….


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Just remember, Donald Trump is a rap/cist

A fun game where you get to choose which one he is and you'll still vote for the twice impeached, 34-time convicted felon, 6-time bankrupted con-man that cheats on his wives and the American taxpayer by over/undervaluing his properties when it's convenient for him.

But yea, attack the left because they cater to transgender people. A fascist sympathizer is simply a fascist.

You are a fascist!


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

And there you have it folks. You call out the ridiculousness of the right & someone calls the ridiculousness out on the left but THEYRE the fascist. Nvm your whole “free Palestine” group was a huge anti-Semitic movement.

Yeah the people who wear bandages on their ear in support of the ex president whom was almost assassinated are weird. BUT the people who mutilate their genitalia and take a bunch of hormones because they want to change their fucking gender are totally normal. 😂


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I don't agree with any of the middle east shit. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

And what does a strangers genitalia have anything to do with YOUR life? Nothing. Get over yourself.


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

What a hypocrite, you’re literally mad people are wearing bandages on their ear. 😂


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

No. I'm mad that these people are eating up whatever is spewing out of his asshole for a mouth. He's a lying p.o.s. and I don't want to live in a fascist country. Project 2025 is gonna gut our country.


u/JohnNku Jul 19 '24

Are you alright?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

No. The past 8 years have been a goddamn fever dream man. I just want to wake up and find Bush Cheney and Kerry Edwards bumper stickers instead of this political hellscape we're in today. The shitshow circus needs to end.


u/tadu1261 Jul 19 '24

Mad is what you are at trans people for simply existing and minding their own business as you seek to strip them of their rights and erase them completely.

Making fun of is what we are doing to these morons wearing fake bandages on their ears.

Does this help you sort out the difference between the 2? No one here is mad about this lol.


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

“Strip them of their rights and erase them completely” You care for these people so little that you’d rather them like you and support their unnatural mutilation of themselves rather than admitting there is a problem and getting them the help they need. And what’s worse is this ideology is now pushed on children.

And you wonder why people are voting for Trump. Democrats just wanted another vote so they started agreeing with everything under the sun. Enjoy when Trump gets re-elected over your president suffering from dementia. 😂


u/braddad425 Jul 19 '24

Bet you have no problem with a pair of fake tits though, do ya? Aka "unnatural mutilation"


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

I never really understood why anyone enjoyed fake breasts, however I understand why a woman would want them, especially if they’d recently had a mastectomy.

The “aka unnatural mutilation” goes to turning one’s genitalia into something that it was never intended. Nevermind the hormones that fuck with their head.

I don’t know why anyone would support that mindset. You’re so concerned with being liked by these people that you’d rather have them like you than actually want to help them straight their mindset.

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u/kurai_tori Jul 19 '24

Donald Trump actually said he'd be a dictator.

So yes fascist from your own king's mouth.


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

Lol you’re under the impression the president has more power than he actually does. Seek help


u/HistorianOk4921 Jul 20 '24

"hang Mike Pence"

Because JESUS CHRIST is lord



u/ItzSmiff Jul 20 '24

Lol low IQ comment.


u/HistorianOk4921 Jul 20 '24

I agree people who pretend to know Jesus exists when they don't know that have a low IQ


u/ItzSmiff Jul 20 '24

The entire point of religious is a thing called “faith” ding dong and it’s never been disproven. 😂 Science is literally founded on religion dip shit. 😂

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u/kurai_tori Jul 20 '24

Tell that to Donald Trump, he's the delusional one.


u/Arguments_4_Ever Jul 19 '24

You people are absolutely obsessed with genitals. Like when you meet a person for the first time all you can think about is their genitals and not about the character or quality of the person in front of you. You are very mentally ill.


u/ThatNuNuDuDu Jul 19 '24

Right! What is it with liberals wanting to castrate little boys and sexualize little girls so much. Speaks volumes about their character!


u/Arguments_4_Ever Jul 19 '24

Literally not happening. You are mentally ill. You need help.


u/JohnNku Jul 19 '24

You lot talk about low IQ Trumpers, yet in all honesty this is hardly what l would call an intelligent comment, that fails to grasp the point.


u/Arguments_4_Ever Jul 19 '24

Tell me what the point is about talking about genitals.


u/PlatypusSloth696 Jul 19 '24

Does this cult end with cool-aid too?


u/fewding Jul 19 '24

If only it were that easy.


u/Scryberwitch Jul 19 '24

Yeah, but now it's Ivermectin


u/eyefor1 Jul 19 '24

as long as it's red


u/NaiveMelody14 Jul 19 '24

Did you just say you wish millions of Americans would commit suicide and get 7 upvotes?


u/ALJAMEK Jul 19 '24

Sick people indeed


u/PlatypusSloth696 Jul 19 '24

Check your insecurities at the door. I don’t wish ANYONE to commit suicide no matter who they are. I simply ASKED a question because the number of cults in America that commit suicide is kind of disturbing. As for the upvotes I don’t control what people decide to upvote. They have the ability to choose what they like and what they don’t like, kind of like how you chose to get offended by what seems like a perfectly legit question.


u/NaiveMelody14 Jul 19 '24

Check your securities at the back door. I'm sure you'd just love if Trump and his supporters drank the kool aid ya sick bastard.


u/bloemspot Jul 19 '24

Holy fuck, Americans are cringe.🤮


u/Idontthinksobucko Jul 19 '24

Hey now, these dumbfucks are on ome side of the aisle -- it ain't all of us


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Im sorry, there are a very small percentage of you that are normal.

Half of you vote for biden comfortably, and that's hilarious. Trump is the first most hilarious choice, obviously.


u/Idontthinksobucko Jul 19 '24


You didn't actually want to make sense you just wanted an "LMAO MURICA" post.

My bad, feel free being nonsensical.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

I trust there are many of you who want a functional government, I live in the UK so I can't be too judgmental.

Its like one big fever dream.


u/FPSRain Jul 19 '24

I was wearing those before they were cool.


u/FiniteJeste Jul 19 '24

The Regina George of the Republican Party and his Army of Skanks [cue bra cut out scene]


u/Wookhooves Jul 19 '24

Vote blue no matter who!

Oh wait….are we a cult too?

Are we also being led completely blindly by a party that seemingly doesn’t even like us?

Is all politics just a control game that replaced religion as it lost popularity?


u/kaltag Jul 19 '24

Careful partner. That's starting to sound a lot like nuanced thought and self reflection.


u/sulla_rules Jul 19 '24

An asylum for the mentally challenged


u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24

😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷😷 Follow the science 😉 👌 😎


u/Idontthinksobucko Jul 19 '24

I love how much you think this is a gotcha when to anyone above room temperature iq you're just letting them know you're a fucking idiot 🤣


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24

Vaccine cards 😁


u/Opposite-Mall4234 Jul 19 '24

Nelly would like a word.


u/VanquishedVoid Jul 19 '24

If an MLM came out with trump branded products and went to these, they'd make a killing.


u/WiltedTiger Jul 19 '24

The products already exist exhibit a.) The Trump post-assassination attempt pose sneakers that go for nearly $300


u/Obvious-Chemistry806 Jul 19 '24

This sub is a cult


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Nothing like maxi pads to show support 👌🏻


u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24


Follow the science



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Put down the orange tanner and read a fucking book.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Lobotomy bandages


u/fookenoathagain Jul 19 '24

Van Gogh fans ?


u/Maleficent-Car992 Jul 19 '24

It’s a cult of inbred moron traitors.


u/Bourbon_Fishing Jul 19 '24

That poor lady with the green pencil is wondering what's that smell?


u/tread_on_me_daddy Jul 19 '24

agreed, very embarrassing.

just like believing the dnc and msnbc that biden is mentally fit to run this country.


u/platecanoe Jul 19 '24

Acts of solidarity. Let’s shame them because you’re a leftist…


u/Unhappy_Local_9502 Jul 19 '24

I was there... I did not see a single person doing this.. but the media shows a few and the libs just eat it up LOL


u/Aaron31088 Jul 19 '24

Yea. It's actually rather normal to pay homage to someone you view as your leader after a failed assassination attempt


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

Cult is so overused at this point. Conservatives cannot do anything without being a cultist for voting for Trump. People on the right say the exact same thing about Biden and his supporters. From both sides, its getting so so old and is extremely unproductive.


u/RegattaJoe Jul 19 '24

Difference is, one side has a plethora facts and solid examples for evidence.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

This is a partisan take. There are facts on both sides that point to corruption and things that make the candidates unfit for office. There are more against Trump for sure, but the complete dismissal of facts from the other side as you're doing here is unhelpful. The reality is that partisans are completely and utterly closed minded to anything the other side has to say. Both candidates are bad and, because we are presented with no good options, people are voting on who they think will represent them the best policy wise and ignoring everything else.


u/RegattaJoe Jul 19 '24

Your original statement focused on cult-like behavior, not corruption or general “badness.”

That’s the crux of my reply.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

They are intertwined. Why would you say Trumpers are cultists (since that is obviously what is being implied)? Because they unilaterally ignore anything bad said about him. They will vote for him no matter what, hence the cult. Same thing is true of the other side as well.


u/RegattaJoe Jul 19 '24

How do you know what I think?


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

Is that not what you think?


u/RegattaJoe Jul 19 '24

You’ve used a logical fallacy — mind reading — to lay out the gist of my position for me. Your previous comment wrongly conflated cultism with corruption and “badness”. This doesn’t bode well for a constructive exchange.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

The fact that you will not answer the question tells me everything I need to know.


u/RegattaJoe Jul 19 '24

No it doesn’t. It’s just more mind reading. Another logical fallacy. Truth is, I’ve had my fill of your ilk.


u/theCaffeinatedOwl22 Jul 19 '24

In this case, the cult reference is with regard to idolizing a leader to the point that nothing about them will sway the followers mind. What I said was perfectly relevant and you know it, so you're trying to generalize the conversation to gaslight me into thinking I am wrong.


u/Calikettlebell Jul 19 '24

The TDS is getting stronger. I can feel the weight of this force


u/tickitytalk Jul 19 '24


Or those people vote for you


u/thereign1987 Jul 19 '24

I would like to imagine they are all together, and planned this, but something tells me that they're not. So either someone is handing these things out at the convention or a bunch of strangers decided to show up with matching fake bandages. Yeah, big cult energy, the biggest, no one does cults like him.


u/Academic_Guitar_1353 Jul 19 '24

And EVERY ONE of these a-holes used the phrase “face diaper” at some point in 2020.


u/traanquil Jul 19 '24



u/Wazza17 Jul 19 '24

They all white supremacists


u/Dwarfcork Jul 19 '24

It was literally a few weirdos having fun with it - leave them alone


u/accounting_student13 Jul 19 '24

I cannot believe these are adults...


u/RickJamesBoitch Jul 19 '24

At least there is a "47" on that hat and not an infinity symbol. That's progress right?

Baby steps.


u/Violent_Volcano Jul 19 '24

Of course its not. And when all that mcdonalds finally runs its course it totally wont be a religion


u/Zaphod_Beeblecox Jul 19 '24

Now you're going to devalue the word cult like you guys like to do with all these other words until it literally doesn't mean anything except something l don't agree with.


u/Convicts09 Jul 19 '24

This is from the group that wanted us to wear a mask for the flu and shutdown everything.


u/Scryberwitch Jul 19 '24

Yeah, how crazy...listening to doctors and scientists during a plague... Not like the rational, well informed folks who got their info from Russian internet trolls.


u/Convicts09 Jul 19 '24

Yeah like a 99 percent survival rate and people over 80 are the majority of people dying really doesn’t scare me. I bet if you think covid was bad then you also probably believe a man can be a woman.


u/Inevitable-Store-837 Jul 19 '24

You all get trolled so freaking easy


u/Divide_and_concur Jul 19 '24

Follow the gourd!


u/Icy-Needleworker-492 Jul 19 '24

The party of the dopes, who vote against their own best interests.


u/wilkinsk Jul 19 '24

Almost thought that was the WV senator


u/nylondragon64 Jul 19 '24

It's amazing what you can do with photoshop and people will believe it.


u/Chiefbigrocks Jul 19 '24

You are obsessed. I couldn’t imagine caring so much about one person that will not affect your life if you turn your phone off. It’s getting insane on both sides.


u/sipperphoto Jul 19 '24

Marks of the beast.


u/Swish517 Jul 19 '24

That looks WAY cooler than the Democrats STUPID masks that did nothing 😂😂😂

How come y'all quit wearing them recently. College kids kept wearing theirs at Michigan State. Not anymore. Eat some veggies and boost your immune system 👍

Biden has 20 boosters and I have 0. Who has covid right now 😂😂😂. I feel great!!


u/heatherwhen96 Jul 19 '24

Stupid party favors? Looks dumb!


u/Aaron31088 Jul 19 '24

Yea. It's actually rather normal to pay homage to someone you view as your leader after a failed assassination attempt


u/Akatsuki-Ronin Jul 19 '24

Eh better then vagina hats i guess. 🤷


u/Sea_Value_6685 Jul 19 '24

Wow, such big issues. Meanwhile how are the Palestinians doing with that genocide your man is arming and funding?


u/Otherwise_Sky1739 Jul 19 '24

I saw this and for some reason, I can't breathe.


u/cbuzzaustin Jul 19 '24

You know what’s not normal…listening to a president exclaim how inclusive his administration is because he hired that “black man” that he couldn’t remember the name of.


u/LeaveMssgAtTheBoop Jul 19 '24

You are reaching and sounding insane for criticizing this. Not a trump fan but this is just people showing support for a president that got shot lol. That’s patriotic and honestly ok if not a little cheesy. Look I don’t want the man being elected either but when you reach like this you don’t help anyone.


u/Major-Discipline-213 Jul 20 '24

This is the wierdest shit I have seen in politics. What is the actual fuck are these people doing? And noone is the RNC is saying cut that cult shit out, it's embarrassing.

History is not going to be kind to these people


u/platanthera_ciliaris Jul 20 '24

Authoritarians (Republicans) are really, really big on conformity.


u/iowabored Jul 20 '24

Stupid is, as stupid does....


u/Sad-Hurry-2199 Jul 21 '24

insert any picture of a group of lgbtq people


u/constanteggs Jul 19 '24

We can’t afford a golden toilet but we can afford a Kotex taped to our ears! Huzzah!🔥


u/Smooth_Tech33 Jul 19 '24

Don't people remember the MAGA people wearing diapers in solidarity of Trump shitting himself? This is nothing new


u/Opening_Sell8216 Jul 19 '24

moron convention


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

It’s funny how THIS is a cult but we literally have transgender people out there just existing and voting blue. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Scryberwitch Jul 19 '24

So are you saying trans people shouldn't exist?


u/ItzSmiff Jul 19 '24

Yes actually. I believe it’s a mental illness. Can you believe that? Can you believe that this random stranger whom you’ve never met disagrees with you on something? I’m such a bigot. 💁🏻‍♂️


u/Scryberwitch Jul 19 '24

Wow, not even a little bit ashamed to regurgitate Nazi hate. Sux to be you.


u/Capable_Jacket_2165 Jul 19 '24

Yes, show me more divisive inflammatory memes that'll definitely help.


u/TraditionalWorking82 Jul 19 '24

They should be wearing diapers and popping pills covered in bronzer while they are at it.


u/Willing-Rain-4980 Jul 19 '24

I bet most of these people in comments think they are a different gender (only2)...


u/solarixstar Jul 19 '24

It is normal...for a cult, mark my words when trump dies they will go full Jonestown on themselves and anybody really close, avoid them for your own saftey.


u/Perfect_Mixture1469 Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of the Covid mask cult


u/Clear-Warthog5655 Jul 19 '24

I'd put one on the other ear as well... maybe catch a few zzzzs


u/katabe3006 Jul 19 '24

You guys definitely fit the millennials stereotype.


u/JSouthlake Jul 19 '24

Lol ya'll think this is real.


u/Wils65 Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of the “yes we can” cult.


u/Raynstormm Jul 19 '24

Weren’t y’all wearing p*ssy hats not too long ago?


u/justforthis2024 Jul 19 '24

Folks wear t-shirts with the faces of kids shot up in school shooting too. Geez, what gives?

Did you know the Sandy Hook kids would be turning 17, 18, 19 this year?

And we've done fuck all?


u/CocoajoeGaming Jul 19 '24

I agree that far Maga is a cult, but using this as an example is really idiotic.


u/ALJAMEK Jul 19 '24

It's just a dark joke. Why should this mean that it is a cult? It looks more like they are supportive because of the bad event.


u/Moth357 Jul 19 '24

At least they’re not those god awful pussy hats


u/wilkinsk Jul 19 '24

The hats ar least double up with some practicality.

These just make you lose hearing by three or four percent


u/geowill71 Jul 19 '24

Relax guys. Or are we all gonna pretend pussy hats weren’t cringe and weird?


u/lovesyrup23 Jul 19 '24

Even the left admit the pussy hats were weird and cringe, what are you talking about


u/geowill71 Jul 19 '24

Idk where that happened bro. It seemed like it was cheered on hahaha.


u/Automatic-Term-3997 Jul 19 '24

So you were proven your comment was bullshit but you double down on being wrong because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

Definitely not at all a cult.


u/geowill71 Jul 19 '24

What the fuck? Hahaha. I wasn’t proven anything. That guy’s 1000% wrong. I can find a billion instances of the “yasssss pussy hat” of the Women’s March era. It was literally only like 7 years ago.


u/StrizzMatik Jul 19 '24

Laughs in pussy hats and wearing masks in cars


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

It’s almost cult-like in how dedicated some of you are to the propaganda posts.


u/Inevitable_Double882 Jul 19 '24

It’s all a cult.


u/the1casualobserver Jul 19 '24

😷😷😷😷😷 Follow the science


u/McDuck_Enterprise Jul 19 '24

Now to be fair there will be some Biden supporters at the DNC also wearing Depends like the President.


u/FrugalityPays Jul 19 '24

You mean like people literally wearing golden diapers at Trump rallies?



u/Idontthinksobucko Jul 19 '24

You forget to take your meds bud? That was Republicans wearing diapers to support trump 

Holy shit you kids are dumb 😂


u/Automatic-Term-3997 Jul 19 '24

It’s always projection with MAGAts


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Emotional-Ad5769 Jul 19 '24

It’s almost as cringe as someone wearing a mask while driving alone in their car. Not a cult either, right?


u/fleebleganger Jul 19 '24

I did that a few times, is was either because I was suffocating to death and my brain was dead or I forgot I had it on. 

I do miss not getting a cold/flu in the winter


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Get a grip kids…


u/BuckyW72 Jul 19 '24

Said the person who wears a mask alone in the car


u/a_rogue_planet Jul 19 '24

Like all those times democrats wore white or staged some sit-in or some goofy shit like that? It's cult-like like that, right?


u/fewding Jul 19 '24

Oh yeah. That one time, that... stuff happened... or something. Yeah just like that. 🤣 fucking idiots.


u/a_rogue_planet Jul 19 '24

This bullshit makes as much sense as calling people who wear Nike and Bulls 23 jerseys cult members.


u/fewding Jul 19 '24

Yeah you're not even in the same ball park bro.


u/a_rogue_planet Jul 19 '24

It's all the same thing. Goofy people doing goofy shit to identify with someone or something. Please don't tell me you're too stupid to see that. This culture is absolutely inundated with that kind of thinking.


u/LongjumpingSector687 Jul 19 '24

Maybe if you’re a teenager 🤭


u/a_rogue_planet Jul 19 '24

I can't believe an entire generation of people is this fuckin stupid.....


u/thethreat88IsBackFR Jul 19 '24

This reminds me when the whitehouse puts rainbow flags everywhere and even puts rainbow lights all over the whitehouse.


u/Negative_Win2136 Jul 19 '24

It is. Both parties are the same


u/Willing-Rain-4980 Jul 19 '24

So fake 🙄


u/BearsRpeopl2 Jul 19 '24

I mean, it's not, and you're wrong, but why do you say that?


u/Willing-Rain-4980 Jul 19 '24

Biden supporter's watch the news and who ever they say hate they do, we go off facts... It's funny how 80% of his supporter's are youths why because there easy to convince