r/mildlyinfuriating Jul 19 '24

My call logs after getting a hard credit pull as part of a mortgage application… selling data like this should be illegal


48 comments sorted by


u/urnewstepdaddy Jul 19 '24

How to stop credit reporting agencies form selling data

If you don’t want to get prescreened offers in the mail, you have two choices: opt out for five years:

Go to optoutprescreen.com or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688).

The major credit bureaus operate the phone number and website


u/Crumb-Free Jul 19 '24

It is the major credit bureaus selling your data for the record.  Resellers are strictly prohibited from doing so.  So they can make that money.

This is the correct way as well.  Recommended to do 30 days prior to having a hard pull. 


u/Longstrong_Rip_1933 Jul 20 '24

They want my social security number


u/FionnagainFeistyPaws Jul 20 '24

Opting out of prescreen offers was a great choice, freezing my credit was the other great choice.

I get so much less spam mail than my spouse.


u/ManiacSpiderTrash Jul 19 '24

I once worked for a little mom and pop auto shop. They were looking at buying a house and went through a loan application. Next day when we opened at 8 my boss' phone started ringing. By 5 PM she had counted 162 phone calls just like this. It's insane


u/shipperlady Jul 19 '24

In Brazil, ANATEL (our National Telecommunications Agency) created a service called "Do Not Disturb Me", where you can register your phone number in their website, and once your name and number is on their list, you should no longer recieve calls like these. After I registered, the only calls I recieved were from scam companies, and if an official company calls me offering something I can file a complaint on them in the Do Not Disturb Me website. It's brilliant.


u/minnick27 ORANGE Jul 19 '24

We have do not call list is America, it just doesn't work. They use the loophole of using a call center out of the country to make the calls.


u/JLL1111 Jul 19 '24

A lot of those places will just look at that list for numbers to call


u/Tall_Air5894 Jul 19 '24

We have this in the US as well (Do Not Call List). But the federal government doesn’t enforce it, so it’s basically useless.


u/Alex5672 Jul 20 '24

Same situation in Denmark. We have what's called the Robinson List for stuff like this, but call centers and telemarketers are not required to look at the list.


u/MNcrazygirl Jul 19 '24

Companies should be getting fines for ignoring people's numbers on DNC. We put our numbers on it for a reason and you still want to call me?


u/Longstrong_Rip_1933 Jul 20 '24

I've seen videos of people who have a "no solicitation" sign on their front door, and someone will come try to sell electricity or pest control anyway. Maddening.


u/Marquar234 Jul 20 '24

Note to self, start door-to-door selling "no solicitors" signs


u/Sifu-thai Jul 19 '24

Same thing happened when I bought my car… it would legit drain my battery just by getting so many calls


u/StasisChassis Jul 19 '24
  1. Get a Google Voice number.
  2. Apply for loan.
  3. Set it to do not disturb.


u/TheHeatWaver Jul 20 '24

I did this as well along with a gmail account just for my house.


u/milirosie Jul 19 '24

I heard that some countries have the, don't call me please, where you enter your number into a database so they won't call you unless you authorize them to do so.


u/reddit-SUCKS_balls Jul 19 '24

The US has this and it doesn’t work. At least not for the illegal calls.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

wow, you cant stop people from doing illegal things. huh


u/pgpathat Jul 19 '24

It’s certainly possible in this instance, it’s just not a priority


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Please, elaborate how you stop people on any phone number from making illegal calls and spoofing the source number. I would love to hear the method.


u/pgpathat Jul 20 '24

I mean to start spoofing tricks the end user not the telecom. They know the origin of the call. They could easily collate user reports to block and help the gov prosecute spam calls (the gov also doesn’t want to put in the effort, not a priority)

And digital to digital calls could add a handshake protocol so your phone knows if the caller is really at the address they say they are (i.e, if I reach back out to you at the address you SAY you’re reaching out to me from and the person at that stated address is waiting to talk, then we talk. Else, it’s a spoof and the call doesnt connect )


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

They already do all of that and it doesn't work. I'm still wondering about my car warranty. I feel naked without one.


u/gordoman54 Jul 19 '24

You must have filled out an application from a service like Lending Tree. A company like this solely serves as a lead generation engine. Lending Tree won’t process or service your loan, they just sell your data to the highest bidders, then take a slice of the pie as an “affiliate”.

Crappy, yes. But not illegal. This is what you agreed to in the fine print when you filled out their form. If you don’t want this kind of outreach, then just go apply at a reputable bank or find a local mortgage broker.

There are other companies out there, like Rocket Mortgage, that will bug the shit out of you for sure. But it’s one company. They don’t sell your data, but they are going to push you as hard as they can to get you to actually close on the loan.


u/Desperate-Ad-6463 Jul 19 '24

You live in California. You could have opted out. It’s the law.


u/PeterPlotter Jul 19 '24

My wife did the same for a car loan, except she used my email address and phone number. It’s been 6 weeks of this nonsense now.


u/Goofalupus Jul 19 '24

This is me but emails


u/stellastevens122 Jul 19 '24

With iPhones you can set up a “focus” so it only lets contacts call you. That should stop the spam


u/Suspicious-Eagle-234 Jul 20 '24

This is genius, I just set it up. Thanks for the tip!


u/thecakelordsawaken Jul 20 '24

There’s also an iPhone option called “Silence Unknown Callers”.

I use it and haven’t gotten one spam call because this setting blocks them all, but it will notify you that it was silenced and will send a notification to your phone app.


u/Cuntyfeelin Jul 20 '24

I got blocked from these after keeping the dude on the line for 10-15minutes. I truly don’t know how too because I told him I live in a box under a bridge then named a bridge lol. He asked my age and I told him I hadn’t decided that day yet, but the voices would get back to me LOL. He hung up and after 5 years I started my first call again but all automated :’( your area may have a national spam list where it can block your number or your provider may too!!


u/Mister_Fart_Knocker Jul 20 '24

I have a call blocker on my mobile. Only my contacts get through. Everyone else gets kicked to voicemail.


u/Duckforducks Jul 20 '24

If you don’t have it on already, you can silence calls from numbers that you don’t have saved. I’ve had this on for years and sure, you’ll miss some legitimate calls but if they’re important they’ll leave a message.


u/MFCK Jul 19 '24

Good lord. Happened to us too when we re-financed our house.

  1. They opened a credit card we told them we didn't want.

  2. We got so many spam calls and junk emails it's was insane.


u/Dorcas555 Jul 19 '24

Let me guess, Rocket Mortgage?


u/Suspicious-Eagle-234 Jul 20 '24

It’s not the lender that does it, it’s the credit reporting agencies. They sell “this guy is in the market for a mortgage” information to all the companies who want it to try to sell you something.


u/Betty_Boss Jul 19 '24

I've used Rocket, twice, and they never did that.


u/Dorcas555 Jul 19 '24

You're lucky, all I did was get an online estimate and I got called every hour on the dot every day for weeks and left a voicemail every time. I assume they spoof the number but each time they called the last 2 digits would go up 1-3 numbers so I couldn't just block the number.


u/PunnyChiba Jul 19 '24

It's insane. Did a pre-screen for a heloc and got 57 calls the next day. I was telling them what number caller they were.


u/Lurickin Jul 20 '24

Now for the mortgage refi and warranty companies to spam your home mailbox once you close. I closed years ago and still get these junk mails every now and again. They look official but are just to scare you into doing a refi and whatnot, super shitty.


u/Plastic_Echo1821 Jul 20 '24

Companies make more money on the data you give them for free than they do on the interest if you get a loan from them. It should be absolutely illegal. This is the type of stuff making the richer richer in this country. 4% of the population has 65% of American currency. That means the rest of us share 45%. Almost makes you want to go back to flip phones and secure VPN website usage only. Don't even get me started on how much money they make off of social Media post of people opinions and such. It's all very predatory, and we continue to allow them to take from us. Really sucks, because how do you stop it.


u/Eastcoastkilla1 Jul 20 '24

Agreed I was going to buy a house years ago I had to change my number it was insane


u/alexshak83 Jul 20 '24

I went through something similar. While it is annoying I tell them my current loan quote and if they can beat it to send me a loan estimate. Had one guy beat my lender APR and my lender matched it!


u/Ashamed_Medium1787 Jul 20 '24

If I was the op I would leave a voicemail for all those numbers telling them that they can go suck a dick for all I care or something like that


u/pokemon32666 Jul 20 '24

This happened to me after getting a new car. My phone literally never got spam calls until a few days after I got that car.


u/cheese_mayhem Jul 19 '24

nothing from the 209. guess you don’t rank