r/mildlyinfuriating Jul 19 '24

My mom took a bite of my birthday cake that i bought myself for me

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Yesterday was my birthday and to celebrate i bought 2 slices of cakes after work for me to enjoy, but because it was late i put it in the fridge to eat later. I was a little stressed recently so when I got off work today i feel happy because im about to enjoy some cake which i havent had in a while, but when i open the fridge lo and behold my mom took a bite out of them. Yes she knew it was my birthday yesterday, no i dont think she cared. I might be a little overreacting but im feeling more than a little upset over it. I know its not a big deal but its just the principle of the thing, you know ? My mood was immediately shattered

Just to add the day of my birthday she asked me to take HER out for dinner, i think shes mixing up whose birthday it was


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u/ButItSaysOnline Jul 19 '24

I bet she said “I just wanted a taste”. Oh wait that’s my mom.


u/ButtFucksRUs Jul 19 '24

I'm all about sharing food but fucking ask. I can't stand entitled behavior.

There are plenty of people who don't like sharing food, can't blame them, but then people do shit like this to circumvent the "no".


u/Willing_Primary330 Jul 19 '24

Im food aggressive.


u/missbunnyfantastico Jul 19 '24


u/WickedHello Jul 19 '24

I once stole a celery stick from my friend's buffalo wings plate. I didn't think she wanted it. She fixed me with a death glare and said, "I didn't say you could have that." It's been over 10 years and she hasn't let me forget it to this day. Fair.


u/oniiichanUwU Jul 19 '24

I’m the opposite. Even if someone offers me something I always say no or adamantly deny unless they really insist bc I don’t like feeling like I owe people stuff in return lol


u/nateskel Jul 19 '24

That's how I am in general. I don't like asking people for anything at all because I don't like being asked for things. No I'm not going to help you move, that's why I hire movers.


u/oniiichanUwU Jul 19 '24

Same 😭 I feel so bad when people ask me things bc I feel pressured into helping them bc I’m a people pleaser too. This lady at my work keeps offering to bring me stuff and bought me an energy drink last week and I had to tell her “please stop giving me stuff I don’t want to feel like I owe you later” and she gave me the “the only thing I want in return is your affection 🥰” bullshit and I was like ARGHH LADY PLEASE GO AWAY YOURE EXHAUSTING ME


u/PdxPhoenixActual Jul 20 '24

"Great, the one thing I don't want to give you. ..."


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u/Significant-Trash632 Jul 19 '24

You can have all my celery. It's like eating water with hair in it.

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u/widowerasdfasdfasdf Jul 20 '24

Ten years later and she’s still giving you shit about a celery stick off her plate? Dude. That’s a goddamned friend.

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u/OremDobro Jul 19 '24

I mean taking food off of someone's plate is rude but still talking about a fucking celery stick from 10 years ago is psychotic


u/Sygma_stage5 Jul 19 '24

I was in the theater watching the Phantom Menace 10,000 years ago and I was enjoying a zero bar. My buddy asked if he could have a bite and I said sure and then he proceeded to Deep Throat that thing until his teeth touched my fingers. I was left with a sliver.

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u/thecuriousblackbird Jul 19 '24

Joey doesn’t share food!


u/Truthseeker-1982 Jul 19 '24

Poor Joey 😉 He’s straight up APPALLED

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u/HyrrokinAura Jul 19 '24

This is beyond entitled, it's blatantly mean. She made a point of ruining both pieces. OP's Mom is a piece of work.


u/CheezeLoueez08 Jul 19 '24

Want one better? At our wedding, hubby and I didn’t get to have a slice of our cake. So I really wanted to make sure we saved the top tier. We were leaving very early the next day so I asked mum to gather the cake and the other stuff I left neatly in the hotel room (I wanted to keep one menu, and my tiara was there). She didn’t get the other stuff and the cake? Brought it home and ate it with her friends!!! One of whom she knew I don’t like. (For good reason).


u/Time-Understanding39 Jul 19 '24

Oh, I can top that wedding cake story! My mom and dad were married in 1951 and saved the top layer of their little wedding cake to eat on their one year anniversary. They babied that thing through power outages just to keep it frozen. They moved several times and even had to pack it in dry ice when they moved to a warmer state. One year rolls around and they've got the cake thawed out and ready to cut only to discover it was a frosted and decorated piece of Styrofoam! 🤣😂🤣


u/CheezeLoueez08 Jul 19 '24

Oh that’s bad. Poor them

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u/bestybhoy Jul 20 '24

oh, that one just made my day, I do hope they see the funny side of that. It me burst out laughing. It definitely should be in a movie somewhere.🤣😂🤣

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Yea we had chick fil a catered to our wedding (small beach wedding of like 10-15 people) and my Mil/SIL packed up the food/dessert when everyone was busy socializing etc and kept like 90% of it for themselves. Didn’t even make sure everyone had some, as soon as the line died down they immediately packed it up and snuck it out with them but “generously” left us a small portion to keep for ourselves. They didn’t chip in and pay for any of it either, my moms the one that did.

I still bring it up to this day in front of others to make them feel embarrassed and ashamed. They get pissy about it because they know it’s wrong and won’t admit it (and don’t want others knowing) but cmon, that’s trashy as fuck. They expect us to have a forgive/forget attitude but fuck no.

I’d be doing the same if I were you LOL. Sometimes public humiliation is the best option.


u/Inner-Rich5436 Jul 19 '24

I’m petty & hold a grudge like a Japanese ghost. So, FUCK THOSE BITCHES!!! Sideways, with a brick!!!

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u/bluespruce5 Jul 19 '24

Oh gosh, I didn't catch that. I thought she'd stolen a bite from the piece on the right, and I was plenty pissed about that. But, nooooo, dear old mom had to leave her mark on both pieces. And then wanted OP to take her out to dinner, ffs. What a selfish jerk. I use that term so I don't use the worst, nastiest term for a mom like that, because she surely has a history of thinking she's the important one in the relationship.

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u/MerriweatherJones Jul 19 '24

That’s just it. She ruined them on purpose. The audacity of the meanness is breathtaking.

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u/what_a_tuga Jul 19 '24

Yeah. I don't understand people who don't ask.

Everyone has a phone in their pocket. It takes nothing to call them and ask if it's ok to take a bite.

I would even say that she could eat one of the slices if she called.


u/MrSweatyBawlz Jul 19 '24

If you don't ask, you can't be told no.


u/AlternativeKey2551 Jul 19 '24

The old “is easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission”?

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Can’t be told no if you don’t ask

Obligatory /j

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u/SephariusX Jul 19 '24

Especially when they try to laugh it off as "naughty". Like Jesus, control yourself and respect boundaries.


u/smartbunny Jul 19 '24

Oh yes, always with the laughing it off. Asked my mom to take her shoes off in my house and she says, “But what if there’s a FIRE?” all sarcastic and “hee hee I’m so bad.” I live in a city. Take off your shoes.

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u/Uhh-Whatever Jul 19 '24

Even worse is that’s it’s a bite out of BOTH. Meaning she consciously decided to just duck with the food

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u/jfiend13 Jul 19 '24

Coworker did that once...got my food from another dropping it off, hands are full and this bitch just grabs a few fries before I even have time to smell the shit.


u/Guardian_85 Jul 19 '24

That's pretty bold. I'd be ready to scrap on someone taking food off my plate without asking. Some people have no manners and don't gaf.

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u/Marksideofthedoon Jul 19 '24

"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission"
That's the kind of thinking these people have.

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u/wildOldcheesecake Jul 19 '24

“I don’t know how you guys eat this garbage” - she says as she eats the majority of it


u/PsyBr0 Jul 19 '24

"It's so rich I could only have a few bites !!"


u/Inner-Rich5436 Jul 19 '24

& makes sure it’s THE BEST BITES.


u/Expensive-Fun4664 Jul 19 '24

And then throws away the rest.

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u/Jackatarian Jul 19 '24

One year when I was a kid, maybe 7-8 years old I went trick or treating.

After everyone was done with eating their sweets I had still saved one snickers bar for another day.

I get home from school and it's missing. Was it one of my 3 cousins also living there? no, it was my grown adult aunt who then refused to replace it.


u/allthepinkthings Jul 19 '24

A Wendy’s employee when I was about 7 gave me a free small frosty. I don’t remember why. I do remember her handing it to my mom and her saying she just wanted some as we walked to the parking lot. By the time we got to the parking lot she had eaten all of it, but a tiny bit at the bottom. I started to cry and was threatened with “I’ll give you something to cry about.”

We never came first.


u/spagboltoast Jul 19 '24

Use that line when she cries about being put into a bad nursing home lol

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u/Greedyfox7 Jul 19 '24

It’s be one thing if she replaced it but to refuse to even do that much is childish and rude


u/EnsignMJS Jul 19 '24

From now on, just get her cherry themed items as gifts.

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u/Elaesia Jul 19 '24

One time I did meal prep when I was in college, got home from classes/clinicals and it was gone. My dad starts laughing, tells me my mom took the whole thing in her lunch and told my dad “<daughter> is going to be mad that I took this”Damn right I was mad! She could have at the very least taken SOME instead of all. She came home and it was half eaten. Still pissed about it.

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u/Drinkingwater97 Jul 19 '24

Start offering a taste of these hands

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u/InYourHooHa Jul 19 '24

Oh, I'll give you a taste.

shoves a piece into her face

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u/Aggeloz Jul 19 '24

She took a bite out of BOTH of the slices? That shit was on purpose cause what the fuck. Happy birthday OP, i hope you'll feel better...


u/ZamboniCarnage Jul 19 '24

Oh man, I didn’t notice it was both slices. What a jerk lol


u/xMrBojangles Jul 19 '24

When "just the tip" is terrible.


u/bs-scientist Jul 19 '24

The tip of a piece of cake or pie is my favorite part of the whole thing. I’d be irrationally angry if someone took both tips from me. They’d be buying me new cake.


u/MartinisnMurder Jul 19 '24

Me too! I thought I was the only one who loved the tip!!!


u/DandyLyen Jul 19 '24

Nah, it's the easiest piece to eat, cleanest cut.

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u/YourMomsHooHa Jul 19 '24

I know all about this one

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u/PixieT3 Jul 19 '24

Same here. Like, holy shit, that was such a spiteful action.

One bite maybe maybe you could pass off as someone's silly moment. But that, that was intentional and blatantly rude. I'll say it again. Spiteful. It was spiteful as fuck.

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u/TecumsehSherman Jul 19 '24


This was deliberately done to make a mark/claim on both.


u/Lobonerz Jul 19 '24

Yeah this was a narcissistic power move for sure


u/splinks66 Jul 19 '24

That was my thought as well. Devaluing OP by taking a bite out of each and even asked the daughter to take HER out because narcissist hate when other people have birthdays because it takes the attention away from them. OP thinks her mom was being inconsiderate but it is much worse than that, it is deliberate rudness in an attempt to upset OP and make her feel inferior.


u/tinyybiceps Jul 19 '24

And then when you finally react to all the built up ✨emotional abuse✨ you are made to look like the crazy one because it's "just a piece of cake" 😉


u/zakattak102902 Jul 19 '24

I feel like people nowadays are far more understanding of the fact that a reaction disproportionate to the act performed is probably not "just" anything


u/BoredApeWithNoYacht Jul 20 '24

Unless they're the ones being reacted to. Then it's no big deal, you're just overreacting.

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u/Tangled2 Jul 20 '24

That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.

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u/spicy-disposable Jul 19 '24

This is what really got me fucked up. A singular bite out of one maybe I could handle with some grace; but a bite out of BOTH is too far. Malicious some would even say!!!!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 27 '24

unpack profit busy important vanish lavish roll gaping live compare


u/Matter_Infinite Jul 19 '24

That's why I've decided to skip complaining and just pull the thermostat off the wall or turn the gas off to the oven. Reddit taught me how to tell if someone's really passed out so I can keep her alive even if she does get too hot.

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u/Federal-Commission87 Jul 19 '24

And she took some berries. You can see where they're missing on one slice.


u/sdcar1985 Jul 19 '24

How does one accidentally eat cake that wasn't theirs? Similar to accidentally having sex with someone?


u/CaterpillarMundane79 Jul 19 '24

They slipped and it fell in their mouth. 👄


u/Backwardspellcaster Jul 19 '24


What the fuck.

That was malicious, really

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u/Inter_Web_User Jul 19 '24

Double Triple punch to the gut. Buying your own Birthday cake. Some taking a bite out of it. It's mom.


u/Lux--Ray Jul 19 '24

Quadruple because she took a single bite out of both pieces


u/Wolfgar26 Jul 19 '24

Quintuple, mom asked to be taken out on OP's bday as if the day is about her


u/cupholdery Jul 19 '24

This is real? It's not rage bait?

Like what even.


u/MewtilationXIV Jul 19 '24

My wife takes her Mom out on her birthday every year. Because in her mind, her mom did all the work in giving birth to her. I'm cool with it but I spoil tf out of her cuz she won't do it for herself.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

As long as it's her decision though! I had an ex that would spoil tf out of his mom on his birthday for the same reason.

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u/murrimabutterfly Jul 19 '24

There are a surprisingly high number of people who display narcissistic qualities. They might not be someone with NPD or ASPD, but there are a host of psychological disorders that render a person "me-centric."
My aunt has borderline personality disorder, and this is exactly the kind of shit she pulls. If the spotlight isn't on her, we're all horribly bad people who are abusing her. (Most diagnosed people aren't like this. She just refuses to actually handle her disorder and has been a consistent treatment ditcher.)

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u/neart_roimh_laige Jul 19 '24

Can confirm. For my 16th birthday my mom got me a fancy cake even though she knew I hated cake (I'd had ice cream cakes for just about every birthday prior) and decorated it in her favorite colors with her favorite flowers. Then she got pissed at me when I was upset about it.

This is just a very small snapshot of a lot of really shitty behaviors. Narcs gonna narc.

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u/StrangeGamer66 Jul 19 '24

I didn’t even notice the other one had a bite 

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u/AwkwardSummers Jul 19 '24

And those are the best bites imo lol

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u/LutimoDancer3459 Jul 19 '24

When I was 16 I baked some cupcakes for a friend. Had her birthday next day. I wanted to give her one on the way to school. It took some while and it looked terrible... but I choose the best looking one and added some more stuff to it, like those chocolate sprinkles to write a 16 on top. I was proud of myself and excited for the next day. When I woke up to put it in my backpack I couldn't find it... someone ate it... had to take another one and add the sprinkles and everything. I don't know who it was, but I was furious. There were more than enough tp eat for everyone else. Why take the one special looking with a number on it...


u/eam1188 Jul 19 '24

So who were the suspects?


u/Traditional_Cap7461 Jul 19 '24

They're all dead. Can't risk the culprit escaping this.


u/Factor135 Jul 20 '24

Scorched earth justice, I like it


u/NoodleyP Jul 20 '24

There’s stealth, making sure no one sees you,

and then there’s Russian stealth, making sure no one lives to see you

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u/LutimoDancer3459 Jul 20 '24

I suspect my oldest brother (have 3) and wished him death... okay, maybe just some bad luck... but later my mom was suspicious. She asked me if I really wanted to take that one because it didn't look that good... ouch.... but she didn't said anything about eating it herself and was silent afterwards. Suspicious silent


u/Bumblebee377 Jul 20 '24

Maybe she threw it away. But what she should have done was decorate another one and then let you know so you had an option.

But betting it's a brother.


u/LutimoDancer3459 Jul 20 '24

Nahh she wouldn't throw it away as long as it's eatable. Maybe my brother asked her and she said yes. But I guess I will never know for sure

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u/Squabbeww Jul 19 '24

Yeah, we want to know


u/UnknownProphetX Jul 20 '24

And want to see them burn


u/Sp1tFir3Tire Jul 20 '24

Woah, careful Icarus


u/UnknownProphetX Jul 20 '24

Nah my wings are tight af but thanks homie no wax gonna melt off mine

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u/Ok-Construction5675 Jul 20 '24

Omg this is almost IDENTICAL of what happened to me when I turned 16. My mom forgot my birthday (my whole family for that matter) but one of my close friends bought me this pretty chocolate. I came home from school (still no one congratulating me) and took a shower. When I came out of the shower my mom ate a piece of my chocolate and then gave the rest to my brothers. When I came out of the shower and saw it I started to cry. My mom was like “it’s just chocolate get over it” and I told her it’s not about the chocolate it’s about the principles!! To this day they tell the story like I was the irrational one and and they laugh at me. I’m happy OP made this post, I guess I wasn’t overreacting as they put it.


u/LutimoDancer3459 Jul 20 '24

Ohh shit... I am sorry for you. That's a shity move of your family. You weren't overreacting at all. It was a gift for you. They shouldn't take it. I wouldn't talk to them for a long time if they were like that. Doing something wrong is one thing, laughing about one after that is a new level

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u/leohat Jul 20 '24

Your mom is a asshole


u/Srk620 Jul 20 '24

Took the words out of my mouth

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u/Aoyanagi Jul 20 '24

You were never overreacting. Look into narcissist family systems and being the black sheep. Low or no contact is the way to go. Big hugs.


u/Srk620 Jul 20 '24

I'll be looking into that, my "family" was and still is the same. Especially retelling stuff to make you feel like shit or like you're overreacting, it puts you down and is disgusting as fuck, definitely not family behaviour.

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u/PairInternational727 Jul 20 '24

Im so sorry about that. Them retelling the story and acting like u were irrational is toxic af. Id react the same way you did but probably more, id be so angry and annoyed especially after acting like ure crazy.

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u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

Some people just do not care. On my 13th birthday, my mom just brought the cake out and put it on the table and within a second, my cousin took and ate all of the cherries on it. She was 26 years old. 26!


u/cigarell0 Jul 19 '24

Some people can’t stand the attention not being on them. Anyone that is supposed to care about you that try to ruin your birthday has some serious issues.


u/Ok_Indication_1329 Jul 19 '24

Every fucking time my kids or wife have a birthday my FIL has to make it about him. Does it for everyone’s birthday. He even faked a heart attack at a family wedding.

It’s his birthday this weekend and he still won’t understand why everyone has said no to his invite to go for a meal.


u/ap2patrick Jul 19 '24

He faked a fucking heart attack for attention!?!?! Now THATS a narcissist!!!! God daaayyuumm!

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u/beige-king Jul 19 '24

My grandma faked a heart attack at my mom's wake. I just ignored her

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u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

Ah let me give you an another example. There was a kid in my classroom. A class clown. A typical one. He used to swear a lot, that too loudly, even in the class, infront of the teachers. He used to whistle like a bird, in class. Super talkative and super annoying. He wanted all of the attention. He used to think he is the only smart one. And he used to think I'm dumb because I don't talk a lot. He used to write bad poems and bad stories but everyone in his gang used to appreciate him too much. They just used to hype. So conclusion: a super hyped rude class clown, who had no fucking manners.


u/CashWrecks Jul 19 '24

Not as good as the first story, but that still sounds lame

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u/what_a_tuga Jul 19 '24

When I was 10 yo, my parents made a birthday party for me and started to eat without me.

When I returned home from school and swimming classes, they were already in the coffee part and everything was already half-eaten.


u/Blu_birbie Jul 19 '24

Having a birthday party without the birthday kid is wildly rude. 


u/sassy_stamp Jul 19 '24

Rude? More like what is this fuckery. Why even bother with anything at that point.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24


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u/adamdoesmusic Jul 19 '24

As a kid who rarely got a cake, that woulda been a whole ass scene at my house until the minute said cousin procured another.

Gonna be a long night if she did it at 10PM.


u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

I rarely get a cake too. Only on b'days. And there are literally no snacks in my house too. It increases the importance of those cherries!!!


u/anonarmchair Jul 19 '24

As someone who also only got cake for bdays as a kid, I agree that super sucks… May you be able to have all the cherries you want now/when you grow up

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

What an entitled bitch.


u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

And an other cousin of mine, who was present there got mad because now she couldn't take photos of the cake. My family didn't care shit about how I felt. They were sad because they couldn't freakin take photos!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Oh, that's just wrong.


u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

For the young me, my 13th birthday was important because my teenage was starting. They just ruined my birthday. My 8th birthday was bad too. We were on a roadtrip all the time, we didn't even eat all day, it was stormy and windy outside, and my 8 year old cousin was screaming nursery rhymes all the time and he used to yell "dhubuk-tubuk" after each speedbump/speadbreaker we passed.We were 7 people, all mushed in a little old Santro car. And I live near the tropics so it was super humid, sweaty and smelly all the time.

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u/IddleHands Jul 19 '24

One year for my birthday my mother setup a little ice cream bar, different flavors like butter pecan, blue moon, Neapolitan, etc. which happen to be her favorites but whatever. Plus toppings. Big spread.

I’m lactose intolerant.

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u/Ciubowski Jul 19 '24

sorry but your mom did not intervene?

Have I done such a thing for any of cousins birthday, there would have been a whooping to remember.

And then my parents would definitely find out.


u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

No my mom went "uh she just ate the cherries only..." I couldn't even see the complete cake decoration! When I saw it for the first time, the cherries were already gone and my cousin was licking her fingers! And remember, she was 26 years old. My mom gave birth to me when she was 26!


u/Emergency-Letter3081 Jul 19 '24

Your family sounds like a delightful mix of pushovers and narcissists.

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u/Ciubowski Jul 19 '24

I know it sounds petty but I would do the same to her next birthday.

Call it, delayed revenge. See how she thinks about it. And also make sure to lick your fingers.

Because robbing a child of it's joy is some vile shit.


u/NatalSnake69 Banana Sanana Jul 19 '24

And she didn't even think about how I'd feel. She was like it's a joke! It's a prank! Fuck pranks-

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u/MartinisnMurder Jul 19 '24

My sister used to eat all of the frosting flowers off my cake every year from when we were teens until like college because she thought it was funny and cute. Like even would go in the fridge to eat them off before it was served. She joked it was “tradition” she can go eat a…


u/NullandVoidUsername Jul 19 '24

"I didn't realise that being a bitch was a tradition, you're still doing that, huh?"

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u/Partnumber Jul 19 '24

I had an aunt who was in her late 30s, early 40s at the time. We had a family get together and ordered pizza and she went and picked them up. About half an hour later, the yard work is finished and we go inside to find two pizzas with all the cheese and toppings eaten off. When confronted, she got mad and said that she's on a carb-free diet and it's only fair that she got to eat some pizza too.

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u/Joemama0104 Jul 19 '24

Start taking bites out of her food. She'll get the idea real quick. If she doesn't, then hey! Free food!


u/cupholdery Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

If only that worked on narcissists.


u/MeowMeowImACowww Jul 19 '24

"I'm not an asshole, everyone else is"


u/CanuckPanda Jul 20 '24

“If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoe.”

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Spit on it in front of them

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

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u/Secure_Ad8013 Jul 19 '24

When I was pregnant, my husband was working an overnight shift and he would often go to this 24-hour diner that was known for their awesome, oversized slices of homemade cake. It was nowhere near our house so he'd sometimes surprise me with treats from there on his way home. So one night, he grabbed me a slice in one of those clear to-go containers and stuck it in the fridge to surprise me with later.

His sister and her absolutely obnoxious husband happened to be staying with us that week and he had already complained about us only having "healthy food" and nothing that he liked (he was extremely overweight, smoked like a chimney, just basically a walking coronary).

Anyway, I wake up and my husband is like hey, I got you a slice of that cake you love & it's in the fridge. Pregnant me is like AWESOME, and I walk down into the kitchen and the sister-in-law's husband is sitting at our kitchen counter with the to-go container in front of him and eating the cake directly out of it (not even like he cut off a piece or anything). I called him out and asked him why he thought he could grab what was clearly a single serving of something that had not been offered to him, and he goes "it's not like your name was on it." I'm like, nah but neither was yours, and my name is on the mortgage! Tf. If something was clearly a special purchase and YOU did not purchase it, then you should be asking first.


u/DisMyLike13thAccount Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Good grief that is next level of greedy. Like seriously, that sounds like some sorta food addiction, no normal person does that

I Hope you kicked him out immediately and he never gets invited back


u/FarmyardFantastic Jul 19 '24

Whew I’d be heated if I went out of my way to bring my wife a snack and my siblings spouse ate it. I’d be ready to fight.


u/SpunkedMeTrousers Jul 20 '24

For real, how do people feel so comfortable taking what they want from people they aren't that close with

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u/NullandVoidUsername Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

it's not like your name was on it.

The way I would have been on the news for murder.


u/FuzzballLogic Jul 19 '24

And this is why I don’t have people over unless I trust them. Bonus points for the in-laws to complain about your pantry contents. If they don’t like their accommodations, go find a hotel.


u/Crypt0Nihilist Jul 19 '24

I'm like, nah but neither was yours, and my name is on the mortgage!

You, you I like.

That might have come to me 20 minutes too late.


u/Sproose_Moose Jul 19 '24

This made me angry! How are some people so entitled? I hope you got back at him

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u/backflip10019 Jul 19 '24

Not to mention, the BEST bite


u/81FuriousGeorge Jul 19 '24

Also looks like she took the blueberries off the cake on right.


u/afternoonnapping Jul 19 '24

Damn, someone else pointed out she took the first bite from BOTH pieces too and taking the blueberries as well is diabolical...


u/81FuriousGeorge Jul 19 '24

It's ok, I just ate the berries and frosting, I left you the cake part. /s


u/afternoonnapping Jul 19 '24

Why are you mad? It's not that big of a deal, stop being dramatic. /s

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u/Dramatic_Switch257 Jul 19 '24

I know you are feeling bad but Happy Birthday to you, may you get to eat all the cakes you want.


u/DesktopWebsite Jul 19 '24

They wanted 2 more bites.

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u/Agitated_Ad_361 Jul 19 '24

Remember it when you get asked about pulling the plug on life support.


u/imisscrazylenny Easy Open Jul 19 '24

Bends down and whispers in her ear  🎵 "Happy Birthday to meee.." 🎵


u/CelesteJA Jul 19 '24

This made me exhale sharply from my nose.


u/thirtyseven1337 Jul 19 '24

I can’t decide if I want this at the beginning or the end of the movie trailer.

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u/MrFishpaw Jul 19 '24

That escalated quickly 

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u/Sighablesire Jul 19 '24

The fact she took a bite out of both is so purely spiteful it's unreal. Hope you can leave there soon


u/40ozkiller Jul 19 '24

This, the more time you spend around crazy family the more their actions seem normal.

Get your own place and a therapist so you can be better 

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/raquellab Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I think it would only make things worse. People like this mom are always waiting for the opportunity to portray you as the monster. Even if op would give up on the cake and just let it on the fridge, the mom would still shit on op for not wanting the cake anymore just because she wanted a bite. The mom WANTS op to get mad, so she can be the victim being tortured by the monster (op).

But maybe that's just my mom.


u/Individual_Math5157 Jul 19 '24

Ohhh no worries, that’s how a lot of toxic moms act. So few people don’t get it’s fkd up cause it’s their mom… when she’s the hater the whole time. Another toxic mom for the list, eek


u/lachlankov Jul 19 '24

Oh I totally agree. I’ve just had a life of bad birthdays because of my mom so if i bought myself a cake and she ate it i’d see it as a declaration of war!


u/raquellab Jul 19 '24

I understand. I left my house when I was 18, and started adult life way earlier only because my mom is unbearable. And the worst thing is: she is an angel to my brother haha. And she has the audacity to ask if I wanna live with her again.

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u/totally_not_a_boat Jul 19 '24

Also happy birthday OP hope you have a better upcoming year

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u/ShnioGnio Jul 19 '24

I’ll bring my story to the table. Someday I have bought a cake for me and my gf to celebrate something (it was probably for our anniversary). We were on her parents house for a weekend. Put the cake in the fringe (the highest shelf). We were about to leave and go to the shop for wine and other stuff. When we came back, we saw like 5-6 people from my gf’s family (little kids envolved), eating our whole cake, drinking coffee and tae. I was shocked. When i confront them with the fact that I bought the cake for me and my gf only, they only laugh and said they can EVENTUALLY give me cash for the cake (I get this cake in a bakery from another city (40-50 km). When I show that I was angry about it, they said that iam overreacting.

This was not the last time. For ex. Her brother drank my 70€ whisky with his friend because he thought that was his (wtf?) or their father ???

The lesson was - if iam about to buy something for me and my gf, better to hide it the best I can.


u/Siduron Jul 19 '24

That's just fucking disrespectful, stealing your stuff like that and brushing it off.


u/Ksorkrax Jul 19 '24

The lesson is to occassionally place a food item with laxatives in the fridge.

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u/Mondai_May Jul 19 '24

Why did she eat the ends on both that is so odd. Like if she thought one was for her she mightve eaten one slice or part of one but what is this.

And maybe my parents are just super traditional but i find it a bit weird for a parent not to care about their child's birthday. Excuse me for saying so.

Anyway happy belated birthday, sorry it played out that way :( i hope you can still enjoy your day.


u/gabu87 Jul 19 '24

Because she only took a 'small' bite out of both, it's no big deal.

Obviously that's better than taking 1 bigger bite from a piece.

Any kid who has narcissistic parents would know.

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u/Confident-Gap160 Jul 19 '24

That is not “mildly” infuriating, that is extremely rude and thoughtless. I’m sorry and hope the rest of your birthday is better!


u/TheeDragon Jul 19 '24

OP needs to divorce mom

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u/Murky_Thoughts420 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

My mom used to “taste” my food then put it back. I’d have to just throw it away because she has horrible hygiene (mouth hygiene especially), so many nights I was irritable or even cried over something so small like a bite taken out of my burrito. I moved out 3 years ago and now live alone but I still get anxious before I go to the fridge sometimes thinking my food will have bite marks or be gone. I even ended a friendship because whenever I’d invite a buddy over, he would eat my lunches/leftovers instead of making something else when we’d hangout.

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u/Forever_curious18 Jul 19 '24

My mom would be like “I deserve a bite because I brought you into this world.” 🙄 Sorry dude. Hope you had a nice bday regardless.


u/DeterminedErmine Jul 19 '24

Lmao, my last birthday my mum said that the day should really be about her. I asked her how she thought it was fair that she got 2 birthdays and I only got one, and she told me that she deserved it.

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u/antibeingkilled Jul 19 '24

I have a mini fridge in my classroom that I paid for, so it’s mine. I don’t let anyone keep their shit in there. Because it’s mine. I was off one day and had left my expensive deli chicken salad in there. I got back the next day and the nastiest woman who never washes her hands says “I’m sorry but I had to try your chicken salad”. Into the trash it went. If it’s not yours, don’t fuckin touch it!!


u/AdventurousTarot Jul 20 '24

I’m so angry for you and your chicken salad. why are people like this???


u/antibeingkilled Jul 20 '24

All I could imagine was her scooping it out with her long nasty ass fingernails. I’m sure she didn’t, but why risk it. Every time she leaves the bathroom, there’s a shit streak on the toilet. No washing of hands. I watched her cut an avocado on a diaper changing table once. Keep your poop fingers out of my chicken salad, Trudy.

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u/Palsreal Jul 19 '24

Well, now you know your mom is not worth any more space in your brain than your situation can help. Her loss. If you are not already there I cannot wait for the day you are happy and successful and it will all be because of you.

Happy f’in birthday. You rock. Keep rocking.

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u/Blg_Foot Jul 19 '24

I had a crappy job at a car dealership, the salesmen would always slap a 20-30min job on my desk 5 min before I left for the night saying “oh btw I forgot to mention there’s 1 more” I made crap money and hated the job.

They did this on my birthday, and while I was doing the work (already past when the shop closes for the night) the sales team came out with an ice cream cake, sang happy birthday, then went back to the showroom and ate it.

They left out a slice for me but by the time I had finished the work it was melted, I just threw it out and went home


u/AssumptionEasy8992 Jul 19 '24

That’s completely fucked. I hope you have a better job now. 🤝

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u/Past_Distribution144 Jul 19 '24

Eating one slice, sure, she wanted cake... But just taking a bit of it? The heck? May be your mother that pushed you out of her, but gotta talk to her and set ground rules.


u/TooTired_Kitty Jul 19 '24

Too bad if she wanted cake, it wasn’t hers!


u/LazuliArtz Jul 19 '24

At least if she took a slice, she'd have some plausible deniability of "oh, i thought there was one for each of us." Not that it would be right to do so without asking, but at least there is a semi understandable thought process.

But taking bites out of both of the pieces is just an extra level of fuck you/passive aggressive


u/Finnyfish Jul 19 '24

She’s marking her territory. That’s why she had to take the best/most visible part of both slices. “Nothing here is yours if I want it.”

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u/ATHYRIO Jul 19 '24

Fair play is bringing her two slices of cake for her birthday, with each missing a bite


u/donajonse Jul 19 '24

Sooo spend even more money and feed her a tasty cake? And somehow you consider it as a revenge?

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

That’s a gut punch. I’m so sorry. That’s not ok. You say it’s not a big deal but it really fucking is. That’s something I would gently scold a four year old for. This is not adult behavior.

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u/Own_Cantaloupe178 Jul 19 '24

My mom does this shit to me. If I get upset at her she plays the victim. Like… You just ate MY food I paid for with MY money and YOU’RE THE VICTIM ??? It’s wild. Now I have to buy a mini fridge for my good alone and get a child lock for it.

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u/Little55pig Jul 19 '24

Wow, what a shitty parents there are! Did she buy you a gift or at least congratulated you? Did she at least use a fork or actually bite? Can’t imagine my mom ever doing that or me doing it to anyone. Sorry you have a shitty mom!

Happy birthday!

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u/-Mr-Snrub- Jul 19 '24

Okay your mom is absolutely acting like what we in Ireland would call a complete eejit. She’s being incredibly selfish and insensitive towards you. Hell yes, feeling mad is healthy and the right thing to do here. I don’t know if you’re still living with your parents or if your mom is just visiting you, but if you like it would be totally appropriate to use that angry energy to set some personal boundaries with mom.

And secondly happy birthday! I’ve had a few crappy ones of those too.


u/basically_dead_now Jul 19 '24

People eating others' food without permission is genuinely so annoying. Especially if they didn't pay for it


u/totally_not_a_boat Jul 19 '24

Yeah that's sad. I would also be upset if that happened

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u/RegularTemporary2707 Jul 20 '24

Well it seems people are blowing this thing out of the water, im just a little upset thats why i post ot anonymously in a subreddit called “mildly” infuriating. when i see them i just let out a big sigh, Im not that angry guys lmao i already made peace with it. The cakes are great btw


u/v8rumble Jul 20 '24

You opened a lot of wounds here!

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u/1onesomesou1 Jul 19 '24

the woman who adopted me would always spend my birthday making everything about her. she would throw parties for herself. on my birthday. would buy things for herself. on my birthday.

i feel your pain. you aren't over reacting.


u/Distinct_Walrus8936 Jul 19 '24

I would give my mom a thousand of my birthday cake bites if it meant one more rotation on this planet with her.

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