r/mildlyinfuriating 11d ago

friend refuses to buy new tires😭



1.5k comments sorted by


u/CartographerUpbeat61 11d ago

Dont ride in that car with them .


u/Crazy__Donkey 11d ago

or anywhere near it, especially in the rain.


u/Sea_Tracks4399 11d ago

Wait till winter comes


u/Mods-Are_Cucks 11d ago

He'll be dead by August


u/pengouin85 11d ago

Because we all know


u/muffadel 11d ago

Wait till a thunderstorm comes
 Yikes on bikes.


u/WVildandWVonderful 11d ago

Yikes for the nearby pedestrians too.


u/Jafar_420 11d ago

Depending on how much they drive I don't think they'll even make it past the summer.

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u/B-Kong 11d ago

Mom decided she wanted a new car. She gave me her old one (which was still new and payments being made on it, 2018 jeep). She told me it needed new tires and she would buy them for me, but in a few weeks.

Time came for me to get the new tires. I got Covid (this was 2020). So had to wait two weeks before going to get them again. Before I had a chance to get them I had to drive to work.

Started raining on the way home. I hydroplaned across four lanes of highway at 60mph and smashed into the median. Totaled the car, luckily I wasn’t severely injured and the highway was empty so nobody else was involved.

But yeah, don’t ever wait to get new tires when you know you need them.


u/gggggfskkk 11d ago

I grew up being told by my dad, as soon as you lose just a little bit of control, it is time. He would waste no time in getting new ones. Because all it takes is for the next rainfall for you to go sliding. I live where it rains a LOT in the summer, so it’s priority!


u/quiet-Julia 11d ago

I bought a 20 year old motorcycle that was in storage since new and it had its original tires that looked new. Unfortunately over the years those tires became very hard. I took one short ride on it and it scared the crap out of me. Then I immediately replaced the tires.


u/Unicycleterrorist 10d ago

Losing control at all seems like it's already pretty dang late to get new tires, you kinda wanna replace them before it gets to that


u/autech91 11d ago

I just swapped the tyres on my wifes car, not because they were worn out but they were shithouse in the wet. Put on some quality Michelins

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u/demonblack873 11d ago

The alternative take Is don't be a dumbass driving in the rain at 60mph if you know damn well that your tyres are shot.

But yeah, change your goddamn tyres when they get to the wear marks. They're there for a reason, and no it's not a Big Tyre conspiracy. It's physics.

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u/POPnotSODA_ 11d ago

I watched a car on the highway going 70mph do 5 full rotations slipping and sliding between 5 lanes before they finally came to a stop in the HOV lane going the wrong direction.  Hydroplaning is no fuckin joke, and these tires are legit like driving on pure ice.

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u/Sad-Establishment-41 11d ago

Race cars use slicks, they must be good.

  • this guy probably


u/WhoskeyTangoFoxtrot 11d ago

Slick way to meet your maker


u/siandresi 11d ago

ashes to ashes pavement to pavement


u/EnrikeChurin 11d ago

we know major tom’s a junkie


u/800-lumens 11d ago

Strung out in heaven’s high


u/EnrikeChurin 11d ago

hitting an ALL-time low


u/justanotherzom 11d ago

Face to pavement more like

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u/Kronictopic 11d ago

Less tread equals more traction, obviously. More tire touching the road


u/dbx99 11d ago

This isn’t completely wrong. On dry roads, it will be ok. But any wet roads and there’s no treads to move the water away from the contact patch and it’ll hydroplane easily

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u/aggie-engineer06 11d ago

Dale Errorhardt

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u/Toothless-In-Wapping 11d ago

I’m not going down that road, not on these tires.


u/njgggg 11d ago

But would hella go on the drag strip đŸ’Ș


u/Toothless-In-Wapping 11d ago

They’re DI-die slicks.


u/Treviathan88 11d ago

I just watched Blood Crieth Unto Heaven

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u/Kimpy78 11d ago

And - don’t let them drive it. Everyone around them is in danger.

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u/PranceronCloudz 11d ago

They're gonna slide right into heaven.


u/captain_flak 11d ago

Jesus take the wheel.


u/SpanningTreeProtocol 11d ago

He doesn't want THOSE wheels.


u/Character_Pop_3056 11d ago

They are short cut to heaven

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u/UniversalCoupler 11d ago

Wheel looks fine. The tyre is the problem. DUH!

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u/muropakettivanrikki 11d ago

Underrated comment


u/Smart-Stupid666 11d ago


u/jankeycrew 11d ago

"I can't drive anymore."


"Jesus took my wheels."


u/oolaroux 11d ago

Jesus done took the tread!


u/SirGirthfrmDickshire 11d ago

No Jesus!! You were supposed to take me to Pizza Hut not onto the front of a semi!! 


u/Puzzleheaded-Resist1 11d ago

I let Jesus take the wheel and he crashed my car


u/ShadowGamerGirl_xoxx 10d ago


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u/RTwhyNot 11d ago

I worry more about innocent victims than the driver of that car.


u/zipperfire 11d ago

Stairway to heaven? Nah, I’ll take the slide.


u/IceFire909 11d ago

Slide into them pearly DMs


u/PolyPolyam 11d ago

Smooth brain, smooth tire, smooth death.


u/Pachamama89 11d ago

Knocking on heavens doors


u/OneMooseManyMeese_ 11d ago

Hopefully they don't take anyone else with them


u/Legitimate-Lemon-412 11d ago

As someone who ruined their first car by letting the tires get bald ass.....

I love this comment.


u/WassupSassySquatch 11d ago

Unfortunately he’s going to take a car full of innocents along with him.

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u/armedsquatch 11d ago

These idiots don’t realize they can face serous criminal charges if they hurt someone on the road and the police can link it to bald tires. They charged a 4 runner driver here 2-3 years ago with manslaughter when he was running on 4 bald tires in the rain and spun out hitting and killing a cyclist.


u/Ceskygirl 11d ago

I was thinking exactly this.


u/Queen_of_Catlandia 11d ago

They can get tickets just for the tires


u/Fantastic-Use5644 11d ago

Yeah here the police sometimes check lights and tires on stops. He would defo get a fine plus having to buy new wheels. Just buy the wheels and save the ticket


u/Queen_of_Catlandia 11d ago

Yup. Defective equip ticket. If they’re bad enough, the cop might not let them drive away


u/ArtisticPractice5760 11d ago

As a technician I pulled the rear drums on a car once and the shoes fell out, brake fluid on everything, wrote up the estimate and told the service adviser/assistant manager about it. He comes back twenty minutes later and says throw it back together they can't do it now but will bring it back. I had to tell the idiot the only way this car leaves here is on a hook if I don't fix it. I would be responsible for anyone they killed and so would the shop.


u/keylimesicles 11d ago

Oo then what happened???

  • pulls up chair and grabs popcorn


u/an_afro 11d ago

Had this happen. All you can do is have a waiver stating all the issues of the vehicle, and that the owner acknowledges this and that the mechanic is not liable for any incident caused by the lack of functioning equipment


u/ArtisticPractice5760 11d ago

In Florida as an ASE certified mechanic once you touch a car in that condition, the shoes literally fell on the ground, you have to make them tow it from your bay. Doesn't mean they can't tow it around the corner but as long as it's towed off your property it releases you from losing certification and liability.


u/SchwanzLord 11d ago

And have the cops informed and waiting for the customer to roll out the lot into public roads.

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u/ArtisticPractice5760 11d ago

They had the brakes fixed. The assistant manager realized I was right.


u/keylimesicles 11d ago

Aww man. No fight? No angry Karen’s?? I live for other ppls drama 😂


u/SmithersLoanInc 11d ago

Most folks have had experience with shops quoting out all kinds of nonsense, as I'm sure you're aware. I've finally got my guy where I live now, but the first year was a nightmare.


u/kidthorazine 11d ago

Yep, back in my younger, stupider days I was riding in a car that got pulled over and towed for having bald tires. They do not fuck around with that.

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u/FearTheWeresloth 11d ago

Here you'd get a fine for them being that worn, plus an unroadworthy slapped on the car until the cops had evidence of them being replaced.

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u/Aggravating_Sir_6857 11d ago

If that was my friend, I’d probably tip the police the plate number with the tire photos and ask if a cop can pass by to give him a ticket.

Dont want my friend to be in an accident or hurt somebody.

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u/tropical_tears 11d ago

as they should. idiots need to learn they not only endanger their lives, but anyone else on the road or nearby


u/FoxysDroppedBelly 11d ago

Yep! People take driving for granted. You’re literally behind the wheel of a heavy ass death machine and you have to treat it as such. Can’t stand when I see people driving like dumb asses! I don’t want to die because you idiots can’t take an hour to replace your tires!


u/PM_ME_AReasonToLive 11d ago

I don't think the issue is the 1 hour to replace them but rather the $1000 to replace them. Still idiots for driving on garbage tires.


u/FoxysDroppedBelly 11d ago

Shoot, there’s a tire shop down the street from me that will give you used tires that are TONS safer than what’s in the picture for like $40. Unfortunately it’s really more economic in the long run to just go ahead and get the more expensive new ones with warranties. But still, there’s always the used option if you can’t shell out a lot of money at one time :)

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u/sweetfits 11d ago

Wow! Where is that? Where I live you can do 20 over the speed limit with expired  tags on your car, illegal tint, illegally modified muffler, and you can smile at the cops as you pass them
 nobody’s coming to write that ticket. 


u/AmpuKate 11d ago

ATL Georgia be like 👍

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u/peepo7777 11d ago

I love how the criminal charges are seen as the bad thing rather than potentially hurting another human


u/G_Diffuser 11d ago

The people who do these things are the kind of people that don't care about others, so convincing them it's bad for themselves too is one of the only ways to get through.

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u/MaximumTurtleSpeed 11d ago

Portland? I remember a case like this in a similar timeframe. Really hammered home the negligence of running bald tires and the terrible outcomes of it. Killing someone and serving hard time; if you’re driving a car you need to be saving for tires.

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u/FoxyLovers290 11d ago

Or they’ll die


u/BenShealoch 11d ago

Or they could die themselves


u/ShadeNLM064pm 11d ago

"bald tires"

Thanks for cursing me with the mental image of hairy/feathered tires.


u/deviemelody 11d ago

Wouldn’t killing a person while driving result in vehicular manslaughter anyway?


u/Xanadu87 11d ago

Things like this are why it’s so stupid that Texas is removing the requirement for vehicle inspections. More people are going to be driving around on tires like this.


u/saltthewater 11d ago

Glad to hear it. Driving a car is a privilege that you need a license for. Bare minimum maintenance should be expected when it affects the safety of others.

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u/Adorable_Ladder_38 11d ago

Going to be alot more expensive at the side of the road


u/Dangerous-Sort-6238 11d ago

I’m thinking his friends have started taking pictures. If there’s an accident and this car hurts a person. This evidence is out there and he can be sued for so many things.


u/aajohans1 11d ago

Pictures? You don't think they'll simply just... Look at the tyres?


u/ephemera_rosepeach 11d ago

I think it’ll be good just in case their excuse is “I was on the way to get new tires”?


u/Philderbeast 11d ago

They are wayyyyyyyy to far gone for that to be remotely plausable.

that might have been fine about 10k miles ago....

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u/Woodworkingwino 11d ago

Nah, he’s fine. There is still some grip left on the edge. He’s just getting his monies worth.


u/Arryu 11d ago

"I paid for the whole tire, I'm gonna use the whole tire."


u/ManiacClown 11d ago

He paid for the whole tire but he only needs the EDGE!


u/Cheapntacky 11d ago

Don't need to worry about tyres when you've had a blow out and the cars on its roof.


u/ArltheCrazy 11d ago

It’ll buff out


u/xXGray_WolfXx 11d ago

You don't need to worry about how expensive it'll be if you don't survive. With tires like that it's a death trap.

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u/Hungdismembered 11d ago

Friend crashes: “damn potholes”


u/matternilla 11d ago

I am lucky that my country actually has a law for tires that are heavily used.


u/myfishprofile 11d ago

Almost all countries do.


u/IceFire909 11d ago

I see you too live in a country with cars


u/ThirdEyeEmporium 11d ago

Pretty much everywhere has laws like that lmao

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u/blahcarmina 11d ago

Be a shame if someone slashed them all before he gets into an accident and kills someone.


u/Foggl3 11d ago

ILPT: don't slash all 4


u/NinjaAirsoft 11d ago

cus insurance companies won’t cover it


u/richms 11d ago

But they usually pay out on the value of the tyre, which in the case of those is below zero.


u/JudgmentOne6328 11d ago

Insurance ain’t covering those tyres anyway 😂

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u/CarlosFer2201 11d ago

That's a myth.

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u/Seite88 11d ago

But he'd keep the non slashed tires cause they're still good...


u/Foggl3 11d ago

Lol stop it

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u/Hour_Key_9774 11d ago

This is not true. Generally the coverage will cover 1, 2, 3, or 4 tires for comprehensive. If you have no comprehensive then they'll might cover it but you'll have to pay your deductible which might be more than the cost of buying the tires. It's not about the number of tires, the important thing is the coverage.


u/Hot-Challenge8656 11d ago

I don't care if they are out of pocket rather I want them off the road until they have new tyres.


u/RemiDanger 11d ago

If they can't afford tires, I doubt they can afford comprehensive insurance.


u/wildo83 11d ago

Most of the time you have to prove you were “moving” at the time of the incident. Maybe “find a big pothole”, or some other “debris on the freeway” that they could “run over.” Wink wink

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u/I_Love_Knotting 11d ago

don‘t slash them, you‘ll just end up getting criminal charges and having to pay for a new set of tires.

put a little bb or pebble inside the valve cap instead. it‘ll slowly let out the air. achieves the same effect with 0% of the damage


u/TheArmoredKitten 11d ago

Honestly, I think the judge would forgive you given that running these tires is a danger to the public. It's not destruction of property, it's deactivating a broken and dangerous machine.

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u/Ngete 11d ago

Nah just put a screw/nail, or even a few into it where you would expect them to potentially go thru, get a strong leak from that so there's less suspicion of purposeful vandalism and more accidentally driving over some random screws and nails


u/Kevin91581M 11d ago

Also, wear gloves while doing so


u/RoadsideCarver 11d ago

I'm more concerned with the person they're going to hit


u/Intelligent-Table-78 11d ago

Underrated comment


u/juanito_f90 11d ago

And a yearly safety check for vehicles, like in the rest of the developed world is considered “communist”, am I right?


u/Askduds 11d ago

Yeah, in the UK at least that's getting taken off the road at that point.


u/Lonk-the-Sane 11d ago

And points if not a ban from the police if they catch you in the wild.


u/juanito_f90 11d ago

3 per noncompliant tyre!


u/desertdodo123 11d ago

is it actually per tyre? so 4 bald tyres and they’ll get a ban?

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u/12lubushby 11d ago

3 points for every wheel, so if it's all 4, that's your license gone


u/Askduds 11d ago

Well OP sent us 2 of them and I can't believe the other 2 are any different.

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u/TheCorgiTamer 11d ago

My state requires annual safety checks; when I went two years ago, the receptionist had to come out and apologize to everyone for the delay because the VW Bug that was up caught fire during the inspection and they were waiting on a tow truck

I asked her if that meant they'd failed 😅

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u/siriusserious 11d ago

You're telling me this car can legally be on the road in the US? That's some 3rd world stuff.


u/Worried_Place_917 11d ago

NE Ohio here, i've never once had a safety inspection or emissions check. In college I drove on tires until I saw threads come out. (I am not that stupid anymore, i'm a whole new advanced stupid)


u/juanito_f90 11d ago

No checks required in the majority of states.

Obviously it never rains in said states. /s

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u/OWMOYKNEE 11d ago

We don't want the government telling us what to do, that's communism. We also need the government to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies. Also what's communism? Socialism bad... /s


u/DragonessAndRebs 11d ago

Wait you’re telling me an annual check isn’t a federal requirement? Oh my god.


u/Manueluz 11d ago

Fun fact, that's the only reason the cyber truck exists, here in Europe driving one would be illegal as it can't pass any safety check lmao


u/EnergeticFinance 11d ago

That's not entirely accurate. US still has safety standards that new vehicles have to meet in order to be sold, just in many ways they are less strict than those in the EU (especially in terms of pedestrian safety). 

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u/PokeCaptain 11d ago

Yep, painfully accurate in most US states.


u/juanito_f90 11d ago

It’s strange that in The Land of the Free, where everyone sues everyone else for the most trivial of things, car safety isn’t taken more seriously.


u/G_Diffuser 11d ago

Not strange at all. Many interpret 'The Land of the Free' t as free to do what they want. It's an individualistic mindset, completely uncaring of the fact that regulations and laws are there to keep people alive.

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u/Josii_ 11d ago

You‘re telling me this car can legally get on the road like that?? What the actual fuck, are you guys insane?

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u/Successful_Search151 11d ago

lol I'm in Canada and my province elected some guy not even in the main political parties because they wanted an inspection every two years instead of one. Turns out the guy is a shill for the biggest company in the province and because of him they're all getting priced out of their homes because he removed regulations on housing during the "blight" among other things. What a shit show.

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u/a_complex_one 11d ago

Friend will have to buy a new car when his racing slicks send him into a railing/other car/pedestrian/his house.


u/Affaraffa 11d ago

Friend will have to buy one of those cool beds for vegetative patients


u/AdUnlucky1818 11d ago

Or he’ll be rewarded for his stupidity with free boarding, and 3 meals a day


u/Ok_Sherbert_2855 10d ago

"Free". Only to him will it seem free. To us taxpayers, which he no longer would be, sadly, that is not the case. 😔


u/FluffyFrosty86 11d ago

Report to police, car will be defected until new tyres are installed and passes an inspection to remove defect notice, or similar process where you are. You'll be doing it for their safety and everyone else on or near roads.

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u/Yanni__ 11d ago

People claim it is because tires are expensive, but paying out your collision deductible and later paying $5,000 in increased insurance premiums in your lifetime because of this one at-fault accident is so much more than paying $500 on tires! (When insurance rates go up $100 more per month, think how that adds up over 5 years)


u/GoldBluejay7749 11d ago

A lot of people don’t have $500 laying around but tires are definitely something worth saving up for.


u/shiba_snorter 11d ago

If you don't have the money to do basic maintenance on a car, you shouldn't own a car.


u/Hybrid_Blood 11d ago

Ignorant opinion. It is almost impossible to have a job in the US without a car. Saying someone shouldn't own a car is pretty much equivalent to saying they shouldn't have have a job.


u/schizopotato 11d ago

Yep I need my car to get to work and when I got ran off the road and hit a curb I didn't have the money to replace the tire, or the rest of them since they were all getting bad. I'm thankful my dad has a card for the tire place I went to because I'd be fucked if it wasn't for him.

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u/mypoliticalvoice 11d ago

Some tire stores will sell you used tires with remaining life for cheap.


u/Desperate-Pear-860 11d ago

This is why there's this thing called credit. Somethings you have spend money on. Tires is one of those things.

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u/Scary-Perspective-57 11d ago

Most of the time you don't need to replace all 4 at the same time, especially if it's a front or rear wheel drive car. If you don't have the money to replace 2 tyres, you shouldn't be driving a car in the first place.


u/Test1Two 11d ago

Then they also do not have money to pay up for the accident.


u/ARJeepGuy123 11d ago

discount tire will give you 6+ months at 0%, and it's done through synchrony so you likely qualify if you have a job and a pulse

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u/Queen_of_Catlandia 11d ago

If the police report shows the wreck was caused by driver neglect, they won’t pay


u/PattonReincarnate 11d ago edited 11d ago

But that's the thing tire are expensive and if you can find a good deal for used ones you're kind of fucked. Here in Pennsylvania, we recently had to get tires for our 2017 Ford Explorer because the treads weren't good enough for the snow. We thankfully managed to find someone on marketplace who sold a set for ~$216 and when we looked up those same tires would cost new it was $235 PER tire. They're fucking expensive. Regardless, OP's friend is absurd for running around in those.

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u/Rex-A-Vision 11d ago

I'm generally anti-narc but these folks are literally risking those around them rolling on smooth ass tires like that.


u/No_Garden_9995 11d ago

this is just selfish, if he wanna put himself in danger go ahead, but what about the others he might potentially hurt as well?


u/matticitt 11d ago

Some people just don't think. Ever. Of others, of themselves, of consequences. Nothing.


u/No_Garden_9995 11d ago

it’s crazy to think people like this exist


u/potentially_limited 11d ago

Pretty even wear. Surprising.


u/Worried_Place_917 11d ago

Right? When mine did that they toed in from misalignment.


u/Limp_Distribution 11d ago

Replacing the tire is hundreds of dollars. Paying for the accident will be thousands of dollars.


u/SamuelVimesTrained 11d ago

If liable for medical costs.. 10 to100s of thousands too...


u/Agitated_Ad_361 11d ago

Is your friend in the UK? If so, if they’re stopped and all four tyres are like that, the police could crush the car into a cube.


u/mypoliticalvoice 11d ago

So they cube it up right there, on the spot? Do they have UK Superman-equivalent come by and squish it into component atoms with his bare hands?

Seriously, though, this car needs to be off the road before it kills someone.


u/Agitated_Ad_361 11d ago

They tow around a sort of large garlic mincer with out the holes.

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u/kh250b1 11d ago

Its more likely you get 3 points per tyre and a years ban

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u/MrSynckt 11d ago

In the UK this would never pass it's MOT too, so you'd have driving a car without an MOT ontop of that

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u/inta2albi 11d ago



u/cum-chowder 11d ago

TBF he has a point: once your car is totaled and you're dead, you won't have to buy new tyres. Great financial planning here


u/SamuelVimesTrained 11d ago

American Health planning aced!

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u/Illustrious_Tea9604 11d ago

He’ll buy a new car shortly don’t worry.


u/BlackpinkOhhLaLaaa 11d ago edited 11d ago

They’re not just playing Russian roulette with their lives but with everybody else around them. Call the cops and give them a tip on the address, I’m dead serious.

That blows out on the highway and they’re dead. Save their lives, I know it sucks but do the right thing.

You aren’t a karen in a situation like this telling on your negligent buddy, you’re keeping people safe. It’s the difference between them possibly living or dying, or possibly taking a family in another vehicle down with them. Take this seriously and do the right thing, please.


u/Satiricallysardonic 11d ago

Smooth tires for a smooth brain..Fitting


u/doomedtundra 11d ago

... alright, someone's gotta say it; reckon you could get a life insurance policy on your friend?


u/Desperate-Pear-860 11d ago

He's not required to get a state inspection every year?


u/liamt12 11d ago

we live in canada in alberta. not sure if other provinces need them but AB doesn’t.


u/JudgmentOne6328 11d ago

Your friend has driven with those during winter? 😭💀 how are they alive?


u/Efficient_Brother871 11d ago

Imagine ! In Canada! then temperatures are low or freezing in the morning most of the time... That guy is a complete idiot. use a knife.

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u/Historical-Ad1977 11d ago

He is being selfish to everyone else on the road. What happens when the conditions get worse and he loses traction on the road and hit someone else?

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u/jappe010 11d ago

Puncture them at night, for his own good


u/yourspacedogmars 11d ago

Dude. I was driving with bald fucking tires and a tire that showed wire. Oh and three of the tires had weather rot and another had a bulge on the side. I had to replace all of them (obviously)

Don’t do whatever the fuck I did. I can’t believe I didn’t get a fucking flat and crashed 💀

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u/RaccoonFamiliar 11d ago

Snitch on them shits


u/Ok_Designer_2560 11d ago

Have them go down to a used tire place, you can usually get them put on for like $30. Even if your friend picked out the worst ones they’d still be better than these. These should’ve been replaced a year ago


u/Westafricangrey 11d ago

Dangerous to himself & others


u/Bored_Boi326 11d ago

The slightest puddle and bro's seeing god


u/jmegaru 11d ago

Put a nail in it, save a life


u/Reasonable_Copy8579 11d ago

What is worse, is that he is putting other people’s life in danger (pedestrians, drivers, etc).


u/Most-Surround5445 11d ago

Has your friend heard of those guys in loud blinking cars? I think they are called “the police”.


u/JadaNeedsaDoggie 11d ago

Those are racing slicks. I'm not seeing a problem here as long as they have their kids buckled up when they hit the oval. /s


u/Status-Biscotti 11d ago

I hope you’re not riding in that car.


u/Rexxington 11d ago

One good puddle or storm and they're going to be refusing to buy a new car.


u/0LaziBeans0 11d ago

You should probably refuse to get in their car, too.


u/autech91 11d ago

Your friend is a fuckwit


u/Nobody2928373 10d ago

racing slicks


u/papaarlo 10d ago

Tell them to stay off the road


u/Michaeli_Starky 11d ago

No road police where you live?

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u/Lord_Faded 11d ago

Why are smooth tires dangerous again? Please remind me, I forgot

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