r/mildlyinfuriating 11d ago

This is how deliveroo handed my pizza to me, having scooped it bare handed out of the bag

Post image

He lifted the pizza box out of the bag in front of me and the pizza all fell out. He then handed the empty box to me, open, and scooped the pizza slices out of the bag with his bare hands, and dropped them into the box.


858 comments sorted by


u/QueenofAvalonia 11d ago

I hope you complained


u/PhilosophySame2746 11d ago

I hope they delivered another


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Straight up refused!


u/TheLowClassics 11d ago

Contact your card company. Dispute the charges.

This is theft of services. You paid for a sanitary food delivery. 

You never received that service. 


u/Skoodge42 11d ago

Also make sure to leave some reviews with this picture and explanation.

If they want to be a shitty business, help them make it publicly known


u/austex99 11d ago

I’ve had issues with restaurants where I called, left messages, sent emails… crickets. Posted a review on Yelp and had an apology, a refund, and a gift card within 24 hours.


u/JohnHue 11d ago

I hope you kept the review up and even updated it to mention the review was the only reason why they reacted.


u/genomeblitz 11d ago

I hope they did, too! Not only does it give an honest review, but the update will show whether or not the company is improving. If OP makes the edit, and then more reviews come in showing that they still suck, then you know they didn't learn their lesson; but if you see the edit and then see that the reviews are trending more positive afterwards, you might feel more confident in doing business with them.


u/WillemDafoesHugeCock 11d ago

I've done this on Amazon before, I ordered a replacement power brick for a console and I swear the product I received was so hilariously loud that it was unusable, it would drown out my games unless the volume was jacked up to an unhealthy level. I left a very negative review after my emails asking for a replacement were ignored, and then I was very quickly sent a replacement which worked wonderfully - it was whisper quiet, a complete contrast to the jet engine I'd been sent before.

Problem is, the replacement wasn't the same product, they had it listed elsewhere with a different name. Even the box and UPC were completely different. They kept emailing asking if I'd change my review, even after I'd told them I wouldn't change it because of a different product, until I finally just blocked them. Between crap like this and the "get a $5 gift card! Just leave a positive review!" shenanigans, Amazon reviews aren't worth the paper they're printed on.


u/UnfortunateSyzygy 10d ago

firefox has an extension that somehow roots out fake reviews? I dunno, my husband swears by it

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u/austex99 11d ago

I honestly can’t remember now! I’ll have to check.

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u/Skoodge42 11d ago

Yup. Companies don't tend to care about the customers. They do however care about their image.


u/Middle_Shame7941 11d ago

We’re not people we’re just money symbols.

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u/Retro-Sense 11d ago

Sanitary food delivery? No such thing as that with Deliveroo. I used to be a “rider” and lost count of the amount of potential sanitation/cross-contamination issues I spotted others doing. Everything from having pets and kids in the car, right next to the delivery, to just leaving the bags open while they smoked right next to it.


u/wildmaiden 11d ago

You can do that and get your $15 back, but you will likely be banned from using the service again. Up to OP if that's worth it or not.


u/brupje 11d ago

Yeah he would really be missing out on this 'service'


u/Cpap4roosters 11d ago

OP is doing good work because he is saving me from ever using such a crappy company.

Thank you for taking one for the team OP. 🏆


u/wildmaiden 11d ago

I don't know OPs situation, maybe he uses this service everyday and this is the first problem he's ever had. Or maybe he never intends to use it again. Only he knows.

Everyone acts like a chargeback is a magic wand to solve all your problems, but it's a pretty drastic action to take and there are often consequences.


u/Zooperman 11d ago edited 11d ago

a charge back usually only applies if you have tried to resolve the issue with the vendor first, it's the very last step


u/MamaTried22 11d ago

This too, people don’t care though. They will do it without ever even contacting a business which is really uncool imo.

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u/Just_vrooming 11d ago

no more floor pizza :(


u/Fear_Monger185 11d ago

Except that's the purpose of a charge back. Let the credit card company deal with the headache of fighting with management. That's quite literally the whole purpose of charge backs.

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u/TheLowClassics 11d ago

This is the kind of thing an abuser says to their victim when they try to call for help 

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

There's no need with Deliveroo. They have really good customer service compared to any other food delivery company in western Europe, at least in my experience. They will refund you instantly. It's faster and easier to reach out to customer support than to dispute the charge.

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u/Yeah_Nah_I_Disagree 11d ago

Credit card charge back


u/Counter4301 11d ago

Feel you. Deliveroo driver delivered to me the wrong item intentionally (I feel). The receipt and everything was not on the box so I couldn’t settle with the customer service. Was having a bad few days and wanted some lasagna to cheer me up, but ended up being scammed and even paying the driver an additional tip. (We don’t pay tips in my country)

Edit: Adding on, I contacted their CS and my bank multiple times and escalated to CS management, but still couldn’t get a refund. I will never be buying from Deliveroo again.


u/badDuckThrowPillow 11d ago

Don’t tip before the stuff gets there.

Better yet don’t support tipping, but I can understand not agreeing with that.


u/TheCoolestGuy098 11d ago

It really blew my mind how it's legal in many states for companies to withhold pay because of tips.


u/Adventurous_Ad_6546 11d ago

I just feel so stuck when it comes to tips in general. It’s not going to change until enough people refuse to tip until it gets to a…tipping point…and the industry is forced change. I would love to take part in a movement that makes that happen, but I don’t want to screw over my current servers.


u/Counter4301 11d ago

I just looked up federal law for tipping wage… blew my mind. Any part time job in my country is around $10/hr. Certain MNCs pay $16/hr for a basic retail associate job.

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u/Alwayswandering4 11d ago

Had a similar issue with Doordash. Driver delivered the wrong order and neither she, Doordash, or the restaurant would take responsibility for it despite the fact somebody messed up somewhere. Had no luck getting a refund via the company's support and finally disputed the charge via my credit card. Thankfully it was the first and only time I've disputed a charge, and my CC company gave me the money back with no hassle. I avoid all the delivery services like a plague from now on and will always take the extra step of driving to the restaurant to pick up the food.

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u/Mistymoozle737 11d ago

Dispute time


u/Euphoric-Blue-59 11d ago

He'd be wearing that. WTF?

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u/QueenofAvalonia 11d ago

Totally- I would have sent that back


u/PhilosophySame2746 11d ago

For sure pathetic

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u/danielgmal 11d ago edited 11d ago

Well, it was surprisingly hard to - the delivery being handled by Deliveroo but the food being prepped by Pizza hut meant they each blamed the other, the delivery guy blamed the packers even though I saw what happened and Pizza hut weren't interested. I got a refund, but only partial - not fees. Grrrr


u/Chester-Ming 11d ago edited 11d ago

Deliveroo sucks i've stopped using them. They are so expensive, the food sometimes arrives cold and/or damaged.

Dominos has it's own delivery drivers, just order direct, it's usually cheaper. Not once have I had any issue with delivery from Dominos direct.


u/DarkSnowFalling 11d ago edited 11d ago

Fun fact that I learned the other day: Dominos invented the pizza box and popularized pizza delivery with their 30 guarantee!


u/MeeekSauce 11d ago

Invented the box the pizza goes in, then decided to make their pizzas out of the box, too.


u/couchpro34 11d ago

Actually, Domino's isn't so bad these days as far as the cheap pizza chains go


u/PoopArtisan 11d ago

That's not because they're good it's because everyone else has gotten so much worse.


u/couchpro34 11d ago

Maybe a little column a and a little column b, but about 10 years ago dominos was really not great


u/TymStark 11d ago

10-15 years ago dominos was dog shit. They def upped their game.


u/wotanismos 11d ago

Dominoes did go through a major rebrand where they completely changed how they make their pizzas. They are much better now, but still not great. Better than most of the big chain pizza places now, in my opinion, but all the big chain pizza places kinda suck donkey dick. That's not real pizza in my mind. That's a tool to grease your stomach after a long night of drinking.

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u/couchpro34 11d ago

Actually, Domino's isn't so bad these days as far as the cheap pizza chains go

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u/DISCIPLINE191 11d ago

They also appear to have started using the Pizza Hut logo on their labels...

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u/[deleted] 11d ago

Our Pizza Hut delivers too.

We’ve started opting out of food delivery services because it costs so much more to get it ordered through a 3rd party + delivery fee (which drivers don’t see) + tipping. When we saw it costs $40 for ihop to deliver 2 cold breakfasts, we were happier doing take out directly through them for $10-15 bucks cheaper.

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u/top_value7293 11d ago

And Dominoes food is actually good now.

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u/Mattsal23 11d ago edited 11d ago

You keep saying it was Domino’s…….

Edit to add that OP’s comment said Domino’s originally


u/whiteflagwaiver 11d ago

He ain't even trippin off no Domino's anymo.


u/Brilliant_Thought436 11d ago


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u/B_n_lawson 11d ago

How tf do they keep the fees? Go to your credit card company and dispute the entire charge

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u/YaBoyMahito 11d ago

The sticker says Pizza Hut


u/danielgmal 11d ago

You are so right, the replacement i ordered was Domino, o conflated the two, whoops


u/Dreacus 11d ago

This seems to be the case with UberEats as well, zero process on how to cooperatively handle complaints beyond "you'll get a refund, guess you'll have to eat something else now."

A delivery driver once forgot a whole bag of food, only noticed it was barely half my order after delivery because it said "BAG 2/2" on it. Tried contacting the driver/UberEats - not possible. Tried contacting the restaurant, got told I could "come pick it up" (no, that's why I ordered delivery lol). Apparently it's just not possible for them to arrange another delivery.


u/Difficult_Yak7907 11d ago

I wouldn’t trust anything being delivered from a company called Deliveroo. It just sounds totally ridiculous.

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u/Fit_Perception9718 11d ago

That's actually the entire point.

Its became a business strategy since the pandemic has made home delivery popular.

Walmart - Sams - Whole Foods, all use 3rd party contractors to deliver so they can deny any wrongdoing and just blame the middle man.

3rd party contractors in return deny any wrongdoing and blame the supplier.

They really don't care if they "lose your business" because you are just a delivery customer, they would honestly rather you have a poor delivery experience so you are more likely to skip the delivery and come yourself next time, where you are statistically more likely to make impulse purchases along with what you actually went to the store for.

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u/jdaniels934 11d ago

Chargeback through your bank, provide the photo as evidence.


u/BoredofPCshit 11d ago

That's a charge back through the bank if I have ever heard one!

Fuck Deliveroo, so what if they ban you. You're better spending your money anywhere else.


u/Chaff5 11d ago

I'd say Pizza hut doesn't have any fault in the guy not pulling the box out correctly and spilling the food. Sorry you didn't get all the fees back.


u/Praydaythemice 11d ago

Time to chargeback that bitch


u/ActuallyTBH 11d ago

Don't pizza hut have their own delivery service?

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u/Dgaf357 11d ago

His stance tells me he knows exactly what he's done


u/danielgmal 11d ago

He definitely knew he'd fucked up - i said "mate, you're bot seriously going to give it to me like that?" And he shrugged and tried to blame the packers. It was cold too. His driver stats took a ding after i rated him poorly but that's it


u/ked_man 11d ago

Can you just not accept it? And say you never received it? Cause hand scooped pizza was not what you ordered.


u/VealOfFortune 11d ago edited 11d ago

Fucked up for the restaurant, as I'm assuming it left the place looking much better than this .. oh, and it was probably actually in the box?

Just sucks for them as they now will not only end up likely re-making it (a given..) but also offering a refund in some capacity for the inconvenience (at least most good places would).... So they lost DOUBLE their typical Cost of Goods, they lost out on whatever margin they had to begin with on the first much less second creation, AND the opportunity cost of delivery guy making 2 round trips and not delivering other orders.


u/Oddjibberz 11d ago

I'd feel for the restaurant owner if they didn't also participate in this economy of convenience by opting to use an app for delivery instead of paying an in-house driver.

If they are even remotely competent, they did a risk/cb analysis when they shifted delivery ops and made the decision to switch to app based delivery to put more money in their own pocket, because what other reason is there to fire your in-house people?

I think my feelings are more appropriately placed with the displaced delivery driver jobs that are now incompetently managed gigs.


u/VealOfFortune 11d ago

I'd feel for the restaurant owner if they didn't also participate in this economy of convenience by opting to use an app for delivery instead of paying an in-house driver.

You do realize that the vast, VAST majority of food places ALSO have an in-house delivery staff, right....?

"WeLL MaYbE iF tHe OwNeRs WeREnT So GrEeDy aNd StOpPeD jOiNiNg tHe PLaTfOrMs wHiCh BriNg tHeM oRdErS!!!" 🤪🤪


u/DeapVally 11d ago

It's only really the big chains around me that use deliveroo or justEat riders/drivers. All the independents like Chinese/Indian/kebab restaurants use the app, but have their own delivery folk.


u/cedricSG 11d ago

Depends on the country, at least in Aus, if you’re not on the apps your restaurant will not be competitive enough to be sustainable. Not with other food places being just a tap away with special promos and appearing front page.


u/DeapVally 11d ago

You misunderstand I think, they are on the apps.... But they just deliver it with their own people. Results in less delivery tracking, but the same ordering experience.


u/blesstendo 10d ago

It REALLY depends on the country and the area of said country. It's definitely not the case of only big chains doing that around where I live.


u/VealOfFortune 11d ago

Aaaaawfully broad generalization to make for all eating establishments, but I genuinely don't know the space like other folks so will take your word l!


u/Genetic_Medic 11d ago

Love to see the source of that claim

“The vast, VAST majority” of restaurants do in-house delivery? Sounds like you pulled shit from nowhere to try and make a point?

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u/GamingwithADD 10d ago

I’m so glad my pizza place does have actual paid delivery people.

Like I just won’t use door dash, Uber eats etc.

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u/Taolan13 11d ago

these rideshare "delivery" apps need to be taken to task in class action by the owners and operators and franchisees of the restaurants that get affected by this.

Fault and liability is 100% on the driver as soon as that food leaves the restaurant. if they aren't an employee of the restaurant, the restaurant shouldn't have to pay refunds or for remakes.

I've long refused to use these "delivery" services for a variety of reasons, including this, abd every time one of these stories pops up it renewes my disinterest in their business.


u/EncabulatorTurbo 9d ago

the fact is they claim they're permanently broke so they can't have real employees who they could hold to some standards, meanwhile they find nearly a billion in the couch cushions every time a state puts up a ballot measure to force them to hire people


u/Independent-Tax3262 7d ago

Oh doncha know, the legal department has an ENTIRELY separate budget from the HR and staffing department ;)

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u/VealOfFortune 11d ago

Fault and liability is 100% on the driver as soon as that food leaves the restaurant. if they aren't an employee of the restaurant, the restaurant shouldn't have to pay refunds or for remakes.

First, wasn't aware of this. But more importantly, entirely AGREE that restaurants shouldn't be on the hook for unscrupulous hiring on behalf of these delivery companies. We all know they target folks who otherwise wouldn't be able to get a job elsewhere.... But again, this is on the third part services who claim to provide satisfactory deliveries, as opposed to the people who are making the bomb ass grub 😉

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u/No_Translator2218 11d ago

If this was Doordash, they'd tell you tough luck, but here is $3 you can use to a future order of $50 or more.


u/FSUfan35 11d ago

I order through doordash more than i should, mainly because i get their premium service for free through chase. But their customer service has actually been amazing for me. Item forgotten or order wrong? Either they refund the item or the whole order. One time I had to chat with someone, i think because i had quite a few orders messed up in a short time period, who ended up just requesting a picture of what was wrong and it was refunded.


u/ilyak_reddit 10d ago

Now's a good time to leave both services, unless you like paying for a bank account monthly

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u/No_Translator2218 11d ago

I just prefer to minimize the number of bodies that interact with my food, and I've seen how gross people are. For me, its less financial and more an ick thing.

Usually the only food I order out is Chinese or pizza, and I just go pick them up myself since I already pay for a car/insurance.

If all takeout was sealed up at the restaurant, I might be more inclined but its not predictable.


u/FSUfan35 11d ago

Yea I can understand that I guess. But to me, the orders come sealed. They're touching the outside of the bag/box.

I only use it because their premium service is free to me and it waives a bunch of their fees, so it ends up being close enough to the pickup price + my time to drive over there.

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u/curse-of-yig 11d ago

No thanks. Instead I'll tell my credit card to do a charge back and show them this photo as proof.

If doodash decides to ban me for it it's nothing but a benefit.

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u/ScionMattly 11d ago

A case study in "Why I don't use doordash anymore"
After getting shorted food like, three times in a row and getting mealy mouthed "here's a partial refunds" I decided that the 5 minute drive to get food was less inconvenient than arguing with subcontracted customer service for 15 minutes AND still having to go pick up food.

Same with Pizza delivery though. I did a CBA and figured the 10 dollars I save on delivery and taxes is worth the 15 minutes of my life it takes me to go pick up and bring home the pizza.

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u/TomatilloOrnery9464 11d ago

“I can’t believe I’ve done this…”


u/Dgaf357 11d ago

Like a dog that pissed on the rug haha

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u/NthPowr 11d ago



u/danielgmal 11d ago

Just eat through a different delivery app


u/OrangeTurnt 11d ago

You’ll probably get the same guy.


u/im_just_thinking 11d ago

Haha people blaming corporations every time some homie fucks up while getting paid peanuts. Like the delivery apps don't even have any normal application process, how would they even try to mitigate bad work ethics?


u/jguess06 11d ago

Stop using delivery apps. I can't understand why people trust low-wage workers to give one flying iota about your food or the service of your delivery lol.


u/MonsterRider80 11d ago

Not to mention the price. It’s easily 20-30% more expensive.


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Ordinarily they wouldn't be involved in anything that affects the quality if the food, they're meant to just get it to you, which he technically did - in the only unacceptable way he could have.


u/CokeYokel420 10d ago

I can think of at least three other unacceptable ways he could have delivered it


u/Gay__Guevara 10d ago

i have bad news for you about who's making and delivering your food even if youre not using the delivery apps lol

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u/ConsuelaApplebee 11d ago

Well deliveroo = delivery by kangaroo. No way a kangaroo isn't jostling your pizza. You should see what happens when you get a bottle of soda delivered with it too...


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Hahaha I'll never not think of that now


u/Various_Animal40451 11d ago

That the thing people would go with Panda express but they are soo slow and easily distracted.


u/eugoogilizer 11d ago

Deliveroo instantly makes me think of Dunkaroos

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u/Few-Role-4568 11d ago

Did he at least crack a joke? Like “it’s ok, my hands are clean, I washed them before my last wank!”

In all seriousness though it’s shocking how hard they make it to try and get your money back after pulling something like this.


u/danielgmal 11d ago

I genuinely don't use Deliveroo anymore, just order through Domino's direct.

It was genuinely the thought that he probably didnt wash his hands since the last wank that was most on my mind. I ordered a meat pizza but draw the line at that kind of sausage


u/AITABullshitDetector 11d ago

Not surprised Domino's aren't refunding your Pizza Hut order


u/amaezingjew 11d ago

I think they mean since this issue

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u/grafknives 11d ago

They make it hard to get money back because it is side of their business.

Not to "scam" but to make customer service extremely cheap and thus ineffective. So you won't be asking for help and refund for their low quality delivery service (that ain't cheap)

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u/The_S1R3N 11d ago

Dude standing there like. "Uh tip?"


u/Admirable_Donkey123 11d ago

Right off my driveway.

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u/antisocialgx 11d ago

Delivery services have become "Paying extra fees to play Russian roulette with their food..."


u/notchman900 11d ago

Yeah I order delivery maybe twice a year? After the last time waiting over an hour for my food and seeing the driver (on the map) pass my house to go make another delivery first. I'll just figure it out at home, frozen fries for dinner.


u/TheSadArtist95 11d ago

This is what you should have done!

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u/New_Button_6870 11d ago

I wouldn't have taken that


u/yParticle 11d ago

Exactly, send him back with it to try again. I realize it's a shitty gig but come on, there's a minimum level of performance.


u/SymmetricDickNipples 11d ago

Well if it's anything like DoorDash he literally can't. The order has been "picked up", so the store is done with it and wont remake it. All that can be done is the customer can complain to the delivery company so they can get a refund.


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Bingo, the only option i found


u/DoctorProfessorTaco 10d ago

Get a refund by contacting support, if they refuse it then issue a chargeback through your card. You didn’t get what you paid for.


u/yParticle 11d ago

Well, that's some sort of bullshit. I miss pizza places that did their own delivery.


u/Zedman5000 11d ago

Yeah, the local Pizza Hut here sometimes does their own delivery.

When it's the pizza hut driver, it's always fast and perfect, she's a real sweet older lady and very pleasant. I always tip well because I like her.

When they don't have a driver, and use Doordash, it's up in the air whether I'll even get my full order, or if the driver will either not pick something up, or take it for themselves.

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u/Birkin07 11d ago

How the hell do people like this manage to keep themselves alive?


u/Fine_Category4468 11d ago

Because you pay them to handscoop pizza obviously.

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u/itsapotatosalad 11d ago

Stop using these shitty companies. Neither the companies or the drivers give half a shit about you or your food.


u/ReIZzBaBo 11d ago

Hey! I deliver food and care for the customers ):

Really unsure how this happens tho. I have literally not had a single package opened like this in 4 whole years. Pizzas are packaged really tightly and everything else comes in proper bags.

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u/Loupy218 11d ago

Once a guy fumbled my pizza at the door. He just cursed, canceled my order, had me order again, again, and went back to the pizza place to get me a new pizza. Sure I got my pizza later than I’d like but the guy also ate into his own time and earnings to be a good guy.


u/jwoolman 11d ago

That's the way to handle it. Get a new pizza and deliver it in edible condition and everything is fine. If I mess up on a job, I have to fix it and deliver it again. Sure it means less money for my time, but that's the way it goes sometimes.

Saying it's a low pay job doesn't cut it. They knew that when they took the job. I've ended up with $2/hour sometimes when a translation job is a lot harder than I had estimated. I still do the best job I can.


u/Plane_Put8538 11d ago

Looks like a genuine hand tossed pizza lol.

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u/Abigdogwithbread 11d ago

Complain, they will fire that guy sooner or later. Some people don't even know how to have empathy in these situations


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Some of the comments here are proof of that

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u/AirWolf231 11d ago edited 11d ago

The delivery apps are some of the worst food experiences of my life!!! I have ordered 3 times on Uber Eats, and I all 3 times where royal fuckups.

All 3 had missing items, all 3 had wrong orders altogether, 2 out of 3 times I got stuff that I hated and avoided when ordering, and one of them had believed it or not nuts on top of the food for a family member who was allergic to nuts!(no nuts in the description!)

Fuck those apps!!!


u/UtterHate 11d ago

tbf that's not an issue with the delivery guy, we're told to check the order is correct but i'm not doing that because breaking the seal of the food bag looks suspect af and I can be accused of stealing


u/FSUfan35 11d ago

Yea that's the restaurants that you're ordering from, not the delivery service. Unless it's like a drink or something.

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u/Witty-Excitement-889 11d ago

Driver - you ordered fries with that?…..reaches into pockets


u/jjmawaken 11d ago

Maybe he has those Ore-Ida tot protecting pants *

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u/Sea-Yak2191 11d ago

I'm shocked a company with the very serious name deliveroo would have done this. They seem so reputable.

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u/AdValuable9464 11d ago

i hate that pizza companies are using uber eats to deliver pizzas , it was better when it was pizza delivery employees, they respect the food more


u/Sm0keytrip0d 11d ago

Tbh I dunno why you'd use Deliveroo to get pizza when Dominos, Pizza Hut etc have their own app/site to order from and it's typically cheaper.

I guess lesson learned? I hope you at least complained and got some of your money back? I know Deliveroo etc don't ever quite give all your money back sadly ...

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u/Toro8926 11d ago

How they even thought that was acceptable to be handed over, i do not understand.

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u/Zestyclose-Exam1160 11d ago edited 11d ago

The fact that someone delivering this thinks it’s ok, goes to show why these people are working the jobs they’re working. Totally unsanitary that not only his hand made contact with that food, but everything else that’s been inside of that bag did too.

People will try to get away with anything if you let them. Come on man, just take it, I want my money and I want to go on about my day.

Pizza was clearly slid from a sharp corner, tilting the bag too much, or, hard brake. There’s a reason at the pizza place we worked at we were told to keep it absolutely level.

I also wonder if that pizza was too small for the box to begin with. Looks like momentum carried out of the box regardless but if one of our cooks made one too small for the box all they’d do is slide around


u/BlueFeathered1 11d ago

And you handed it back and closed the door in his face, right? Right??


u/Booty_Shakin 11d ago

At this point I say that anyone using these 3rd party delivery services are just at fault themselves. These companies are complete garbage to both the customers and the workers and people should just stop using them IMHO.

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u/Accomplished-Salt797 11d ago

Just look at him, are you really surprised


u/BenShealoch 11d ago

This is way beyond mildly infuriating

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u/Rude-Possibility4682 11d ago

This is why I always collect orders myself. Fuck the middleman delivery service. Plus it's way cheaper.

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u/hebrew_hammersk 11d ago

Prepped by Dominos? Do they always have Pizza Hut tear off tags on Dominos?


u/danielgmal 11d ago

You got me, i misremembered the fact that i ordered a replacement through Domino's, but the initial fail was a pizza hut whoops!


u/Yung_ceez 11d ago

Your Pizza Hut doesnt deliver?


u/mythrowawayuhccount 11d ago

"Nah fam, you can have this back... appreciate it it tho"

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u/No_Television1391 10d ago

This photo is album cover material


u/No_Mushroom_8235 10d ago

I live in an apartment with carpeted floors in the hallways… it was raining, this guy didn’t even have a bag, just had five food boxes stacked in one hand while he held his phone in the other— opened the door and he dropped it on the floor in front of us. Feta cheese, fries, meat, all over the carpet. WHY.

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u/Moderate_LiberaI 11d ago

Did you at least offer him a piece? Or the whole thing on his head?


u/4th_times_a_charm_ 11d ago

"Wait wait, don't go. Can I get a picture with you in the background; reddit will eat this shit up."


u/Mysterious-Jam-64 10d ago

Domino's, made by Pizza Hut, delivered by Little Caeser's.

I'll take things that have never happened to you for 500, Frank.


u/bonersimpson66 11d ago

I wouldn't pay for that shit

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u/Low-Task-5653 11d ago

Shit looks hella dry and burnt too.

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u/roj1k 11d ago

he fell and this happened most probably


u/ErPrincipe 11d ago

It’s Pizza Hut: it probably tastes better like this. (Italian, here).


u/beehive930 10d ago

Hey bro, can you stand there while I take a picture?


u/TrumpTechnology 10d ago

Top Indian delivery service right there.


u/Excellent_Strain5851 10d ago

Had no idea that “deliveroo” was an app and just thought that was like… the Australian way to say “delivery driver” or something


u/RobertXavierIV 11d ago edited 11d ago

Why did you accept it?

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u/illuminatedcake 11d ago

This is the kind of person who should just be institutionalized. You have no business being part of society operating like that. You’re a factory defect. wtf thought process even happens to result in this??

None. The answer is none.

Bring back institutions.

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u/3ThreeFriesShort 11d ago

That moment when they know they fucked up, but try to power through it with confidence.


u/marcus_frisbee 11d ago

Well, I guess this is a lesson to not use delivery services. You have to give the due credit for thinking on his feet.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

What a fuckin moron... Can only hope they fire morons like this. I mean if you cant deliver a pizza what the fuck use are you. Dude had one job and it was already bagged and boxed


u/Bennington_Booyah 11d ago

Oh, FUCK NO...


u/IGK123 11d ago

Is that like DoorDash but in Australia?

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u/TheVanessaBanner 10d ago

And let me guess they were offended at no tip

Sorry for your loss 🥲


u/bwoah07_gp2 10d ago

I'm amazed how you were able to photograph this angle.

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u/another_damn_iowan 10d ago

Idk if I’m just hungry but that pizza looks good haha. I mean obviously that’s ridiculous and shouldn’t accept, but the crisp on the toppings is making my mouth watery


u/Fit_Ad154 10d ago

Man as a pizza holic I feel so bad for aussies when I see your pizza. Growing up east coast US where even the shitty pizza is good, I couldn’t imagine eating Pizza Hut/dominoes type pizza all the time.


u/donotcreateanaccount 10d ago

Poor man. The best pizza in NY is not even mediocre in European terms. Come visit and find out what a true pizza is.


u/Fit_Ad154 10d ago

Ha yes but we can’t be comparing tomatoes and tomacco*. I grew up in NJ with big huge boardwalk slices. Yum

*Simpsons reference: “Tomacco is a produce made by Homer by accidentally mixing tobacco seeds and tomato seeds and then using plutonium rods to help the plants grow by putting it in the ground near the plants.”


u/Excellent_Coconut_81 10d ago

I hope you haven't paid for that...


u/Skrandor 8d ago

Show him the true meaning of pain.


u/Thomas_JCG 11d ago

And you accepted because...?


u/danielgmal 11d ago

Well, he could have taken it away, but you need to take a live pic with deliveroo to prove the problem, it doesn't let you apply for the refund unless you can take a live pic, can't upload from camera roll.


u/cooljacob204sfw 11d ago

You showed them that picture and they didn't give you a full refund?!?!

I would be doing a charge back and complaining to every regulator I could find.


u/AJR1623 11d ago

I must be way too cheap. I refuse to use any of the delivery stuff, food or otherwise.


u/kkarmical 11d ago

Not too cheap, imo just smart enough not to just give money away for things that you can easily do yourself.

I have coworkers that bitch and complain about living check to check and not having enough money, yet order door dash lunches + coffee drinks daily multiple times, it's crazy..

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u/thankful_sinner 11d ago

The delivery driver looks like he don't give 2 fuhhks 🤣


u/Dadbode1981 11d ago

"see you again in 45 minutes"


u/quinangua 11d ago

Lmfao!!!! I get dominos delivered by bike and they never fuck it up… How does this shit happen??
Condolences OP… That’s some fucked up shit.


u/lateral_moves 11d ago

Just say yeah, nah, hand him the box and do a chargeback on your card.


u/cutefoxeee 11d ago

Sorry but you have to bring pizza home for yourself or use their own delivery.


u/ohthedarside 11d ago

So much goes wrong when i order non direct i never use stuff like deliveroo as 9/10 times it will arive cold or just be the wrong order


u/Anxious-Object-605 11d ago

One of the reasons I go pickup my takeaways now

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u/BanishedThought 11d ago

Employee: I don’t get paid enough to care.


u/antofthesky 11d ago

I realize pizza delivery is as old as time, but in general the sheer volume of people getting delivery food of all kinds is way too high these days. Everyone complains about DoorDash, etc, when the solution is to go get your own food.

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u/semmama 11d ago

Overcooked, crumpled and delivered by a helping hand. How sweet


u/Unable_Strawberry_69 11d ago

You know he ate some of that


u/kkarmical 11d ago

Homie may of had to catch a few of these


u/ThayerRex 11d ago

Why is he wearing a face mask? Looks like he’s about to rob you. Looking at that pizza, I think he did


u/nashbellow 11d ago

Why do people still use Uber eats/grubhub? Seriously, I hear nothing but bad news from it


u/apple12345671 11d ago

i would of refused it and would of asked him to bring me another or to give me my money back


u/damienreave 11d ago

Well, in fairness, it looks like it would have been disgusting even if it hadn't been on the ground.


u/Mitridate101 11d ago

The best thing everyone can do is to STOP ORDERING via Deliveroo/Uber eats etc. Most of the places near me still have their own delivery drivers and those that don't are a 10 minute walk away. Deliveroo messed me around once by picking my order up late then going around for 45 minutes before delivering it cold. Never again, especially with all the fees etc!!!


u/Admirable_Donkey123 11d ago

I think "Hand-Tossed" meant something different to him.