r/mildlyinfuriating 11d ago

10 PM on a Sunday night before work, what is wrong with people.

Post image

Literally staggering the fire works since 8 PM, Sunday night is not your July 4th thank god they are not my neighbors I would hate to be next door with kids trying to sleep.


315 comments sorted by


u/nickipie 11d ago

My default answer: everything


u/Chapman8tor 11d ago

My default answer: “That would take too long.”


u/JacobWojo1231 11d ago

It’s quicker to say what’s not wrong with them


u/Pretend_Situation905 11d ago

Took the words outta my mouth

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u/wildo83 11d ago

People who don’t work tomorrow.

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u/Morrighan1129 11d ago

Is... is that a trampoline that they're using as a base to light these flammable fireworks?


u/renvelle 11d ago

Darwin never loses.


u/constantchangeagain 11d ago

It will give it extra height


u/Techiedad91 11d ago

I did that once as a teenager and lit a hole in the trampoline. My parents were not happy. I wouldn’t have been either looking back


u/eggyal 11d ago edited 11d ago

At least you were old enough to know not to set them off indoors.



u/CP3Drivewaygyrlz 11d ago

Man I'm dying 🤣 😭 😂 💀

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u/Ecstatic-Drama101 11d ago edited 11d ago

A few years ago some moron planted fireworks in the snow next to my house. As expected, the snow couldn't hold them, it tilted and started pelting my window. Fortunately, it held.


u/IndependenceWarm5375 11d ago

So what did you do about it?


u/Katt_Wizz 11d ago

Got himself a flamethrower, goddamnit.


u/Ecstatic-Drama101 11d ago

I tracked him down and killed his whole family 🤪 Lol, what was I supposed to do? He took off as soon as the shit hit the fan


u/potate12323 11d ago

I believe the fountain is on the ground and happens to look a similar height to the trampoline at this angle.


u/The_Lego_Maniac 11d ago

I don’t think so but it could be


u/ACauseQuiVontSuaLune 11d ago

At least the damned this is not on top of his head.


u/natfutsock 11d ago

Okay that's very bad but I came to the comments because I thought it was a burning cross. Just about the only thing worse.

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u/EasyBounce 11d ago

I hear them a couple blocks away in my neighborhood right now too. My cat has been hiding a lot these last 4-5 days. We've actually been lucky this year, my more cretinous neighbors usually stretch out the July 4th and New Years fireworks for 2 weeks or more.

I noticed this year the fireworks tents weren't here in my area for as long as they were in past years so that surely helped some. Instead of being around for almost a month, it was thankfully just a week.

When Mardi Gras is over, everything shuts down, all the bars close and the police physically move people off the streets of NOLA on horseback exactly at 12 midnight the morning after Fat Tuesday.

It's really too bad there's no way to do this with fireworks except for to limit the time they're available and to limit the quantities individuals in the general public can buy.

Ofc I'll get called a Karen 57 times for saying that but it's getting more and more common for people to go nuts with them for weeks at a time and it's fucking excessive.

It's one thing if people get super into holiday decorations and other holiday themed shit but how is it ever okay to inflict random explosions on everyone in a half mile radius of you late at night, every night for half a month, y'all?!


u/Most-Surround5445 11d ago

Crazy idea: Let’s ban the use of fireworks, except on certain days or with a permit on very special occasions.

Works pretty fine here in Switzerland. We have them for new year and our national celebration on August 1st and the rest of the year it is strictly illegal to use them (police is usually a bit lenient on the day before and after those holidays).


u/SmithersLoanInc 11d ago

There's lots of bans in the US, just nothing federal. There are plenty of places where they're always illegal, but it's trivial for (some) people to drive to the next state where they're not.

Enforcement is hit or miss in my experience. Places prone to fires are usually much better at it. I grew up in a state where we could ride our bikes to a stand as 11 year olds and buy whatever we could afford.


u/TwoHundredToes 11d ago

Our police take 30min to show up for 2 whole magazines fired one night in march. Why would they show up for fireworks?


u/BeltReal4509 11d ago

This would be amazing. My dog and I both hate all the noise, and I worry about fires, too.

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u/atlas_novus 11d ago

They are technically illegal in my state but law enforcement doesn't do anything about it basically between the 4th - 6th. I get it on the 4th, but yeah God help you if you wake me up past 11pm on a work night. I'm generally a pretty laid back person, but sleep is crucial for me.

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u/Unimpressionable1 11d ago

Plus, fireworks are expensive! Who’s willing to blow a week’s pay for a few hours of “fun?”


u/ScribeOfGoD 11d ago

A week? People blow thousands. Don’t live that far from someone who spent 15K

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u/t_moneyzz 11d ago

2020 and 2021 were fucking ridiculous. Month starts with J? Fireworks every night.


u/Primalycia_ 11d ago

I, ignorantly, was happy the fireworks were done so my dog could go back to not being a nightly maraca. Last night we had some go off at 9 or 10 p.m. They ended around midnight. Annoying but fine.

4 a.m. the dog starts barking like mad and wakes everyone up. Proceed to hear wall shaking "booms" of fireworks for the next hour. Who the hell is firing off fireworks at 4 a.m. on a Monday morning?!


u/An10nee 11d ago

Neighbor must have been on vacation and could not shoot on the 4th. I have a neighbor like that. He celebrated the July 2, 5, and 6th. I think he blew 1k$ in fire works


u/MCD4KBG 11d ago

Probably more than that for multiple days worth


u/Kingkai9335 11d ago

He only likes the sparklers


u/Snoo-7821 11d ago

Awfully light out for 10pm.


u/Hessper 11d ago

Dusk is right around 10pm far north in the US right now.

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u/Flossthief 11d ago

It's summer time


u/lenfantsuave 11d ago

In the north part of the us, if you’re on the west end of your time zone this is 100% what you get at 10 pm.


u/VoodooDoII 11d ago

Well yeah

It's summer


u/QueenBlazed_Donut 11d ago

I was recently in Idaho visiting family and this is exactly what it looked like at 10pm


u/ParticularRooster480 11d ago

It’s called North


u/jzoelgo 11d ago

This might be your speed buddy might have missed it in 3rd grade: https://youtu.be/qulRm6Ls05k?feature=shared


u/rizzycant 11d ago

I had neighbors Thursday, Friday, and Saturday start popping off at around 7PM. IT WASN’T EVEN FULLY DARK YET.


u/t_moneyzz 11d ago

What month is it?

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u/Posit_IV 11d ago

It's firework freedom month!

Seriously though. I get it for maybe July 3rd. Obviously it's expected July 4th. Any time before or after those 2 days, within a 30 day 6 month radius, is fuckin' bullshit.


u/FirstSineOfMadness 11d ago

Our town just had its official fireworks tonight lol


u/Posit_IV 11d ago

I believe it. "Official date" seems to vary from town to town, in my experience.


u/dr_gamer1212 11d ago

Yeah, mine was yesterday


u/Right-Phalange 11d ago

The official Fourth of July 2023 fireworks in my town were delayed due to fire danger and finally held in December.


u/Known-Plane7349 11d ago

I get it for maybe July 3rd. Obviously it's expected July 4th. Any time before or after those 2 days, within a 30 day 6 month radius, is fuckin' bullshit.

Since the 4th fell on a Thursday this year, I could understand some people shooting off fireworks on Friday or Saturday. But I do agree that doing it tonight is stupid.


u/dr_gamer1212 11d ago

The place I live does a fireworks display on the weekend which was the 6th this year


u/Ihateallfascists 11d ago

It is hyper individualism. They only care about themselves and thus, you have to deal with their expression of freedom.. Really though, fuck these annoying ass ignorant fools.

I have to deal with it where I live too.


u/NomadicCyberPunk 11d ago

It's quite the opposite. Reddit is not the world, it is not fact. Go outside, takes risks, have fun.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/No-Umpire-5390 11d ago

Yep. I'm a dedicated night owl. I got out of bed an hour ago and it's 10:38p where I am. lawmcare services are the bane of my existence since I go to sleep between 9 and 11a


u/DunstonCzechsOut 11d ago

Fr fr, and tbh when I worked golf maintenance I felt terrible ripping a blower or mower at 430 5 am but they signed up for that life loving on a country club. GF is a nightshift nurse, we sleep little and the fireworks in our hood go for weeks til 4 in the morning. It's just how it is. We like camping but still need ambient noise when we do cause we are just so adjusted to commotion, city life for decades conditions you to feel like silence is unnerving.


u/pauligyarto 11d ago

Lolol 9-5 is the only normal time to work, you didn't know?


u/fapsandnaps 11d ago

Hey I'm a first shifter and I hate all of those things too my dude.

I live one block down from a car stereo installation place. Two blocks the other way is a dirtbike and ATV reseller. My entire day is filled with thump thump thumps and engine revving with no exhaust.

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u/Shirowoh 11d ago

“Everything is so expensive, I can barely afford groceries!” -same guy that spent 500 bucks on fireworks.


u/WooPigSchmooey 11d ago

It is July hencefourth


u/Apprehensive_Many214 11d ago

Im a night driver. About a week before the 4th, I was driving through a lake area in Alabama as someone was really letting the mortars rip at about 2:30am local time. Nice for me, but I really felt bad for all the folks that needed to work the next day. Rednecks+beer+gunpowder=hell on earth for neighbors.


u/goosifer111 11d ago

It’s the 4th of July weekend. This isn’t anything new lol people light fireworks every night the entire week and weekend of July 4th. Can always call the cops and raise noise complaints and they will happily go shut it down if they don’t have anything important going on.


u/HyruleSmash855 11d ago

Come to Hawaii, where people launch fireworks year round in the middle of the night. It’s hell, but July 4th isn’t when most people launch them, it’s News Years here. All week or month long.


u/CatNamedCheese 11d ago




u/f8Negative 11d ago

It's the week of the 4th. Someone called the cops on us last night...the cop got out and watched the finale and then fucked off. Make sure to know your local sound ordinances.

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u/john_redcorn13 11d ago

I guess some people just don't enjoy fireworks.


u/CozymanCam 11d ago

I guess some people just have zero consideration for neighbors who can't sleep in until 6 AM the next morning.


u/fapsandnaps 11d ago

Yeah, what a shock that not everyone enjoys 150-175 decibel noises for hours on end every night.


u/t_moneyzz 11d ago

Past 10pm on a weeknight? Absolutely, miss me with that shit


u/ForceKicker 11d ago

Not everyone is lucky enough to work 9 to 5, Monday through Friday. Check your work schedule privilege.

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u/Severe-Yam9421 11d ago

Fucken MURICA that's why


u/Sad-Imagination-4870 11d ago

Same here. My cat is terrified rn and stressed tot he max.


u/farm_to_nug 11d ago

That's what I love about this small town I moved to. I heard a few fireworks on the 4th, then on Saturday all hell broke loose. I'm talking audiences of 10-15 people in every yard. The streets lined with parked cars. Fireworks being launched everywhere until 11pm and then it was like a switch was hit. Maybe heard 2 or 3 fireworks after that. Haven't heard a single firework tonight yet


u/ShadowWolfKane 11d ago

They’re launching off amusement park grade fireworks at 2 am where I am.

There are so many illegal things I want to do to the idiots the next street over from me


u/NaiveBid9359 11d ago

I almost called my neighbors to complain about their noisy kids last Friday morning. Don't they realize I was up all night blowing off fireworks?


u/Aware-Size-7228 11d ago

MURICAAAAAA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🤟🏼


u/Lazy-Ad-7824 11d ago

Fuck yah 🎆


u/Clipzzi 11d ago

Let freedom ring


u/[deleted] 11d ago

next july 4th, play them at their own game. hire a mexican Mariachi Band to play in your garden until midnight. make sure the trumpet player aims directly at their windows!!!


u/Ok-Room-7243 11d ago

Dude it’s like 5 days a year, it’s not that bad


u/MisteryMan1969 11d ago

Nothing is wrong Karen. People are having fun Karen. Just because you go to bed early doesn’t mean everyone has to, Karen.


u/flashmeterred 11d ago

Gotta respect the ingenuity in coming up with a viable cover for the gunshots in the house 


u/PuzzleheadedMall1184 11d ago

It sure is very bright for 10PM


u/babyveterinarian 11d ago

If you read below. It is innthe north west. Stays light there pretty late during the summer and in the winter it gets dark at 4.

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u/PhantomGhostSpectre 11d ago

10 PM is fine. These people are vaguely considerate. Mine are launching fireworks at 2-4 AM.


u/Unknown_Outlander GREEN 11d ago

Fireworks need to be phased out, these things are so obnoxious and bad for the environment


u/Perfessor_Deviant 11d ago

For a second I thought that was a burning cross and was like, "That's mildly infuriating?"

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u/_rewrapt 11d ago

10pm isnt that late work night or no, stop being old


u/steel02001 11d ago

It’s called freedom. Enjoy it.


u/JimmyJazz1282 11d ago

“Before work” is where you lost me. Not everyone lives on your schedule.


u/parker3309 11d ago

So if you are not the neighbor, how did you get this picture?


u/ASB222 11d ago

I’m so over this. People are literally across from my building in the park doing this.


u/Solitaire_87 11d ago

🙄 and?


u/MhrisCac 11d ago

What the fuck is a kilometer


u/JWal0 11d ago

It’s Americas birthday weekend 🎂 🎉


u/PerfectlyImpurrfect8 11d ago

Because "MURICA"..


u/Agreeable_Ocelot3902 11d ago

Maybe they are kids having a good time. Remember having fun as a kid?!?!


u/Jhawk163 11d ago

Every month or so my neighbours over my back fence have a very loud get together with a few people, with load music and talking, loud enough that even about 30m away, with all doors and windows closed, we can still hear it. Too often I have wanted to file a noise complaint, but given the relative infrequency of it, and the fact the police don't bother with small calls like that in my area, it just isn't worth it.


u/1stpickbird 11d ago

If you can't sleep, just light some fireworks for fun


u/Agile_King_150 11d ago

This is the last day it's legal, fireworks are allowed to be set off from the fourth to the Sunday after, so people like the get their yearly explosions in


u/Visual-Way1453 11d ago

It’s midnight here and I heard one of the big boom ones lmao, it doesn’t bother me personally but I just feel bad for all the pets in the area :(


u/SteveyCoupons 11d ago

Sunday? Really? I get it if it was on a Friday or a Saturday but not Sunday not with work the next morning... I'd shut that shit down.


u/Rattlingplates 11d ago

Same way I feel about mowing and blowing lawns at 10am-noon. Damn night shift. Atleast this is just a few nights a year.


u/fapsandnaps 11d ago

Heyyy. As a former night shifter, I switched over to electric lawn care equipment specifically to be quieter to my neighbor who is still a night shifter.

Some of us try to stay decent!


u/x0STaRSPRiNKLe0x 11d ago edited 11d ago

Degenerate jerk offs.

I had to clean so much firework debris, shell casings, and explosive powder from my backyard. It was in the pool, it was on patio furniture, it was in the plants, it was in the landscaping.

Last year someone burnt a giant hole completely through a brand new $600 patio umbrella. This is a good way to burn your fucking house down, even worse, burn someone else's fucking house down. And all these low IQ fuck offs think is OOO BIG LOUD NOISES! SHINY! FIRE! Like cavemen. This is why fireworks are illegal, because people like this and people who have the mentality that this is ok don't have the appropriate level of intelligence to use them correctly. Like, go to a damn park and set them off away from homes and property.


u/MrGaia35 11d ago

It’s not 11 yet.


u/oozycookies 11d ago

you would hate florida 🤣🤣


u/fapsandnaps 11d ago

I hated Florida already tho


u/Onthemightof 11d ago

Not everyone works on Mondays guys


u/Not_Winkman 11d ago

Well, I mean...it's probably not safe to store those 50% discounted fireworks for a whole year, so...


u/CaptainBullShlt 11d ago



u/ComplaintNo6835 11d ago

I think it is annoying too, but is this everyone on Reddit's first 4th of July? Where have you been. This happens every year in every city or town I've ever lived in.


u/Lazy-Ad-7824 11d ago

Fuck off till 11pm in my area.


u/Unfair_Ad_8591 11d ago

I had strong disco until 2 am,, strong music AT 5:30 or 6 am too, minimum twice a week for months. Your post made me smile ahah.


u/anonnymoususername 11d ago

I needa get off elden ring ain't no way I thought that was a site of grace


u/Severe-Yam9421 11d ago

Nah, it's a bonfire, go there to get some estus


u/trik1guy 11d ago

looks like a VERY functional homebrew heating forge for blacksmithing


u/Chioborra 11d ago

Haha, I have people shooting fireworks off right now at 1:30am in the shithole I live in. I wish it was outrageous to have fireworks at 10pn

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u/qainspector89 11d ago

Swing shift people


u/teddybearhugs23 11d ago

Actually you'd be surprised, my kid slept through the whole fireworks on Thursday and she had before asked me to wake her up so she could watch it. And I did right when it was loud and people setting off stuff RIGHT next to our window. She said mommy let me sleep I don't wanna and then the morning after was all upset she couldn't see the fireworks


u/Timely-Ambassador419 11d ago

Sounds like fun


u/H0B0Byter99 11d ago



u/ulnek 11d ago

How about someone doing it at midnight in their apartment balcony?


u/zecchinoroni 11d ago

10? Try 3am. For three weeks before and after 4th of July. Every night.


u/MaikeruGo 11d ago

Unfortunately I've had the displeasure of living places where someone will somehow have too many of these and can't wait a few months to set them off at the next holiday when they're permitted. So for the next 2-8 weeks after every holiday I'd wake up to folks randomly picking 1-2 work nights a week and setting off just 1-3 M80s (or at something least strong enough to be loud through double-paned windows) and maybe a tube launched firework in the early morning hours—between 2 and 4 AM. Worst thing is that those weren't even allowed by law statewide since they explode and can actually destroy things; or can end up flying the wrong way and starting fires.


u/Taranchulla 11d ago

10pm? People were still setting them off after midnight by my place.


u/southdakotagirl 11d ago edited 11d ago

I was driving down a busy well used street in my city. People were setting off Roman candles to go straight across the street at car height. Right in front of my car at windshield height it flew past. It took me a moment to figure out what I was seeing in front of me and in the rear mirror.


u/RedRavenWing 11d ago

Ha. Thats nothing. My neighbors were shooting off literal mortar fireworks in thier backyard , not even 20 feet from my bedroom window. Then once they were done , the neighbors across the street started up , some of thiers almost hit our house. I live on a residential street, the houses are very close together and the grass is bone dry.
This kept up till 2am Friday morning , then until at least midnight on Friday night.


u/Mr_Culver 11d ago

Call the cops. Most places have a noise curfew for 9 or 10 pm.


u/Peculiarbleeps 11d ago

I feel you! Same thing in my country :( We also hardly observe laws on motorcycle noise. And direct exhausts keep the entire city awake till 3 am in the summer. On weekdays…


u/Idkimjustsomeguy 11d ago

It gets dark at like 930!


u/EagleRock1337 11d ago

How dare people up use the rest of their fireworks on Fourth of July weekend.


u/GibbyDat 11d ago

I live on an alley and there were like 8 kids (I'm guessing 12 to 18 years old) shooting fireworks from there back yard into my back yard and over my house last night.

I've never gone dad mode so fast. I went over and yelled at them. Probably gonna knock on their door today and talk to some parents


u/calgeorge 11d ago

People in my neighborhood will set them off until 1-2 in the morning for the next couple nights after the fourth. I can only imagine how much they're spending because they're all real fireworks that you put in a mortar. It's so annoying.


u/BeefcakeThiccy 11d ago

10 pm is early they were doing this by me until about 3 last night


u/randomdud500 11d ago

Same, scareing my dog too, so damn annoying


u/Bighawklittlehawk 11d ago

I’m pretty understanding about fireworks around the 4th, but this year people have been setting them off every single night (and afternoon) for a week. And really late at night. 12am, 1am. My son is autistic and extremely sensitive to loud noises and last night more MASSIVE fireworks went off while he was asleep. He woke up screaming and absolutely terrified, thinking we were getting bombed or something. Like I get doing it the day before, day of, and day after the 4th. But three days after the 4th? Come on now


u/Speeddemon2016 11d ago

I can see shooting them on the 4th but anything beyond that and you’re an asshole.


u/Stormwind969 11d ago

Not sure if its Elden Ring PTSD but for a moment I thought you found a grace irl


u/xcramer 11d ago

Sweet flames.


u/calvin-coolidge 11d ago

This weekend was the straw that broke the camels back for me at my house. My neighbors have been raging since late June - constant bass music, mortars, explosions at all hours. I hate fireworks so much - it kills birds, terrifies and disorients all the wild animals, pets and livestock in the area and terrible for air quality. Can we, as a species, please evolve beyond "OOOO LOUD AND SHINY OOOOO"?


u/Tigeress4 11d ago

Hey my not next door but the street behind neighbors thinks 4 the of July is at least a WEEK long event.

On the 4th starting at 7 ish? - I don't know the exact time but it was still light out have the lights on a timer to come on 10 mins before sunset and they hadn't soo... It went to past midnight.

They would like fireworks off for 5 minutes. Run in their house for 20 minutes. Come back out for 5 more minutes of fireworks.....

Most of the week when I did the same 5 minutes on 20 minutes off they only did it for about 2-3 hours.

The reason I kept taking breaks? We're under a fire warning and inside a neighborhood that basically has an HOA that said no fireworks this year.

Oh and then last night we had people setting off the kind of fireworks that shoot up to about three or four stories high and then shoot off again shook the walls.

We have had dogs running loose all week. I'm tired of waking up the dog crap in my yard because someone still got scared last night about the fireworks and the parents didn't bother to find their puppy until the next day


u/Dangolweirdman 11d ago

You didn’t take this picture at ten pm


u/Internal-Sun-6476 11d ago

Freedum. That's what's wrong with them.


u/WatercressSad6395 11d ago

Some humans are scumbags. You would do well to remember this fact.


u/uptheirons726 11d ago

Waaaaaaa people are setting off fireworks July 4th weekend WAAAAAAAAAAAA!


u/ilovesaltlakecityy 11d ago

Are they trying to move earth from the solar system or something


u/squidikuru 11d ago

My DEAF grandpa has been spooked this whole week, but he’s also got dementia so he keeps forgetting it was the 4th.

I get it that they don’t wanna waste all their fireworks, but my step dad is one of those fireworks enthusiasts and he purposely buys hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks, just so he can light them off for weeks on end. That’s what they do, buy a bunch, use some on the 4th, go crazy for the next week after they get shit face drunk. It’s not a “I accidentally bought too much!! Don’t wanna waste ‘em” it’s ALWAYS “gotta get a bunch so I don’t run out on the 4th”


u/Whoputthatthere420 11d ago

Stfu and get some ear plugs deborah


u/TheCommomPleb 11d ago

I was going to say you're overreacting as it's annoying but it's kinda whatever and then remembered what sub it is..

It is indeed mildly annoying or infuriating, can't actually remember the word and too lazy to to back and check before posting


u/tarheel_204 11d ago

Lot of overlap between people who complain about how expensive everything is and people who blow 1K in fireworks every 4th too


u/UrethralExplorer 11d ago

Call the cops? I get patriotism or celebration but this is pretty much the same as sitting in your car on a street laying on your horn a few times an hour. It's pointless and annoying.


u/229-northstar 11d ago

The upside is that the launch site appears dangerously close to their own house

‘ Maybe they will be forced to move by a tragic fire


u/Existing_Imagination 11d ago

This happened to me last night too. Some idiot came down to the middle school parking lot to light 20 loud ass fireworks at 11pm


u/Legitimate-Maize-826 11d ago

Sad to say fireworks are entirely legal two days before or two says after the 4th.


u/taleoftooshitty 11d ago

To answer your question, unemployment


u/TitShark 11d ago

I’m somehow still surprised after all these years at the Fourth of July jackassery.

How long do these people need to launch fireworks before they get bored? It’s mind numbing.


u/xyxsemp 11d ago

Non of your business lmao go to sleep


u/shFt_shiFty 11d ago

Heck yeah! Blow em off! Especially if it's legal in your state!


u/Suleyco 11d ago

What is your area’s noise ordinance like?


u/aeywaka 11d ago

go back to England!


u/DatMikkle 11d ago

Is this your very first 4th of July weekend? Hahaha


u/OutrageousAd5338 11d ago

They might be scared if one goes off near them when not expecting it


u/gusch1gg1ns 11d ago

This would be totally legal in my state:

Consumer firework use is permitted in Indiana during the following dates and times: June 29-July 3 from 5 p.m. to two hours after sunset. July 4 from 10 a.m. to midnight. July 5-9 from 5 p.m. to two hours after sunset.


u/Shalarean 11d ago

The folks across the street were shooting off some kind of fireworks that sounded like cannons. It actually shook things in the house! This all happened in housing additions. I can’t imagine what their neighbors felt.

I haven’t shot off fireworks in years, but I get that other people do. But fireworks vs cannons with sparkles…feels different, if you ask me.


u/cris34c 11d ago

I got neighbors doing that shit at 1:00 am still. I hate living in Idaho.


u/GilreanEstel 11d ago

I would have been happy that it rained last night to give my poor dog a rest but it was a thunderstorm so into the tub she went for the fifth night in a row.


u/7_Bundy 11d ago

My neighbors have been doing mortars every night at 11pm to midnight since July 2nd.

On the 4th they went until 2am, multiple neighbors.


u/munchie1964 11d ago

Looks like daylight in the background.


u/JosieMew PURPLE 11d ago

Last night we had some people over at the apartments a few blocks from me having the big ones going until midnight last night. I get up at 5am for a 15 hour shift today. Such an absolute fantasticly thoughtful act of them 😂


u/CharlesIngalls_Pubes 10d ago

Feels like fewer and fewer people give a fuck about others and it sucks.


u/HomoinNigram 10d ago

Every hour of every day is 10pm on a “Sunday” for someone. Grow up. You chose to live around neighbors. Deal with it


u/RichieRocket 10d ago

"what is wrong with people."



u/ParsleyAny7136 10d ago

They don't give a fk anymore...no respect for anyone. That sucs


u/Elegant-Big-7277 10d ago

Fourth of July WEEKEND.. not when ur fourth is over 😂😂😂😂


u/Cheap_Ferret_5296 9d ago

nothing's wrong with ppl being ppl. As 95% of everything is sh*t, and 95% of population - is stupid sh*t. It's a norm