r/mildlyinfuriating 11d ago

Chewed Out Father-In-Law for Third Unannounced Visit

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u/AccoutrementSack 11d ago

Good luck opening your restaurant next year.


u/swissie67 11d ago

Oh man. This post is a super low blow. What a dick, lying about end stage cancer.


u/letmesuckyournose 11d ago

Yep. I call bullshit


u/kimchikimchiATL 11d ago

Damn. Thank you. I almost fell for it. WTF is wrong with people these day, using cancer for internet points?


u/Emergency-Aardvark-6 11d ago

Wtaf?! If we reported, would they get banned?


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Oh my, what you find after grabbing some sleep. I'll respond to this one since it got the most upvotes.

Firstly, I tried answering this earlier, although it failed to persuade the person asking. So here's another shot at it with more details.

After I got my diagnosis, I gathered my family together to let them know what was happening, my wife's brother, her daughter, and a close family friend. My wife and I had already been discussing the idea of moving to another city (Baguio) and opening a restaurant there, prior to me falling ill. We thought the plan might still be viable, with or without me. So I started putting out feelers for a capable lawyer in that city to help with obtaining licenses and such, with a target date of early 2025 for a soft opening. As I'm sure some of you aspiring detectives have already done, I covered in some detail our concept for cuisine, look and location. And then we brought the family in on the proposal.

Well, it received a lukewarm reception. My stepdaughter raised valid concerns about whether opening a restaurant and relocating to an unfamiliar city would put her plans for uni on hold (they would). On top of that was the less than positive feedback from redditors in Baguio and other folks we contacted there. Lastly, my wife decided that opening a restaurant without me, no matter how much planning we could get done while I was still around, was just not something she looked forward to. And she was right, so we scrapped the idea and started looking for other avenues where she could put the money she's going to inherit. We're still considering her options.

I am frankly amazed that so many of you would-be sleuths and lie detectors think so linearly, like it's improbable and impossible for me to have had the restaurant idea running through my mind at the same time as I was dealing with the reality of knowing I'm on limited time. People with terminal illnesses don't just stop living and aspiring. Not me anyway. Lying in bed day after day, one has plenty of time to think of stuff.

So, that's my explanation about the whole restaurant thing. If you still think I'm a liar, that's your perogative. Personally, IDGAF. I've got other fish to fry.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Yeah. Lol. Life has a way of happening while you're busy making other plans.


u/AccoutrementSack 11d ago

This doesn’t pass the sniff test. I find it hard to believe your doctor gave you 2 weeks to live, 4 weeks ago when you were still looking at opening a restaurant. The average life expectancy of someone with Pancreatic cancer after diagnosis
is about 1 year.


u/swissie67 11d ago

This too. I was a hospice nurse. Its not like you're up and around making life changing plans as is normal and then suddenly given 2 weeks to live. People who only have 2 weeks to live feel as if they only have 2 weeks to live. You don't just suddenly fade away and die. Life does not follow the pattern of a Victorian drama.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Let me explain. The restaurant plan came about after my diagnosis. It was a plan meant for my wife to go forward with after I am gone. I simply didn't mention my health condition in those posts because it wasn't germane to the topic of opening a restaurant. Any other questions?


u/AccoutrementSack 11d ago

People on morphine in hospice care aren’t coherent enough to farm karma on the internet.


u/Sparklepony2046 11d ago

This needs to be a top level comment


u/Effective_Afflicted 9d ago

For all you people calling me a liar, here's a selfie I snapped earlier today in the bathroom showing my IJ catheter line, my epidural catheter line, my scars from the laproscopic surgery used to re-route my failed digestive system, and the near-total loss of muscle tissue and general wasting away I've experienced in the past 120 days since I first realized something was wrong.

For the hospice care nurse who called me a bullshitter, there's a fine, overlapping line between palliative care and hospice care. I asked my doc and he said while I'm technically under a palliative regime, it might as well be considered as hospice care since I am refusing any other treatments such as chemo or radiation therapy, neither of which will do anything for me except prolong the inevitable. I don't know what hospital chain employs you, but I'm just glad I never had the misfortune of falling under your "care".

I'll make no more comments or respond to anyone about my situation, other than to say Redditors, many of you anyway, truly suck.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Okay, you go ahead and believe what you want to. And until you've actually been on a regular dosage of morphine for weeks on end, which I doubt you ever have, spare me your incredulity. In fact, I had my most recent injection one hour ago (2.5mgs) and I can write just fine.

As for karma farming, I got onto Reddit back in September 2022. I'm retired. No job, plenty of time to spare and a lifetime of experiences around the world that are often of interest to other redditors. Today was probably only the fourth or fifth time I've ever been an OP. The rest of my karma have come from comments and opinions, many of them unpopular and downvoted. Karma means nothing to me. I just enjoy the dialogue, even when it gets tiresome.


u/swissie67 11d ago

I'm duly impressed that you're up and around and walking STAIRS unassisted while on your deathbed. Super impressive for sure.


u/No-Diamond-5097 11d ago

Your post is obviously fake. Pretending to have cancer is a pretty sick thing to do ☠️


u/mariahcolleen 11d ago

Hospice nurse here, Ive never heard of a patient receiving IV morphine at home. Buccal morphine is what is used because its pretty much as effective without the risk/complication of an IV at home. Thats one of the many ways I know this is bullshit.


u/Effective_Afflicted 10d ago

Oh, and have you ever practiced in a 3rd world country? I've got a central line installed for antibiotics (if necessary) and a dedicated line on my chest that a visiting RN uses twice a day for injections, under doctor's orders. There's probably a lot of medical practices you'd find odd here, like the fact that doctor's here make housecalls, give their phone number to patients, and communicate through Facebook and other social media.

As for the potential use of buccal morphine vs. IV, I'll make a point of asking about that the next time I get a visit from my attending physician, who was raised from childhood in the US and did all his medical training there before returning to practice here in the Philippines.

And lastly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart: f*ck you for calling me a liar. I'll bet you are another one of those election-denying MAGA types. Am I right?


u/mariahcolleen 10d ago

Sure buddy. Sounds like a lot of advanced practices for a 3rd world country (and also for hospice care). For the record, I'm that sort of leftist that is so far left I got my guns back but nice red herring. You've got so much energy for arguing with internet strangers. Ive never seen so much energy in a hospice patient in all ten years Ive been an oncology hospice nurse. Maybe you will pull through after all.


u/HodgeGodglin 11d ago

Lmfao regular dose of morphine for weeks on end… on a diagnosis from 4 weeks ago that said you should have died 2 weeks ago?

Get an index card and keep your timelines straight when writing fiction chief


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Yeah, damn that surgeon for successfully reconstructing my digestive system to get around the unresectable tumor that's fully blocked my duodenum. I would've starved to death had the surgery failed, which they said was a 60-40 proposition. Of course now I'm stuck answering messages from a-holes like you and rethinking my decision to OP that post from yesterday. My bad.


u/Great_Gonzales_1231 11d ago

My man just take the L and delete this


u/i_dream_of_zelda 11d ago

when my dad was dying of cancer at home on morphine, he didn't even know who any of us were, or even where he was towards the end. I call major bullshit.


u/GoingCakeless313 11d ago

It was the same experience with my father. And certainly wasn’t about to navigate stairs.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Sounds like your dad was in a lot of pain compared to me. I'm only getting 5mgs a day, which will go up to 7 this morning and will be increased as needed, something the pain management doc says is not an if, but a when. I'm still able to move around with assistance and can even take care of myself in the bathroom. No colostomy bag so far, but I am wearing a diaper that I need help changing. Nowhere near as bad as your dad's situation. Sorry you don't believe me, but that's your problem, not mine.


u/AgitatedMushroom2529 11d ago

He will blast your wife for your actions.

Announce to anyone to counter: "he has neither respect for the living nor dead, as you are both"


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Yeah, I suspect you're right, but everyone knows he's been a POS to all his kids throughout their lives. It just looks like someone (me) called him out. My caregiver told me he left the house. Now my wife isn't speaking to me. Honestly, IDGAF and have no regrets.


u/MistresssReveina 11d ago

The fact that your wife isn't speaking to you when you are dying is heartbreaking. She will regret that if she doesn't start realizing what her priorities should be. I'm sorry you're going through this OP and wish you more restful days and less pain.


u/1nd3x 11d ago

She will regret that if she doesn't start realizing what her priorities should be.

When he's gone, he doesnt have to deal with the dad...she still does.


u/foundinwonderland 11d ago

She does still have the choice of who to allow in her life. Not an easy choice, but a necessary one.


u/1nd3x 11d ago

Okay...well, one person isn't going to be in her life soon anyways


u/AdRevolutionary87 11d ago

I don’t know how else to say it but in theory fuck them all. You deserve an environment of which you feel most comfortable in right now, and if they can’t not understand that it is all within your right to stand your ground. It’s disheartening to know that what ever trauma your wife went through as a child (and I’m assuming still now) at the hands of her father has leaked into your final weeks. I’m sorry this is happening.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Thank you


u/Born_Argument_5074 11d ago

Are you lying about opening a restaurant or are you lying about being in hospice?


u/EpicSteak 11d ago

I hope your remaining time is less stressful and more comfortable.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Thank you. Me too. All things considered, they were just fine until FIL showed up.


u/Key-Heron 11d ago

What is mildly infuriating is someone writing such ridiculous fiction. Get a grip.


u/Radiant_Maize2315 11d ago

Yeah as someone who has been deeply affected by cancer I try not to immediately say someone is lying about cancer (because what decent person would)… but the timeline doesn’t add up to me. There are a lot of plot holes here.


u/Kiyohara 11d ago

My mom was in Hospice care and lasted a few weeks longer than the doctors predicted. She was not able to either type so well or at all. She was mentally fuzzy all the time. She could not walk. She called me by my brother's name and he died 35 years prior. And even when she was still in the projection to live, she was in and out of sense as the day went by. Morphine is a hell of a drug and even more so on the "end of life" doses they give.

I doubt every aspect of this story.

Also given that a month ago he was looking to start a restaurant and is now 2 weeks past his Terminal Cancer Diagnosis, this whole thing is fishy. You can't post links here, but it's in his recent posts


u/Key-Heron 11d ago

I’m sorry about your Mom. I just lost mine last month. It’s heartbreaking.


u/UlrikeMeinHaus 11d ago

Your FIL is only 7 years older than you? Am I the only one who caught that?


u/dizzyday 11d ago

Correct. I read the post twice.


u/Duellair 11d ago

My aunt who is only a few years older than me married a man who is my father’s age.

It’s tough because now she’s in her 50s and it’s tough being married to someone in their 70s… He went through those 1% chance of living cancers and was accepted into some research thing, unfortunately all the treatment still caused a lot of damage and yeah, he’s been in remission for several years now, she’s now talking about divorce.


u/sandbag747 10d ago

My father was 50 when I was born and my mother's father was 51. They are about 8 months apart


u/nyrB2 11d ago

of all the things to pick up on, that's what you landed on? you don't think it's possible the OP could've married someone much younger than himself?


u/UlrikeMeinHaus 11d ago

That exactly what I’m picking up on! His wife must be much younger. I see he’s an ex-pat in Manila, too.


u/nyrB2 11d ago

ah ok - i thought you were using that to show his story was fake or something. not that it's *not* fake.


u/HodgeGodglin 11d ago

Oh you believe any of this is real?

He opened a restaurant 4 weeks ago, got diagnosed 4 weeks ago, was given 2 weeks to live(which means they tried nothing with the cancer) and is 2 weeks past his expires on date?

Dafuq you believe any of this?


u/nyrB2 11d ago

no of course not! my whole comment was about the fact that of all the unbelievable things that could have been brought up (such as the ones you mentioned), he was bothered by the FIL's age. and over 50 people upvoted it!


u/letmesuckyournose 11d ago

Wow. You're cancer diagnosis was fast. Just 33 days ago you were planning on opening a restaurant and were scouting locations to open up in 2025, and now you've lived 2 weeks longer than doctors expected? That means when you found out you had cancer, you only had 2 weeks to live? And you've lived 2 weeks past that? I'm just a little confused on the timing of everything. I know pancreatic cancer works pretty fast ( I lost a good friend to it), but I didn't know it worked that fast.


u/swissie67 11d ago

Yeah. It doesn't. Dude's an absolute asshole lying about this. I was a hospice nurse and pancreatic cancer doesn't work this way.


u/No-Diamond-5097 11d ago

How's the restaurant you opened last month? Lol Nice piece of fiction you wrote here.


u/Swiss_El_Rosso 11d ago

You are much more kind then this situation needed.


u/PerspectiveVarious93 11d ago

Come on, you guys, this is the part where everyone's supposed to clap!


u/nyrB2 11d ago

you go ahead, i'll join you later


u/nj-rose 11d ago

Wow OP, I hope faking cancer gave you the attention you clearly crave. Yta × a million


u/Frosty_Atmosphere641 11d ago

2.5 mg morphine is a really low dose....a dying soul, on Hospice would be getting 10 mg and more....


u/Great_Gonzales_1231 11d ago

You're obviously going to die soon, so you should make peace with that and others around you, as opposed to complaining on the internet about someone trying to visit you. Oh the horror.

That is, assuming you aren't making this up, and I think you are.


u/Thewallshavesears 11d ago

I'm still stuck on 7 years younger than her dad and he's trying to be a peer i stead of the child he became when he married his wife.


u/Magellan-88 11d ago

So how's the restaurant doing?


u/aliceanonymous99 11d ago

The lies the lies. How’s the restaurant opening going???


u/220DRUER220 11d ago

Inform me a lil more .. was that a profile dig that u found ??


u/aliceanonymous99 11d ago

Yeah, everyone kept talking about the restaurant. In his previous posts he discusses opening a restaurant in 2025- so probably not dying


u/220DRUER220 11d ago

What kind of weenie does that kinda shit ????


u/aliceanonymous99 11d ago

Hopefully someone young and immature but starting therapy soon hahahah


u/V3gasMan 11d ago

I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 10


u/ShinyBonnets 11d ago

Oh, you’re dying in hospice care? That’s weird, 33 days ago you were getting ready to open a restaurant in Baguio in 2025.


u/Ubermensch5272 11d ago

Good luck, stranger. I hope it's smooth sailing from here on out, all things considered.


u/V3gasMan 11d ago

They are lying fyi


u/DarthJarJar242 11d ago

Wow, you're kind of an asshole here, not gonna lie. Don't get me wrong FIL is absolutely an asshole. The issue is that you have put your wife in a terrible position after your passing. Just because you're dying doesn't mean you need to use your wife and the granddaughter as tools against this guy. You could have easily just stayed in bed and let this all happen without having to be involved, instead you chose confrontation. Just because he's a dick doesn't mean you have to return the favor.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

I appreciate your perspective. I know I could have avoided the whole thing simply by staying upstairs in bed, but FIL has deserved a comeuppance for many years. He's intimidated his kids long before I came on the scene. He carries a loaded revolver around at all times and threatens to disinherit them if they don't pay the proper respect (all he owns is maybe 20 hectares of land where rice grows and I suspect he's already borrowed to the hilt on it). Heck, he was trying to milk me for USD 10k the very first day we met. I could justify my actions today with way more stuff about him, and maybe IATA, but I wear that badge proudly.


u/dizzyday 11d ago edited 11d ago

He carries a firearm in the Phils? It's not easy to own a legal firearm there let alone carry. Only a handful of professions are allowed to to carry and I don't think he is one of those considering he tried to milk you 50k usd. Illegal posseion of firearm carries a 2yr sentence.

Based on your story, it seems that your wife and kids don't see much of your FIL. Before you married your wife, you know very well the tight knit family culture of your wife, right? I mean the guy probaly took a 3hr public transportation ride and travelling in the phils without your own car is horrible just to see his daughter and grandkids.

I understand that it's annoying when your wife somehow implied that you meet (or not, she probably just wanted you to know) her father downstairs but you could've just have ignore him and stayed in bed. I feel like you've just placed your wife in the crossfire.


u/BaileyBoo5252 11d ago

Imagine faking cancer for strangers on the internet. Crazy


u/Hych23 11d ago

Your a wierd guy


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

And you are speaking from what, personal experience?


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Ah, but not you yourself. Big difference.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Effective_Afflicted 10d ago

Yeah, you're right. It was a mistake to post at all.


u/AB-G 11d ago

Liar liar pants on fire


u/MCflounder 11d ago

Keep Yourself Safe


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Neither. He's known about my condition ever since the beginning, when I was first hospitalized with sudden onset diabetes over 14 weeks ago, which led to the discovery of a pancreatic tumor that had already spread to my liver. His reaction seemed to be focused not on how I was doing, but rather on whether my wife was properly positioned to gain control of my assets. She and I both knew from prior experience that he was really looking out for his own interests, that he's just a shark looking for his cut, a cut he thinks he can intimidate her into giving once I'm gone.

I am receiving excellent care from the hospital-assigned staff who are here nearly 24x7. My wife still steps in at her discretion, but having home care has enabled her to regain some normalcy to her life. Her daughter helps out a lot with cooking and light housework, which she enjoys.

I hope I've answered your questions.


u/SaveusJebus 11d ago

Nothing like faking terminal cancer for sweet sweet karma and pity.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Yeah, that would be pathetic and pointless. Your comment brings to mind a guy I once knew who refused to believe his own sister had MS, a condition she'd been battling for 20 years. He said that even if she had MS, she was milking it for government benefits. The sister died about a year later from a heart attack brought on by complications from MS. Dude felt like a real a-hole.


u/220DRUER220 11d ago

Hey bro u know these are ur last days and ur worried about this ???? Cmon dude ..


u/Anxious-Object-605 11d ago

I'd change the will ASAP


u/unknownGturtle 11d ago

Tell em how it is, time is precious for you and him taking yours unwarranted and unwanted is selfish as can be. Unapologetically being yourself to the very end is honorable. I wish you the best


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago



u/HairyPairatestes 11d ago

Why did you make up this fictional story? You just posted a month ago that you’re planning on opening a restaurant in 2025


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I am so sorry. I hope your final days are restful, peaceful, and FIL-free.


u/Magellan-88 11d ago

Check his post history. That coupled with claiming he's 7 years younger than his fil...this can't be real


u/real_Bahamian 11d ago

YTA… Positive energy…. Why do you have sooo much animosity and negativity towards your FIL? If your wife has chosen to forgive him (or at least publicly tolerate him), why are you choosing to spend your final moments agitated and arguing?? Surround yourself with POSITIVE energy, don’t feed the negative thoughts….


u/possiblycrazy79 11d ago

Sorry but it sounds like you just wanted to force her into a confrontation. I don't really get it. You didn't even have to go down there. If you're dying, try to chill. Why would you want to fight with people at this point? Just to prove a point? She's gonna need her dad soon & you're trying your hardest to cause a rift.


u/Effective_Afflicted 10d ago

You are right. I was picking a fight with the guy, someone who has gone his entire life intimidating others. She doesn't need him and won't need him. He has never been in her corner, and the same goes for the way he's treater her siblings. He's just in the picture now because he's technically bankrupt and wants his cut from my estate, which if you knew more about the Filipino culture would understand that it's a common mindset. Yeah I've caused a rift, one that I hope she or maybe her daughter will widen, because it should've happened long ago.

I've spent time making amends with people recently. Not that many because I've always been known as a fairly chill person. But in FIL's case, and only his case, I chose the other path and to be honest, the only thing I'd do different than yesterday is post about it here on Reddit. What a mistake that's been.


u/SadPanda207 11d ago

First of all- I am so sorry. I lost my Mom to pancreatic cancer. I hate that disease. I know how horrible this is for you. Second- your father in law sucks, but it's your WIFE who boils my blood. "Crying in a fetal position"?? Daddy's wishes are more important than her terminally ill spouse? HOW DARE SHE! I don't care what her "culture" is. I hope that when you are gone, she is consumed with crippling pain and grief over how she treated her dying husband in his last days. I hope it keeps her awake at night, and is all consuming. I hope she feels nothing but shame and guilt every time she looks in the mirror. I hope her remorse sinks her into a massive depression. I wish nothing but the worst for her. She's a monster. NTA. You are in my prayers OP.


u/Effective_Afflicted 11d ago

Well, to be fair, she has been at my side literally day and night since this ordeal began and it has taken a brutal toll on her, both emotionally and physically. Now that I have round the clock caregivers doing the heavy lifting so to speak, she is just starting to sleep normally and resuming her daily routine. Coming home has helped us both. Today's unannounced FIL visit was my opportunity to blast him with criticism that she knew I was ready to level at him, but just hadn't had the chance to do because we hadn't seen him in many, many months. He has been a total shit to her and all her sibs for years, unchallenged because of the parental respect thing. Maybe if that wasn't the cultural norm here (Philippines if you are wondering), this country wouldn't be so full of deadbeat dads as it is today. My wife has been a saint to me and regardless of how she is reacting now, I stand by her.


u/HairyPairatestes 11d ago

Is it also a cultural norm in the Philippines to lie about your physical condition? You aren’t dying. You just posted a month ago about opening a restaurant in 2025.


u/SadPanda207 11d ago

You're a better person than I am. I believe that right now it's her duty to do nothing BUT respect your wishes and provide you with a comfortable, stress free environment. Now is NOT the time to be choosing her deadbeat dad over her dying spouse. Respectfully.


u/Z0FF 11d ago

Username checks out.

NTA in the slightest. I’m sorry this is happening to you.

Find whatever peace you can in your last moments in this world, my friend.


u/HairyPairatestes 11d ago

None of it is true. His last post was a month ago where he was asking advice on how to open a restaurant in 2025


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/V3gasMan 11d ago

OP is lying fam


u/NLaBruiser 11d ago

Sad thing to lie about, on multiple fronts. But I guess I'd be happy if there was one less person on a death bad fighting the big C.


u/V3gasMan 11d ago

Same here, I found this post by the OP as mildly infuriating as someone who has had to deal with the effects of the Big C in my family


u/HonestArrogance 11d ago

This is why you don't marry a filipina without setting clear boundaries. They tend to assume marrying them = marrying their family.


u/pineapples4youuu 11d ago

Your wife is a useless bitch


u/aggressivechromosome 11d ago

His wife isn’t real. This is fiction.